

大恐慌!? その119 グリーンスパン氏:住宅価格の「予想外」の大幅下落が第2幕の引き金

2007-09-30 15:05:33 | 世界経済

グリーンスパン前FRB議長は日本経済新聞社の記事で、米経済の先行きについて「今後、住宅価格が押し下げられ、(資産価値の目減りにより)個人消費は減速するだろう」と指摘し、信用力の低い個人向け住宅融資(サブプライムローン)市場の崩壊による悪影響はこれから本格化するとの見方を示した。 前議長は今年3月時点で米国が景気後退に陥る可能性が3分の1あるとしていたが、状況の悪化を受け、その可能性がさらに高まったと見ていることを明らかにした。また、(米国の)住宅価格が予想外に大きく下落するようなことがあれば、第2幕の引き金になると述べた(※1)。


米国住宅価格の下落については、昨日紹介したNouriel Roubini教授の"I Was Way Too Optimistic on the Housing  Recession..."の記事に載っている今後の見方が興味深い。

大恐慌!? その118 FRBの利下げがサブプライム問題を解決するという幻想は2001年と同じ

Roubini教授 20%下落予想

・Goldman Sachs 15%下落予想

・Yale大Shiller教授 the price to rental ratio(賃料水準と不動産価格の比率)で言うと、エリアによっては50%下落が必要


(大)不況がやってくる!?  その20
















Moody's Forecasts House Prices to Fall 7.7% Nationwide


From CNN Money: Double-digit home price drops coming

According to an analysis conducted by Moody's Economy.com, declines will exceed 10 percent in 86 of the 379 largest housing markets. And 290 of the cities will experience price drops of 1 percent or more.

The survey attempted to identify the high and low points of housing prices in each of the markets, some of which started declining from their peak in the third quarter of 2005. All are median prices for single-family houses.

Nationally, Moody's is projecting an average price decline of 7.7 percent. That's a jump from the 6.6 percent total price drop that the company was forecasting in June and more than twice that of last October's forecast of a 3.6 percent price decrease.

Rank Area State Peak Bottom Peak to bottom
home price decline
1 Stockton CA 06Q1 08Q4 -25.0
2 Palm Bay-Melbourne-Titusville FL 06Q1 08Q4 -24.9
3 Sarasota-Bradenton-Venice FL 06Q1 08Q3 -24.8



○サブプライム 損失20兆円規模 IMF試算






大恐慌!? その118 FRBの利下げがサブプライム問題を解決するという幻想は2001年と同じ

2007-09-29 12:58:55 | 世界情勢


さて、度々取り上げているNY大Nouriel Roubini教授のブログに載っている以下の2つの記事"50bps cut in the Fed Funds rate may be too little too late....""I Was Way Too Optimistic on the Housing Recession..."は非常に示唆に富んだ面白い記事である(※1)。














ただ、一般に住宅価格の下落は今後5年とか10年とかのスパンで続く可能性が高いため、2001年とは違い、日本のバブル崩壊のあとの様に、長く苦しい時代が続く可能性も、考えておいた方が良いと思われる(参考: (大)不況!? その47 Business Week:米住宅市場が次のピークに達するのに15年は必要


○50bps cut in the Fed Funds rate may be too little too late....



In 2001 the Fed started to aggressively cut the Fed Funds rate in early January – at an inter-meeting date – by 50bps and it pushed down the Fed Funds rate all the way from 6.5% to 1.75% by year end. Still, that aggressive Fed easing that continued throughout 2001 did not prevent a hard landing, a short but still painful recession in 2001.

The reason was – in part - that we had then a glut of tech capital goods and the demand for capital goods becomes interest rate insensitive when there is a glut. In situations of glut easing rates is like pushing on a string. Today, instead of a glut of tech goods, we have an unprecedented glut of unsold homes that is getting worse, a glut of autos and motor-vehicles and a glut of consumer durables. Thus I fear that, while a Fed easing may put a floor to the size of the hard landing, it may not prevent it for the same reasons why it did not prevent a hard landing in 2001. 

