Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

"We need to rejoice, Maranatha , His day is at hand.” 終末論にふける人々

2015年02月02日 20時09分55秒 | Weblog
キリスト再臨へのシナリオ Are you ready for The rapture?で取り上げましたがやっぱあるんですね。



4 Reasons Right-Wing Christians Can't Wait For the End Times
People like Michele Bachmann seem to yearn for the apocalypse.
By Amanda Marcotte / AlterNet
January 27, 2015

While most of us would be alarmed if we thought we were facing down the apocalypse and a worldwide war that will kill millions, Bachmann was psyched: “Rather than seeing this as a negative, we need to rejoice, Maranatha Come Lord Jesus, His day is at hand.”

 Bachmann isn’t alone in this belief that the end of days is something to be desired. Three out of four evangelicals believe Christ will return soon. This is, of course, mostly wishful thinking—they believe they’re seeing the end of the world because they want to see the end of the world. Why would anyone want that, when the Bible they believe in predicts it will be mass murder, hellfire, and every grotesque thing imaginable? Here are some reasons.

1. They don’t think they’ll be around for the worst of it. Modern American fundamentalist Christians believe in something that has never before been part of Christian tradition: the Rapture. The idea is that the true believers will be whisked away into heaven before the ugly parts of the end times begin.

2. The end of the world would mean they get to have the last word. One thing that’s indisputable is that if the apocalypse does come and it unspools as Christians predicted, they will have won the argument! As Doug Weaver, a professor of religion at Baylor, explained to the Washington Post, “I think history will tell you that end time predictions increase when people are being persecuted or feel persecuted.”

While conservative Christians are most definitely not being persecuted, watching their privileges decline often makes them feel persecuted. When you feel put upon, mocked and persecuted, the desire to show your opponents you were right all along can become overwhelming. So much so, that you’re willing to wish for a fiery apocalypse just so you can say I told you so.

3. It provides a distraction from and an excuse to avoid the real problems in the world. The appeal of apocalypse fantasies is mainly that they help believers avoid the fear of death. (A secular version of this can be found in zombie apocalypse stories, which work because the audience identifies with the survivors, not the people who die, i.e. zombies.) However, belief that the end times are near is used by conservatives all the time to direct their followers politically.

That’s what Bachmann was doing in that interview, using the belief in the end times to turn the audience against Obama and against his choices in Syria, without having to engage a real debate about what’s really going on. The prediction that the apocalypse is near has been used to defend everything from indifference to environmental concerns to opposition to Obamacare to preferred right-wing policies in the Middle East.

4. They want to see the non-believers punished and themselves instated as the rightful rulers of all mankind.

それは、やはり、ラプチャーというフィクションというか、物語を信じており、例えば、中東の戦争が激化すればするほど、イエスの再臨も近く、醜悪な状況になる前に自分たちは天国にいけると思って、待ち遠しいわけである。 また、いままでもっていた特権を奪われつつあるキリスト教右派階層の人々は被害者意識に苛まれており、こうした人々は、終末が来て、自分たちが正しかったことが証明される日をまっており、さらに、環境問題とか、健康保険とか、現実に差し迫っている重要問題から気をそらしてくれるし、剰へ、その日が来れば、非キリスト教徒に罰が当たる様を観賞することもできるからだ、と。

 現実の苦しみを耐えるために、人間はいろんな装置を発明したんですね。オレはいまこんなに苦しめられている、アタイはこんなに馬鹿にされている、でも、その日が来たら・・・逆に、お前たちが苦しみ、私は祝福をうける・・・・今の苦しみ、今の屈辱が大逆転するその日が近づいている・・・・その日は確定的に必ず来る!・・・マラナッサー!!!!! オーロード! あはははははっ! 涙、涙、涙、 みたいな。




大砂嵐に “おい、イスラム国!”  発言観客は即刻退場を!

2015年02月02日 19時39分16秒 | Weblog
2015.02.02 月



日刊サイゾー:「おい、イスラム国!」“初のエジプト人力士”大砂嵐を悩ませた心ない野次…… http://www.cyzo.com/2015/02/post_20457.html …

で、日本相撲協会はこういう客を特定して出入り禁止にしないのかな? 「国技」はサッカーとは違って差別を容認?




