Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年03月29日 23時03分34秒 | Weblog

Instead of jump-starting a conversation about the most effective approach to cancer research, Time distorted it beyond recognition. It’s certainly not the first time that’s happened. It’s been more than four decades since President Nixon signed the National Cancer Act of 1971, promising cancer sufferers that their “hopes will not be disappointed.” In 1998, mortality rates for all types of cancer had actually increased slightly, from 200.73 to 200.82 deaths per 100,000 people. That didn’t stop the New York Times from running Gina Kolata’s embarrassing front-page “special report,” which quoted James Watson as saying a researcher at Children’s Hospital in Boston would “cure cancer in two years.” Watson claimed he said no such thing―“When I read her article, I was horrified,” he told a reporter at the time.


癌をいかに治療するか ドリームチームのおかげで、もっと早く、よりよい結果を得ることができるようになった、

 Time とか、New York Times なんか、と聞くと、すごい権威がありそうですけど、産経やスポニチとかとそれほど変わらないのかもしれませんね。



Aya Tsukioka (vending machine dress) is back. This time with some office camouflage outfits: http://news.livedoor.com/article/detail/7541202/ …


@Durf I do think the pigeon masks on the third page look a little unrealistic. I suspect they aren't being entirely serious.
返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録 その他
2013年3月29日 - 2:28

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="http://kwout.com/cutout/a/34/74/x5a_bor.js"></script>



Fearing Crime, Japanese Wear the Hiding Place









要するに、これも 遊び、である。

 この記事は別に残酷な嘘ではありませんけど、間抜けな誤報 だったわけで、ジャーナリズムの教科書に恥かしい笑い話として掲載してもらいたいものです。



Beyond multiculturalism
While multiculturalism aims for unity, we are still working towards tolerance - a fact made painfully clear post-9/11.

Last Modified: 28 Mar 2013 12:55

Maryana Hrushetska

The price tag for multiculturalism has been the ascent of rigid identity politics, where cultural groups proclaim either their "specialness" or "victimhood", continually setting themselves apart from others.

The result has been a backlash from those in the cultural majority and rivalry for resources amongst minorities. While multiculturalism aimed for unity, in truth we are still working towards tolerance - a fact made painfully clear in a post-9/11 landscape where fear is the dominant cultural marker and "the Other" is usually to blame.

A fundamental flaw of multiculturalism is the view that the broad concept of culture is pure and static. It elevates individual cultures as distinct self-contained universes when in reality they have long interacted and influenced one another.

The insight of this wise 9-year-old girl made me question the impact of my curatorial practice. Was I creating common ground or reinforcing "Otherness"? Would giving voice to the disenfranchised create understanding or distance? How could I contribute to unity while leaving room for uniqueness?

The insight of this wise 9-year-old girl made me question the impact of my curatorial practice. Was I creating common ground or reinforcing "Otherness"? Would giving voice to the disenfranchised create understanding or distance? How could I contribute to unity while leaving room for uniqueness?



Book Review: Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers, by Kwame Anthony Appiah

Having said this, the desire to eliminate differences is not a prima facie sign of cosmopolitanism. After all, fundamentalists who seek to make everyone conform to their religion (to the point of murdering those who resist) do wish to eliminate difference, but are certainly not cosmopolitans. The cosmopolitan ideal is far from this: it is to temper the respect for difference, with a respect for human beings. Its prescriptive element therefore does not just preach tolerance, but also generates obligations towards strangers

A Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism

Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers
By Kwame Anthony Appiah
W. W. Norton & Company
196 Pages
By Jenny Jin

Though Appiah wants peace between countries, such peace should not come at the price of losing a healthy sense of nationalism and cultural pride. Appiah respects local customs and beliefs, challenging his readers to think about what these customs and beliefs mean to the people who hold them.

Indeed, some of the best writing in the book appears when Appiah describes his Asante family in Ghana. Because Appiah has the benefit of real experience, his stories about Ghanaian customs and beliefs are not simply novelty items, but human stories told to make a point. Appiah takes pains to show that Asante beliefs about spirits and witchcraft are as common and natural in Ghanaian society as Christian beliefs about God and angels in the United States. A cosmopolitan, a citizen of the world, would not be content to simply brush off Asante beliefs as "their way" and continue down his or her own, but would take the time to talk to a Ghanaian and try to understand how he or she thinks. Cosmopolitism is, above all, a philosophy of open conversation.

his is because he believes that all cultures already agree on certain moral universals. As he points out, most everyone accepts that universal wrongs, like murder, rape, and incest are, well, wrong. And most of us can very well distinguish between these sorts of absolute wrongs and the mere taboos of our local culture, like not being allowed to eat red peppers on Wednesdays or to shake a woman's hand when she is menstruating. It is the ability to make this distinction that allows one to sit down with someone from across the world and agree with him or her about what it means to be a good human being.

