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〇木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]

〇本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]



・英文の記述~本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』(講談社)より


第15章 欧米における工業化と国民国家の形成
4 フランス革命とウィーン体制

革命前の旧体制(アンシャン=レジーム, Ancien Régime)では、身分制のもとで第一身分(聖職者)と第二身分(貴族)は国土の大半と重要官職を占有しながら、免税特権をもっていた。人口の9割以上にあたる第三身分(平民)のなかでは、事業に成功した豊かなブルジョワ階層が経済活動の自由を求める一方、大部分を占めた農民は領主への地代や税負担に苦しみ、都市民衆もきびしい生活を送っていた。
 18世紀後半には、イギリスとの対抗上も、社会や経済の改革、とくに戦費負担からくる国庫赤字の解消と財政改革が必要であった。改革派には、身分や立場のちがいを問わず啓蒙思想の影響が広まっていた。ルイ16世(Loui XVI, 在位1774~92)は、重農主義者テュルゴ(Turgot, 1727~81)や銀行家ネッケル(Necker, 1732~1804)など改革派を登用して財政改革を試みたが、課税を拒否する貴族など特権集団の抵抗で、逆に政治的な危機が生じた。しかも、凶作などを原因とする経済的・社会的な危機が重なった。

危機回避のために国王が招集した三部会は、1789年5月、ヴェルサイユで開会されたが、議決方式をめぐる対立から議事に入れなかった。平民代表は『第三身分とは何か』の著者シェイエス(Sieyès, 1748~1836)の提案で、第三身分の部会を国民議会と称し、憲法制定まで解散しないことを誓った(球戯場の誓い)。国王は譲歩してこれを認め、聖職者や貴族からも同調者が合流して憲法制定国民議会が成立したが、反動派に動かされた国王は、軍隊でおさえこもうとした。武力制圧の危険を感じたパリの市民は、1789年7月14日、バスティーユ要塞を襲って武器弾薬の奪取に成功した。この報が伝わると、各地で農民が蜂起し、領主の館を襲撃した。8月、国民議会は封建的特権の廃止と人権宣言の採択をあいついで決めた。ここに旧体制は崩壊し、基本的人権・国民主権・所有の不可侵など、革命の理念が表明された。
 地方自治体の改革や教会財産の没収、ギルドの廃止など、当初はラ=ファイエット(La Fayette, 1757~1834)やミラボー(Mirabeau, 1749~91)など自由主義貴族の主導下に、1791年憲法が示すように立憲王政がめざされた。しかし憲法制定の直前、国王一家がオーストリアへ亡命をくわだてパリに連れもどされるヴァレンヌ逃亡事件がおこり、国王の信用は失墜した。

1793年1月にルイ16世が処刑され、春には内外の戦局が危機を迎えるなか、国民公会では、急進共和主義のジャコバン派(Jacobins、山岳派)が権力を握った。ジャコバン派は、封建的特権の無償廃止を決め、最高価格令によって物価統制をはかった。しかし、民主的な1793年憲法は平和到来まで施行が延期され、革命の防衛を目的に権力を集中した公安委員会は、ロベスピエール(Robespierre, 1758~94)の指導下にダントン(Danton, 1759~94)ら反対派を捕らえ、反革命を理由に処刑した(恐怖政治)。
 強硬な恐怖政治はジャコバン派を孤立させ、1794年7月、今度はロベスピエールらが、穏健共和派などの政敵によって倒された(テルミドールの反動)。革命の終結を求める穏健派は1795年憲法を制定し、制限選挙制にもとづく二院制議会と、5人の総裁を置く総裁政治が成立した。しかし、革命派や王党派の動きもあって政局は安定せず、革命の成果の定着と社会の安定を求める人々は、より強力な指導者の登場を求めた。この機会をとらえたのが、革命軍の将校として頭角をあらわしたナポレオン=ボナパルト(Napoléon Bonaparte)であった。


