

大恐慌!?その288 7月の住宅市場指数過去最低更新、差し押さえ物件取引拡大中

2008-07-17 12:15:54 | 世界経済

投資蚊さんにコメント頂いているので簡単にしたいが、NAHB(全米住宅建築業者協会)発表の7月の住宅市場指数(Housing Market Index)は過去最低を更新し16となった(※1)。特に、潜在買主のトラヒックは12とこれまた過去最低。要するに、住宅を見にさえ来なくなっている様だ。



※1 NAHB: Builder Confidence Declines to Record Low


Current sales activity is at a record low of 16. Traffic of Prospective Buyers
at a record low of 12!

NAHB Press Release: Builder Confidence Declines Further In July (excerpts below graph)

Residential NAHB Housing Market Index


Builders are reporting that traffic of prospective buyers has fallen off substantially in recent months,” said NAHB Chief Economist David Seiders.

※2 DataQuick: SoCal Home Sales at Two Decade Low


Foreclosure resales continue to be a dominant factor in today's Southern California market accounting for 41.1 percent of all resales.

大恐慌!?その287 NY大Roubini教授 数百という銀行が倒産する見込み

2008-07-16 12:46:41 | 世界経済





・ファニーメイとフレディマックの救済は、 納税者の多大な犠牲の上に、2機関の株主、腐敗したマネージャ、債権者を救う、「利益は個人へ、損失は社会で負担」という悪い例



Roubini on Bloomberg TV



This is by far the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression

Hundreds of small banks with massive exposure to real estate (the average small bank has 67% of its assets in real estate) will go bust

Dozens of large regional/national banks (a’ la IndyMac) are also bankrupt given their extreme exposure to real estate and will also go bust


  • Fannie and Freddie are insolvent and the Treasury bailout plan (the mother of all moral hazard bailout) is socialism for the rich, the well connected and Wall Street; it is the continuation of a corrupt system where profits are privatized and losses are socialized. Instead of wiping out shareholders of the two GSEs, replacing corrupt and incompetent managers and forcing a haircut on the claims of the creditors/bondholders such a plan bails out shareholders, managers and creditors at a massive cost to U.S. taxpayers.

  • This will be the most severe U.S. recession in decades with the U.S. consumer being on the ropes and faltering big time as soon as the temporary effect of the tax rebates will fade out by mid-summer (July). This U.S. consumer is shopped out, saving less, debt burdened and being hammered by falling home prices, falling equity prices, falling jobs and incomes, rising inflation and rising oil and energy prices. This will be a long, ugly and nasty U-shaped recession lasting 12 to 18 months, not the mild 6 month V-shaped recession that the delusional consensus expects.

  • Equity prices in the US and abroad will go much deeper in bear territory. In a typical US recession equity prices fall by an average of 28% relative to the peak. But this is not a typical US recession; it is rather a severe one associated with a severe financial crisis. Thus, equity prices will fall by about 40% relative to their peak. So, we are only barely mid-way in the meltdown of stock markets.

    大恐慌!?その286 中国:大卒生の3割から5割が就職難に

    2008-07-16 00:28:16 | 世界経済






     (China Press 編集部:ZK)


    大恐慌!?その285 米政府支援機関(GSE)キーファクト

    2008-07-15 12:53:03 | 世界経済

    米政府支援機関(GSE)については、しばらくニュースフローが絶えないと思われるが、今日の日経新聞に色々と情報が載っていたので、キーファクトを以下に整理しておく。このブログでも何度も何度も書いているとおり、米住宅価格はおそらく今後数年間下落を続けるため、政府の潜在的な損失額も、どんどん肥大化しよう。これまでは、"too big to fail"(つぶすには大きすぎる)金融機関の話が中心だったが、GSEは、"too big to bail"(救うには大きすぎる)存在であり、今後の展開はまったく予断を許さない。






    2008-07-15 00:42:26 | 世界経済



    The Coming Bank Failures


    There have now been 5 FDIC insured bank failures in 2008, the most since 2002 (11). But this is nothing compared to number of failures during the S&L crisis in the '80s and early '90s.

    FDIC Bank Failures Click on graph for larger image in new window.
