

Summer Solstice

2024-06-21 07:26:30 | 日記

June 21, 2024, summer solstice, sunrise in Shimonoseki City: 505, sunset: 19:31.

The summer solstice is the day when the daylight hours are the longest and the sun's power is strongest in the year.

Every year, in hopes of warding off evil spirits and praying for good health, happiness, and prosperity, people make chrome ornaments out of hydrangeas and hang them at the entrance to their homes and in the toilets.

I feel the same way, so to celebrate the beginning of spring on February 4th, which is also my birthday, I made a "Risshun Daikichi'' talisman and display it at the entrance to my house.

The summer solstice festival has come to an end safely this year! Today is another day to be grateful for the laws of nature.
