Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:東京・望月衣塑子記者が改憲主張の与那国町長を非難 林官房長官会見で

2024-05-29 06:29:13 | Translation

Ref.>"Staging the Comeback of Mao in Xi Jinping's China"

>"Japan Stands with Taiwan as China Resorts to More Threats"

>"Taiwan on High Alert As China Conducts Military Exercises "

> 与那国町長「交戦権を認めるべき」憲法9条改正を主張 (沖縄テレビ)2024/5/7

* Si vis pacem, para bellum (peace through strength).

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; At a CCS Yoshimasa Hayashi's press briefing, Tokyo Shimbun reporter Isoko Mochizuki (* Who does she think she is?) criticized Yonaguni Town Mayor Kenichi Itokazu, who argued to revise the Constitution

>"東京・望月衣塑子記者が改憲主張の与那国町長を非難 林官房長官会見で"

> 東京新聞の望月衣塑子(いそこ)記者が 28日、林芳正官房長官の記者会見に出席し、憲法改正を主張する沖縄県与那国町の糸数健一町長について「押し付け憲法論を展開した」と非難した。
> 林氏は「憲法改正は国会が発議し、最終的には国民投票で国民が決めるものだ」と応じた。

On May 28, Tokyo Shimbun reporter Isoko Mochizuki (* Who does she think she is?) attended a press briefing of Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi. She criticized Yonaguni Town in Okinawa Mayor Kenichi Itokazu , who calls for revise of the Constitution, saying that "He developed the imposed constitution on us theory."
CCS Hayashi replied that "Constitutional reform is proposed by the Diet, and ultimately decided by the nationals in a national referendum."

> 糸数氏は憲法記念日の今月3日、「『21世紀の日本と憲法』有識者懇談会」(櫻井よしこ代表)が東京都内で開いた公開憲法フォーラムに登壇し、「自縄自縛的な現憲法のくびきから脱却を図るため、憲法改正に向けて勇往邁進するときだ」と改憲を強調した。
> また、中国などを念頭に「平和を脅かす国家に対して一戦を交える覚悟が問われている」と気構えを説いた。

Mayor Itokazu made a speech at an open constitutional forum held in Tokyo on the 3rd of this month, the Constitution Day, which was promoted by the "Expert Panel on [Japan and the Constitution in the 21st Century] (headed by Sakurai Yoshiko). He emphasized the need for constitutional reform, saying that "Now is the time to courageously forge ahead towards constitutional reform in order to break free from the yoke of the current Constitution, which has us bound by it."
In addition, with China and so on in mind, he also argued the need for "our resolve to commit a battle against nations that threaten peace is being tested."

> 望月氏は糸数氏が「中国に対して好戦的な発言を繰り返している」と指摘。
> エマニュエル駐日米大使が17日に同町を訪れたことについても「政治的な意味合いを含んでいる」と疑問視した。
> 林氏は「個々の政治家の活動については政府としてコメントは控えたい」と述べるにとどめた。

Mochizuki (* Who does she think she is?) pointed out that Itokazu "has repeatedly made belligerent remarks against China." (* It's China that has been launching the invasion in a form of present progressive).
She (* Who does she think she is?) also questioned U.S. Ambassador to Japan Emanuel's visit to the town on May 17, saying that "it contains political connotations."
CCS Hayashi only said that "As the government, we would like to refrain from commenting on the activities of individual politicians."

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