情報流通促進計画 by ヤメ記者弁護士(ヤメ蚊)日隅一雄

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2006-10-03 22:24:28 | 共謀罪










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2006-10-03 22:15:36 | メディア(知るための手段のあり方)












 ■NHK広報局の話 国民の知る権利に応えるために欠くことのできない報道機関の取材・報道の自由を真正面から認めたもので、高く評価したい。


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2006-10-03 18:27:15 | 共謀罪


(iii) Participation in acts of an organized criminal group that has the aim of committing a serious crime, in the knowledge that the person’s participation will contribute to the achievement of the crime.



b. Other activities of the group in the knowledge that the person’s participation will contribute to the achievement of the above-described criminal aim.



contribute to the achievement of the crime

contribute to the achievement of the above-described criminal aim




Article 3(3条)
Participation in a criminal organization

1. Each State Party shall establish as criminal offences the following conduct:

(a) Organizing, directing, aiding, abetting, facilitating or counselling the commission of serious crime involving an organized criminal group;

and,subject to the fundamental principles of its domestic legal system,

(b) At least one of the following as criminal offences distinct from those involving the attempt or completion of the criminal activity:

(i) Agreeing with one or more other persons to commit a serious crime involving an organized criminal group for any purpose relating directly or indirectly to the obtaining of a financial or other material benefit and, where required by domestic law, involving an act undertaken by one of the participants in furtherance of the agreement;

(ii) Conduct by a person who intentionally, and with knowledge of either the aim and general criminal activity of an organized criminal group or its intention to commit the crimes in question, takes active part in:

a. Activities of an organized criminal group referred to in article 2 bis of this Convention;

b. Other activities of the group in the knowledge that the person’s participation will contribute to the achievement of the above-described criminal aim;

(iii) Participation in acts of an organized criminal group that has the aim of committinga serious crime, in the knowledge that the person’s participation will contribute to the achievement of the crime.


Proposals on article 3 (option 2) of the main Convention as presented in document A/AC.254/L.1/Add.2(主たる条約に関する提案)

1. Japan would like to present proposals on article 3, which is one of the most important and challenging articles in the draft Convention: important because this article, by imposing legal obligations on the contracting Parties to criminalize participation in a criminal organization, will provide effective measures in combating organized crime; and challenging because the introduction of the offence of participation is closely related to the basic principles of the domestic legal system of each State. (日本は,最も重要で困難な条約3条について,提案する。(中略)困難というのは,共謀罪・参加罪の導入が各国の国内法システムの基本的原理と関係するからである)

2. The difficulty in introducing an obligation to criminalize the act of participation can be seen in the two options to article 3 themselves. Both provide two options in criminalizing the conduct, one based on the notion of conspiracy in the common law system and the other based on the notion of participation found in the civil law system. (3条が共謀罪と参加罪の二つのオプションを設けていること自体,困難性を示している。二つのオプションによって,英米法系のシステムにおける共謀罪という概念に基づいた犯罪類型と大陸法系のシステムにおける参加罪という概念に基づいた犯罪類型から選択できる)

3. However, in order to make this Convention as global as possible, the obligation stipulated in this article should also be acceptable to other legal systems in the world. In addition, this article should have some nexus to the notion of "organized crime" or "organized criminal group" to be defined in article 2 and article 2 bis. (しかし,この条約を世界各国が締結できるようにするためには,(英米法系,大陸法系以外の)ほかのシステムを持っている国でも受け入れられるようにしなければならない。また,この条項は,2条などに定めた「組織犯罪」や「組織犯罪集団」という概念とも関連している)

4. This proposal is made in the light of the above consideration and based on option 2 of article 3, which was proposed by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Japan believes that the revisions of option 2 presented below are essential and minimum requirements for the obligation in this article to be acceptable to other legal systems in the world.(この提案は,イギリスと北アイルランドが提案した3条のオプション2に関する上記のような観点に基づくものである)

5. Subparagraph 1 (b) of article 3 introduces a legal obligation to criminalize the act of "participation". As stated above, the criminalization of "participation" is closely related to the basic principles of the domestic legal system of each State. For example, under the basic principles of Japanese criminal law, certain acts are punishable only when the crime in question is actually committed or attempted, and conspiracy or preparatory acts are punishable only in certain grave crimes. Thus, it is inconsistent with our legal principle to criminalize the acts of conspiracy and preparation of all serious crimes. Furthermore, our legal system does not have any provision which criminalizes acts of participation in certain criminal groups without any relevance to the commission of a concrete crime. Therefore, the obligation to criminalize the acts of "participation" should be realized within the framework of the fundamental principles of the domestic legal system. (3条1項(b)は,参加罪という概念を導入するものである。上述したとおり,参加罪という概念は,各国の国内法の基本原則と密接に関連する。例えば,日本の国内法の原則では,犯罪は既遂か未遂段階に至って初めて処罰されるのであり,共謀や参加については,特に重大な犯罪に限定して処罰される。したがって,すべての重大な犯罪について,共謀罪や参加罪を導入することは日本の法原則になじまない。しかも,日本の法律は,具体的犯罪を実行しないである犯罪組織に参加すること自体を犯罪化する規定を有していない。それゆえ,参加行為の犯罪化を実現するためには,国内法システムの基本原則の範囲内で実現化するほかない)

6. Thus we propose to insert the phrase "Subject to the fundamental principles of its domestic legal system" between subparagraphs 1 (a) and (b) of article 3. (そこで,日本は,3条の1項(a)と(b)の間に,「国内法の基本原則に従って」というフレーズを加えることを提案する)

