Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

慰霊の日、 戦争好き、監視好き、お節介の米から早く独立しよう。

2013年06月23日 22時38分10秒 | Weblog

慰霊の日 知事「基地の県外移設を」
6月23日 13時44分



沖縄慰霊の日 戦没者に祈りを
6月23日 18時45分



沖縄も兵士も、捨て石だった 慰霊の日、県外から祈る



2013年06月23日 18時43分43秒 | Weblog

School photo that caused outrage when disabled boy, seven, was left off to side is retaken with him seated next to classmates
New picture shows the little boy beaming as he sits amongst his schoolmates
Father contacted the school to ask the photographer to retake the class picture
Family are 'delighted' with the new version
PUBLISHED: 15:48 GMT, 22 June 2013 | UPDATED: 21:28 GMT, 22 June 2013



"geisha" ねた

2013年06月23日 18時37分11秒 | Weblog
8 Arrested in Tokyo Fights Involving Anti-Korean Group
Published: June 17, 2013

日本といえば、GEISHA ねた、というのはバカのひとつおぼえなわけですけど、それと同じように、右翼ネタ。

性的暴力 被害者は基地勤務の日本人女性という最近のニュースは無視しても、やはり、ひとつ覚えしかできない。



2013年06月23日 18時10分05秒 | Weblog
My hero son who won Victoria Cross died because of Army ban on weapons that damage Taliban mud huts
Lance Corporal James Ashworth, 23, is said to have crawled within a few feet of enemy sniper
His colleagues will claim at an inquest new regulations meant he couldn't fire a grenade from a safer distance
Rules came after request from President Karzai to protect local buildings
Lance Corporal Ashworth has been awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross
PUBLISHED: 21:18 GMT, 22 June 2013 | UPDATED: 23:16 GMT, 22 June 2013

James died because he was forced to crawl to within a few feet of an enemy sniper in a mud hut while clutching a grenade, rather than firing from a safer distance.



The revelation follows last week’s ruling by the Supreme Court that any decision to deny troops access to adequate weaponry could constitute a negligent decision and therefore a breach of their human rights – potentially opening the floodgates for hundreds of damages claims from bereaved families.








妻を体罰して教育するクリスチャンの夫が増えている the husband is the head of the household

2013年06月23日 17時55分55秒 | Weblog

The 'Christian' movement that tells husbands to SPANK their wives 'to correct misbehavior'
PUBLISHED: 15:52 GMT, 22 June 2013 | UPDATED: 19:29 GMT, 22 June 2013

A growing number of married American couples are agreeing to allow husbands to keep their wives 'in line' by taking to corporal punishment.
The trend is called Christian Domestic Discipline and much of what is known about the practice is published on the website Learning Domestic Discipline, published by husband and wife CDD duo, Clint and Chelsea.

The website states: 'It is an arrangement between two adults who share the belief that the husband is the head of the household and with that position comes the right to enforce his authority.'

'Most of the women who write about their CDD experiences online are not complaining. Many of them report feeling extremely calm and relaxed after being disciplined, and believe it is an expression of their husband caring about them and their marriage, enough to help them modify their behavior,’ Rubino said.

 デリメお得意のwacky ねたで、A growing number of married American couples ・・・・というのはBS でたらめ でしょう。




2013年06月23日 08時33分29秒 | Weblog

THURSDAY, JUN 20, 2013 03:15 AM +0900
Snowden’s real crime: Humiliating the state

Benjamin restates one of the fundamental goals of classical liberal political philosophy, at least for philosophers such as Hobbes and Locke, namely to eliminate the use of violence from everyone except the state and its duly appointed deputies. This is why in Locke, the state “agrees” to protect the rights of individuals in exchange for individuals giving up their right of retribution and punishment. The right of violence becomes the sole provenance of the state, whether through the death penalty, prisons or defense of the state itself.

However, as we also know, the state monopolizes and regulates the use of violence in the interests of those who have the most influence over the state: these wealthy men who decide the personification of the state. In the 1600s English North America, this would have been white Englishmen. In the 1910s, Benjamin was interested in the role of workers in challenging the monopoly of state violence.