 フランスによる大陸制圧は、フランス以外の各地にもこのような考え方を広める一方、侵略者フランスに対するナショナリズム(nationalism)をめばえさせることになった。スペインの反乱は、フランス軍をゲリラ戦の泥沼にひきこんだ。国家滅亡の危機に瀕したプロイセンではシュタイン(Stein, 1757~1831)やハルデンベルク(Hardenberg, 1750~1822)が、行政改革や、農民解放など一連のプロイセン改革を実施し、フィヒテ(Fichte, 1762~1814)は連続講演「ドイツ国民に告ぐ」を通して国民意識の覚醒をうったえた。
 大陸封鎖令で穀物輸出を妨害されたロシアが離反すると、ナポレオンは1812年に遠征してモスクワを占領したが、ロシア軍の焦土作戦と反撃にあって敗退した。これを機に諸国民が一斉に解放戦争に立ちあがり、1813年、ライプツィヒの戦い(諸国民戦争)でフランス軍をやぶり、翌年にはパリを占領した。ナポレオンは退位してエルバ島に幽閉され、ルイ18世(Louis XVIII, 在位1814~24)が即位して、フランスにはブルボン朝が復活した。1815年、エルバ島を脱出したナポレオンは一時再起したが(百日天下)、ワーテルローの戦いで大敗し、今度は大西洋の孤島セントヘレナに流され、孤独のうちに没した。

1814年にナポレオンが没落してのち、フランス革命以来の混乱を収拾するため、ヨーロッパ諸国の代表がウィーンに集まった。オーストリアの外相(のち首相)メッテルニヒ(Metternich, 1773~1859)を議長としたウィーン会議は、はじめ大国間の利害対立のため難航したが、翌15年、ナポレオンの再挙兵を機にようやく議定書の調印が実現した。フランス革命以前の政治秩序を正統のものとし、それを回復させようという正統主義が原則として採用され、大国の勢力均衡による国際秩序の平和的維持が追求された。これをウィーン体制という。(下略)


第15章5 自由主義の台頭と新しい革命の波

復古王政下のフランスで、ルイ18世のつぎに即位したシャルル10世(Charles X, 在位1824~30)は、国外ではギリシア独立を支持する一方、アルジェリアには軍事侵攻して植民地化を開始させ、内政では貴族を保護する反動政治を王党派内閣に実行させた。1830年7月、王が議会を強行解散し、選挙権のいっそうの制限強化や言論統制をうちだすと、パリ市民と民衆は蜂起し、王は亡命した(七月革命)。しかし、銀行家など上層市民は革命の激化を恐れて共和派をおさえ、オルレアン公ルイ=フィリップ(Louis Philippe, 在位1830~48)を王とする立憲王政を成立させた(七月王政)。(下略)

 革命後の臨時政府には社会主義者のルイ=ブランも参加し、失業者救済のための国立作業場を設置するなど改革に努めたが、男性普通選挙による48年4月の国民議会選挙では、社会主義派はやぶれ、穏健共和派が大勝した。保守化した政府に抗議した労働者の武装蜂起は鎮圧され(六月蜂起)、新憲法のもとで実施された12月の大統領選挙では、ナポレオンの甥であるルイ=ナポレオン(Louis Napoléon, 1808~73)が当選した。彼は1851年にクーデタによって権力を握ると、翌52年に国民投票によって皇帝になり、ナポレオン3世と称した(第二帝政、1852~70)。

 19世紀の思潮・学芸ではロマン主義が一つの底流をなしたが、18世紀のルソー(Rousseau, 1712~78)や、ドイツのゲーテ(Goethe, 1749~1832)やシラー(Shiller, 1759~1805)の「疾風怒濤」運動にその萌芽がみられ、19世紀になるとイギリスの詩人バイロン(Byron, 1788~1824)や、バイロンを称賛したロシアの詩人プーシキン(Pushkin, 1799~1837)、フランス七月革命に共感したドイツの詩人ハイネ(Heine, 1797~1856)、共和主義を支持したフランスのユゴー(Hugo, 1802~85)など、ロマン派の国民的作家が登場した。
 音楽ではベートーヴェン(Beethoven, 1770~1827)が先駆となり、シューベルト(Schubert, 1797~1828)やショパン(Chopin, 1810~49)が形成したロマン派音楽からは、スメタナ(Smetana, 1824~84)のような民族性の強い作曲家もあらわれた。絵画ではドラクロワ(Delacrois, 1798~1863)らが、調和を重視した古典主義や歴史主義の様式をやぶる色彩や同時代的テーマを採用した。

