

Summer Solstice Ⅱ

2024-06-21 12:25:36 | 日記

2024/6/21 8:05 The sun is shining brightly in the eastern sky.
The summer solstice sun shines on the earth as it passes through the highest point in the sky all year, and the power of this blessing is immeasurable.

At 5:05, the sun began to rise in the light rain, and at 8:00, dazzling light poured into the room through gaps in the clouds. Attracted by the dazzling light, I grabbed my smartphone and went outside.

Joining one's hands in prayer towards the sun, breathing in the fresh air, bathing one's whole body in the dazzling light, and being reborn in both body and mind. This is the Summer Solstice Festival.

At 68 years old, I feel like this is the first time I've seriously celebrated the summer solstice.

Everything feels fresh, as if it has been reborn. I'm so grateful.
