キリスト再臨へのシナリオ Are you ready for The rapture?で取り上げましたがやっぱあるんですね。
4 Reasons Right-Wing Christians Can't Wait For the End Times
People like Michele Bachmann seem to yearn for the apocalypse.
By Amanda Marcotte / AlterNet
January 27, 2015
それは、やはり、ラプチャーというフィクションというか、物語を信じており、例えば、中東の戦争が激化すればするほど、イエスの再臨も近く、醜悪な状況になる前に自分たちは天国にいけると思って、待ち遠しいわけである。 また、いままでもっていた特権を奪われつつあるキリスト教右派階層の人々は被害者意識に苛まれており、こうした人々は、終末が来て、自分たちが正しかったことが証明される日をまっており、さらに、環境問題とか、健康保険とか、現実に差し迫っている重要問題から気をそらしてくれるし、剰へ、その日が来れば、非キリスト教徒に罰が当たる様を観賞することもできるからだ、と。
現実の苦しみを耐えるために、人間はいろんな装置を発明したんですね。オレはいまこんなに苦しめられている、アタイはこんなに馬鹿にされている、でも、その日が来たら・・・逆に、お前たちが苦しみ、私は祝福をうける・・・・今の苦しみ、今の屈辱が大逆転するその日が近づいている・・・・その日は確定的に必ず来る!・・・マラナッサー!!!!! オーロード! あはははははっ! 涙、涙、涙、 みたいな。
4 Reasons Right-Wing Christians Can't Wait For the End Times
People like Michele Bachmann seem to yearn for the apocalypse.
By Amanda Marcotte / AlterNet
January 27, 2015
While most of us would be alarmed if we thought we were facing down the apocalypse and a worldwide war that will kill millions, Bachmann was psyched: “Rather than seeing this as a negative, we need to rejoice, Maranatha Come Lord Jesus, His day is at hand.”
Bachmann isn’t alone in this belief that the end of days is something to be desired. Three out of four evangelicals believe Christ will return soon. This is, of course, mostly wishful thinking—they believe they’re seeing the end of the world because they want to see the end of the world. Why would anyone want that, when the Bible they believe in predicts it will be mass murder, hellfire, and every grotesque thing imaginable? Here are some reasons.
1. They don’t think they’ll be around for the worst of it. Modern American fundamentalist Christians believe in something that has never before been part of Christian tradition: the Rapture. The idea is that the true believers will be whisked away into heaven before the ugly parts of the end times begin.
2. The end of the world would mean they get to have the last word. One thing that’s indisputable is that if the apocalypse does come and it unspools as Christians predicted, they will have won the argument! As Doug Weaver, a professor of religion at Baylor, explained to the Washington Post, “I think history will tell you that end time predictions increase when people are being persecuted or feel persecuted.”
While conservative Christians are most definitely not being persecuted, watching their privileges decline often makes them feel persecuted. When you feel put upon, mocked and persecuted, the desire to show your opponents you were right all along can become overwhelming. So much so, that you’re willing to wish for a fiery apocalypse just so you can say I told you so.
3. It provides a distraction from and an excuse to avoid the real problems in the world. The appeal of apocalypse fantasies is mainly that they help believers avoid the fear of death. (A secular version of this can be found in zombie apocalypse stories, which work because the audience identifies with the survivors, not the people who die, i.e. zombies.) However, belief that the end times are near is used by conservatives all the time to direct their followers politically.
That’s what Bachmann was doing in that interview, using the belief in the end times to turn the audience against Obama and against his choices in Syria, without having to engage a real debate about what’s really going on. The prediction that the apocalypse is near has been used to defend everything from indifference to environmental concerns to opposition to Obamacare to preferred right-wing policies in the Middle East.
4. They want to see the non-believers punished and themselves instated as the rightful rulers of all mankind.
それは、やはり、ラプチャーというフィクションというか、物語を信じており、例えば、中東の戦争が激化すればするほど、イエスの再臨も近く、醜悪な状況になる前に自分たちは天国にいけると思って、待ち遠しいわけである。 また、いままでもっていた特権を奪われつつあるキリスト教右派階層の人々は被害者意識に苛まれており、こうした人々は、終末が来て、自分たちが正しかったことが証明される日をまっており、さらに、環境問題とか、健康保険とか、現実に差し迫っている重要問題から気をそらしてくれるし、剰へ、その日が来れば、非キリスト教徒に罰が当たる様を観賞することもできるからだ、と。
現実の苦しみを耐えるために、人間はいろんな装置を発明したんですね。オレはいまこんなに苦しめられている、アタイはこんなに馬鹿にされている、でも、その日が来たら・・・逆に、お前たちが苦しみ、私は祝福をうける・・・・今の苦しみ、今の屈辱が大逆転するその日が近づいている・・・・その日は確定的に必ず来る!・・・マラナッサー!!!!! オーロード! あはははははっ! 涙、涙、涙、 みたいな。