第18章 世界戦争の時代
6 第二次世界大戦

 1940年春、ドイツ軍は西部戦線で行動をおこし、4月にデンマーク、ノルウェー、5月にはオランダ、ベルギーから北フランスに侵攻した。6月になると、イタリアがドイツの優勢をみて英仏に宣戦し、ドイツ軍はパリを占領し、フランスは降伏した。フランスの西北部はドイツ軍に占領され、南部はドイツに協力するペタン元帥(Pétain, 1856~1951)のヴィシー政府(1940
~44)が統治することになった。しかし、ド=ゴール将軍(De Gaulle, 1890~1970)を中心とする抗戦派はロンドンに自由フランス政府をつくり、国民に抵抗運動(レジスタンス Résistance)をよびかけた。


第10章 近代ヨーロッパ・アメリカ世界の成立
3 フランス革命とナポレオン

革命以前の国民は、聖職者が第一身分、貴族が第二身分、平民が第三身分と区分されたが、人口の9割以上は第三身分であった。少数の第一身分と第二身分は広大な土地とすべての重要官職をにぎり、免税などの特権を得ていた。各身分のなかにも貧富の差があり、とくに、第三身分では、その大部分を占める農民が領主への地代や税の負担のために苦しい生活をおくる一方、商工業者などの有産市民層はしだいに富をたくわえて実力を向上させ、その実力にふさわしい待遇をうけないことに不満を感じていた。そこに啓蒙思想が広まり、1789年初めには、シェイエス(Sieyès, 1748~1836)が『第三身分とは何か』という小冊子で、第三身分の権利を主張した。


イギリスとの戦争をくりかえしたフランスの国家財政はいきづまり、国王ルイ16世(Louis XVI, 在位1774~92)はテュルゴー(Turgot, 1727~81)・ネッケル(Necker, 1732~1804)らの改革派を起用して、特権身分に対する課税などの財政改革をこころみた。しかし、特権身分が抵抗したため、1615年以来開かれていなかった三部会が招集されることになった。




国民公会では、急進共和主義のジャコバン派(Jacobins)が力を増し、ルイ16世は1793年1月に処刑された。革命がイギリス国内に波及することを警戒していたイギリス首相ピット(Pitt, 1759~1806)は、フランス軍がベルギー地方に侵入したのに対抗してフランス包囲の大同盟(第1回対仏大同盟)をつくった。このためフランスは全ヨーロッパを敵にまわすこととなり、国内でも西部地方で、王党派と結びついた農民反乱(ヴァンデーの反乱)が広がった。

ジャコバン派の没落後、穏健共和派が有力となり、1795年には制限選挙制を復活させた新憲法により、5人の総裁からなる総裁政府が樹立された。しかし、社会不安は続き、革命ですでに利益を得た有産市民層や農民は社会の安定を望んでいた。こうした状況のもと、混乱をおさめる力をもった軍事指導者としてナポレオン=ボナパルト(Napoléon Bonaparte, 1769~1821)が頭角をあらわした。ナポレオンは96年、イタリア派遣軍司令官としてオーストリア軍を破って、軍隊と国民のあいだに名声を高め、さらに98年には、敵国イギリスとインドの連絡を断つ目的でエジプトに遠征した。



ナポレオンは、革命以来フランスと対立関係にあった教皇と1801年に和解し、翌年にはイギリスとも講和して(アミアンの和約、1802)、国の安全を確保した。内政では、フランス銀行を設立して財政の安定をはかり、商工業を振興し、公教育制度を整備した。さらに04年3月、私有財産の不可侵や法の前の平等、契約の自由など、革命の成果を定着させる民法典(ナポレオン法典)を公布した。02年に終身統領となったナポレオンは04年5月、国民投票で圧倒的支持をうけて皇帝に即位し、ナポレオン1世(Napoléon I, 在位1804~14,15)と称した(第一帝政)。

1805年、イギリス・ロシア・オーストリアなどは第3回対仏大同盟を結成し、同年10月にはネルソン(Nelson, 1758~1805)の率いるイギリス海軍が、フランス海軍をトラファルガーの海戦で破った。しかしナポレオンは、ヨーロッパ大陸ではオーストリア・ロシアの連合軍をアウステルリッツの戦い(1805.12, 三帝会戦)で破り、06年、みずからの保護下に西南ドイツ諸国をあわせライン同盟を結成した。またプロイセン・ロシアの連合軍を破ってティルジット条約(1807年)を結ばせ、ポーランド地方にワルシャワ大公国をたてるなど、ヨーロッパ大陸をほぼその支配下においた。

