

My favorite blue hydrangea!

2024-06-18 16:47:46 | 日記

Yesterday, I went to pick some hydrangeas growing wild near the prefectural road in preparation for the summer solstice on June 21st.

Every year on the summer solstice, I make charms out of hydrangeas and decorate them at the entrance and in the living room with the hopes of health, happiness and prosperity.

This year I'm thinking of decorating the back entrance as well, and looking at the cut flowers at the JA Hometown Market. Every year on the summer solstice, I look forward to both the preparations and the actual day, and I get excited.o(^o^)o

Damage caused by deer

2024-06-18 16:33:58 | 日記

It has been 14 years since my beloved dog Haru crossed the Rainbow Bridge, and in recent years there has been an increase in the damage caused by wildlife such as deer, wild boars, and monkeys.

At night, the deer come to the front of the living room and nibble at all the new shoots of the plants we are carefully growing.

My beloved hydrangeas are no exception to this attack, but even after being nibbled at, they are fighting back by growing new leaves.

"Skinny Frog, don't give up, Issa is here" I'm rooting for you too.

Spider plant's one-day flower

2024-06-18 16:15:28 | 日記

The flowers that were blooming yesterday had fallen this morning.

I love spider plants and until last year I had one hanging from the eaves of my roof and enjoyed it ever since.

The damage caused by deer has become so bad that I have to bring plants I don't want to be eaten inside at night.

I bought this narrow-leafed orchid with the intention of growing it indoors, but I was surprised to see its flowers fall off overnight as this is the first time I've seen this phenomenon.

The tip of the leaf seems to be preparing for the next flower to bloom...The leaves at the tip seem to be getting ready for the next flower to bloom, but the small, white, ephemeral flower reminded me of the lyrics of a song that goes, ``A flower's life is short.''

Merciful rain, the start of the rainy season

2024-06-17 17:55:01 | 日記

The rainy season began in northern Kyushu today.

It started to rain.

The rain falls quietly and gently.

Merciful rain, gentle and calm, gently moistens both the earth and people's hearts.

The merciful rain falls equally on every plant and flower, and on the heart of every person.

It nourishes plants and encourages their growth. The same is true for the human heart.

If the sun is free light, then merciful rain is free water from heaven.

I want to enjoy it to the fullest and with humility.

I am grateful for the work of providence.

My Life, the Composition of Happiness

2024-06-16 16:08:28 | 日記

After mowing the grass and clearing the ditches, I woke up from my afternoon nap and saw purple flowers planted by the deceased swaying in the gentle breeze through the screen door at the front door.

My body relaxes and a smile forms on my lips.

This is a form of happiness. It's one form of happiness that I desire and choose.

I respond with a smile to the workings of providence and the steps I have taken to get to where I am today.

Thank you God for your unfailing love and guidance.