Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2015年02月15日 20時30分00秒 | Weblog



↓西尾幹二の「有害有毒な蟻」書評を載せた時と姿勢が全く変わっていない。http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kaikaji/20100520 … 今回は海外での批判に火が付いたのでさすがに無視できないようだが、新聞倫理綱領上問題のある記事のチェック体制を作るようコミットさせないと、また同じことが繰り返される。

■[メディア]産経新聞への抗議文Add Star



”Whoever killed a person it shall be as if he had killed all mankind.

2015年02月15日 20時06分57秒 | Weblog

いい言葉ですね。 一即一切・一切即一の立場からもなるほど、と。

Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors.

Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment,

大半の信者は否定するでしょうが、犯人にとっては、集会参加者は、地上で悪を働いたもの、アッラーとその使徒に対して戦い,または地上を攪乱して歩く者 なのかもしれない。



2015年02月15日 19時15分07秒 | Weblog



「[流血が禁じられた]ハラームの月が過ぎた後、どこかで多神教徒を見つけたら、彼らをすぐに逮捕し、取り囲み、どこにいても彼らを狙っているがよい。だがもし彼らが罪を悔い改め[、多神教信仰をやめ、]礼拝を行い、喜捨を施した場合には、彼らの道を開き[、解放してやり]なさい。まことに神は、寛容で慈悲深い方であられる」 (9:5)

to top

And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

At-Tawba 5

The Quran, chapter 9 (At-Tawba), verse 5:
“ But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

Explaining the context of this verse, Quranic Scholars (such as Muhammad Asad and Maulana Muhammad Ali) state that the permission to fight and kill is being given regarding specific tribes already at war with the Muslims who have breached their peace agreements and have attacked the Muslims first



Evil Bible com





2015年02月15日 18時10分48秒 | Weblog


The real reason Egypt is buying 24 fighter jets from France http://j.mp/1vv55xY @TIMEWorldさんから 対仏というより対米関係が理由と


Egypt’s purchase may instead be aimed at diversifying its supply, experts say. The military has traditionally been one of America’s most dependable arms customers thanks to roughly $1 billion in U.S. annual aid that Egypt is largely required to spend on American gear. But Washington suspended aid after the military ousted democratically elected President Mohamed Morsi in 2013 and cracked down on Muslim Brotherhood supporters.

While U.S. aid has been restored, relations have soured. Earlier this week, President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, who led the military takeover, hosted Russian President Vladimir Putin in Cairo and agreed on a joint plan to build Egypt’s first nuclear power plant. By opting for French military hardware, President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi is again demonstrating that his government doesn’t rely exclusively on the U.S. “Egypt has been so dependent on the U.S. that it is beginning to try to find some kind of contingency arrangement so that it can’t be levered by Congressional pressure to change their policies on dealing with dissidents,” says Jon Alterman, senior vice president and director of the Middle East Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “You’re sending a message.”



そういえば、最近 プーチンと仲良さそうな写真をみたよな


Putin seeks to expand Russian influence in Egypt visit
Experts say trip designed to show that Russian president, a key backer of Sisi, is not isolated amid Ukraine crisis.
09 Feb 2015 18:44 GMT | Politics, Middle East, Egypt, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Russia

Both countries have signaled a desire to expand ties after Sisi visited Russia last August amid deteriorating relations with Washington.

A key non-Arab backer of Sisi, experts say Putin's visit is also aimed at showing he is not isolated internationally despite the crisis in Ukraine.
"Putin continues to take advantage of ambiguity and contradictions in Western policies toward the Middle East," Anna Borshchevskaya of The Washington Institute For Near East Policy said.
As long as Washington criticises "Egypt's democratic backslide... it keeps open the door for Putin... to gain influence in Egypt at the expense of US interests," she said.

Losing Egypt — Putin exploits Obama’s slaps at US ally
By Benny AvniFebruary 10, 2015 | 7:54pm

To continue his fight against extremists, Sisi needs military hardware, money and diplomatic backing. Washington managed to convince the entire Arab world that we’re siding with the Muslim Brotherhood (or with Tehran), rather than Sisi.





