


2024-06-04 18:35:48 | 日記

I still love blue.

Two types of blue hydrangeas that I bought in preparation for the summer solstice on June 21st.

The top is a hydrangea that is said to change color from green to blue, and the bottom is a twins blue hydrangea.

I still love blue.

The path to happiness

2024-06-04 17:59:37 | 日記

This year's garlic is calm and gentle.

The stems swaying in the early summer breeze and the pale purple flowers resembling snow caves are so light and airy...

From the time we first met until today, I never thought the day would come when I would look at garlic flowers with such feelings.

On the path to happiness, I had already had a happy encounter and was living in happiness.

I came to a deep understanding of the meaning and necessity of being born and meeting these people.

Looking at the garlic swaying gently in the wind, I was reminded that I had already been living in happiness, and that now and in the future I will only be able to live in happiness.

That and that person were all stepping stones that led me to the path of happiness I have today.

I would like to express my deep gratitude for Providence and the guidance it provides in its work.

Gentle scenery

2024-06-04 17:07:15 | 日記

Once again, the garlic planted by my husband, who passed away 14 years ago, is starting to flower.

In recent years, there has been a lot of damage caused by wild boars and deer, and garlic is no exception.

After finishing mowing the grass in the morning, my eye was suddenly caught by the garlic standing upright.

There was a calm and gentle scene I had never seen before as the early summer breeze blew.

Thank you God for the calm.

Towards the summer solstice?

2024-06-04 16:11:59 | 日記

On June 3rd, the lawnmower broke down so I took it to the hardware store.

On the way home, I stopped by Juntendo and bought two pots of Toi hydrangeas, which change color from green to blue.

Every year, I make chrome using hydrangeas on the summer solstice.

Of course, I plan to look for hydrangeas for the charm at the local JA market a few days before June 21st (Friday)...

Every day I train myself to live in a quiet and calm state of mind, in tune with the workings of life, so as not to let things, events, or people disturb my mind.

The training continues, and today I am deeply grateful for the source of life and its work.