Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2015年02月10日 20時27分54秒 | Weblog

これだと our flight の 安心、快適さ は怪しいけど、どうぞ、ウヒヒッ みたいに読める、おれには。



2015年02月10日 16時19分30秒 | Weblog
Introducing Spot 動画

2015/02/09 に公開

Spot is a four-legged robot designed for indoor and outdoor operation. It is electrically powered and hydraulically actuated. Spot has a sensor head that helps it navigate and negotiate rough terrain. Spot weighs about 160 lbs.




2015年02月10日 15時53分27秒 | Weblog
India's Nuclear Blunder

The bomb doesn't offer much against China, and driving Pakistan to arm itself left New Delhi with less freedom of action.
Zachary Keck

August 26, 2013

Where Bhabha’s analysis went wrong was in failing to specify what kind of threat China posed to India. As was clear at the time, and remains true today, China holds limited objectives along the border with India. This was evident from how it prosecuted the war. Although Beijing struck with heavy force, and quickly annihilated India’s defending troops, it didn’t push this advantage further into India proper. Instead, it announced a unilateral ceasefire.

China’s limited objectives significantly limits the utility of India’s nuclear arsenal in defending the border. Contrary to Bhabha’s assertion, nuclear weapons only provide an absolute deterrent against large scale attacks. As India’s interactions with China have demonstrated, low-level violence between nuclear-armed adversaries is wholly possible. And, since low-intensity operations are sufficient for China to achieve its goals vis-à-vis the border with India, Delhi’s pursuit of a nuclear arsenal has done little to address the security threat that first led it to seek the bomb.

Making matters worse, India’s decision to pursue the bomb also had the unintended consequence of weakening its position relative to Pakistan by pushing Islamabad to acquire its own nuclear deterrence.

Armed with nuclear weapons, Islamabad has been able to pursue its objectives in the Kashmir by supporting militants in the area, as well as allowing Pakistani troops to directly stir up trouble along the border. Even more troubling, nuclear weapons have emboldened Pakistan to support proxy attacks deep inside the Indian homeland.

A Pakistan without nuclear weapons would never act in such reckless a manner given the prevailing power asymmetry.

Without nuclear weapons, Pakistan would have to be extremely judicious in its provocations, given the potential there would be for India to launch a devastating conventional attack that would undermine the Pakistani military’s self-perpetuated myth that it protects the country.

 TL に流れてきたので読んだら2013年のなんだけれど。面白かった。インドの核武装はドチだった、というのだが、中国に対抗して核武装したわけだが、中国の目的は限定的なので、インドが核武装したからといって、国境のいざこざがなくなったわけでもなく、かえって、隣国パキスタンを刺戟して、核武装させてしまった。核武装しなかったら、パキスタンは小さくなっていたであろうに、核武装してカシミールなど国境でいざこざを起こし、また、インド国内でも代理攻撃をするなど、強気にでている、と。


”人質救出に政府は何もしなかった!”と 被害者の母”

2015年02月10日 13時27分53秒 | Weblog
'Nothing was done to save US hostages from Isil', says mother of murdered journalist
Diane Foley criticises the White House after Isil claimed that US hostage Kayla Muller is dead


The US has been repeatedly criticised for not doing more to free American prisoners and Mrs Foley said private hostage negotiators working for her family had provided the government with details of the Syrian prison where the captives were being held.




2015年02月10日 12時56分57秒 | Weblog
往復34キロ】10時間歩いて通勤する56才の男性に「これで車を買ってください」との寄付が集まる / その額約3000万円也!

しかし、この話には続きがある。「デトロイト・フリー・プレス」がロバートソンさんの話をニュースとして伝えたところ、彼に同情した人々から「これで車を修理して下さい」と寄付が集まり始めたのだ! その額、なんと26万ドル(約3000万円)以上!! 





