Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

The waste of money on the Olympics オリンピックは金の無駄使い

2013年06月21日 18時25分46秒 | Weblog
Brazil is saying what we could not: we don't want these costly extravaganzas
From the World Cup to the G8, many countries are paying an extortionate price for hosting these pointless displays
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Simon Jenkins
The Guardian, Thursday 20 June 2013 19.40 BST
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The Olympics are likewise sold by the IOC to star-struck national leaders as offering glory for political gain. Their purpose-built stadiums, luxurious facilities, lunatic security and lavish hospitality are senseless, yet are backed by construction and security lobbies and a chorus of chauvinist public relations. If the cost is bankruptcy, as in Montreal and Athens, too bad. The golden caravan can move on to trap some new victim.

The World Cup and the Olympics are television events that could be held at much less expense and ballyhoo in one place. As it is, host nations are deluged with promises of "legacy return" that everyone knows are rubbish. Costs escalate to an extent that would see most managers in handcuffs, but gain bonuses and knighthoods for Olympic organisers.

London 2012 is fun and competently delivered, but to think we'll ever recover the cost is like believing in Santa Claus

A study of Sydney by Australia's Monash University found there was no tangible benefit "or economic boost" from the Games. An IASE report on Atlanta called Bidding for the Games: Fool's Gold? found that "diverting scarce resources from more productive uses translates into slower rates of economic growth". Civic leaders talk desperately of "legacy" but no survey can find any. Barcelona saw hotel occupancy fall from 80% to 50% in the year after the Games. The city's subsequent prosperity is now attributed to cheap flights and the Spanish boom. Beijing has seen no games-related uplift.

From Cameron down, they claimed the games would make money, now and, if not now, then some time in the future. This was plain dishonest. Everyone knows there is no Olympic legacy, but, as with Santa Claus, we dare not tell the children.

This week's G8 shindig in Northern Ireland was pointless – a night and two days on a bleak Irish lough at a cost to taxpayer of £60m and a deployment of 1,000 policemen per delegate. It was held in Fermanagh to be as far as possible from demonstrators and "real people". The sole outcome was modest progress on tax avoidance, but that cannot have required two days in Fermanagh. Could they not have used Skype?

To this quest for authenticity Brazil's demonstrators offer a corrective. They point to its cost. The addiction to "eventism" can be so potent, so demanding of security and so expensive as to defy restraint. London's £9bn extravaganza was not necessary to host an international athletics show. It should have been the last such display of conspicuous consumption by the rich in the face of the poor. Yet Rio de Janeiro is now saddled with not one extravaganza but two.

So congratulations to Brazilians for saying what Britain last year lacked the guts to say: that sometimes enough is enough. If I were Blatter and his henchmen, I would get out of town fast.






2013年06月21日 18時20分14秒 | Weblog

日本維新の会の都議選候補者が、民族差別的な主張を掲げる政治団体「在特会」との関わりを指摘され、ネット上で騒動となっている。この候補者は、2009年に行われた在特会の全国大会に出席し、スピーチをした動画がYoutubeに公開されており、高千穂大学の五野井郁夫准教授が問題視している 更新日: 2013年06月20日RSSb


全柔連は金を返せ! 執行部は恥さらし!

2013年06月21日 14時08分17秒 | Weblog
全柔連の不正受給、計6千万円以上 27人は資格なし







Playing the politics of personality, instead of actually discussing policy. 人格を論じて政策を論じず

2013年06月21日 14時01分55秒 | Weblog
Sins of the Son, Not the Father
June 14, 2013

Rep. Joe Heck’s Son’s Terrible Tweets Are Ravings of Teen Moron
posted June 14, 2013 by W. Paul Smith

Sen. Jeff Flake's son tweets racial slurs
Sen. Jeff Flake's son Tanner goes by the name "n-----killer," tweets slurs against Mexicans, Jews, gays.

Both elected officials were right to publically denounce the comments and say they had conducted a good talking-to to their children. The story, at least as it relates to these specific cases (though not bigotry on the Internet in general) should end there. Instead, it's become a way of tainting both adult men as racists by association.




Political parties and candidates are increasingly playing the politics of personality, instead of actually discussing policy.




