

大恐慌!?その321 米住宅価格下落継続、消費者信頼感指数急落

2008-10-29 12:57:56 | 世界経済


S&P Case-Shiller: House Prices Decline in August


Case-Shiller House Prices Indices Click on graph for larger image in new window.

The first graph shows the nominal Composite 10 and Composite 20 indices (the Composite 20 was started in January 2000).

The Composite 10 index is off 22.0% from the peak.

The Composite 20 index is off 20.3% from the peak.


Case-Shiller House Prices Indices The second graph shows the Year over year change in both indices.

The Composite 10 is off 17.7% over the last year.

The Composite 20 is off 16.6% over the last year.










大恐慌!?その320 NY大Roubini教授 ヘッジファンドの連続破綻が市場閉鎖を招く可能性

2008-10-24 22:45:53 | 世界経済





I fear the worst is ahead of us.'' (最悪の事態はこれから来ることを恐れている)


Roubini Says `Panic' May Force Market Shutdown (Update2)

By Alexis Xydias and Camilla Hall

Oct. 23 (Bloomberg) -- Hundreds of hedge funds will fail and policy makers may need to shut financial markets for a week or more as the crisis forces investors to dump assets, New York University Professor Nouriel Roubini said.

``We've reached a situation of sheer panic,'' Roubini, who predicted the financial crisis in 2006, told a conference of hedge-fund managers in London today. ``There will be massive dumping of assets'' and ``hundreds of hedge funds are going to go bust,'' he said.

Group of Seven policy makers have stopped short of market suspensions to stem the crisis after the U.S. pledged on Oct. 14 to invest about $125 billion in nine banks and the Federal Reserve led a global coordinated move to cut interest rates on Oct. 8. Emmanuel Roman, co-chief executive officer at GLG Partners Inc., said today that as many as 30 percent of hedge funds will close.

``Systemic risk has become bigger and bigger,'' Roubini said at the Hedge 2008 conference. ``We're seeing the beginning of a run on a big chunk of the hedge funds,'' and ``don't be surprised if policy makers need to close down markets for a week or two in coming days,'' he said.

Roubini predicted in July 2006 that the U.S. would enter an economic recession. In February this year, he forecast a ``catastrophic'' financial meltdown that central bankers would fail to prevent, leading to the bankruptcy of large banks exposed to mortgages and a ``sharp drop'' in equities.


``In a fairly Darwinian manner, many hedge funds will simply disappear,'' Roman said, speaking at the same event as Roubini.

The hedge fund industry is stumbling through its worst year in two decades and posted its biggest monthly drop for a decade in September. Hedge funds are mostly private pools of capital whose managers participate substantially in the profits from their speculation on whether the price of assets will rise or fall.

`Very Ugly'

``Things are getting very ugly also in the emerging markets,'' Roubini said. ``The usual saying is when the U.S. sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold. Unfortunately, this time around the U.S. is not just sneezing, it has a severe case of chronic and persistent pneumonia. It's becoming a mess in emerging markets.''

Developing nations' borrowing costs jumped to the highest in six years today as Belarus joined Hungary, Ukraine and Pakistan in seeking a bailout from the International Monetary Fund to help weather frozen money markets and a slump in commodities. Argentina risks defaulting for the second time this decade.

``There are about a dozen emerging markets that are now in severe financial trouble,'' Roubini said. ``Even a small country can have a systemic effect on the global economy,'' he added. ``There is not going to be enough IMF money to support them.''

Roubini, a former senior adviser to the U.S. Treasury Department, earlier this month said that the world's biggest economy will suffer its worst recession in 40 years.

``This is the worst financial crisis in the U.S., Europe and now emerging markets that we've seen in a long time,'' Roubini said. ``Things will get much worse before they get better. I fear the worst is ahead of us.''


大恐慌!?その319 次はクレジットカードクラッシュ?

2008-10-23 12:49:35 | 世界経済





※1 住宅が駄目ならクレジットカード? (2007/10/11)




※2 WSJ: Banks may see record credit card losses



Credit Card Chargeoffs 

This graph shows the consumer credit card charge-off rate

by quarter starting with 1985.









大恐慌!?その318 米ワコビアの第3四半期は約2.4兆円の赤字、現在の危機では米銀で最大級

2008-10-22 22:34:44 | 世界経済






米銀ワコビア(WB.N: 株価, 企業情報, レポート)が22日発表した第3・四半期決算は









大恐慌!?その317 不況は米ベンチャー業界も直撃!

2008-10-20 12:52:41 | 世界経済

Google, Yahoo, YouTube, Cisco Systems, Oracle, Appleなどに出資し、米ベンチャーキャピタル(VC)でNo.1との評価の高いSequoia Capitalが、出資先のベンチャー企業の経営者に送ったとされるプレゼン資料がWebに載っている(最後のリンク参照)。


スライドの最終ページは「目を覚ませ。でなけりゃ家へ帰れ」(GET REAL or GO HOME)で締めくくられている。今は帰る家さえなくなる時代かもしれないが。

Sequoia Capital、56枚のスライドで運命の暗転を説く


われわれは(VentureBeatもだが)、Sequoia Capitalが今週、投資先企業のCEOに送りつけたスライドを入手することに成功した。56枚にもおよぶ長いパワーポイントのプレゼンで、シリコンバレーの運命が暗転したことを述べている。昨日われわれが報じたRon Conwayが投資先130社に送った警告のメールとだいたい同趣旨のものだ。