CIAに操られるメディア Journalists are bribed to pry, lie and spy

2015年02月15日 13時45分37秒 | Weblog

Udo Ulfkotte
From Wikipedia

Leading German Journalist Admits CIA ‘Bribed’ Him and Other Leaders of the Western ‘Press’
Posted on October 7, 2014 by Eric Zuesse.

I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I’ve been educated to lie, to betray, and not to tell the truth to the public. … The German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia. This is a point of no return, and I am going to stand up and say … it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my colleagues do, and have done in the past, because they are bribed to betray the people not only in Germany, all over Europe. … I am very fearful of a new war in Europe, and I don’t like to have this situation again, because war is never coming from itself, there is always people who push for war, and this is not only politicians, it is journalists too. … We have betrayed our readers, just to push for war. … I don’t want this anymore, I’m fed up with this propaganda. We live in a banana republic, and not in a democratic country where we have press freedom. …

The German media, especially, my colleagues …, day by day, write against the Russians, [these journalists] who are in transatlantic organizations, and who are supported by the United States to do so. …

I became ‘honorary citizen of the state of Oklahoma,’ … Why? Because I write pro-American. I was supported by the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA. Why? Because I am pro-American. I am fed up with it; I don’t want to do it anymore; and so I have just written a book, not to earn money, no, it will cause a lot of trouble for me. [I wrote it instead] to give the people in this country, Germany, in Europe, and all over the world, just a glimpse of … what goes on behind the closed doors. …

[4:40 on the video] Most of the journalists you see in foreign countries … European or American journalists …, like me in the past, are so-called non-official cover. … Non-official cover means what? You do work for an intelligence agency, … but … when they [the public] find out that you are not only a journalist but a spy too, they [the CIA] will never say this was one of our guys. … So, I have helped them in several situations, and I feel ashamed for that. … I feel ashamed that I … was bribed by billionaires, I was bribed by the Americans, not to report exactly the truth.

I was just imagining in my car while I was driving to this interview, I just try to work out in my brain what would have happened if I had written a pro-Russian article, in the Frankfurter Algemeine. Well, … we were all educated to write pro-European, pro-American, but please not pro-Russian. … But this is not what I understand for democracy, for press freedom, I am very sorry for that. …

[6:30] Germany is still a kind of a colony of the United States, you’ll see that in many points; like for example, the majority of Germany do not want to have nukes in our country, but we still have American nukes; so, we are still a kind of an American colony, and, being a colony, it is very easy to approach young journalists through (and what is very important here is) transatlantic organizations. All journalists from respected and big German newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations, they are all members or guests of those big transatlantic organizations, and in these transatlantic organizations you are approached to be pro-American, and … they invite you for seeing the United States, they pay for that, they pay all your expenses and everything. So, you are bribed, you get more and more corrupt, because they make you good contacts. … So, you make friends, you think they are your friends and cooperate with them. They ask you, ‘will you do me this favor,’ ‘will you do me that favor,’ so your brain is more and more brainwashed, through these guys. …

Is this only the case with German journalists? No, I think it is especially the case with British journalists, because they have a much closer relationship. It is especially the case with Israeli journalists. Of course with French journalists. … It is the case for Australians, [with] journalists from New Zealand, from Taiwan, well, there is many countries, … like Jordan for example. …

[9:17] Sometimes the intelligence agencies, they come to your office, and want you to write an article. … I just remember [for example] that the German foreign intelligence agency, the Bundesnachrichtendienst — it is just a sister organization of the Central Intelligence Agency, see it was founded by the American intelligence agency — … came to my office, and they wanted me to write an article about Libya and about Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. … They gave me all these secret informations, and they just wanted me to sign the article with my name. I did that. It was published in the Frankfurter Algemeine, … it was about how he secretly tried to build a poison gas factory, … it was a story that was printed worldwide days later, but I had no information on that [the CIA wrote it].

[11:25] A very good example [what happens] if you say no [to the CIA]: … So [regarding the particular employee who said no], what happened is that he lost his job.

[12:40] Six times my house was searched, … I have [had] three house attacks, [but] I have no children, so … it’s worse for the truth [for other journalists, whose family can be threatened, not only themselves].

Reporter Admits Most Media Work for CIA, MI6, Mossad
October 26, 2014 AFP 7 Comments

• War correspondent reveals dirty secrets of mainstream media: journalists are bribed to pry, lie and spy.