 知った風な口をきいて、日本文化論、日本独自論を論じる人というのは案外 外国も日本も知らないのかもしれない。


2013年06月21日 11時17分35秒 | Weblog

毛受 敏浩


 ▼ 人口減に対する施策なしに、日本経済の見通しは明るくならない









 タイトルは「MIRACLE WORKER(=奇跡を起こす男)」でした。












2013年06月21日 11時04分40秒 | Weblog
日中改善の懸け橋担う若者たち 北京で60大学参加し日本語クイズ大会開催
2013.6.21 09:03

 中国・北京市の中国人民大学で5月18、19日に、日本に関する知識を競うクイズ大会「笹川杯全国大学日本語言語文化知識大会2013」(主催・日本科学協会)が開催され、中国各地から60大学約180人が参加し熱戦が繰り広げられた。(SANKEI EXPRESS)










Atheist Seeking U.S. Citizenship, Told To Join Church Or Be Denied

2013年06月21日 08時15分16秒 | Weblog
Margaret Doughty, Atheist Seeking U.S. Citizenship, Told To Join Church Or Be Denied
The Huffington Post | By Nick Wing
Posted: 06/19/2013 11:36 pm EDT | Updated: 06/20/2013 12:36 pm EDT

Atheist seeking US citizenship told to join church or be denied
Get short URL Published time: June 20, 2013 16:04

Immigration office tells atheist applicant to prove church membership

By Eric W. Dolan
Tuesday, June 18, 2013 18:03 EDT


I deeply and sincerely believe that it is not moral or ethical to take another person’s life


Margaret Doughty, an atheist and permanent U.S. resident for more than 30 years, was told by immigration authorities this month that she has until Friday to officially join a church that forbids violence or her application for naturalized citizenship will be rejected.

Doughty received the ultimatum after stating on her application that she objected to the pledge to bear arms in defense of the nation due to her moral opposition to war. According to a letter to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services by the American Humanist Association on Doughty's behalf, officials responded by telling her that she needed to prove that her status as a conscientious objector was due to religious beliefs.


 戦争 と キリスト教ーーーなにかこう、アメリカ的な匂いがしますね。

これはひどい!「中国人はうそつき、フィリピン人はちゃらんぽらん」 法務局支局長

2013年06月21日 07時54分01秒 | Weblog

「中国人はウソつき」 広島法務局支局長、講演で発言













(2013年6月21日07時34分 読売新聞)


岐路にたつイギリス Crisis Leaves Britain Deeply Fractured

2013年06月21日 07時17分20秒 | Weblog
Disunited Kingdom: Crisis Leaves Britain Deeply Fractured

By Christoph Scheuermann

The economic crisis has caused the United Kingdom to drift apart, creating ever-widening rifts between rich and poor, native and immigrant, English and Scot. With the anti-Europe UKIP party on the rise, Great Britain stands at a crossroads.

The frenzy began in the 1980s, when Great Britain was prosperous and London became a global financial center where brokers, traders and speculators were responsible for billions changing hands every day. Gone were the days of factories and trade, or so it seemed. The act of trading with money was dubbed the financial industry, and together with the real estate sector, it grew to become one of the most important industries in the kingdom, almost a new religion.

Then the crisis erupted in 2008, and things have been going downhill ever since. Unemployment is now at almost 8 percent, and 27 percent of children in Britain live in relative poverty. In late March, the University of Bristol published the most comprehensive study to date on the state of British society. It concludes that a third of the population lives in precarious conditions. Millions of Britons don't have enough to eat and are unable to adequately heat their homes in the winter. "And the situation will get even worse," says David Gordon, an expert on poverty at the university, "because social services are shrinking and real wages continue to decline."

The country is suffering from the consequences of the crisis. The gap between rich and poor is growing, the conflicts between left and right are becoming more heated, and a new party has taken shape to the right of the Tories, the anti-Europe UK Independence Party (UKIP).

Ayling is now a district and county councillor in Lincolnshire. She sees herself as a rebel, and in March she joined the UKIP. "I defected," she says, as if the country were in a civil war. There is a clear political divide in Britain, with a majority of the traditional parties, the Conservatives, Labour and the Liberals, on one side and Ayling and her UKIP friends on the other. They are still a minority, but a vocal one nonetheless. UKIP Chairman Nigel Farage has appeared frequently on television in recent months, berating politicians in Brussels and London as incompetent, cowardly and corrupt. It's a message people like to hear. Ayling says that Farage would be a good prime minister.

Bulldog Patriotism

In Lincolnshire, it becomes clear how public sentiment in parts of the kingdom is gradually slipping from moderate conservatism to bulldog patriotism. From Ayling's standpoint, UKIP's success is merely a symptom of a much larger upheaval, a cultural change.

Ayling says that the government should crack down on illegal immigrants and criminals, and should "build more prisons." She criticizes Cameron for legalizing same-sex marriage, when in her view it would have been better to block immigration from the new EU countries of Eastern Europe.

But how can he do that, given that Great Britain is a member of the EU?