Local cultures have always changed and adapted in response to the influence of invading foreigners (whether military or commercial). To resist natural cultural evolution would be anticosmopolitanism of the most futile kind. A second related chapter continues this argument as it pertains to "cultural property." Appiah points out that in a global culture, works of ancient and historical significance belong to everyone, not to any single country or culture. It is absurd for countries less than a century old to claim that all ancient artifacts unearthed within their borders are national property. "Whose culture is it, anyway?" Appiah asks rhetorically.

Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers

This cosmopolitan ethic, which he traces from the Greek Cynics and through to the U.N.'s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, must inevitably balance universals with respect for particulars. This balance comes through "conversation," a term Appiah uses literally and metaphorically to signal the depth of encounters across national, religious and other forms of identity. At the same time, Appiah stresses conversation needn't involve consensus, since living together mostly entails just getting used to one another.













 外国人の記者の場合は、実際に日本人と接して会話しないで、他の英語の記事やら本を読んで固定観念的に記事を書く。英語圏で雇われている日本人の記者が日本について書くときも、上司や周囲がそんな感じなせいか、無意識に迎合、conform してしまって、固定観念、決まりきった枠組みで書く。




“‘What do you call a pretty woman in England?’ Answer: ‘A tourist.’”

2013年03月29日 02時17分53秒 | Weblog
The British may not be as sun-kissed or as chic as their French cousins but surely this gag is a little harsh... “‘What do you call a pretty woman in England?’ Answer: ‘A tourist.’


Top ten French jokes about Brits and Yanks

Famed as the cultural capital of the world with a history stretching back over one thousand years, France is not above sneering at its American allies. "'What's the difference between an American and a pot of yoghurt?' Answer: 'After a period of time, the yoghurt begins to develop cultures.'"

Perhaps the most offensive American trait from a French perspective is the country’s super-power mentality, which is the butt of this joke: “A group of Americans were asked to give their honest opinion on solutions to a possible world food shortage. However the survey was a failure because no one knew that the 'rest of the world' existed.”

We’ve all had to get used to being America’s poodle

2013年03月29日 01時48分14秒 | Weblog


Why the miserable French should put the accent on English via @Telegraph http://j.mp/14qDTGB とても分かりやすい反応の仕方

Why the miserable French should put the accent on English
Our Gallic neighbours are miserable and pessimistic because they can’t cope with the modern world

By Tim Stanley8:37PM GMT 26 Mar 2013

Senik’s theory is that French pessimism is caused by three factors. First, their schools are too good: “In France… the majority of pupils are used to getting bad grades. ・・・・・

Several decades of liberal-minded “pupil-centred-teacher-learning” (giving a child a gold star just for showing up to class) has created a generation of Britons who are used to being told that their minds are beautiful, no matter how empty they might be. Ignorance is bliss.

Second, the French have failed to cope with the loss of empire. There was a time when France claimed a vast portion of the world as its own and Paris drew hundreds of great artists to paint and compose. Of course, we’ve all had to get used to being America’s poodle or the marketplace for cheap Chinese goods.・・・・・

The French pride in its distance from Britain and America has not helped the country retain a strong and rich identity so much as cut it off from the rest of the world.



2013年03月29日 01時41分11秒 | Weblog


At an anti-gay marriage rally in Paris on Sunday, Boutin claims she was sprayed with tear-gas by riot police after 100 to 200 protestors allegedly breached a police cordon to access the Champs Elysées.

In short, a small but rowdy group of demonstrators tried to breach a police barricade and access the Champs Elysées. They were pushed back by riot police, who then deployed tear gas to keep them away from the barrier.

Of course, it’s impossible to know for sure. But it seems likely that Boutin was close to the Champs Elysée when tear gas was deployed, and she fainted from the effects.

Her claims appear to be borne out by photographic evidence and the account of an AFP photographer who took shots of her on the ground.

Almost immediately after the protest on Sunday, one French journalist claimed that Boutin had been 800 metres away from where the tear gas was sprayed, and was merely acting up.





Christine Boutin
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Boutin stated that George W. Bush might have been behind the 11 September 2001 attacks


THURSDAY, MAR 28, 2013 06:41 AM +0900
High school teacher under investigation for saying “vagina” during anatomy lesson
Teacher Tim McDaniel is also in hot water for asking students to write critical response papers on climate change

学校の授業で、バギナ といったら、保守的な保護者から抗議、

For his part, McDaniel is perplexed by the accusations, telling the Times-News: “I teach straight out of the textbook, I don’t include anything that the textbook doesn’t mention. But I give every student the option not attend this class when I teach on the reproductive system if they don’t feel comfortable with the material.”