A Call to Arms 外国人記者同士和をもって貴し Cherish the harmony among foreign correspondents

2015年02月02日 18時17分32秒 | Weblog
A Call to Arms

Japan should close its chequebook and join the coalition against Islamic State

Last updated at 12:01AM, January 26 2015]


2015.1.26 22:25更新
有志連合支援のため「自衛隊活用すべき」 英紙タイムズ「小切手外交見直す時」





誤報、ごまかし、対立を煽る英米記事に責任はないのか? Irresponsible journalism provoke terrorism?

2015年02月02日 16時34分59秒 | Weblog

「日本人人質『殺害』」(上)の1 交換場所も協議…期待むなしく







「日本人人質『殺害』」(上)の2 残る3つの「なぜ」





Japan’s Prime Minister Knew He Was Putting Hostage Lives at Risk

2015年2月2日 6:35

 NYTの反安倍ちゃん記者タブチさんご推薦の反安倍ちゃん記事 jake adelstein氏による。

It’s not clear whether ISIS really believed that Abe’s initial promise of $200 million to states in the region was a declaration of war or simply interpreted it that way for its own political purposes. Maybe it didn’t matter what Abe did. Maybe the hostages would have been killed either way.

But one thing is certain: Shukan Post, which often matches scandalous headlines with solid reporting, took the threats to the lives of the hostages seriously enough to kill its story at the request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Abe neither paid attention nor seemed to care about what the ministry had to say.

The tragic irony at the center of all this maneuvering is that Kenji Goto, who devoted his life as a journalist to shedding light on the tragedies of war, will now be used by the Abe administration to expand the powers of Japan’s Self-Defense Forces and make it possible for Japan to wage new wars of its own.



   We don't know whether Abe actually said as Weekly Post described it.

 We don't know whether Abe's promise of $200 million to states in the region has anything to do with the terrorism.
  Even if his promise "provoked" the terrorism, just like the "provocation" by the victim of rape and bully, it is not his fault.

  It is not legitimate to write as if Abe wanted to "make it possible for Japan to wage new wars of its own"
  (a) Abe promised to take the responsibility in the international community by expanding the humanistic aid such as sending food and medicine to the middle east
  (b) Abe said "it is impossible for Japan to participate in airstrikes on ISIS nor to engage in the combat service support for it.
  (c) Koumura, the current Vice-President of the Liberal Democratic Party, told that the use of military force against IS would be prohibited even after new interpretation of the constitution. *

I am not a fan of Abe at all , but the criticism is wide of the mark.

Somebody said, "Journalism these days survives off of sensationalism" This might be a good example.

Let's avoid the sensationalized and gossip-driven media

首相、有志連合参加・後方支援を否定 対「イスラム国」



2015年01月29日 08時52分







t a meeting in Cairo on January 17, aware that ISIS held two Japanese citizens hostage, Abe pledged that Japan, in order to “reduce” the ISIS threat, would “provide $200 million in aid to those countries fighting ISIS” (our emphasis). The speech seemed to declare war on the self-styled Islamic State, widely known as ISIS or ISIL. Or maybe something got “lost in translation.” The official English-language version of the speech softens the language somewhat as Abe says, “I will pledge assistance of a total of about 200 million U.S. dollars for those countries contending with ISIL, to help build their human capacities, infrastructure, and so on” (again, our emphasis).


ムスリムによるテロ行為 欧州では全体の2%以下、米国では、子供に銃で殺される率のほうが高い。

2015年02月02日 15時36分44秒 | Weblog
Out of Proportion
Are All Terrorists Muslims? It’s Not Even Close

So here are some statistics for those interested. Let’s start with Europe. Want to guess what percent of the terrorist attacks there were committed by Muslims over the past five years? Wrong. That is, unless you said less than 2 percent.

As Europol, the European Union’s law-enforcement agency, noted in its report released last year, the vast majority of terror attacks in Europe were perpetrated by separatist groups. For example, in 2013, there were 152 terror attacks in Europe. Only two of them were “religiously motivated,” while 84 were predicated upon ethno-nationalist or separatist beliefs.

