Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年03月16日 23時21分29秒 | Weblog
有田芳生 ‏@aritayoshifu



(2)呼びかけ議員は11人。集会宣言文とともにお知らせする。他党議員にも声をかけたが、現状ではこのメンバー。「何だそれは」という裏話もあるが、いまは書かない。しがらみ多き永田町。集会は今日のみでは終わらせない。 http://fotolog.cc/akVLg

2013/03/14 「『警察が意図的に排外デモをやらせている』一水会・鈴木邦男氏、在特会らと公安の癒着を指摘」。-排外・人種侮蔑デモに抗議する国会集会


在特会の会長である桜井誠こと高田誠氏の金銭疑惑。安田浩一さんの『ネットと愛国』で明らかにされた。書籍が出てほぼ1年。顛末はどうなったんだろうか。 http://nipponism.net/wordpress/?p=14875 …



因みに、、ニフコJapanTimes コラムニストのブログでも日本人のことを糞食い民族など叫んで、日本人お断りのお店を計画したりしているのであるが、こっちもどうにかしてほしい。



2013年03月16日 17時26分28秒 | Weblog
Racism in Japanese Schools: What Would You Do?










SaitamaFlowers 6 日前
I think you are being incredibly naive if you believe that ethnic Japanese people looked at the colonized people as "true" Japanese citizens just because they had taken over the country. These young girls were forced out of their homes. A great post on a Korean blog is called "1000th-wednesday-protest-and-­lies-about comfort women". All of the sources of information are cited there, so you can read for yourself.

1000th Wednesday Protest, and Lies about Comfort Women by Imperial Japan Apologists





mikeq5 1 か月前
You did good. But remember, the Japanese are raised thinking that its better to preserve the harmony of the group instead of their own personal wants or needs. That also includes avoiding confrontation. And so, even Japanese teachers, are often spineless when it comes to bucking against the opinions of their entire class. As westerners, we are used to individual rights and individuality so we think and behave differently.
返信 · 23




2013年03月16日 11時07分10秒 | Weblog
国連 米無人機攻撃で市民400人死亡
3月16日 9時8分

via mozu



UN denounces US drone use in Pakistan
Investigator says campaign in Pakistani border areas is violation of sovereignty and has destroyed tribal structures.
Last Modified: 15 Mar 2013 23:36

"It involves the use of force on the territory of another state without its consent and is therefore a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty,"

"These proud and independent people have been self-governing for generations, and have a rich tribal history that has been too little understood in the West," he said. "Their tribal structures have been broken down by the military campaign in FATA and by the use of drones in particular."

"It is time for the international community to heed the concerns of Pakistan, and give the next democratically elected government of Pakistan the space, support and assistance it needs to deliver a lasting peace on its own territory without forcible military interference by other states,"

Drones killing innocent Pakistanis, U.N. official says
By Ben Brumfield and Mark Morgenstein, CNN
March 15, 2013 -- Updated 1509 GMT (2309 HKT)

"Adult males carrying out ordinary daily tasks were frequently the victims of such strikes," the statement from the U.N. office for human rights said.
First on CNN: Iran confronts U.S. drone over Persian Gulf
Some Pashtun men dress the same as Taliban members from the same region, hence the drone operators mistake them for terror targets, the statement said. It is also customary for Pashtun men to carry a weapon, making them virtually indistinguishable from militants to an outsider.
A beard and a turban
A Pakistani tribal elder who spoke with CNN noted hasty judgments based on appearances can be wrong.
"Just because I have a beard and wear a turban, does that make me part of the Taliban?" asked Malik Jalaluddin.

U.N.: U.S. drone strikes violate Pakistan's sovereignty
1:01p.m. EDT March 15, 2013

According to a U.N. statement that Emmerson emailed to The Associated Press on Friday, the Pakistani government told him it has confirmed at least 400 civilian deaths by U.S. drones on its territory.