Kayla Mueller: The Best of America








米紙 シリア・イラク難民への人道支援表明に対する安倍批判は不公平だ。

2015年02月10日 12時37分53秒 | Weblog
Abe Has to Look Beyond World War II
60 FEB 5, 2015 8:25 PM EST
By The Editors

Critics who have lambasted Abe for straying into the Middle East, for supposedly provoking Islamic State with his pledge of $200 million in humanitarian aid for refugees from Syria and Iraq, are being unfair. Japan imports 90 percent of its oil from the region. And aid and investment that helps shore up local economies -- Japan's official development assistance totaled nearly $1.5 billion in 2012 -- is a good thing.

A more forward-leaning military posture would probably not have saved the hostages. But Japan’s well-trained and well-equipped self-defense forces could help keep maritime order in Asia -- currently defended mainly by the U.S. Navy.

And if new information were to call any details into question, historians, not government shills, would be the best people to assess it.





Abe pledges to ‘correct’ the record on wartime sex slaves

She said it reads: “The Japanese army forcibly recruited, conscripted and dragooned as many as 200,000 women ages 14 to 20 to serve in military brothels.”

The text goes on to report, she said, that the Japanese military massacred large numbers of comfort women to “cover up the operation.”



歴史戦 連敗 日本軍慰安婦は性奴隷でなく売春婦です、と米が認める日がやってくるとでも・・・

2015年02月10日 12時19分46秒 | Weblog
慰安婦=性奴隷・教科書「いかなる修正にも応ぜず」 米歴史学者19人が声明



歴史戦 連敗 日本軍慰安婦は性奴隷でなく売春婦です、とアメリカが認める日がやってくるとでも・・・


“I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion.”

2015年02月10日 11時25分51秒 | Weblog
January 28, 2015
Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on google More Sharing Services 230
Fear-Monger, War Criminal, Racist
Winston Churchill: the Imperial Monster


February 09, 2015
Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on google More Sharing Services 14
Churchill: the Imperial Monster (Part Two)
Britain’s Cruelest Prime Minister





2015年02月10日 10時43分19秒 | Weblog


RT「除染目標の年間1 mSv」、こだわるべきではない http://www.gepr.org/ja/contents/20150209-01/ …

Historical Pics  Japanese right winger vs. American right winger

2015年02月10日 03時27分08秒 | Weblog



Right wingers tend to forget bad things their country did but remember well how their people are prosecuted.

フリーカメラマン 法的措置

2015年02月10日 02時38分40秒 | Weblog



朝鮮民主主義人民共和国だから間違いではないわけだが、北朝鮮を共和国という言い方は初めて聞いた。日本海のことを東海と言い換えているのではなく、併記しているわけですね。アメリカの記事なんかでも、日本について、conservative とか、へったくれだと、形容詞つけるわけだから、米帝国主義と書いても悪いというわけではない。


2015年02月09日 22時46分






2015年02月10日 02時19分49秒 | Weblog


Think Islamists Are the Only Religious Terrorists? Meet Some Famous Killers for Christ
The next time someone tries to tell you that Islam produces the only violent religious extremists of the world, show them these examples.
By David Ferguson / Raw Story
February 8, 2015

By Robert Carr
Published in History Review Issue 47 December 2003
Second World War, 20th Century Germany Religion, Fascism

Robert Carr draws uncomfortable parallels between Christianity and Nazism.
- See more at: http://www.historytoday.com/robert-carr/nazism-and-christian-heritage#sthash.CX9rN1jx.dpuf

Christian influences certainly remained important in Hitler’s life: his favourite bed-time reading was Martin Luther. Luther had particular advice to offer concerning those who had failed to follow Christ - the Jews. Luther urged Christian action against them, including concentrating them in certain areas, drowning Jewish individuals and even wholesale murder:

We are at fault in not avenging all this innocent blood of our Lord and the blood of the children they have shed since then (which still shines forth from their eyes and their skin). We are at fault in not slaying them.