Outrage after university instructor told students to write the word 'Jesus' on paper, throw it on the floor and stomp on it
FAU student Ryan Rotela claims he was thrown out of the class and suspended for refusing to participate
University has since apologized with Florida governor now calling for an investigation
Assignment was to demonstrate the power of words and symbols
PUBLISHED: 13:39 GMT, 27 March 2013 | UPDATED: 13:48 GMT, 27 March 2013

A university is under fire after a class assignment instructed its students to write the word 'Jesus' on a piece of paper, throw it on the floor and then stomp on it.
Florida Gov Rick Scott has now demanded an investigation into the ‘offensive’ assignment after a Florida Atlantic University professor allegedly threw a student out of his class for refusing to participate.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2299909/FAU-University-instructor-told-students-write-word-Jesus-paper-throw-floor-stomp-it.html#ixzz2Oo5KjhgS
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

'This exercise is a bit sensitive, but really drives home the point that even though symbols are arbitrary, they take on very strong and emotional meanings,' the exercise taken from St. Norbert College communications professor Jim Neuliep reads.
'Most will hesitate. Ask why they can't step on the paper. Discuss the importance of symbols in culture.'



Bogus sugar daddy claimed to be oligarch's ex-SAS pal as he fleeced professional women of thousands after meeting them on dating websites
Jonathan Price told his unsuspecting victims he was a multi-millionaire
Also claimed he was suffering from cancer, Teesside Crown Court hears
Lied that he served in the SAS, had property overseas and owned boats
Described as 'callous' man with 'deception deeply engrained in his mind'
PUBLISHED: 14:16 GMT, 27 March 2013 | UPDATED: 01:58 GMT, 28 March 2013

With his wealth, glamorous lifestyle and friends in high places, Jonathan Price probably seemed too good to be true.
Unfortunately for the women who fell for his charms, that’s exactly what he was.
The serial conman posed as a rich ‘sugar daddy’ to trap a string of professional women and fleece them for tens of thousands of pounds.


Husbands always claim to prefer the natural look so one writer put it to the test and asks: How much make-up do men REALLY prefer?
PUBLISHED: 00:54 GMT, 28 March 2013 | UPDATED: 01:05 GMT, 28 March 2013



Hands off the purse strings! Women don't trust their chaps with money
Half of people do not trust their partner when it comes to money
Survey finds men are more trusting and women are cautious financially
Third of people have got more wary about financial matters in past year
PUBLISHED: 00:29 GMT, 28 March 2013 | UPDATED: 00:30 GMT, 28 March 2013

‘It is clear the public feel trust is being eroded for a variety of reasons, one of which is the failings of the very people we look to in order to guide us through challenging times.’


'Why should I go to work when my benefits are worth £70,000 a year?' Mother-of-three refuses to get a job because she is better off without one
Sharon Minkin, 49, says she cannot find a job that pays the same as benefits
Lives in a semi-detached house, drives a 4x4 and has a 42" flatscreen TV
Was qualified accountant on £120,000 a year but has not worked for 18 years
Benefits she receives are equivalent to earning £70,000 a year before tax
PUBLISHED: 13:09 GMT, 27 March 2013 | UPDATED: 19:49 GMT, 27 March 2013

However, Ms Minkin says even a salary of £40,000 a year might not be enough to force her off benefits – because by the time she is taxed she could be left with less than she gets on the dole.
'I already struggle to feed us all and pay the bills. Luckily my retired parents – who are not rich by any means – help as much as they can.
'I’m sure people might say "oh, what a sponger she is" but although I don’t feel guilty for claiming benefits because for years I was a high rate tax payer, I'd much rather go out to work and earn that money with a proper job.
'I feel ashamed telling people I’m on benefits. However, I have to put my kids first. It’s no good me going out to work if I can’t afford the roof over their heads, food on the table and they have to go into debt if they go to university.'


‘Food stamps’ to be issued in Britain next week to tens of thousands of vulnerable people as part of benefits shake-up
Vouchers will be redeemable for food, nappies and other essentials
They will be offered to needy by councils after crisis funds devolved locally
The stamps will replace Social Fund's discretionary loans and grants
PUBLISHED: 14:19 GMT, 27 March 2013 | UPDATED: 16:16 GMT, 27 March 2013

A spokesman for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) said the move was not about cost-cutting, as there was no reduction in budget, but rather was intended to ensure the money was spent where it was most needed.





The essence of matter is extension.

2013年03月29日 00時21分36秒 | Weblog



Oversimplifying Japan’s right turn by Toshiya Takahashi. http://j.mp/13yxaLz @east_asia_forumさんから


どこの国の首相なり、大統領が、タカ派とか、形容されるのがふさわしいのかね? 英語圏の雑誌社の記者さん?

液状化は23区の1割超 東京都が17年ぶり予測図策定



教科書検定:「英語で授業」基本に 現場に戸惑い









ロシア管轄権前提に米国系企業が北方領土で経済活動 米政府とも意思疎通

2013年03月29日 00時06分39秒 | Weblog

2013.3.28 21:10