We are talking about groups like France’s FLNC, which advocates an independent nation for the island of Corsica. In December 2013, FLNC terrorists carried out simultaneous rocket attacks against police stations in two French cities. And in Greece in late 2013, the left-wing Militant Popular Revolutionary Forces shot and killed two members of the right-wing political party Golden Dawn. While over in Italy, the anarchist group FAI engaged in numerous terror attacks including sending a bomb to a journalist. And the list goes on and on.

Have you heard of these incidents? Probably not. But if Muslims had committed them do you think you our media would’ve covered it? No need to answer, that’s a rhetorical question.

Even after one of the worst terror attacks ever in Europe in 2011, when Anders Breivik slaughtered 77 people in Norway to further his anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, and pro-“Christian Europe” agenda as he stated in his manifesto, how much press did we see in the United States? Yes, it was covered, but not the way we see when a Muslim terrorist is involved. Plus we didn’t see terrorism experts fill the cable news sphere asking how we can stop future Christian terrorists. In fact, even the suggestion that Breivik was a “Christian terrorist” was met with outrage by many, including Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly.

Have you heard about the Buddhist terrorists? Well, extremist Buddhists have killed many Muslim civilians in Burma, and just a few months ago in Sri Lanka, some went on a violent rampage burning down Muslim homes and businesses and slaughtering four Muslims.

Or what about the (dare I mention them) Jewish terrorists? Per the 2013 State Department’s report on terrorism, there were 399 acts of terror committed by Israeli settlers in what are known as “price tag” attacks. These Jewish terrorists attacked Palestinian civilians causing physical injuries to 93 of them and also vandalized scores of mosques and Christian churches.

Back in the United States, the percentage of terror attacks committed by Muslims is almost as miniscule as in Europe. An FBI study looking at terrorism committed on U.S. soil between 1980 and 2005 found that 94 percent of the terror attacks were committed by non-Muslims. In actuality, 42 percent of terror attacks were carried out by Latino-related groups, followed by 24 percent perpetrated by extreme left-wing actors.

And as a 2014 study by University of North Carolina found, since the 9/11 attacks, Muslim-linked terrorism has claimed the lives of 37 Americans. In that same time period, more than 190,000 Americans were murdered (PDF).

In fact in 2013, it was actually more likely Americans would be killed by a toddler than a terrorist. In that year, three Americans were killed in the Boston Marathon bombing. How many people did toddlers kill in 2013? Five, all by accidentally shooting a gun.







2015年02月02日 15時36分44秒 | Weblog

In theory, the conflict is between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists who have declared a breakaway republic, but no one seriously believes that Russia isn’t behind the fighting. More than 5,000 people are believed to have been killed since April yet public attention, which suddenly turned to Ukraine after the shooting down of a Malaysian passenger plane in July last year, is focused elsewhere.

While the terrorist organisation Islamic State (Isis) is responsible for huge numbers of casualties, it has killed far fewer people in Europe than have died in the Ukrainian conflict. It could be argued that the spectacular type of warfare favoured by Isis has actually done the Russian government a favour, deflecting attention with a series of attention-grabbing atrocities. Russia’s tradition of covert warfare is long-established, and some Kremlin officials visibly enjoy the process of repeating denials which are bare-faced lies.

When something similar happened during the second Chechen war, the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya interviewed bereaved mothers and wrote about what was going on. She was assassinated in Moscow on President Putin’s birthday in 2006, a month or so before the Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko was murdered in London.

All of this brings me back to the problem with learning from history. The leader-as-psychopath is far from unusual: Saddam Hussein displayed similar characteristics, although a closer parallel in this instance is Stalin. The question is what to do about it, and it would help if people who make excuses for Putin stopped fooling themselves about how dangerous he is. I’ve believed this ever since the assassination of Politkovskaya, whom I knew slightly, and I’ve watched the evidence accumulate: at least 29 journalists have been murdered in direct connection with their work since Putin came to power: opponents have had their assets seized and been sent to harsh prisons in Siberia; neighbouring countries live in fear of cyber-attacks, such as the one on Estonia in 2007, or military invasion.




How The Corporate Media Beats The Drums Of War


”If you smell like European, they are going to kill you.”