"He has to declare a state of emergency and close the borders," she says, although she doesn't believe that Cameron, "that coward," has the guts to do it.

"England was once a free country," says Ayling, "in the 18th century." She wants to regain that freedom. "We are an island nation," says Couling, "and now we want to withdraw to our island.

Dennis Canavan, 70, lives in the hills northeast of Glasgow. Canavan is the chairman of the "Yes Scotland" campaign, which is fighting for Scottish independence. Bannockburn, a traumatic place in English history, is merely a stone's throw away.

The Scots have never been happy about their union with England, which has existed for 306 years. But the divisions have rarely been as great as they are today. Canavan says that Scotland would be better off without England. It would be a richer country, because it would control its own oil and gas production. It would be a more peaceful country, because it would no longer be forced to tolerate nuclear warheads on its soil or participate in the wars of the English. And it would be a fair and equitable country, because it could reverse the British government's cuts to social benefits. It would be a free country filled with proud people. "The lakes, mountains and rivers are our national heritage," says Canavan. "Scotland is the envy of the world." So why shouldn't the Scots hazard the step to independence?

Lewis is 23 and unemployed, one of about a million Britons between 16 and 24 who are out of work. He writes about his life in North Wales, a remote corner of the country, on blogs and in Internet forums. Like many of his generation, he would rather do without running water than the Internet.

Nevertheless, the Internet is sometimes down for days, he says while sitting in a café in Bangor. Local public transport isn't in much better shape. Lewis doesn't have a driver's license, and there is only limited bus service into the city after 6 p.m.

Wasted Youth

Lewis is one of many who are too clever for the provinces and too lazy for London. His native Wales has seen better days. Its mines stopped supplying fuel for England's industrial revolution long ago. Nowadays, a young person in Wales has two choices: to be unemployed or to move away. Two businesses that still work are health clubs and the illegal amphetamine and steroid trade.

イギリスも一時は世界の金融センターとして栄えたが、経済危機にみまわれて、金持と貧乏人、 原住民と移民、右翼と左翼、イングランドとスコットランド/ウエールズ、との亀裂が大きく開いてしまった、と。


Everyone’s a little bit racist but she broke the unwritten rules about how to be racist

2013年06月21日 06時49分56秒 | Weblog
FRIDAY, JUN 21, 2013 04:52 AM +0900
Paula Deen’s racism isn’t shocking at all
For people of color, the question isn't if someone will reveal their racial bias -- it's when

Paula Deenという料理研究家が臆することなく黒人に対する蔑称を使っていることをこれまた、臆することなく認めて非難されている。

This entire debacle reveals that there are unspoken rules around racism. There is a complex matrix for when you can be racist and with whom. There are ways you behave in public, and ways you behave in private. There are things you can say among friends, things you wouldn’t dare say anywhere else, that you must keep to yourself in public.

In her deposition, for whatever reason, Deen decided to break these rules or ignore them. Maybe she knew she was rich and successful enough that the rules, frankly, no longer apply to her.


ウチ ソト 本音 たてまえ などと同趣旨の概念が使われていておもしろい。


she broke the unwritten rules about how to be racist.” Most people are familiar with these rules. We suspect that everyone is, indeed, a little bit racist. It’s not a question of if someone will reveal their racism but, rather, when. Or maybe it’s people of color who are familiar with these rules and willing to acknowledge they exist. Maybe it is people of color who wait, without bated breath, for that when.

My downstairs neighbors recently moved out. They were Korean, college students. I never met them but they seemed nice enough. They played loud music but it was never enough of a nuisance to complain. Who doesn’t like to party? When I went to pay my rent at the beginning of the month, my landlord’s receptionist began detailing the extraordinary measures they were taking to air out the apartment because, “you just wouldn’t believe the smell.” I nodded because I truly had no idea what to say and then she leaned in to me and whispered, “You know how those people are.”

This was one of those rare moments where I got to see the rules of racism in action in a multiracial context. A white person felt comfortable confiding in me. In that moment, we were an us conspiring against a them. I couldn’t think of anything snappy so I simply said, “I have no idea what you mean,” and walked away. I wasn’t interested in playing that game where we bond as we each reveal our racist secret selves to each other. Later, I felt guilty that I hadn’t used that moment to educate this stranger about race-based generalizations.




「中国人はウソつき」 広島法務局支局長、講演で発言








2013年06月21日 00時27分29秒 | Weblog
海兵隊基地は「人殺し基地」 社民・山内氏が暴言
2013.6.11 20:46 [社民党]




社民の「米軍は人殺し」発言 民主・柳田氏が理解示す
2013.6.20 21:10 [民主党]



