みなさま こんにちわ。
米国とHarvard IT serviceに何回も電話をすることでなんとかなりそうではありますが、まだ確約はできません。
さて、わかる人にはわかる、上記の問題ですがHarvard Medical Schoolの厳しい規定と、異常なくらいの入学説明、資料、(VISA問題、就労規定、ヨガとか、マインドフルネスとかまである)に埋もれて完全に出遅れてしまっていました。倫理委員会の説明や、ローンの組み方、ネットの設定などなど圧倒されてしまいました。しかもこれもWSや説明会もなく、オリエンテーションもなく、on campusと違ってコロナの時期なのでオンラインで一人でやるのか〜と焦っていましたが、集中力でなんとかなりそうです。
僕の履修はこうなりそうです。Non-nativeなのでAcademic Writing とCommunicationの授業も受けた方が良いよと指示があり、これはこれで研修の授業料も無料ならばむしろWelcomeです。
Summer programでした
HQS 700: Safety Intensive
Fall termの必修です。
HQS 703: A Quantitative Approach to Quality
HQS 701: Quality and Systems
CSO 703: Financial Management and Planning
HQS 715: Longitudinal Seminar Series I
HQS 717: Capstone Fall
INDP 300: Writing for the Biomedical Sciences
This course prepares students for the demands of writing in the medical sciences. The class has two linked agendas: students will learn how to turn raw research into polished academic arguments and students will practice specific lessons through exercises that allow them to think about their own developing scholarship. The course is divided into three units. In the first unit, we examine the main components of an academic argument (structure, evidence, and analysis). In the second unit, we focus on framing insights, entering the scholarly conversation, and crafting and responding to sophisticated critiques. In the final unit, students will learn essential elements of story art, including how to write a compelling vignette, a vital skill in science communication beyond the academy. Throughout the semester, students will develop a writing practice which will be useful beyond the class and even their graduate program. Section meetings will offer frequent opportunities for feedback on issues of grammar and syntax. By the end of the course, students will better understand how to turn their thinking into writing, and how to use writing as a form of thinking.
INDP 310 Advanced Professional and Academic Language Skills Training
This advanced academic and professional English language skills course will focus on the skills and competencies students need to participate and progress in their roles at work and school. Blending classroom and independent learning, students will listen to interviews and podcasts, watch presentations and talks, and read news from various media outlets and research bodies. We'll use face-to-face class meetings to discuss these materials on topics related to the medical profession. The aim is to help students improve their proficiency in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will have the opportunity to work directly with the instructor, in small groups with peers, and independently. By integrating key language skills and providing real-world context for communication purposes, students are better equipped and more confident in their ability to communicate.