2015年02月02日 15時14分38秒 | Weblog

VICEの報道を除けば、ISISのところに長期に住んで、帰って来た人はこの英国人くらいだと思う。http://www.infowars.com/prisoner-who-escaped-isis-captivity-tells-nbc-they-want-something-bigger-than-911/ … (英語)中身は非常に面白い。ラッカなどヨーロッパかと思うくらい西洋人が来ていると言っている。

They’re planning a bigger splash than merely beheading kidnap victims


If you smell like European, they are going to kill you.

Against all odds, Rashidi said, he located one of the girls in the small city of Manbij in northern Iraq. But before he could rescue the girl, he was taken prisoner and tortured, accused of being a spy and a journalist.

Rather than worry about the U.S. bombing campaign, Rashidi said, Islamic State is “happy about it,” because the attention has elevated the group’s status to that of al-Qaida.

“They want to be more better than al-Qaida,” he said. “They want to do something more better than the World Trade Center.”



Kenji believed that we could go beyond hatred and understand each other

2015年02月02日 12時30分25秒 | Weblog
「私はケンジ」が遺した思い 絶望と憎しみ超え平和願う

昨日 8:56 ·

I AM KENJIを支援してくださってきたみなさま



I AM KENJIを通して何万もの方々から健二さんへの連帯の気持ちと祈りが寄せられ、我々も国境を超えたその広がりに、健二さんの大きさ、成し遂げてきたことの素晴らしさを日々感じています。彼は戦争の最中にも人の心に寄り添う優しさと、弱き者を助ける強さを持ち続けていました。憎しみを超えて人と人が分かり合えることを信じていました。

健二さんは生き続けます。みんなの心のなかに。日々営む仕事のなかに。人と微笑みあうたびに必ず健二さんのあの大きなBig Smileを思い出すでしょう。


I still can't believe it. I am overwhelmed by despair and outrage I've never felt before. It should never have happened.

Tens of thousands of people have prayed and sent us the support for Kenji through this community page. The support for "I AM KENJI" has come from around the globe. It just goes to show how great Kenji was and how wonderfully he has achieved

Kenji had the kindness to be with people's heart in the midst of the war and he had the strength to keep supporting the vulnerable.

He believed that we could go beyond hatred and understand each other.

Kenji's will never die---it will live in our hearts and in our daily business. Every time we smile each other, we'll be reminded o f Kenji's big smile.


ジャーナリスト シャミル常岡浩介氏はイスラム聖戦士か?

2015年02月02日 09時02分37秒 | Weblog


@matrix____ さらに追記:FRANCE24の記事。イスラム国が公開した聖戦士リストに常岡氏が出てる件。本人は否定してるそうですけど、イスラム国側はそう思っていないのでは(´ー`)
http://observers.france24.com/content/20131101-shamil-tsuneoka-japanese-journalist-jihadists?fb_action_ids=10151745701011662&fb_action_types=og.recommends …



2015年02月02日 08時58分35秒 | Weblog


でも田嶋先生はレイプされた女性が挑発的な服装だったという言説には批判的だったかとRT @ikedanob: きょう放送の「そこまで言って委員会」でも、田嶋陽子さんが「誤解された安倍首相が悪い」と言っていた。こういう加害者と被害者を同格にするレトリックは、平和ボケ集団のお約束かな。



http://webronza.asahi.com/politics/articles/2015013000001.html …


2015年02月02日 02時27分14秒 | Weblog





 過剰反応しない、報復感情にとらわれない ことは重要だね。





2015年02月02日 01時55分51秒 | Weblog
Former head of UK army: We're reaping what we sowed in Iraq
Posted an hour ago by Matthew Champion in news


there’s a vacuum, all sorts of malignant forces can move in, and that’s what happened.



Please respect our privacy and allow us time to come to terms with our loss.

2015年02月02日 01時50分57秒 | Weblog
Sunday, 01 February 2015

Written by Rinko, wife of Kenji Goto
A personal statement from Kenji Goto's wife, Rinko.
My family and I are devastated by the news of Kenji’s death. He was not just my loving husband and father to our two beautiful children, but a son, brother and friend to many around the world.

While feeling a great personal loss, I remain extremely proud of my husband who reported the plight of people in conflict areas like Iraq, Somalia and Syria.
 It was his passion to highlight the effects on ordinary people, especially through the eyes of children, and to inform the rest of us of the tragedies of war.