Also, today we have a credit crunch – on top of a liquidity crunch – that is caused by the fundamental insolvencies and distress of many over-leveraged households, mortgage lenders, home builders, some financial institutions and even parts of the corporate sector. You cannot resolve fundamental insolvencies with monetary policy injections alone. Those insolvencies and financial distress will take time to work out and will imply tight financial and credit conditions regardless of what the Fed does. For example, with high yield junk bond spreads higher by 200bps relative to the pre-crisis period, lower Fed Funds rates and even lower riskless government bond yields still imply significantly tighter financial and credit conditions and much higher real borrowing rate for such corporations. The same is true of a variety of other credit spreads that are now much higher in real terms. The real cost of capital is now much higher for households, corporations and financial institutions and will remain higher if credit spreads remain high because of a fundamental repricing of risk.

Thus, while the stock market is now cheering the Fed doing more than they had expected it remains to be seen if this Fed easing ends up being too little too late.


○I Was Way Too Optimistic on the Housing Recession...



But it turned out that I was way too optimistic about housing, not too pessimistic. As recently reported housing starts have now fallen by 42% and now JP Morgan – one of the most respected research houses on Wall Street and a persistent proponent until recently of the view that the housing recession would bottom out – is predicting that housing starts will fall another 25% to a cumulative fall of 56% from peak and will bottom out at 999 thousand units some time in 2008. Compared to my initial March prediction of a bottom at 1.1 million I turn out to be an optimist. And indeed many other research firms (including Goldman Sachs, Citibank and others) are now predicting the bottom of housing starts at 1 million to 1.1 million units. So what in March was considered as borderline lunatic is now becoming conventional wisdom.


Ditto for the predictions of the fall in home prices. When this author first spoke of a fall in home prices of 20% people replied skeptically that home prices had never fallen nationally year over year since the Great Depression; thus, there was no chance of a 20% fall, the consensus claimed. Now that home prices are starting to fall sharply Goldman Sachs is predicting a fall of 15% in home prices. While Bob Shiller is now – correctly – arguing that to bring back the price to rental ratio to its long terms average home prices may have to fall as much as 50%, not just 15-20%, in some areas.


So what was considered a year ago or even six months ago as dire pessimist about housing is becoming now a consensus view. Right now I see housing start falling more than the 1.1 million that Menegatti and I predicted in March as the housing market has deteriorated since then much more than our then dire predictions. Given the continued fall in building permits and in home sales and the massive excess supply of new and existing homes housing starts could bottom out at level close to previous housing recession, i.e. between 800k and 900k. Indeed in the last two housing recessions (the one that reached a bottom in 1981 and the one that reached its bottom in 1991) housing starts bottomed at 837k and 798k units with a cumulative fall since peak of 65% in the 1991 recession. So the JP Morgan forecast that housing will bottom out at 999k with a cumulative fall of 56% may be too optimistic. Even considering long term demographic trends that suggest higher average housing starts this housing recession may end up being worse than previous ones (in terms of peak to through cumulative fall in starts) as the excesses on the up side of the cycle were much larger than in previous housing recession and as the bubbly increase in home prices (almost 100% in real terms between 1997 and 2006) was much larger than in any other US housing bubble in the last 120 years.


So as JP Morgan rightly put it there is “no sign of a floor for housing”. The housing recession will continue throughout 2008 and the fall in home prices will continue into 2009 before any bottom is reached.


The stock market is still blissfully ignoring the onslaught of lousy macro news deluding itself that the Fed easing – and more to come – will rescue the economy from a hard landing. But it had the same delusion in 2001 when the S&P500 rallied 18% in April and May on the expectations that the aggressive Fed easing would lead to a second half of 2001 rebound and would prevent a recession. Too bad that the recession had already started in March. It took three months – until June – for the stock markets to lose their delusion and realize that – in spite of a most aggressive Fed easing – the economy was in a hard landing; thus, stock prices started to sharply fall again starting June 2001 after the 18% “sucker rally” of April and May.

