Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年03月04日 14時50分17秒 | Weblog
Bigoted language takes centre stage in American media
Recognising untruths about people portrayed in the media requires vigilance.
Last Modified: 02 Mar 2013 17:10

American media reflects and defines the way we (here in the US) see the world. From tabloid journalism to reputable publications like the New York Times, there's no shortage of examples of bigoted language and ideas tossed out casually as "truth".
Individuals and groups of people are painted, consistently, with attributes that make bigger statements than the words themselves - statements that show how we are taught to see women, other cultures, and minorities. These are messages like: Look who isn't trying hard enough to be pretty, or trying too hard. Watch out for lascivious black men. Palestinians leaders make "targets" of companies, because they make "targets" of everything.

Countless reality shows highlight things to mock about people so viewers can feel better about themselves. This reality-show centred culture is simply a culmination of a long, and now highly marketable history which sets its superior sights on anyone who isn't white and male, and every facet of the media participates.

To illustrate how this works, I have selected two outlets: Yahoo and the New York Times.









 どの国でも、feel better about ourseves が大好きで、他国や多文化をちょっぴりからかう的な傾向は、意識的にせよ、無自覚的にせよ、ある。


Racism in Japan Part 2 日本では人種差別がありますか?パート2[字幕付き]



Carlos Guzman 3 時間前

This a great video. However, I think there is an important mistake in the translation. Whenever medamasensei said "some Japanese", the subtitles would say only "日本人は". This small mistake causes the Japanese audience of this video to feel offended unnecessarily. Ironic because while medamasensei tries to point out the fact that we should never make open generalizations, the translation is doing the exact opposite... Please change it!








 また、youtube で、アメリカの慰安婦問題や、アメリカンインディアンのレイプ問題などが存在し、いかにアメリカ人が無自覚であるかを、そして、WAPOがいかに偽善的であるか、Youといって、アメリカ人一般に説教し、最後にキング牧師の写真を出して、差別はアメリカにもあります、みたいなメッセージを動画でアメリカ人に送れるであろうか?



Waterboarding Americans and the redefinition of torture
Water torture has been a US military staple since the beginning of the 20th century.
Last Modified: 02 Mar 2013 17:09

Try to remain calm - even as you begin to feel your chest tighten and your heart race. Try not to panic as water starts flowing into your nose and mouth, while you attempt to constrict your throat and slow your breathing and keep some air in your lungs and fight that growing feeling of suffocation. Try not to think about dying, because there's nothing you can do about it, because you're tied down, because someone is pouring that water over your face, forcing it into you, drowning you slowly and deliberately. You're helpless. You're in agony.

In short, you're a victim of "water torture". Or the "water cure". Or the "water rag". Or the "water treatment". Or "tormenta de toca". Or any of the other nicknames given to the particular form of brutality that today goes by the relatively innocuous term "waterboarding".

Water torture, however, has a surprisingly long history, dating back to at least the 14th century. It has been a US military staple since the beginning of the 20th century, when it was employed by Americans fighting an independence movement in the Philippines. American troops would continue to use the brutal tactic in the decades to come - and during the country's repeated wars in Asia, they would be victims of it, too.

Water torture in Vietnam

For more than a decade, I've investigated atrocities committed during the Vietnam War. In that time, I've come to know people who employed water torture and people who were brutalised by it. Americans and their South Vietnamese allies regularly used it on enemy prisoners and civilian detainees in an effort to gain intelligence or simply punish them. A picture of the practice even landed on the front page of the Washington Post on January 21, 1968, but mostly it went on in secret.

Long-hidden military documents help to fill in the picture. "I held the suspect down, placed a cloth over his face, and then poured water over the cloth, thus forcing water into his mouth," Staff Sergeant David Carmon explained in testimony to Army criminal investigators in December 1970. According to their synopsis, he admitted to using both electrical torture and water torture in interrogating a detainee who died not long after.

According to summaries of eyewitness statements by members of Carmon's unit, the prisoner, identified as Nguyen Cong, had been "beat and kicked", lost consciousness and suffered convulsions. A doctor who examined Nguyen, however, claimed there was nothing wrong with him. Carmon and another member of his military intelligence team then "slapped the Vietnamese and poured water on his face from a five-gallon can," according to a summary of his testimony. An official report from May 1971 states that Nguyen Cong passed out "and was carried to the confinement cage where he was later found dead".

Years later, Carmon told me by email that the abuse of prisoners in Vietnam was extensive and encouraged by superiors. "Nothing was sanctioned," he wrote, "but nothing was off-limits short of seriously injuring a prisoner."