I would like to thank everyone who has offered their support to myself and our family over these last difficult few months.

As you can imagine this is an extremely difficult time for our family. I would ask that the media please respect our privacy and allow us time to come to terms with our loss.


後藤さんの妻「夫をとても誇らしく思う」 声明発表



2015年02月02日 00時33分54秒 | Weblog

1 September 2014 Last updated at 04:45 Share this pagePrint
Islamic State: Where does jihadist group get its support?

It is true that some wealthy individuals from the Gulf have funded extremist groups in Syria, many taking bags of cash to Turkey and simply handing over millions of dollars at a time.

This was an extremely common practice in 2012 and 2013 but has since diminished and is at most only a tiny percentage of the total income that flows into Islamic State coffers in 2014.

It is also true that Saudi Arabia and Qatar, believing that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would soon fall and that Sunni political Islam was a true vehicle for their political goals, funded groups that had strongly Islamist credentials.

IS exports about 9,000 barrels of oil per day at prices ranging from about $25-$45 (£15-£27).

Some of this goes to Kurdish middlemen up towards Turkey, some goes for domestic IS consumption and some goes to the Assad regime, which in turn sells weapons back to the group.

"It is a traditional war economy," notes Jamestown analyst Wladimir van Wilgenburg.

Indeed, the dodgy dealings and strange alliances are beginning to look very similar to events that occurred during the Lebanese civil war, when feuding war lords would similarly fight and do business with each other.

The point is that Islamic State is essentially self-financing; it cannot be isolated and cut off from the world because it is intimately tied into regional stability in a way that benefits not only itself, but also the people it fights


12 January 2015 Last updated at 08:13 Share this pagePrint
The rise of IS - and how to beat it
By Fawaz A Gerges
Middle East analyst

Social decay
IS has blended itself with poor, rural Sunni communities and established a potent social base.

These disenfranchised areas represent social hotbeds of contention as decades of social decay and state corruption have left the youth disillusioned with the political establishment.

IS, for example, has targeted the poorest districts of Mosul and Raqqa, the two most populous cities that it controls in Iraq and Syria, and recruited soldiers and policemen, supplying them with weapons, salaries or even empowering them by setting up a "patrol" force.

The group's swift military expansion stems from its ability not only to terrorize enemies but also to co-opt poor local Sunni segments, using economic incentives and networks of patronage and privilege, such as protection of contraband trafficking activity and a share of the oil trade and smuggling in eastern Syria.

In many ways, what we are seeing is not just creeping Sunni-Shia sectarianism but a socio-economic warfare.

At the heart of the so-called Arab Spring is an uprising of the agrarian and urban poor.

One of Islamic State's strengths is its ability to target the most vulnerable sections of the population and manipulate anger against a state system that fails to address some of its citizens' most basic needs.

The influx of foreign fighters from the Arab world and beyond is also a proof of the strength of the IS counter-narrative and its ability to turn foot soldiers into loyal killing machines ready to give their life for the group.

Islamic State's sophisticated outreach campaign appeals to disaffected Sunni youth around the world by presenting the group as a powerful vanguard movement capable of delivering victory and salvation. It provides them with both a utopian worldview and a political project - resurrecting the lost caliphate.

As long as IS is on a winning streak, it can get away with its poverty of ideas and widespread opposition from Muslim public opinion: it promises utopia and delivers by winning.

The challenge facing the group is that once its advances are checked, its lack of a cohesive ideology will speed up its social decay.

During my conversations I have had with Iraqi tribal leaders, many acknowledge that their sons join the IS caravan not because of its Islamist ideology but as a means of resistance against the sectarian-based central authority in Baghdad and its regional patron, Iran.

The group's swift capture of most of the so-called "Sunni Triangle", suicide bombings - particularly targeting of the Shia - and anti-US rhetoric appeal to the Sunni youth who feel that the country had been humiliated and colonised by the US with Iran's backing.

Accordingly, the key to weakening IS lies in working closely with Sunni communities it has co-opted, a bottom-up approach that requires considerable material and ideological investment.

The most effective means to degrade IS is to dismantle its social base by winning over hearts and minds, a difficult and prolonged task, and to resolve the Syria conflict that has given IS motivation, resources and a safe haven.