この間、ナポレオンはベルリンで大陸封鎖令を発して(1806年)、諸国にイギリスとの通商を禁じ、フランスの産業のために大陸市場を独占しようとした。彼は兄弟をスペイン王やオランド王などの地位につけ、自身はオーストリアのハプスブルク家の皇女と結婚して家門の地位を高めるなど(10年)、その勢力は絶頂に達した。封建的圧政からの解放を掲げるナポレオンの征服によって、被征服地では改革がうながされたが、他方で外国支配に反対して民族意識が成長した。まず、スペインで反乱がおこり、またプロイセンでは、思想家のフィヒテ(Fichte, 1762~1814)が愛国心を鼓舞する一方、シュタイン(Stein, 1757~1831)・ハルデンベルク(Hardenberg, 1750~1822)らが農民解放などの改革をおこなった。

ナポレオンは、ロシアが大陸封鎖令を無視してイギリスに穀物を輸出すると、1812年に大軍を率いてロシアに遠征したが、失敗に終わった。翌年、これをきっかけに、諸国は解放戦争にたちあがり、ライプツィヒの戦い(諸国民戦争)でナポレオンを破り、さらに翌14年にはパリを占領した。彼は退位してエルバ島に流され、ルイ16世の弟ルイ18世(Louis XVIII, 在位1814~24)が王位についてブルボン朝が復活した。翌15年3月、ナポレオンはパリに戻って皇帝に復位したが、6月にワーテルローの戦いで大敗し、南大西洋のセントヘレナ島に流された。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、248頁~255頁)

英文の記述~本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』(講談社)より

Chapter 15
Industrialization in the West and the Formation of Nation States
4 French Revolution and the Vienna System

■Back Ground of the French Revolution
The Ancient Regime (アンシャン=レジーム) before the French Revolution was a strongly controlled society consisting of the three estates. The first estate (the clergy, 第一身分) and second estate (nobles, 第二身分) seized most parts of national land, important government posts, and also tax free privilege. In the third estate (commoners, 第三身分) was more than 90 percent of the population. Some of them, who were bourgeois and built successful businesses, asked for liberal economic activity, but
farmers, who were the largest group in the third estate, bore rent charge and tax burden to
the feudal lord. Urban ordinary people also led a hard life.
In the latter part of the 18 th century, social and economic reform, especially budget
reform and elimination of the budget deficit, which came from the financial burden of war,
were required in order to compete against Britain. The influence of the Enlightenment
thought spread to the reformists regardless of estate and position, and Louis XVI (ルイ16世) attempted
budget reform by using reformists such as Turgot (テュルゴ), a physiocrat, and Necker (ネッケル),
a banker. However, a political crisis occurred because of resistance from the privileged groups, such
as the nobles, who rejected the imposition of tax. Also the poor harvest coincidentally
caused economic and social crisis.

■From Constitutional Kingdom to Republicanism
The Estates-General (三部会) called by the king in order to avoid crises were held in Versailles
in May 1789. However, the proceedings were not started because of conflict over the
system of decision. The representative of commoners pledged not to break up the National
Assembly, which had been named as the assembly of the third estate, until formulation
of a constitution (Tennis Court Oath, 球戯場の誓い), at the proposal of Sieyes, the author of What is
Third Estate?(第三身分とは何か) The king took a step back to acknowledge it. Some followers from the clergy and nobles participated in the Assembly. Then National Constituent Assembly was realized.
However the king, driven by opponents, tried to overwhelm it with military. Paris citizens,
who felt the military suppression, attacked the Bastille Fort (バスティーユ要塞), and succeeded in
dispossessing weapons and ammunition on July 14, 1789. When this information spread, farmers rose up
in revolt in various regions and descended on wealthy landlords. In August, the National
Assembly successively adopted abolition of feudal privileges and the Declaration of
Human Rights (人権宣言). The Ancient Regime collapsed, and ideas of reform, such as fundamental
human rights, popular sovereignty, inviolability of ownership, etc. were stated.
At first the revolution aimed at constitutional monarchy as shown in the constitution
in 1791 on the initiative of liberalists from nobles like La Fayette (ラ=ファイエット) and Mirabeau
(ミラボー), in order to reform local authority, confiscate church property, abolish guilds, etc. Just before
formulation of the constitution, the incident occurred. It was called the Escape to Varenne
that the king’s family attempted to escape to Austria, and was brought back to Paris. It
made people lose trust in the king.
In 1791 the Legislative Assembly by limited election was set up. In the legislative
assembly the republican Girondins (ジロンド派) based on bourgeois predominated over
the Feuillants (フイヤン派) advocating a constitutional monarchy. In 1792, the Girondins declared
war against Austria in order to clear domestic and foreign counterrevolutionaries, and started the revolutionary war. When the war went against the revolutionary army, volunteer soldiers, who gathered
in Paris from all over the country, and people called san-culotte attacked the Tuileries
Palace (the insurrection of 10 August 1792) to defeat counterrevolutionary people. In response
to this, the Legislative Assembly interdicted sovereign power. In the National Convention,
which consisted of the representatives elected by the new universal manhood suffrage,
the republic party had a majority, and the abolition of kingship and the establishment of
republican government were declared (the First Republic, 第一共和政).