'Cruel or unusual'

This wasn't, in fact, the first time Americans had been subjected to water torture while at war in Asia. During World War II, members of the Japanese military used water torture on American prisoners. "I was given what they call the water cure," Lieutenant Chase Nielsen testified after the war. When asked about the experience, he answered: "I felt more or less like I was drowning, just gasping between life and death."

The same tortures were also meted out to American pilots captured during the Korean War. One described his treatment this way: "They would bend my head back, put a towel over my face, and pour water over the towel. I could not breathe... When I would pass out, they would shake me and begin again."

For their crimes against prisoners, including water torture, some Japanese officers were convicted and sentenced to lengthy prison terms, while others were executed.

The legal response to torturers in Vietnam was very different. While investigating allegations against Staff Sergeant Carmon, for instance, Army agents discovered within his unit a pattern of "cruelty and maltreatment" of prisoners that went on from March 1968 to October 1969. According to an official report, Army agents determined that the evidence warranted formal charges against 22 interrogators, many of them implicated in the use of water torture, electrical torture, beatings and other forms of mistreatment. But neither Carmon nor any of the others was ever charged, court martialed, or punished in any way, according to the records.







まず、問題を自覚しないと、アメリカ人も変わらないだろうしね、<(*^з^)> ~♪


2013年03月04日 06時00分07秒 | Weblog
'I was bullied by the man I loved': When Melissa Kite fell for a high-flying banker, she thought she’d found her dream man – but their relationship turned into a nightmare…
PUBLISHED: 00:01 GMT, 3 March 2013 | UPDATED: 00:12 GMT, 3 March 2013

Get down on the floor right now and pick up those shoes.’ My heart thumped as my boyfriend glared
at me.
We were on holiday in an idyllic Sardinian hotel but, treading on eggshells as usual, I had been fretting all day as we sat around the pool that something would ignite his temper.
In the end, it was the way the maid had arranged my sandals that set him off.
‘Well? Didn’t you hear me?’ he barked, pointing down at the shoes. ‘I don’t want them lined up against this wall. I want them lined up over there. Come on. Do it. Now.’
It was pitiful, an intelligent woman like me literally grovelling at a man’s feet, but I couldn’t risk sparking a full-blown tantrum.
So I knelt down and did what he asked. Oh, the shame of it.

One evening, after driving back from a lovely dinner, his face grew dark.
When I got out of the car and walked towards the house, he shouted, ‘Don’t you dare walk away from me.’
‘I’m not walking away from you,’ I pleaded. ‘I’m just going into the house.’
‘Come back here,’ he yelled.
I carried on, trying to act normally, but he cornered me in the living room and pushed me into a chair. Wagging his finger, he screamed, ‘You are going to sit there and listen to me.’
He ranted that I should never again dare to walk ahead of him. It turned out that I was required to walk alongside him or behind him at all times.

We were at a service station outside Paris and, while he was filling up, I bought a Britney Spears CD. It was a joke present, but he didn’t find it funny.

He grabbed the CD and threw it at me, then screamed at me to get in the car. He drove like a maniac, swerving all over the road. He began phoning the Eurostar to book us on an earlier train because,
he said, he couldn’t bear to be with me a second longer than he had to.
Then he lost it completely and threw the phone at my head.

He would accuse me of a minor misdemeanour – often it was just looking at him the wrong way, or not showing enough interest in what he was saying.
He would erupt and scream blue murder, then hours later he would apologise and beg my forgiveness. And he would look so sad and lost that I would take pity on him.

Once when we were skiing in the Alps, we drove to Geneva for dinner, then on the way back, for no reason at all, he started madly accelerating his car.
We clocked nearly 170mph on the motorway as I gripped the seat in terror, fearing for our lives. When we arrived back at the hotel, he looked furious, so I crept into bed praying he would go
to sleep.
At about 2am, when I was in a fitful slumber, he shook me awake and started yelling obscenities. Apparently, I was annoying him by sleeping too loudly. He ranted until I packed my bags, ran down to reception and begged the night porter to find me another room.
In the morning, I spent £500 on a last-minute flight to London with excess ski baggage, and vowed I would never go back to him. But a few days later, with protestations of love and more flowers, he talked me round.
The control he was exerting was becoming absurd. He bought me several pairs of flat shoes which he said were by a designer he liked, though I assumed it was more to do with the fact that I was taller than him when wearing high heels.
And one evening he arrived to take me to a family party with a box containing a very plain, matronly dress. It didn’t fit, but he demanded I wear it anyway. When I tried to explain that I couldn’t because it was too big, he refused to take me to the party.
I rang his mother in a panic to explain why we weren’t going. She sighed and said, ‘Oh well, you know what he’s like. Probably best just to wear the dress.’