A 2012 investigation by the AP into 10 of the recent deadliest drone strikes in Pakistan over the previous two years found that a significant majority of the casualties were militants, but civilians were also killed.

Villagers told the AP that of at least 194 people killed in the attacks, about 70 percent ― at least 138 ― were militants. The remaining 56 were either civilians or tribal police, and 38 of them were killed in a single attack on March 17, 2011.

Pakistani officials regularly criticize the attacks in public as a violation of the country's sovereignty, a popular position in a country where anti-American sentiment runs high.

But the reality has been more complicated in the past.

For many years, Pakistan allowed U.S. drones to take off from bases within the country. Documents released by WikiLeaks in 2010 showed that senior Pakistani officials consented to the strikes in private to U.S. diplomats, while at the same time condemning them in public.

Cooperation has certainly waned since then as the relationship between Pakistan and the U.S. has deteriorated. In 2011, Pakistan kicked the U.S. out of an air base used by American drones in the country's southwest, in retaliation for U.S. airstrikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers.


私はあなたが私をかばってくれるかと思った・・・・ 私はあなたの人形ではありません。

2013年03月16日 08時09分32秒 | Weblog
Scientists predict thousands will die from earthquake expected anytime on US West Coast
Get short URL Published time: March 15, 2013 16:45
Edited time: March 15, 2013 18:08


Northwest coast and cost U.S. $32 billion, experts warn
Report presented to Oregon legislators today warns it is only a matter of time before a large quake strikes off the Pacific Northwest coast of the U.S.
They warn the region could be left devastated after a natural disaster similar to that which hit Japan in 2011
Thousands will die and up to $32billion worth of damage could be caused, they warn
PUBLISHED: 05:30 GMT, 15 March 2013 | UPDATED: 15:02 GMT, 15 March 2013

The report says that geologically, Oregon and Japan are mirror images. Despite the devastation in Japan, that country was more prepared than Oregon because it had spent billions on technology to reduce the damage, the report says.



A middle-class black man raised by white parents, Ben had always respected the police. Until one night they stopped his car...
PUBLISHED: 01:38 GMT, 15 March 2013 | UPDATED: 13:39 GMT, 15 March 2013

Growing up as a black person in a predominantly white society, I always regarded myself as having a balanced view of the world. I have experienced my share of prejudice, of course, but life has taught me that, on the whole, our nation is decent, tolerant and, above all, fair.
I was born in the UK and raised in Middlesex by adoptive white parents after my Bajan birth mother fell seriously ill. We were a middle-class family and I was educated largely privately, so I was sheltered to some extent from the casual racism which blights so many lives.

When I realised the car was on my tail I pulled over, wondering if, perhaps, my brake light was out.
Five seconds later, a police constable was rapping on my window and shouting: 'Open it!'
No sooner had I done so than he barked: 'Is this your car, pal?' I nodded, but before I could speak he launched into a tirade.
'I don't think you heard me right, mate. I asked if this was your car? It's a very nice car for a bloke like you to be driving, isn't it? Now I'm going to repeat the question, to be absolutely clear, and think hard before you answer me: Is. This. Your. Car?'
Again I tried to answer, again I was cut off.
'Let me guess ― it's yours but you can't prove it? Or maybe you've borrowed it from a friend? And you haven't got your driving licence. Am I right?'
Finally given the opportunity to reply, all I could do was stare into his eyes, gripped by self-righteous fury.

I took a deep breath and slowly, quietly, informed him that I did have my driving licence and perhaps he could let me know on what grounds he had stopped me.
His voice dripping with disdain, he told me to be quiet and hand over my licence. When I asked if I could see some form of identification ― or at least get his name ― he leaned in and jabbed his finger at me, hissing the words: 'Hand. It. Over.'
Which I did and, of course, everything was in order. In a heartbeat, his demeanour changed.
His anger was replaced by a distinctly panicked look. Now he was allowing me to speak freely, and my pronunciation was clearly giving him the jitters ― I trained in the theatre and have retained the clear diction drilled into me by my teachers.
I asked again why he had stopped me, and he spluttered something about a spate of Audis being stolen in Twickenham.