■Transition of Revolutionary Politics and the Napoleonic Empire
Louis XVI was executed in January 1793. In spring the Jacobins, radical republicans,
took power in the National Convention during when the tide of the internal and external
wars turning against the French army. The Jacobins (ジャコバン派) determined gratuitous abolition of
feudal privileges, and attempted price control by a maximum price order. Enforcement of
the democratic constitution of 1793 was postponed until the coming of more peaceful times.
The Committee of Public Safety (公安委員会), which concentrated power for the purpose of defense of
revolution, captured opponents including Danton (ダントン) under the mentorship of Robespierre
(ロベスピエール), and executed them because of counterrevolution (the Reign of Terror, 恐怖政治).
The extreme reign of terror made the Jacobins isolated. In July 1794 Robespierre and his
radical followers were defeated by the political enemy like the moderate Republicans in
turn (the Thermidorian Reaction, テルミドールの反動). Moderates, who sought the end of revolution,
established the 1795 constitution, and a bicameral legislature based on the limited election system
and the Directory with five Directors were established. The political situation was not
stable because of movement of revolutionaries and royalists. People, who sought to fix
revolutionary achievements and social stability, demanded a stronger leader. The person
who took this opportunity was Napoleon Bonaparte (ナポレオン=ボナパルト), who made his mark
as a general of the revolutionary army.
Napoleon, who damaged the coalition against France with expeditions to Italy and
Egypt, gained more and more prominence. On November 9, 1799 (18 Brumaire, the French
Revolutionary calendar), he established a new government, the Consulate, and seized
autocracy by appointing himself as the first Consulate in 1802, he then took over the
emperor by the referendum in 1804 (the French First Empire, 第一帝政).
<Coronation of Joséphine by Napoleon (by David) >

Napoleon restored the aristocracy; signed Concordat with the Pope; reconciled with
the Catholic Church; established the Bank of France; and promoted administrative and
financial improvement and improvement of education system. Moreover, he established the
civil code (the Napoleonic Code, ナポレオン法典) which compiled the principle of modern society.
Then he advocated the inheritance of revolution.
The main enemy of Napoleon was Britain, since the he wished to unify Europe with the idea
of revolution. The next year Britain broke the peace Treaty of Amiens between Britain
and France, which was signed in 1802, and they adopted a more confrontational stance
with each other. Napoleon, who was defeated by Britain at the Battle of Trafalgar, turned
to conquer the continent. In 1806 he signed the Confederation of the Rhine (ライン同盟) by means of
putting southwestern Germany under the care. He dissolved the Holy Roman Empire. The
continental blockade (大陸封鎖令) was issued in Berlin in the same year, and it thoroughly prohibited
trade between continental countries and Britain. This was to secure the continental market
for France to compete against Britain.

