

大恐慌!?その293 米住宅在庫の状況 --新築はピークアウト、中古はまだまだ?

2008-07-29 01:26:04 | 世界経済


New Home Months of Supply and Recessions "Months of supply" is at 10.0 months.

The months of supply is down from the peak of 11.2 months in March 2008.





Existing Home Sales Months of SupplyThe third graph shows the 'months of supply' metric for the last six years.

Months of supply increased to 11.1 months.






大恐慌!?その292 米住宅ローン金利急騰 利下げ効果を全て打ち消す

2008-07-24 08:54:07 | 世界経済

米米抵当銀行協会The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA)が発表した米住宅ローン金利が急騰している。30年固定ローンは、前週の6.22%から6.59%まで上昇。




Press Release - Weekly Application Survey


The Conventional Purchase Index decreased 6.3 percent while the Government Purchase Index (largely FHA) decreased 7.7 percent.

The average contract interest rate for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages increased to 6.59 percent from 6.22 percent, with points decreasing to 1.05 from 1.21 (including the origination fee) for 80 percent loan-to-value (LTV) ratio loans.

The average contract interest rate for 15-year fixed-rate mortgages increased to 6.10 percent from 5.74 percent, with points decreasing to 1.11 from 1.13 (including the origination fee) for 80 percent LTV loans.

The average contract interest rate for one-year ARMs remained unchanged at 7.16 percent with points decreasing to 0.29 from 0.36 (including the origination fee) for 80 percent LTV loans.

大恐慌!?その291フィラデルフィア連銀 州一致指数 レセッションを示す

2008-07-23 12:55:33 | 世界情勢

Philly Fed State Coincident Indexes for June


Philly Fed Number of States with Increasing ActivityThis is a graph of the monthly Philly Fed data of the number of states with one month increasing activity.

I've added the current probable recession. Most of the U.S. was in recession in June based on this indicator.

大恐慌!?その290 Roubini教授:米政府は$1Trillion(100兆円)以上の支出が必要

2008-07-23 12:44:03 | 世界経済

ポールソン米財務長官のGSE救済策で、$25 billion(約2.5兆円)の支出が見込まれているが、NY大Roubini教授は、米政府は最終的に$1Trillion(100兆円)以上の支出が必要になるという。最終的にはGSEに保証されていない住宅ローンの国有化が必要となるが、全銀行システムを国有化するよりはましだという。

○Roubini: More Than $1 Trillion Needed to Solve Housing Crisis



The timing of Paulson's speech -- and various and sundry media appearances -- is not coincidental. This week, Congress is expected to vote on housing legislation that includes Paulson's plan, which a GAO report said is likely to cost the government $25 billion.

But $25 billion -- or even the GAO's worst-case $100 billion estimate -- pales in comparison to the cost of doing nothing, says Nouriel Roubini, NYU professor and chairman of RGE Monitor.

"We have to find a solution where government intervention prevents a disorderly outcome" in the housing market that leads to a "systemic banking crisis," Roubini says.

The housing bill, which earmarks $300 billion to backstop mortgages after lenders agree to lower mortgage payments, is "a step in the right direction" but "doesn't do enough," he says, predicting the government will ultimately need to spend more than $1 trillion.


It is that "disorderly" outcome Roubini says the government cannot afford to let happen. With "the charade" that Fannie and Freddie weren't already government agencies over, he believes a nationalization of the 50% of mortgages not owned or guaranteed by Fannie and Freddie will be necessary, and the Frank-Dodd Bill is a small step down that road.

From Roubini's view, nationalizing housing avoids the government having to nationalization the entire banking system, making it the lesser of two evils.

大恐慌!?その289 米住宅市場の底入れは見えず・・着工件数は条例変更の影響

2008-07-22 12:52:32 | 世界経済



また、米住宅価格について、大幅に下がったという報道が続き、もうそろそろ底入れを期待する向きもあろうが、住宅価格の水準を図る有力な指標であるPrice-to-Rent Ratio(住宅価格と賃料の比率)でみると、下がったとはいえまだまだ歴史的には極めて高水準にある(※2)。住宅バブル崩壊を考えると、Price-to-Rent Ratioは歴史的水準よりも下回ってもおかしくないことを考えると、残念ながら下落余地はまだまだ大きい。




※1 6月の米住宅着工件数は+9.1%、建設条例変更で予想外の増加




※2 Price-to-Rent Ratio Update


Price-to-Rent Ratio Click on image for larger graph in new window.

This graph shows the price to rent ratio (Dec 1982 = 1.0) for both the OFHEO House Price Index and the Case-Shiller National Home Price Index. For rents, the national Owners' Equivalent Rent from the BLS is used.


Looking at the price-to-rent ratio based on the Case-Shiller index, the adjustment in the price-to-rent ratio is probably more than half way complete as of Q1 2008 on a national basis. This ratio will probably continue to decline with some combination of falling prices, and perhaps, rising rents. And the ratio may overshoot too.