大恐慌!? その117 米住宅価格推移のグラプ

2007-09-29 11:42:28 | 世界経済

"Graphing Housing Prices" http://calculatedrisk.blogspot.com/2007/09/graphing-housing-prices.htmlから、米住宅価格のグラプを2つあげてみる。




S&P/Case-Shiller® indexに基づくグラプであるが、以前紹介した米連邦住宅公社監督局(OFHEO)の住宅価格指数が政府公表の保守的な数値であるのに比べると、より市場の実勢を現した指標と考えられている。このグラプはインフレ調整後の実質(real)住宅価格の推移を現したものである。 





S&P/Case-Shiller® U.S. National Real Home Price Values Click on graph for larger image.

The second graph shows the same data with the scale starting at zero (the blue line is the NY Times calculation of real values, the shaded area is the technically correct calculation).

But even this graph could mislead the reader. Will prices return to 100 (the Q1 1987 price)? Unlikely. First, 1987 was chosen because that is one the Case-Shiller index starts. We do not know from this chart if prices in 1987 were too high, too low, or just about right.


大恐慌!? その116 米新築住宅販売は販売数、価格、在庫水準とも著しく悪化

2007-09-29 11:26:14 | 世界経済







○More on August New Home Sales


New Home Sales and RecessionsClick on graph for larger image.

The first graph shows New Home Sales vs. Recession for the last 35 years. New Home sales were falling prior to every recession, with the exception of the business investment led recession of 2001. This should raise concerns about a possible consumer led recession - possibly starting right now!


○August New Home Sales


価格New Home Sales Prices
The median and average sales prices were down sharply. Caution should be used when analyzing monthly price changes since prices are heavily revised and do not include builder incentives.

The median sales price of new houses sold in August 2007 was $225,700; the average sales price was $292,000.

New Home Sales Months of Inventory
This represents a supply of 8.2 months at the current sales rate.

大恐慌!? その115 8月中古住宅販売高は、前月比4.3%減。在庫はとうとう10か月分

2007-09-27 16:09:27 | 世界経済

8月中古住宅販売高は、前月比4.3%減の550万戸(市場予測は548万戸)となった。注目の在庫は販売数の10か月分に達した(※1)。以下「More on August Existing Home Sales」のグラプが示すように、1980年代前半に匹敵するレベルであり、約25年ぶりの水準。住宅バブルの期間が4~5ヶ月分であったことを考えても、恐ろしい水準である。今後、変動金利ローンのリセットがたて続くことを考えると、少なくとも今後数ヶ月悪化することはあっても、改善することはないだろう(リセットの月別グラプのアップデート版は※2)。※2を見ると、9/21に紹介したときよりもピークが低くなっている分、影響が伸びる様な構成となっている。






NY 2007/09/25(Tue)




【Daiki Futures, Inc.】

◎More on August Existing Home Sales


To put the NAR numbers into perspective, here are the year-end sales, inventory and months of supply numbers, since 1969.

Existing Home Sales, Inventory, Months of Supply This graph shows the actual annual sales, year end inventory and months of supply, since 1982 (sales since 1969). For 2007, the August inventory and Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate (SAAR) for sales were used.

The current inventory of 4.581 million is the all time record. The "months of supply" metric is 10.0 months. The "months of supply" is now above the level of the previous housing slump in the early '90s, but still below the worst levels of the housing bust in the early '80s.


◎ARM Pain: Updated BofA Reset Chart

Mathew Padilla at the O.C. Register has an updated ARM reset chart from Bank of America analyst Robert Lacoursiere.

Existing Home Sales Inventory Click on graph for larger image.

See Mathew's blog for more discussion and a comparison to the previous chart.

Some readers have noted that the BofA numbers are higher than the Credit Suisse and UBS reset numbers. CS and UBS are apparently only looking at securitized loans, and BofA includes unsecuritized loans.

Also, CS and UBS apparently only include the first reset when the loan goes from "fixed to floating". Perhaps BofA includes subsequent resets too, double counting some loans.