evealed - the OTHER offensive T-shirts available on Amazon it was forced to axe 'Keep Calm and Rape' clothing line
Twitter urged others to email clothes shop and Amazon to express disgust
Message is a twist on the World War II morale-boosting slogan
Makers Solid Gold Bomb claimed the message was 'computer generated'
Owner has apologised and withdrawn the garments from sale.
Say they had 'no idea' the message was printed on the t-shirts
PUBLISHED: 22:06 GMT, 2 March 2013 | UPDATED: 11:56 GMT, 3 March 2013


Outrage at parents who 'blacked up' baby to look like football star Mario Balotelli
Chocolate was smeared over the child's face and a washing-up sponge stuck on his head
The child even sports the footballer's slogan 'Why Always Me?'
Photo causes outrage online and retweeted 2,000 times
PUBLISHED: 09:30 GMT, 3 March 2013 | UPDATED: 12:27 GMT, 3 March 2013

Last month a 10-year-old Leeds United fan caused outrage after he blacked up to pose with his hero El Hadji Diouf.

The child posted a series of pictures on his Twitter account provoking a backlash from users who said he was racist.
But the primary school child said he did not realise it would be offensive and did it as a tribute to his footballing hero.
The boy's father was forced to take to his son's Twitter account to defend him from accusations of racism.
He wrote: 'I want to apologise if [my son] dressing up has caused offence.



Police officers filmed smashing up pensioner's car

Pc who became YouTube sensation after smashing pensioner's car window with truncheon to get six-figure payout after being bullied out of job
Panel rules Pc Mike Baillon, 42, unfairly dismissed from traffic squad
He allegedly quit his job after becoming the butt of jokes
YouTube video showed CCTV of him battering car near Usk, South Wales
Another officer jumped onto bonnet of the car and kicked in the windscreen
Police disciplinary panel concluded that the officers' actions were justified
PUBLISHED: 00:06 GMT, 3 March 2013 | UPDATED: 12:37 GMT, 3 March 2013


police brutality

Romanians and Bulgarians snap up 175,000 jobs in the UK already... and that's before the borders have even opened
More than 250,000 Romanians and Bulgarians have come to Britain
175,000 of them have been given National Insurance Numbers
Work restrictions are set to be lifted next year
PUBLISHED: 22:01 GMT, 2 March 2013 | UPDATED: 10:52 GMT, 3 March 2013


‘We’re heading ever closer to my estimate of 425,000 Romanians and Bulgarians, which is a number I simply don’t believe this country can cope with.’


It was like watching myself die: As one twin lay in a coma after a horrific car accident, his brother recalls the terrible moment he decided to let him go
Twins Andrew and Christopher Watson were in the same car accident
Christopher wore no seat belt and was left in a coma from age of 16
Andrew let him go after three years and is only now able to talk of trauma
PUBLISHED: 22:33 GMT, 2 March 2013 | UPDATED: 22:51 GMT, 2 March 2013


With the full support of his mother Helen and older sister Emma, Andrew went to the High Court seeking permission to withdraw Christopher’s nutrition and hydration. Two years later, after tests were completed, the court agreed and on December 7, 2010, Christopher died peacefully in a hospice.



World's Most Insane Rope Swing Ever!!! - Canyon Cliff Jump


'Go kill yourself': Schoolgirl, 15, sent terrifying DEATH THREATS from jealous Justin Bieber fans aged 12 after teen star retweets her glowing review of his album
Courtney Barrasford gave a glowing review of Bieber's Believe Acoustic
The singer retweeted the message for his 35million followers to see
Within minutes, Courtney, from Portsmouth, Hampshire, was sent abuse
PUBLISHED: 11:13 GMT, 3 March 2013 | UPDATED: 12:49 GMT, 3 March 2013

ジャスティンビーバーの新作について感想をツイートしたら、本人ジュスティンからツイートをもらった女の子ーーーやきもちのコメントの嵐。2ちゃんみたいに、Go kill yourselfってのもあるんですね。

Todd Starnes · 35,492人が「いいね!」と言っています
33分前 ·

NYPD officers on 3 separate occasions asked to search my bag before letting me get on a subway train.

I finally asked one of the officers if I looked like an Islamic extremist.


