

You're cute

2024-06-25 09:07:18 | 日記

These hydrangeas were bought to make summer solstice charms.

Hydrangeas come in a variety of colors and shapes, and are all vivid and beautiful, so you'll never get tired of looking at them.

Every morning I tell her how cute she is.

The vibrations of the words are transmitted to them, and they return an increasingly lively glow.

What you give is what you receive.

It's a flower I want to look at forever.

Thank you for the brightness and healing. I am grateful.

Rainy season

2024-06-23 09:47:17 | 日記

I believe the rainy season began around June 17th, and yesterday and today we have finally seen a steady rainfall typical of the rainy season.

Heavy rain like last year's, which causes water to flood under the floor, is a nuisance, but a moderate amount of rain is necessary for the fields.

I don't think I'll be going to see the hydrangeas this year. I think looking after the blue hydrangeas I bought to make summer solstice charms will be enough.

Hydrangeas are flowers that herald the beginning of summer. They can withstand both sunny and rainy weather, and they come in many varieties and are versatile. They are my favorite flowers, and I never tire of looking at them.

Summer Solstice Ⅱ

2024-06-21 12:25:36 | 日記

2024/6/21 8:05 The sun is shining brightly in the eastern sky.
The summer solstice sun shines on the earth as it passes through the highest point in the sky all year, and the power of this blessing is immeasurable.

At 5:05, the sun began to rise in the light rain, and at 8:00, dazzling light poured into the room through gaps in the clouds. Attracted by the dazzling light, I grabbed my smartphone and went outside.

Joining one's hands in prayer towards the sun, breathing in the fresh air, bathing one's whole body in the dazzling light, and being reborn in both body and mind. This is the Summer Solstice Festival.

At 68 years old, I feel like this is the first time I've seriously celebrated the summer solstice.

Everything feels fresh, as if it has been reborn. I'm so grateful.

Summer Solstice

2024-06-21 07:26:30 | 日記

June 21, 2024, summer solstice, sunrise in Shimonoseki City: 505, sunset: 19:31.

The summer solstice is the day when the daylight hours are the longest and the sun's power is strongest in the year.

Every year, in hopes of warding off evil spirits and praying for good health, happiness, and prosperity, people make chrome ornaments out of hydrangeas and hang them at the entrance to their homes and in the toilets.

I feel the same way, so to celebrate the beginning of spring on February 4th, which is also my birthday, I made a "Risshun Daikichi'' talisman and display it at the entrance to my house.

The summer solstice festival has come to an end safely this year! Today is another day to be grateful for the laws of nature.

My favorite hydrangea flowers

2024-06-19 14:57:30 | 日記

I finished mowing the grass early and went to the JA Hometown Market to buy cut hydrangeas.

I missed the entrance to the market and ended up stopping by on my way back from the supermarket, where there was one cut flower left in a bucket that had been shipped the day before.

Luckily, I skipped over to the register. It was 150 yen.

This year, I was able to successfully obtain the materials to make charms for the Summer Solstice Festival on June 21st.

I am grateful for the work of providence.