By Ronald L. Ray —



Transgender Women of Color Have Been Murdered Again in Conservative United State of America

2015年02月15日 12時49分40秒 | Weblog
Color Have Been Murdered in the Past Five Weeks
Anti-trans violence is killing young black and Latina woman across the country.
By Kali Holloway / AlterNet
February 12, 2015

We are just five full weeks into 2015, and in that short time, there have been five murders of transgender women of color. These young women’s deaths have been made even more tragic through mainstream media’s silence. In cases when news outlets have taken notice, misgendering of the victims—that is, wrongly identifying them as male—has been another problem. In response, trans and LGBT activists and allies have taken to the streets in protest.


As Autostraddle, a feminist LGBT site reports, "The National Coalition of Anti-Violence [found] that almost 90% of LGBTQ homicide victims in 2013 were people of color, 72% were transgender women, and 67% were trans women of color. In 2014, twelve out of the fourteen trans women of color murdered in the United States were black."

BlackLivesMatter.com recognizes that, “the average life expectancy for a black trangender woman is 35 years.”


In a conservative country like the United State, it is not surprising that violence against the minority is underreported


"A declaration of war on immigration"

2015年02月15日 12時42分37秒 | Weblog

Shaping Young Minds: Meet the New Racists at a Campus Near You
A growing number of racist organizations targeting youth are sprouting up at universities.
By Keegan Hankes / Southern Poverty Law

Late last week, on the campus of Arizona State University in Tempe, a hooded individual distributed fliers and hung posters declaring a war on immigration. Using the most recent covers of Charlie Hebdo as a backdrop, the flier was intended to be a call to action and an ominous warning: “America is ours, and we are tomorrow.”

The group behind the campaign, the National Youth Front, was no secret. It’s the newly formed youth wing of the white nationalist American Freedom Party, and it is only the latest in a growing number of racist organizations targeting youth on college campuses.

In recent years, groups like Youth for Western Civilization, formed by Kevin DeAnna, and the Traditionalist Youth Network, which emerged from a chapter of YWC founded on Towson University’s campus by Matthew Heimbach, have dominated the campus extremism landscape. At one point, YWC boasted 13 chapters, and TYN was making regular headlines for its racist activism at Towson and Indiana University.

But while those organizations have ties that run deep into the white nationalist movement, particularly to Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance, neither have ever served as a direct pipeline to a well-established hate group. NYF does exactly that, hoping that those they recruit in college, between the ages of 18 and 35, will help rejuvenate an already aging landscape.

According to William Johnson, AFP’s chairman, “NYF is an independent organization that will send members to the AFP. The end goal of recruitment is to make them [NYF members] nationalists and racially conscious.”

“Our goal is to take power from those who have weaponized our institutions against us. To put an end to the invasions of our nations. To stop the ongoing defamation of our people. … To eliminate the endless ideological subversion of our nations most precious gift. Its youth,” read NYF’s stated goals. And according to the NYF posters found at ASU, “This is a declaration of war” – another line lifted directly from Generation Identitaire.


There were more western journalists who love oriental wacky events than the participants

2015年02月15日 12時38分09秒 | Weblog



There were more western journalists who love oriental wacky events than the participants of the demonstration.

As a side note, few Japanese know this event.

8 participants vs. more than 20 journalists.


2015年02月15日 03時44分04秒 | Weblog

Shoko Egawa認証済みアカウント




”All the beautiful people in South Korea today benefited from plastic surgery.”?_??

2015年02月15日 03時19分59秒 | Weblog
The diplomat っておもしろい記事がないわけではないが、正確ではなかったり、そもそも、なんだかなああ、という記事も多い。

Illegal Chinese Tour Guides Cause Friction in South Korea

Many Chinese tourists are being misled by unauthorized tour guides providing false information about Korea.
By Tae-jun Kang
February 14, 2015

The Korean Association of Travel Agents documented 104 cases where Chinese tourists were misled by these tour guides. Most of the cases involved the guides denigrating Korea, for example, by suggesting that Korea is a vassal state of China. Other cases involved imparting false information about Korea, including false stories about the origin of Hangul, the Korean alphabet (namely that the alphabet came from the shape of bars in a window).

