

大恐慌!?その172 サブプライム対策続報:効果は限定的

2007-12-08 17:55:21 | 世界経済


「サブプライム金利凍結、効果は無し 」http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/giantchee2/38298627.html




※1 米住宅ローン対策、対象者は最大34万人の可能性=UBS







2007-12-08 17:22:45 | 世界経済




※1 11月の米非農業部門雇用者数は+9.4万人、雇用の伸び減速が明確に


 [ワシントン 7日 ロイター] 米労働省が7日発表した11月の雇用統計は、非農業部門雇用者数が9万4000人増と、過去数カ月の雇用の伸び減速を明確に示す内容となり、来週の米連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)で金利が引き下げられる可能性が高まった。




 ただ、11月の雇用者数はアナリスト予想の9万人増を若干上回った。 ハバーフォード・インベストメントのハンク・スミス最高投資責任者(CIO)は「熱すぎでも、冷えすぎでもない」とした上で、来週のFOMCでの利下げが確実になったとの見方を示した。

※2 Fed Funds: Market Expectations

Click on graph for larger image.

Source: Cleveland Fed, Fed Funds Rate Predictions

大恐慌!?その170 米サブプライム救済策は良い方向性だが、レセッションは不可避か

2007-12-08 16:58:53 | 世界経済


大恐慌!? その77  米経済:史上最大級の崩壊に向けた準備をほぼ完了で書いた様に、住宅市場崩壊は、雇用減、含み益の減等を通じ、最終的に消費の減に繋がる。サブプライムローンのリセット問題は、この市場崩壊を加速させる要因の一つに過ぎず、本質的な問題は、過剰に嵩上げされた需要に基づき高騰しすぎた住宅価格の調整が、住宅価格には下方硬直性があるために時間を要し、その間、景気にボディブローの様にネガティブな影響を与え続けることにあり((大)不況がやってくる!?  その20)、その基本的な構造には全く変更がない。 





※1 米、ローン金利5年凍結・サブプライム救済策を発表






※2 Sense and Nonsense on the Mortgage Restructuring Plan and the Alleged Losses it Inflicts on Investors

Nouriel Roubini | Dec 06, 2007

I have already commented before on why an across-the-board (like in the Treasury/banks plan) rather than a case-by-case approach to sub-prime mortgage restructurings makes sense. Moreover, the attempt to distinguish between those who are insolvent and would default anyhow (even after a freeze of the reset rate), those who can pay and don’t need debt relief and those who are illiquid but solvent (i.e. can likely keep on servicing their mortgages if the teaser rate is frozen for a while) also makes sense. Of course, the Treasury plan may or may not provide enough relief to enough homeowners depending on how it is implemented. But its basic conceptual approach is sound.


All this does not mean that the Treasury plan is ideal: the housing recession is the worst in US history and will get worse regardless of this plan; and a US hard landing is now unavoidable regardless of any debt relief plan. And how this plan will be implemented will determine whether it provides enough debt relief to enough households; so the devil is in the details. Most likely much more relief should be given to more borrowers than this plan provides as only a small subset of subprime borrowers will qualify for such debt relief compared to those who need it and deserve it. So the problem with this plan is that it does too little, not too much, in terms of extent and coverage and size of the debt relief; not enough deserving borrowers will qualify for the relief under this plan.  But the alternative of doing nothing would be much worse than a positive step in the right direction, i.e. providing relief to those borrowers – not all borrowers but only those - that were victims of reckless and predatory lending practices.

MBA Mortgage Delinquency Click on graph for larger image.

This is the overall delinquency rate, and it is at the highest rates since 1986. As noted earlier this morning, delinquencies are getting worse in every category - including prime fixed rate mortgages - and getting worse at a faster rate in every category.

※4O.C. Register on CRE: Turn out the lights ...


Residential vs. Nonresidential Structure Investment Click on graph for larger image.

Investment in non-residential structures continues to be very strong, increasing at a 14.3% annualized rate in Q3 2007.

Fed Loan Survey Nonresidential Investment The second graph shows the YoY change in nonresidential structure investment (dark blue) vs. loan demand data (red) and CRE lending standards (green, inverted) from the Fed Loan survey.