

大恐慌!?その226 「FRB頼み」に米議会懸念

2008-03-30 23:14:54 | 世界経済




○「FRB頼み」 米議会懸念


ベア社救済 公聴会開催へ 巨額損失なら信認低下


◇損失リスク 米上院銀行住宅都市委員会のクリストファー・ドッド委員長(民主党)は26日、ベア・スターンズ問題で4月3日に公聴会を開催することを明らかにし、FRBのベン・バーナンキ議長らの出席を要請した。また、マックス・ボーカス上院財政委員長(同)らは26日、「ベア社の救済の検証義務がある」として、バーナンキ議長らに書簡を送り、詳細な説明を求めた。



◇しわ寄せ ヘンリー・ポールソン米財務長官は26日、FRBに、現在は監督下にない証券会社や投資銀行に監督や規制の権限を拡大させる考えを示した。FRBの融資対象はこれまで銀行だけで、監督権限も銀行に限られていたが、金融市場の混乱が続く中、ベア・スターンズのような証券会社などにも融資を始めた。このため、証券会社などについても、こまめに情報収集し、損失リスクを最小限にする必要があるとの考えからだ。



大恐慌!?その225 1Qの米個人消費成長率は1%以下か

2008-03-29 23:20:38 | 世界経済

1月、2月の個人消費データを使って、1Qの個人消費をCalculated Riskさんが推定したところ、3月が更に弱含みそうなことも考えると、実質ベースで1%以下の成長が見込まれると言う。2007年4Qが、個人消費+2.3%でGDP+0.6%だったことからしても、個人消費が1%成長以下になり、GDPもマイナス成長になると予想している。いよいよレセッションが数字として実証され始めるかどうかという局面になりつつある。


Estimating PCE Growth for Q1 2008



But we can use the change from October to January, and the change from November to February (the Two Month Estimate) to approximate PCE growth for Q1.

Personal Consumption Expenditures Click on graph for larger image.

This graph shows the two month estimate versus the actual change in real PCE. The correlation is high (0.92).

The two month estimate suggests real PCE growth in Q2 will be under 1% - but still positive.


Looking at the data, real PCE has been essentially flat for four straight months. Based on various economic reports, I'd expect March to be even weaker. This suggests that real PCE in Q1 will still be positive, but somewhat below the two month estimate of 1%.

In Q4, real PCE increased 2.3%, but real GDP only increased 0.6%. With real PCE below 1% in Q1, I'd expect a negative real GDP report for Q1. This is very similar to how the last consumer led recession started in 1990.

大恐慌!?その224フレディマックエコノミスト 米住宅価格は2010年まで改善見られず

2008-03-28 23:42:25 | 世界経済

連邦住宅金融抵当金庫(Freddie Macフレディマック)のチーフエコノミストで、20年以上米住宅市場を見てきたFrank Nothaft氏は、米住宅価格は2010年まで改善が見られることはないとの見通しを示した。また、今年は戸建て着工件数が過去50年間で最低になると予想している。着工件数の減少で、住宅の需給のバランスは、今年末から来年当初にかけ、改善する可能性があるとしているが、価格には改善は見られないという。

政府系機関のエコノミストの発言は注目に値するが、いずれにしても、消費・雇用へのマイナス影響は当分続くと考えたほうが良さそうだ。 以下のプレゼンテーション資料も興味深い情報が多い。如何にマーケットが崩壊状態にあるかが一目瞭然。

Nothaft's presentation.


○Home prices may not rebound till 2010



WASHINGTON — U.S. home prices are unlikely to recover until at least 2010, one of the nation's top housing economists said Thursday, adding that home building this year is likely to post its worst year in five decades.

Speaking to the National Economists Club, Frank Nothaft, the chief economist for government-sponsored mortgage buyer Freddie Mac, painted a grim picture of today's housing market.


"I don't think we're going to see any improvement in the national house-price matrix until 2010," said Nothaft, a respected government economist who's followed the national housing market for more than two decades.


If there was any good news in the stark snapshot of the housing crisis, it came from a bit of really bad news. The Freddie Mac economist thinks that new single-family home starts this year will be the lowest in 50 years, back when Dwight D. Eisenhower was president.

What's good about that? The plunge in new-home construction means that fewer homes will come onto the market in an environment with few buyers. A fall in home starts helps reduce the supply of unsold new and existing homes. By late this year or early next year, life should be returning to the national housing market, but prices won't see significant recovery until 2010, Nothaft said.



大恐慌!?その223 米2月新築住宅販売高は下落続くも良いサインも。。。

2008-03-28 01:28:54 | 世界経済










More on New Home Sales


New Home Sales and Recessions Click on graph for larger image.

This graph shows New Home Sales vs. recessions for the last 45 years. ・・・・・・・・
This is what we call Cliff Diving!

New Home Sales Monthly Not Seasonally Adjusted
The second graph shows monthly new home sales (NSA - Not Seasonally Adjusted).

Notice the Red columns in January and February 2008. This is the lowest sales for February since the recession of '91.



And one more long term graph - this one for New Home Months of Supply.

New Home Months of Supply and Recessions
"Months of supply" is at the highest level since 1981. Note that this doesn't include cancellations, but that was true for the earlier periods too.

The all time high for Months of Supply was 11.6 months in April 1980.



※3 February New Home Sales


New Home Sales Inventory

The seasonally adjusted estimate of new houses for sale at the end of February was 471,000.

大恐慌!?その222 米銀行の倒産ラッシュがやってくる?

2008-03-27 00:50:13 | 世界経済

非常に興味深い記事なので、頑張って更に投稿するが、The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.が銀行の倒産に対応するスタッフを急増させていると言う。銀行の倒産が相次ぐことを予告する確度の高い先行指標といえるだろう。


○FDIC Plans Staff Boost for Bank Failures


By ALAN ZIBEL – 22 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal bank regulators plan to increase staffing 60 percent in coming months to handle an anticipated surge in troubled financial institutions.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. wants to add 140 workers to bring staff levels to 360 workers in the division that handles bank failures, John Bovenzi, the agency's chief operating officer, said Tuesday.

"We want to make sure that we're prepared," Bovenzi said, adding that most of the hires will be temporary and based in Dallas.


FDIC officials said last month they planned to bring back about 25 retirees to the agency and noted those workers will train new hires. Over the next five years, about 50 percent of employees with experience in bank failures, especially those who were at the agency during the savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s, will be eligible for retirement, officials added.