There was one case of a Chinese tour guide saying that there are no pretty women in South Korea because the country gave all its beautiful women to China as a tribute during the Qing Dynasty. According to this guide, all the beautiful people in South Korea today benefited from plastic surgery. Another case involved Chinese tourists being taught that South Korea’s Gyeongbokgung Palace was designed in a certain way to make sure that Korean vassals would not be able to raise their heads when the Chinese envoy walked by.

韓国観光で違法な中国人ガイドにより、韓国は中国の属国 とか、ハングルの起源についての間違った情報や、韓国は美人を中国に貢いでいたから、美人はいない、韓国にいる美人は整形美人だ、とか、景福宮は、中国公使が歩くとき朝鮮の下臣が頭があげられないように設計されている、など誤ったガイドをしている、と。

ーーーーーなんだか、よくわからないが、とにかく、それ、The diplomatが取り上げるべきことなの?ロッケットニュース、いや、国内向けの問題じゃないの? どーでもええやん、というのが私の印象だ。



"Standing Missionary with Cowgirl in Doggy style fitting together like Spoons "

2015年02月15日 03時00分15秒 | Weblog

これは大変ためになる記事だった。cowgirl reverse cowgirl, spooning.... UKの各地のお気に入りの体位だそうである。

なんとロンドンでは、standing up position


Missionary positionとは正常位のことだそうだが、

It is commonly believed that the term missionary position arose in connection to Christian missionaries, who supposedly taught that the position was the only proper way to engage in sexual intercourse. However, the term probably originated from Alfred Kinsey's Sexual Behavior in the Human Male through a confluence of misunderstandings and misinterpretations of historical documents.



2015年02月15日 02時34分25秒 | Weblog






The same process of turning Asian women into sex slaves

2015年02月15日 01時29分40秒 | Weblog
2015.2.14 22:15

中国に売り飛ばされる寸前、助かった! ミャンマーの女性や子供177人 結婚紹介と偽り誘拐

11 January 2015 Last updated at 21:55 Share this pagePrint
Sold in Myanmar and trafficked to China
By Jonah Fisher
BBC News, Kutkai township, Shan state, Myanma


Vietnam's "modern sex slaves" sold in China as prostitutes or brides
by Paul N. Hung

Ho Chi Minh City (AsiaNews) - In Vietnam, one of the modern forms of slavery involves the trafficking of young women, forced into prostitution in brothels along the border with China or sold for money as brides to men across the border. In recent years, trafficking in the Asian country has particularly involved young women and girls, some just out of puberty, increasingly treated as "new sex slaves".

On 8 February, the Church will mark the first day of prayer and reflection against human trafficking. Recent studies in Ho Chi Minh City have found that "Vietnam is one of the nations in the Asia-Pacific region with the largest number of sex trafficking victims".

Most victims of trafficking come from Vietnam's more remote regions. Often from poor families with little education, they end up in the hands of "pimps, traffickers and Chinese businessmen" who use every means to "lure and exploit girls".

However, young women from urban areas, from both both middle and lower middle class, end up in traffickers' net as well because of the Internet and modern technologies of communication.

For activist groups and associations trying to rescue the young victims, "one of the key reasons" for the growing problem is society's widespread consumerism and materialism, which eventually undermine the basic moral structure of the Vietnamese family.

Traffickers lure girls with the prospect of a job, with which they can help meet the needs of their family, but once across the border in China, they end up in brothels or as brides to Chinese men who bought them.

Before they leave, the young women are made to sign fictitious employment contracts in foreign languages ​​(Chinese, etc.) that they cannot understand.

Hundreds of such so-called workers are hired and sold by unscrupulous traders who exploit the inability or the complicity of borders administrators and government officials charged with fighting trafficking.

The same process of turning Asian women into sex slaves as it was during the war is still rampant in Asia.

The military didn't have to kidnap women. The local agents "recruited" women and the women were forced to work at brothels.
Japanese military as well as U.S. military exploited those women as prostitutes.

Japan apologized and compensated but U.S. didn't .

The media in English is insane in blaming Japan while ignoring U.S. exploitation of sex slaves.

The U.S. military is sacred and inviolate after all.


2015年02月15日 00時34分47秒 | Weblog