Ignoring the fact our conversation was taking place six miles away in Roehampton, I pointed out that surely they would have the registration numbers of the stolen cars? Were they stopping every Audi within the Greater London area, or just the ones who drove safely within the speed limit?

On a personal level, I never had the slightest reason to doubt the police or their integrity. Whenever I came across them ― especially after I received racist death threats two years ago ― they were unfailingly polite, professional and respectful.
The only time I wavered in this view was when Stuart Lawrence, whose brother Stephen's racist murder prompted the Macpherson Report, spoke out about being stopped in his car by police up to 25 times, simply because of the colour of his skin.

I am no longer surprised that so many ethnic minorities distrust the police. I can see why they choose not to step forward when asked to, often preferring to settle disputes without recourse to the very people who belittle and, on some occasions, openly detest them.

イギリス、レイシャルプロファイリング 職務質問

‘How do you spell racist? NYPD!’ : Brooklyn police brutality riots continue
Get short URL Published time: March 15, 2013 03:59

police brutality NY

'The white smoke over the Falklands was pretty clear': David Cameron REBUKES new Pope over Argentina's claim to islands
Cameron urged world leaders to respect the 99.8 percent vote
Previously said the islands were 'Argentinian soil' 'usurped' by Britain
Kirchner has already asked the Pope to take a message to world powers
PUBLISHED: 15:46 GMT, 15 March 2013 | UPDATED: 17:14 GMT, 15 March 2013

Prime Minister David Cameron today said he disagreed with the new pope, Francis I, over the future of the Falkland Islands.
Pope Francis, who is the first Argentinian pontiff and a former Archbishop of Buenos Aires, has previously described the disputed islands as 'Argentinian soil' which was 'usurped' by Britain.


'Britons are manipulating the justice': Displaced Chagos Islanders' bitter reality
Get short URL Published time: March 14, 2013 18:45
Edited time: March 14, 2013 19:39


“The UK government is happy to defend the rights to self-determination of the Falkland Islanders, but when the Chagos Islanders appeal for protection from their government they are abandoned,” he says


Britain faces UN tribunal over Chagos Islands marine reserve
Ruling by permanent court of arbitration in The Hague may challenge UK's unilateral declaration of marine protected area

Owen Bowcott and John Vidal
The Guardian, Monday 28 January 2013 16.33 GMT

Young British troops three times as likely to commit violent crime after returning from combat
Combat soldiers 53 per cent more prone to violent crimes than colleagues
Military men three times more likely than civilians to commit violent offences
Links drawn between combat and alcohol misuse, violent crime and PTSD
PUBLISHED: 10:54 GMT, 15 March 2013 | UPDATED: 11:13 GMT, 15 March 2013

Young British soldiers who have had combat experience are more likely to commit violent crimes when they return home from the armed forces.
Of around 3,000 military men under the age of 30, more than a fifth had a conviction for violent offences, compared with 6.7 per cent of their peers who are not in the army.
There were strong links between combat experience with post-deployment alcohol misuse, traumatic stress and violence.

Men who had seen combat in Iraq and Afghanistan were 53 per cent more likely to commit a violent offence than comrades given non-combat roles.
Those with multiple experiences of combat had a 70 per cent to 80 per cent greater risk of committing acts of violence.





2013年03月16日 07時05分09秒 | Weblog

TPP、関税ゼロなら農業打撃 GDPは増加 政府試算








社説:TPP交渉参加表明 自由化の先導役を担え
毎日新聞 2013年03月16日

TPP交渉参加 「未来の繁栄」の突破口に 離脱の選択肢はあり得ない
2013.3.16 03:09








TPP参加表明 自由貿易推進で成長に弾みを(3月16日付・読売社説)








2013年03月16日 02時23分16秒 | Weblog
Japan gives Canada $1 million to help with debris

Published: Mar 13, 2013
VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) - Japan is giving Canada $1 million to assist in the cleanup of debris that has landed on the Pacific coast province of British Columbia from the 2011 tsunami.

