Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2015年06月07日 18時34分51秒 | Weblog

 《貴方(あなた)!! 裏庭の紅梅が三分咲き 馥郁(ふくいく)とした香りを漂よわせています。貴方に届いていますね》









The word "hafu" is indispensible for mixed kids in Japan

2015年06月07日 18時12分47秒 | Weblog


In Japan the reaction to Ariana's victory has been oddly muted. While the international media are trooping to her door every day, the Japanese media has largely ignored her.


In Japan this beauty contest has been muted 


Why the hell do Japanese people have to be excited about the beauty whose standard is set by western white males?



Ariana is what is known in Japan as a "hafu", taken from the English word "half". To me the word sounds derogatory. But when I ask her Ariana surprises me by defending the term, even embracing it.
Miss Universe Japan Ariana Miyamoto is reflected on mirrors as she works out at a gym in Tokyo April 1, 2015
Ariana says the 'hafu' term is essential to understand her
"If it was not for the word hafu, it would be very hard to describe who I am, what kind of person I am in Japan," she says.
"If I say I am 'Japanese' the reply would be: 'No, you can't be'. People will not believe that. But if I say I am 'hafu', people agree. There is no word like hafu outside Japan, but I think we need it here. In order for us mixed kids to live in Japan, it is indispensible and I value it."



2015年06月07日 17時57分45秒 | Weblog









The grass is greener on the other side

2015年06月07日 17時15分59秒 | Weblog
日本人から見た海外の逆反応 Japanese Life and Work Abroad どうかな



The grass is always greener on the other side

NYのホームレス用のシェルターとか、social mobility とか調べてみたのかな。




Anti-nuclear activists were released after two years in prison

2015年06月07日 17時15分19秒 | Weblog
Released from prison, anti-nuclear activist nun Megan Rice speaks out
In an interview with Al Jazeera America, Rice reflects on prison life, Iran and the fight against nuclear weapons
June 4, 2015 7:00PM ET
by Lisa De Bode @lisadebode


What would you tell nuclear non-proliferation negotiators?

I think it could only be this: Let’s get down to brass tacks and just ban nuclear weapons, as many nations, I think 103, have decided to do. ... If nobody had them nobody would want them. Nobody would need them.




What is your opinion on the political debate over lifting sanctions on Iran?

The U.S. has always had to have a Goliath created because it has played the role of Goliath, and to distract it from its superpower drive, it has to have somebody it’s defending itself against. Iran is just one of those, I would say, that has been selected, and of course the oil competition between the two countries has gone back to the turn of the century. But it's Middle Eastern oil, not U.S. oil. Iranians are just like Americans, human beings, and they've been maligned. I've met many, many; they're not too happy with the way some of their leaders are, but we're not happy with the way some of our leaders are.



”Media Blacks Out Pentagon Report Exposing U.S. Role In ISIS Creation ”

2015年06月07日 13時11分05秒 | Weblog
Media Blacks Out Pentagon Report Exposing U.S. Role In ISIS Creation
The repor proved that the growth and expansion of ISIS was a direct result of arms being sent by the U.S. to anti-Assad Islamists, with the strategic U.S. intention of toppling the Assad regime in Syria.
By Jay Syrmopoulos for the Free Thought Project @SirMetropolis | June 3, 2015


In a story reverberating across the world, last week award winning journalist and scholar Dr. Nafeez Ahmed exposed startling information about U.S. complicity in the creation and rise of ISIS, as contained in a recently declassified Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report.

Possibly more terrifying than the report itself may be the fact that this information has been virtually blacked out across global mainstream media.

This silence speaks volumes as to the weight of this information. It illustrates the complicity of the English-speaking media, in collusion with government, to keep people ignorant of the harsh realities of U.S. style realpolitik.

In an interview with Josh Cook of Truth In Media, Ahmed stated:

“I spoke to a major national newspaper here in the U.K. and what was interesting was they were quite sympathetic to the line of inquiry, but just felt like they couldn’t cover it. And it wasn’t that they were told they couldn’t cover it. The journalist that I spoke to who is a senior journalist that I have a lot of respect for was very sympathetic to what I was saying. He literally said to me look – I actually could sense that there was this fear that I shouldn’t be talking about this, this is going to far – is the document really strong enough? He didn’t feel confident.

There is almost like an unspoken recognition I think in the mainstream media that there are certain things we are not allowed to say. The idea that something as despicable as ISIS could actually been foreseen or facilitated deliberately, which is really what is implied by this report quite clearly.

“It’s almost too much,” he said. “It goes against the grain of so much we take for granted. So many assumptions about not just American, but Western kind of supremacy and the benevolence of our government that we would never do anything like this … it’s a big kind of leap.

“On the one hand I think that journalists are scared and worried about pushing boundaries to that extent. It does raise a concern that there is an absolute silence on this issue, especially in the English speaking media. It raises real questions about what is behind that silence?”

People have a right to be informed about the undertakings of a government operating in their name and the press has a duty to expose that which is intentionally obscured from the view of the public by those in power.

When the press is afraid or complicit in hiding these facts from the American public, then we, as a nation, are in a much greater danger than anything ISIS presents.




30 Crazy ”Facts ”About Japan No One Could Make Up

2015年06月07日 12時26分10秒 | Weblog

In fact, young people who participate in "ganguro" are rebelling against the traditional beauty standards of the country where lighter skin is considered more beautiful than darker skin.


8. A popular food in Japan is raw horse meat

"Basashi" as it's known, is considered a delicacy

馬刺しがpopular かどうかはわからないが・・・

11. You're encouraged to nap at work

encourage されているかね?居眠り?

12. Poking someone in the butt is incredibly normal

Normal というより子供の遊び

26. Canned food restaurants are a thing in Japan


"Liberals are expelled? That's just persecution complex. " A Japanese liberal commentator says.

2015年06月07日 02時50分25秒 | Weblog




 先日、文化放送の『大竹まこと ゴールデンラジオ』にゲスト出演した際、タレントの光浦靖子さんが私の相談に乗ってくれるという企画があった。私は、光浦さんに聞いた。「ボク、女性に全然もてないんですけど、何故ですか?」








I used to feel I was being made an outcast because I state my opinion from liberal perspective and because I criticize Japanese government. But the fact is that I am invited to TV programs and Radio show as often as ever.

However, I am not invited to debate shows and business shows . In fact there are less and less debate shows. They don't sell.

"Liberals are expelled? That's just persecution complex. People with right-wing ideology are not invited either.

I personally feel no pressure from Abe cabinet. People related to TV and Radio show I know also said Abe cabinet hasn't interfere in who to be on a program, who to be banned from it.

The point is that nowadays people don't want strong opinions and ideologies; They just want clear explanations. That's why a person like Ikegami sells.

If you want to be invited to TV shows or Radio show, don't state your strong opinion. That is not what people want.

I once stated on TV program that the there was no reason why US Marine Corps were based in Japan because they had no function to protect Japan. I said they were in Okinawa because once Japan rebelled against the U.S. , they were the first to occupy Japan. My opinion was not aired. Instead Ikegami was called and stated a balanced commentary, which nobody would complain of