Without doubt it is difficult to measure individuals’ religious credentials. However, Nazism was advantaged by the Christian mind-set of Europeans which included myths of Jewish treachery and deicide. The Nazi movement exploited its apparent Christian agenda. As Julius Streicher wrote in 1936:

We have dedicated our lives to the fight against the murderers of Christ … if we always think of Adolf Hitler then we cannot fail to receive strength and benediction from heaven.

What is certain is that both Christianity and Nazi-Aryanism defined themselves in opposition to Jewry and promoted their own ‘chosen people’. The Christian text Revelation indicates that punishment by tortuous death is set aside for ‘the synagogue of Satan’. Nazism almost delivered what Christianity threatened, i.e. the elimination of Judaism.

The Ku Klux Klan
America’s earliest home-grown white nationalist militia rooted their pro-segregation philosophy and anti-black and anti-Jew violence in the belief that they were enforcing God’s law on behalf of the chosen people, the white race.

To this day, Klansmen and women will cheerfully assure you that they are good, law-abiding Christians who are acting out of defense of what they see as a beleaguered white population.

“We don’t hate people because of their race, I mean, we’re a Christian organization,”said the Klan’s Frank Ancona in 2014. “We want to stay white. It’s not a hateful thing to want to maintain white supremacy.

Anti-choice violence
Because these individuals believe that God is acting through them to save the lives of unborn children, they are willing to commit acts of extreme violence to deny women access to reproductive health care.



Hopelessly inaccurate: Kirk Spitzer (TIME) probably can't read Japanese newspapers.

2015年02月10日 01時15分33秒 | Weblog
Japan Isn’t Going to Take the Next Hostage Crisis Lying Down

Kirk Spitzer / Tokyo

3:30 AM ET


Abe said last week that he plans to introduce legislation to end restrictions limiting Japanese troops to overseas missions that don’t require the use of weapons (such as humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, and limited types of peacekeeping).

Those restrictions effectively took away the option of using elite military forces to try to free the two captives — troubled adventurer Haruna Yukawa and experienced freelance journalist Kenji Goto. Videotapes purporting to show the men’s beheaded bodies were released by ISIS after attempts to negotiate their release failed.

2015年02月03日 07時26分


Abe said on Feb. 2nd that even if the new legislation he plans to introduce passes, Japanese self-defense force will not be able to carry out the rescue of Japanese nationals.

Abe issued a statement shortly after the videotapes that seemed remarkably bellicose by Japanese standards. Although a government spokesperson said that Japan would not send in troops to join the fight against ISIS “at this time,” Abe promised to hold the hostage takers “responsible for their deplorable acts.” That was according to an official translation. Many Western news organizations rendered Abe’s words as the more aggressive-sounding “to make the terrorists pay the price.” But either way, the Prime Minister’s intentions were plain.

2015年 02月 2日 12:04 JS

[東京 2日 ロイター] - 安倍晋三首相は2日の参議院予算委員会で、日本人の人質2人を殺害した「イスラム国」とみられる過激派組織について、法によって裁くとの考えを表明した。安倍首相は「どれだけ時間がかかろうとも、国際社会と連携し、追いつめて法の裁きを受けさせる」と語った。警視庁と千葉県警は1日、合同捜査本部を立ち上げた。

In reply to Otsuka, Abe made it clear that Japan is going to bring the murders of Japanese hostages to justice. "However long it takes, working with international community, we'll run them down and make them stand trial" Abe said. He set up the police investigation headquarters to look into the case on Feb.1st.

Nonetheless, experts say that if given legal authority, they could be ready in as little as a year.



The official added that even if legal changes were made, Japan lacked the military capability and necessary intelligence network to mount such missions.

”Message to Jake Adelstein, Martin Fackler and William Pesek”

2015年02月10日 00時02分31秒 | Weblog


Message to Jake Adelstein, Martin Fackler and William Pesek http://j.mp/1AabF2x @wordpressdotcomさんから この人たちは理念なんてものはなくてただの商売
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