Japan's Vancouver Consul General Seiji Okada said California, Oregon and Washington state each are being given $1 million as well.

Canadian officials estimate up to 1.5 million metric tons of tsunami debris could reach western shores.

Okada says the funds are in recognition of Canada's support in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami. He says Canadians donated millions to aid Japan.

British Columbia Environment Minister Terry Lake says about half a million dollars has been spent on cleanup so far, but Lake says the volume of debris is not as much as once feared.

Daniel Kahl
15分前 (Twitterより) ·

March 11, 2013 (Ministry of Health Press Release)
Japan Ministry of Health Tests Cesium in Food Chain
Results – Less Than 1% of the Permissible Limit
厚生省3:13 Press release PDF

March 11, 2013 (2K article)
Radioactive Cesium Detected in Food in Japan
Found To Be Less Than 1% of Permissible Level
Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Investigation
3:11 Cs in Food Chain Safe pdf

March 8, 2013 (NHK News Web )
Tests Compare Childrenʼs Thyroids Both Inside and
Outside of Fukushima ― No Difference
NHK-F-Kids’ Thyroids No Diff 3:8:13



”Japan in denial” 誤解を煽るBBC大井記者の記事

2013年03月16日 01時16分23秒 | Weblog

Mariko Oi | 大井真理子

Wow, my #Japanese history education article http://bbc.in/13TUDpF got more than 1 million hits in a day! Thank you all for your feedback!



Mariko Oi | 大井真理子

日本の歴史教育について自分の経験をもとに書いてみました。とてもナーバスな問題ですが、両サイドの意見をバランスをとって書いたつもりです。ご意見を聞かせてください。@BBCNewsMagazine http://bbc.in/13TUDpF



Memories and
A Progress



Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong
by James W. Loewen



One of the most contentious topics there is the comfort women.

Fujioka believes they were paid prostitutes. But Japan's neighbours, such as South Korea and Taiwan, say they were forced to work as sex slaves for the Japanese army.



Without knowing these debates, it is extremely difficult to grasp why recent territorial disputes with China or South Korea cause such an emotional reaction among our neighbours. The sheer hostility shown towards Japan by ordinary people in street demonstrations seems bewildering and even barbaric to many Japanese television viewers.


But he too is unaware of the plight of the comfort women.



"Our system has been creating young people who get annoyed by all the complaints that China and South Korea make about war atrocities because they are not taught what they are complaining about," she said.

"It is very dangerous because some of them may resort to the internet to get more information and then they start believing the nationalists' views that Japan did nothing wrong."




I was choked with an extremely complex emotion. Sad to see Japan repeatedly described as evil and dubbed "the devil", and nervous because I wondered how people around me would react if they knew I was Japanese. But there was also the big question why - what drove these young soldiers to kill and rape?

see Japan repeatedly described as evil and dubbed "the devil"




She and Fujioka represent two opposing camps in a debate about what should be taught in Japanese schools.




But is ignorance the solution?



2011.9.23 03:04


All this has resulted in Japan's Asian neighbours - especially China and South Korea - accusing the country of glossing over its war atrocities.




Mariko Oi | 大井真理子

My #Japanese history education report on @BBCFooC @bbcworldservice 日本の歴史教育について「BBC特派員より」のラジオレポートです http://bbc.in/ZyacxA


South Sudan in the red; Japan in denial

政府が南京事件はあった、といい、慰安婦については何度謝罪しても、欧米人の固定観念のなかでは、Japan in denial の固定観念的なナラティブの中に整理されるだけなのである。








Mariko Oi | 大井真理子

Join our debate on if history is ever taught - in any country - without bias 歴史を公平無私に教えている国はあるのでしょうか?Facebookで討論中です https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151292840187217&set=a.10150618575207217.382392.228735667216&type=1&permPage=1 …

What Japanese history lessons leave out