Understood in this way, the right to strike constitutes in the view of labor, which is opposed to that of the state, the right to use force in attaining certain ends. The antithesis between the two conceptions emerges in all its bitterness in face of a revolutionary general strike. In this, labor will always appeal to its right to strike, and the state will call this appeal an abuse, since the right to strike was not “so intended,” and take emergency measures.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, unions aroused a widespread secret admiration from a public that was weary of the state’s imposition.

For example, Locke’s story of slavery is more accurately read as the story of colonialism, and eventually, imperialism. Strangers attack Englishmen. Englishmen fight back and win. They have the right to kill the strangers, but grant them their lives in exchange for their agreeing (at least implicitly) to be slaves.

The same may be more drastically suggested if one reflects how often the figure of the “great” criminal, however repellent his ends may have been, has aroused the secret admiration of the public. This cannot result from his deed, but only from the violence to which it bears witness.

How might this apply to Edward Snowden? Snowden’s crime, if you will, was that he disrupted the state’s ability to protect its monopoly of violence by exposing its widespread surveillance activities. He did this despite the widely claimed fears of interested parties that doing so would “undermine national security,” and in the face of the state’s insistence that these activities are justified and justifiably secret. In this sense, the fact that he challenged the prerogatives of the state itself makes his alleged crime so much more transgressive than, for example, merely lying to Congress about weapons of mass destruction, starting a war with a random nation in which tens of thousands die, or torturing rendered persons. None of these latter crimes are a threat to the state itself, and for that reason may be readily forgiven and forgotten. Manning and Snowden are, however, “great criminals” in that their actions embarrassed and undermined state power. They can never be forgiven or forgotten.

it will always be a remarkable sight to a see a lone person stand up to the Leviathan, composed as it is of its myriad eyes ― all watching, waiting, to clamp down on any threat, no matter how trivial ― to its relentless monopolistic pursuit of violence, and power.







 で、安全を守るべく秘密裏に人々を監視し、暴力を独占するという国家の特権をスノーデンやウィキリークス事件のマニング被告 は、その秘密を暴露することによって揺るがしてしまったから、国家にとっては赦しがたい存在なのである、と。




性的マイノリティの物語  We Are the Youth

2013年06月23日 02時21分45秒 | Weblog

We are the Youth





Sarah, 19, Brooklyn, NY

I’m half-Japanese and half-white. When I’m in America I feel more Japanese, but when I go to Japan I feel really white. It’s strange because I don’t really have a home. My mom has lived in America for 30 years, but says she views her time here as an extended vacation. I asked her if she wants to move back to Japan, but she said she’s too old at this point. She’s basically cut off ties with my dad so I told her she should do what she wants.

I was born and raised in Minnesota, but I didn’t really speak English until I was five. Now English is my primary language. I think in English. I dream in English. My Japanese is slowly fading.

My father doesn’t speak Japanese, and my mom’s English is pretty bad. Growing up, I’d talk to my mother in Japanese and my father in English. We were rarely able to communicate as a group.

I’m really tight with my mom and she’s awesome. Now I don’t really talk to my dad. His and my personality don’t get along well. I haven’t talked to my dad about being gay, because we don’t talk, but I think he knows.

My mom knows and she understands and is awesome. In emails she told me “I accept who you are, blah blah blah.” But a month ago she asked me, “Are you having gender troubles? Do you want to convert genders? Is it because of your father? Do you want to be a man?” And I told her, “It’s okay, I like being a girl, relax.” I had to calm her down a little bit.

I don’t think I officially ever came out. It was more of a gradual process. Straight kids don’t have to announce their sexuality, so I don’t think I should have to either. My junior year of high school I went to Oxbow, an arts program in California that has students from all over the country. I guess it was that classic coming-of-age experience for me. It was the first time I was independent and I had to figure out how to live. After that I started being more open about being gay.

Michelle, 20, Bronx, NY

I can’t say I don’t miss my family. I will miss them. Especially my little brother. They don’t pick up their cell phones. I’ve left emails, messages, etcetera. It really hurts. But I have to live with it.

I think my mom is upset that I left her. The fact is that I was the one that did everything for her. I’d make coffee, make breakfast, do homework, get the other kids ready. After school, I’d go to work, come home, and do the same thing over again. She’s pissed because she lost the one kid that did anything for her.

A lot has happened with my family. The story starts in my home town, Mobile, Alabama. I came out as gay to my mother at 13. She knew my stepfather wouldn’t like the fact that he had a gay son, so she didn’t tell him until I was 18. She was right. I got kicked out when he found out.


