

ロンドンの霧の美はいつ誰によって発見されたか ― オスカー・ワイルド『インテンションズ』より

2022-09-28 23:59:59 | 読游摘録



 これは、ワイルドの批評論集 Intentions (1891) の巻頭に収められた対話篇 « THE DECAY OF LYING: AN OBSERVATION » (1889) の中で、対話者の一人 Vivian が « Nature is no great mother who has borne us. She is our creation. » という自分の主張の例証の一つとしてロンドンの霧を挙げている一節を念頭において書かれた箇所である。当該箇所の原文は以下の通り。

Vivian. Certainly. Where, if not from the Impressionists, do we get those wonderful brown fogs that come creeping down our streets, blurring the gas-lamps and changing the houses into monstrous shadows? To whom, if not to them and their master, do we owe the lovely silver mists that brood over our river, and turn to faint forms of fading grace curved bridge and swaying barge? The extraordinary change that has taken place in the climate of London during the last ten years is entirely due to a particular school of Art. You smile. Consider the matter from a scientific or a metaphysical point of view, and you will find that I am right. For what is Nature? Nature is no great mother who has borne us. She is our creation. It is in our brain that she quickens to life. Things are because we see them, and what we see, and how we see it, depends on the Arts that have influenced us. To look at a thing is very different from seeing a thing. One does not see anything until one sees its beauty. Then, and then only, does it come into existence. At present, people see fogs, not because there are fogs, but because poets and painters have taught them the mysterious loveliness of such effects. There may have been fogs for centuries in London. I dare say there were. But no one saw them, and so we do not know anything about them. They did not exist till Art had invented them.