7. Subparagraph 1 (b) (i) of article 3 refers to the criminalization of "conspiracy" to commit a "serious crime", which is defined in subparagraph (b) of article 2 bis as conduct constituting a criminal offence punishable by a maximum deprivation of liberty of at least [...] years. Since the scope of this Convention should include some element related to "organized criminal activity", there should be some limitation to this provision in order to make it relevant to such an element. For the time being, such an element could be found in paragraph 1 of article 2 of the draft Convention, i.e. "serious crime involving an organized criminal group as defined in article 2 bis" as well as in subparagraph 1 (a) of article 3.(3条の1項(b)()は,「重大犯罪」を犯すことを「共謀する」ことを犯罪化するものである。ここでいう重大犯罪とは,2条の2の(b)で「長期●年以上の懲役に処せられる犯罪を構成する行為」と定義されている。この条約の範囲が組織犯罪行為に関連する要素を含まなければならない以上,そのような要素に関連させるためにこの規定は,限定されなければならない。そして,このような要素は,条約案2条1項及び3条の1項(a)に2条の2に定義された組織犯罪集団の関与する重大事件という部分に見られる)

8. Thus, we proposed to insert the phrase "involving an organized criminal group" after the phrase "a serious crime" in the first line of the English text in subparagraph 1 (b) (i) of article 3, with the possibility of changing the phrase in accordance with the future development in the drafting of paragraph 1 of article 2. (そこで,日本は,3条1 項(b) (i)の次に「組織犯罪集団の関与する」というフレーズをいれることを提案する。ただし,もし,2条1項の文言が変わればそれに従うものとする。)

9. Our basic position is that the notion "involving an organized criminal group" should mean activities conducted as part of the activities of a group having as its aim the commission of a serious offence and utilizing the structure of such a group. (日本の基本的立場は,「組織犯罪集団の関与する」という概念は,重大犯罪を実行することを目的とする集団の行為の一部として行われることあるいはそのような集団の組織を拡大する行為の一部として行われることを意味する,というものである)

10. Subparagraphs 1 (b) (i) and (ii) are drafted so as to introduce offences within the framework of either the common law system or the civil law system. In order to make this Convention globally acceptable, we believe that a third option, to criminalize the acts of "participation", should be introduced, taking into account the fact that the legal systems in the world are not limited to these two systems. (3条1項(b)の()と()は,英米法系あるいは大陸法系のシステムのいずれかに合致するものとして導入されるように考案されている。条約をさらに多くの国が受け入れられるようにするためには,世界各国のの法大系が英米法,大陸法という2つのシステムに限定されていないことから,第3のオプション,すなわち「参加して行為する」ことを犯罪化するオプションを考慮に入れなければならない)

11. Thus, we propose, as a basis for discussion, to add the following new subparagraph to subparagraph 1 (b) of article 3: (そこで日本は,3条1項(b)に次のような新しい条項を設け,新たなオプションとするべきだと提案する)
"(iii) Participation in acts of an organized criminal group which has the aim of committing a serious crime, in the knowledge that the person’s participation will contribute to the achievement of the crime." (()その行為に参加することが犯罪を既遂とすることに貢献することを認識しつつ,重大犯罪を実行することを目的とする組織犯罪集団の行為に参加すること)

12. Accordingly, we proposed to change the first three words in the chapeau of subparagraph 1 (b) from "Either or both" to "At least one". (この変更に伴い,3条1項(b)の柱書の文言を「一つあるいは両方」から「少なくとも一つ」に変えるよう提案する)


2006-10-03 03:01:15 | 共謀罪



Article 3(3条)
Participation in a criminal organization(犯罪組織への参加)

1. Each State Party shall undertake, in accordance with the fundamental principles of its domestic legal
system, to make punishable one or both of the following types of conduct:

(a) Conduct by any person consisting of an agreement with one or more persons that an activity should be
pursued, which, if carried out, would amount to the commission of crimes or offences that are punishable by
imprisonment or other deprivation of liberty of at least [ ] years; or

(b) Conduct by any person who participates in a criminal organization, where such participation is intentional
and is either with the aim of furthering the general criminal activity or criminal purpose of the group or made in the
knowledge of the intention of the group to commit offences.





Any person participating in a Mafia-type association, which includes three or more persons, shall be punished by a term of imprisonment of three to six years.





1. Each State Party shall establish as criminal offences the following conduct:

(a) Organizing, directing, aiding, abetting, facilitating or counselling the commission of serious crime involving an organized criminal group; and

(b) Either or both of the following as criminal offences distinct from those involving the attempt or completion of the criminal activity:

(i) Agreeing with one or more other persons to commit a serious crime for any purpose relating directly or indirectly to the obtaining of a financial or other material benefit and, where required by domestic law, involving an act undertaken by one of the participants in furtherance of the agreement;

(ii) Conduct by a person who intentionally, and with knowledge of either the aim and general criminal activity of an organized criminal group or its intention to commit the crimes in question, takes active part in:

a. Activities of an organized criminal group referred to in article 2 bis of this Convention;

b. Other activities of the group in the knowledge that the person’s participation will contribute to the achievement of the above-described criminal aim.




英国は,その意図を「Other activities」を入れるためだと公式的には説明している。しかし,やはり,共謀罪や純粋な参加罪は,受け入れられない国があることを配慮し,「行為への参加罪」を提案したものと思われる。

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