 異性愛者は告白する必要がないから、同性愛者も告白する必要はない、というのは一理ある。ただ、マイノリティーゆえに、社会にその存在と権利を認めさせる、また、同じ悩みをもった人々と連帯する、などの目的のため、カミングアウトというのも意義がある、とは思う。 もちろん、義務でもない。



80 percent of US packaged foods may contain dangerous chemicals 

2013年06月23日 01時32分19秒 | Weblog
80 percent of US packaged foods may contain dangerous chemicals
Get short URL Published time: June 21, 2013 21:14
Edited time: June 22, 2013 03:50

Food additives legal in US banned in other countries
Banned Additives
Reported by: Ewa Roman Email: ewaroman@cbs21.com




David Wagner ‏@davidwagnerasia 5月10日
Fackler: "The US view was dangerous until proven safe.

The Japanese view was safe until proven dangerous"...




ーーーNYTの記者たちは 無知か、嘘つきであり、あるいは、レイシストである、と仮定したほうが彼らの言動を説明しやすい場合が多い。

ただちに健康被害がない do not pose an immediate threat to the environment or public health

2013年06月23日 01時14分31秒 | Weblog

Possible new leak at Hanford State, higher radioactivity levels detected
Get short URL Published time: June 22, 2013 09:55

Hanford Nuclear Site Tank May Be Leaking Waste Into Soil

State and federal officials have long said leaking tanks at Hanford do not pose an immediate threat to the environment or public health. The largest waterway in the Pacific Northwest – the Columbia River – is still at least 5 miles away and the closest communities are several miles downstream.

However, if this dangerous waste escapes the tank into the soil, it raises concerns about it traveling to the groundwater and someday potentially reaching the river.

Two radionuclides comprise much of the radioactivity in Hanford's tanks: cesium-137 and strontium-90. Both take hundreds of years to decay, and exposure to either would increase a person's risk of developing cancer.

The Energy Department announced last year that AY-102 was leaking between its two walls, but it said then that no waste had escaped.

However, Seattle television station KING5 has reported that the cleanup contractor and the department knew a year earlier that the tank was leaking.

At the height of World War II, the federal government created Hanford as part of a secret project to create the atomic bomb. The site ultimately produced plutonium for the world's first atomic blast and for one of the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan; it continued production through the Cold War.

These days, it has a reputation as the nation's most contaminated nuclear site, with a cleanup expected to take several decades. It costs up to US$2 billion annually and has already set taxpayers back US$40 billion, with US$115 billion more expected to be needed.



do not pose an immediate threat to the environment or public health



新たな放射性物質漏れか 米西部の核施設
2013.6.22 13:37

An atrocity to every soldier whose ever fought to protect this great country

2013年06月23日 00時51分48秒 | Weblog

Lil Wayne - Steps on the US flag - God Bless America

Lil Wayne defends trampling American flag while shooting new video
By Hollie McKayPop TartsPublished June 18, 2013FoxNews.com


"Lil Wayne's exploits are an atrocity to every soldier whose ever fought to protect this great country. His lack of maturity and respect for this country and our flag will without a doubt cost him in album sales," publicist Angie Meyer Olszewski told FOX411's Pop Tarts column. "This video has gone too far. Lil Wayne's actions are just plain dumb. What more can be said?"

Plenty more, according to the Twitterverse.

“That’s disrespectful to the extreme,” one tweeted on Monday, some called the multiple Grammy winner an “idiot” who should be “locked up,” and several others urged a “boycott” of this ‘ignorant POS.”

Media critic and author of the “Death of Free Speech," John Ziegler, said that as a free speech advocate, he supports the right to protest against America in this fashion, but also believes Americans offended by such acts should also express their free speech rights by not commercially supporting anything that Lil Wayne does.

“A boycott here would be perfectly appropriate," Ziegler said. "But unlikely to be effective because his fan base will not see any negative coverage of this act from the news sources they are likely to consume."

Others don’t see the performance as anything to be too upset about.

“Lil Wayne is an artist and a rock star. Musicians have been using the American flag in album art, photo shoots and music videos to stir up controversy and make a socio-political statements for decades now,” said entertainment reporter Jenn Hoffman. “This shouldn’t be a surprise or a big deal. It’s rock and roll.”