■Formulation of National Consciousness
During the French Revolution, the principals of nation states (国民国家の原則) were announced based on the ideas of freedom and equality. Before the revolution, people led a life as part of group
defined by such as occupational ability, regions and estates of the realm, and the state
governed the society through these groups.
The revolution abolished these autonomous groups and estates of the realms, and
then it sought to connect individuals as the people to the state. Under the Revolution,
the French Revolutionary calendar (革命暦) replaced the Gregorian calendar, and the prefectural
system was introduced instead of the provincial system. Also the system such as the metric
one with mathematical rationality was introduced as a unified scale to measure time and
space. Moreover, national language education was emphasized by means of denying
regional languages. Through these circumstances, a politics for the formation of national
consciousness began to be sought.
Control of the continent by France spread this way of thinking in various regions. On the
other hand, nationalism was developed against France as an invader. The revolt in Spain
drew the French army into guerrilla war. Although Prussia was on the verge of the fall of
state, Stein (シュタイン) and Hardenberg (ハルデンベルク) implemented a series of
Prussian reform of the administration and agriculture. Fichte (フィヒテ) appealed for
awareness for national consciousness through a series of lectures on ‘Reden an die deutsche
Nation’(Addresses to the German Nation, ドイツ国民に告ぐ).
Once Russia seceded because of interruption of crop export according to
Napoleon’s continent blockage, Napoleon took over Moscow in 1812. However he was
defeated by Russian counter-attack and the scorched earth operation. On this occasion,
people in various countries rose up in liberation war against France all at once, and then
they defeated French army in the Battle of Leipzig (the Battle of the Nations, 諸国民戦争)
in 1813. The next year they occupied Paris. Napoleon abdicated and was confined to Elba.
Then, Louis XVIII ascended the throne to revive the Bourbon dynasty of France. In 1815, Napoleon
escaped from Elba to recover his power (the Hundred Days, 百日天下), but Napoleon’s army lost the
Battle of Waterloo. He was exiled to St. Helena, an isolated island in the Atlantic Ocean,
this time, and he died a lonely figure.

■Formation of the Vienna System
After Napoleon was defeated in 1814, representatives of European countries met in
Vienna in order to resolve the upheaval of the French Revolution. The Vienna Congress
(ウィーン会議) in which Metternich(メッテルニヒ), an Austrian foreign minister
(later the prime minister), was the chairperson, proceeded with difficulty because of interest conflict
among superpowers. In the next year, 1815, Napoleon rose up again, and signing the protocol
was finally fulfilled. Legitimism, which regarded the political order previous to French Revolution
as orthodox and some people tried to revive this political order, and it was embraced as a principle.
Peaceful maintenance of global order based on the balance of power between the great powers was
pursued. This was called the Vienna System(ウィーン体制)…

(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、221頁~225頁)

5 Dream of Social Change; Waves of New Revolutions

■Nationalism, Liberalism, and Romanticism
Nationalism(ナショナリズム), which was developed in various regions during the period of
the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, was connected to liberalism in terms of requiring
voluntary political participation. Minorities in the multiethnic states such as Austria and the
Ottoman Empire, as well as the people in Poland and Ireland who were under the rule of
other ethnic groups, claimed the right to speak and independence. People in Germany and
Italy which were divided into small states were active in seeking the political unification.
The rise of nationalism led to the stream of romanticism to praise historical
characteristics, tradition of ethnic groups, human passion and will. Romanticism(ロマン主義) became a
way of thinking that formed the keynote in a wide range of fields such as politics, literature,
arts and so on in Europe. On the other hand, romanticism was expressed as historicism
which glamorized the past and also was expressed as praise of country’s nature and culture.
Moreover romanticism led to self-sacrifice, hero-worship and dreams of social change.

■The Second – Wave of Revolution; the July Revolution and Its Impact
In France under the Restoration (Restauration), Charles X ascended the throne after Louis
XVIII, externally supported the independence of Greece. On the other hand, he colonized
Algeria by launching military intervention. Moreover, he internally let the ultra-royalist
cabinet accomplish reactionary politics to protect the nobility. In July 1830, the king
forcibly dissolved the Chamber and announced more enhanced restriction of election and
regulations of speech. As a result, people in Paris rose in revolt and the king was in exile
(the July Revolution, 七月革命). However, the upper class like bankers restrained the republican party
for fear of escalating revolution. Constitutional monarchy was formed by appointing Louis-
Philippe, Duke of Orleans, as King (the July Monarchy, 七月王政)…

<Liberty Leading the People by Delacroix>
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、228頁)

■The Third Wave of Revolution; Various Revolutions in 1848
Many European regions experienced the third wave of revolution because of the poor
harvest from 1846 and economic crisis in 1847; then the Vienna System completely
Although industrialization was promoted under the July Monarchy in France, only a part
of the upper bourgeois had the political initiative under the restrictive election. Political
movements by republican citizens and workers to demand the expansion of voting rights
were escalated. In February, 1848, Paris citizens rose up against the government which had
suppressed these movements. It came to street fighting. In the end, the king abdicated and
the republic’s provisional government was established (the Second Republic, 第二共和政).
This was the February Revolution (二月革命)in France.
The socialist Louis Blanc participated in the provisional government after the revolution.
They attempted to reform society and constructed national workplaces to support
unemployed people. But the Socialist Party lost and the moderate Republican Party won
in the National Assembly election by universal male suffrage in April 1848. Workers’
armed uprising against conservative government was suppressed (the June Days Uprising).
Louis-Napoleon (ルイ=ナポレオン), who was a nephew of Napoleon, was elected president in
December under the new Constitution. He took power in the coup in 1851, and then next year
he became the emperor by referendum; he called himself Napoleon III (the French Second Empire,
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、230頁~231頁)

Part 4 Unifying and Transforming the World
Chapter 16Development of Industrial Capitalism and Imperialism
1 Reorganization of the Order in the Western World

■Unified and Strengthened Germany(普仏戦争)
During the Prussian-French War (プロイセン=フランス戦争, the Franco-Prussian War or the German-French War, 普仏戦争または独仏戦争) in 1870, the German military,
mainly from Prussia, showed overwhelming power against France. After the victory over
France, Germany formed the German-Empire (ドイツ帝国). King William I
(ヴィルヘルム1世) of Prussia claimed the title of Emperor of the German Empire.
France had to cede Alsace-Lorraine (アルザス・ロレーヌ) to Germany. France also
had to pay a lot of reparations to Germany. These factors turned out to be seeds of
dispute between both countries later on.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、238頁)

■Establishment of the French Republic
During the Second Empire (第二帝政期), under the leadership of Napoleon III
(ナポレオン3世), major industrialization took place in France. Railroads were
constructed and cities were renovated. Externally, France took aggressive foreign policy,
and intervened in the Crimean War and the Italian Risorgimento War. These movements
enhanced the national prestige of France. In Asia, France invaded China (the Arrow War,
アロー戦争) and started its aggression against Indochina. However, the French military invasion of Mexico failed. Also, France was defeated in the war against Prussia, which
was supposed to be a chance to recover its prestige. In September 1870, the Second Empire
collapsed. The provisional government, headed by Louis Adolphe Thiers (ティエール),
a bourgeois republican (ブルジョワ共和派), was formed. The people of Paris,
who were against the peace treaty and denied the defeat by Germany, rose in revolt and
declared Commune de Paris (パリ=コミューン) in March 1871. This was the first autonomy by workers and citizens, but was put down soon by government military forces.
The Constitution of the Republic (共和国憲法) was enacted in 1875, and the Third Republic
(第三共和政) was established by the end of the 1870s.
The Third Republic, which considered itself to be the successor of the French
Revolution, made much of education for the people; aggressively expanded overseas;
colonized Tunisia and Indochina in the 1880s; and established the most powerful empire
next to Britain. In France, the industrial revolution was completed during the Second
Empire, but there still existed small farmers and small businesses, and excess capital
was invested abroad, especially in Russia which had a very close relationship after the
establishment of the Russo-French Alliance. During the prolonged recession from the
1880s to the 1890s, there was public discontent with parliamentary government, and labor
movement or socialist movement were enhanced. In 1889, General Boulanger
(ブーランジェ) won the support of anti-parliament forces, and staged an abortive coup
d'etat. In the late 1890s, the Dreyfus Affair (ドレフュス事件) divided public opinion.
There were anti-foreign nationalism and anti-Semitic trends, but in the early 20th century,
radical republicans took political leadership, the concept of the separation of church and
state was adopted and social policies were pushed forward. The economy went into
a recovery phase. Externally, France aggressively promoted colonization of Morocco
and elsewhere.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、239頁~240頁)

Part 5 Establishment of the Global World
Chapter 19  Nation-State System and the Cold War 
1 Hegemony of the United States and the Development of the Cold War

■Establishment of the EEC and Western Europe (フランスの第五共和政)
In France, the Fourth Republic was unstable. De Gaulle (ド=ゴール) took the helm
in 1958 triggered by the revolt of stationary troops in Algeria (アルジェリア). He established the Fifth Republic Constitution (第五共和政憲法), where the president
was given strong powers. De Gaulle developed relatively independent diplomacy,
admitted independence of Algeria in 1962, recognized China in 1964, and withdrew
from NATO in 1966 (returned in 1996).
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、311頁~312頁)