The Canterbury 'cannibal': Police dig up British nurse's garden after 'he boasts about cooking a boy and a woman online'

Dale Bolinger, 57, allegedly corresponded with New York 'Cannibal Cop'
Emails claimed 'he had eaten a boy aged five and a woman'
They advised using breast fat for Yorkshire puddings and roast potatoes
Bolinger, from Canterbury, Kent, denies all the allegations against him
Claims conversations were not based in reality calling them 'fantasy'
PUBLISHED: 10:26 GMT, 2 March 2013 | UPDATED: 14:21 GMT, 2 March 2013


Autopsy clears Texas mother of beating to death her adoptive Russian son as medical examiner rules that bruises on toddler's body were self-inflicted

Ector County Medical Examiner's office today revealed that the death of Maxim Shatto, 3, was accidental
Little Max died on Jan. 21 after being adopted by a family in Texas
Russian authorities alleged he was abused by his adoptive mother and given psychiatric drugs
Texas authorities wouldn't comment on whether the bruises were caused by intentional beatings or were accidental
Latest in ongoing battle between two counties over adoptions and death comes weeks after Russians banned all adoptions to Americans
American authorities investigating claims but no arrests have been made
PUBLISHED: 22:55 GMT, 1 March 2013 | UPDATED: 22:59 GMT, 1 March 2013

The ban also reflects lingering resentment over the perceived mistreatment of some of the 60,000 children Americans have adopted during the last two decades. At least 20 of those children have died, and reports of abuse have garnered attention in Russia.

He said the toddler had numerous bruises on his body and damage to organs.



Officially sink holes are caused by the dissolution of soluble bedrock and the frequency and likelihood of such changes occurring depends on a number of natural factors like the type of rock present and the weather conditions in the area.



Hiroko Tabuchi @CJglobalite Please stop harassing my friends. That's all I have to say.

2013年03月04日 05時26分58秒 | Weblog
Hiroko Tabuchi

@CJglobalite Please stop harassing my friends. That's all I have to say.




Hiroko Tabuchi

@CJglobalite If you ever threaten me like you've threatened Jake Adelstein, Roland Kelts & others, I will go straight to the police. Thanks.
Reply Retweet Favorite More
11:20 PM - Mar 3, 2013
3 hrs Christopher Johnson ‏@CJglobalite
@HirokoTabuchi as NYT reporter, you have verifiable evidence to back up false accusation? Rule 1 of journalism: always consider the source.
3 hrs Christopher Johnson ‏@CJglobalite
@HirokoTabuchi fact is, I haven't met or contacted @rolandkelts in several years. I met @jakeadelstein twice, and never "threatened" him
3 hrs Christopher Johnson ‏@CJglobalite
@HirokoTabuchi my Japanese partner, who has real star quality and more fans than you, would like to speak with you directly backstage tonite
1 hr 武恋伝 ‏@inchiki_gaijin
@CJglobalite @HirokoTabuchi cj, making threats on twitter is never a good idea. Actually, making threats is never a good idea.


Christopher Johnson

@hirokotabuchi 浅井健一 my best friend since 1994, live tonight at Shibuya Ax with Ska Para's 加藤. If you have "issues", come discuss back stage


Hiroko Tabuchi

@CJglobalite If you ever threaten me like you've threatened Jake Adelstein, Roland Kelts & others, I will go straight to the police. Thanks.
Reply Retweet Favorite More
11:20 PM - Mar 3, 2013
10 hrs Christopher Johnson ‏@CJglobalite
@HirokoTabuchi as NYT reporter, you have verifiable evidence to back up false accusation? Rule 1 of journalism: always consider the source.
10 hrs Christopher Johnson ‏@CJglobalite
@HirokoTabuchi fact is, I haven't met or contacted @rolandkelts in several years. I met @jakeadelstein twice, and never "threatened" him
10 hrs Christopher Johnson ‏@CJglobalite
@HirokoTabuchi my Japanese partner, who has real star quality and more fans than you, would like to speak with you directly backstage tonite
9 hrs 武恋伝 ‏@inchiki_gaijin
@CJglobalite @HirokoTabuchi cj, making threats on twitter is never a good idea. Actually, making threats is never a good idea.
6 hrs Silly McGee ‏@sillymcgee
@CJglobalite @HirokoTabuchi Dude she just said to NOT threaten her! Read between the lines, you fool! Siccing your goons on someone is BAD!
2 hrs Mark Buckton ‏@MarkBuckton1970
@inchiki_gaijin @CJglobalite @HirokoTabuchi Gonna get some popcorn and, sit back & watch CJ in today's instalment of Jekyll and Hyde show.
2 hrs dtb ‏@dtbtravelouge
@CJglobalite @hirokotabuchi Today's words of the day: 保全命令 & 仮処分
23 mins Christopher Johnson ‏@CJglobalite
@inchiki_gaijin @HirokoTabuchi I didn't make any "threats". I asked her to come meet our tight group of 50 friends in person to see my world
19 mins Hiroko Tabuchi ‏@HirokoTabuchi
@CJglobalite @inchiki_gaijin You said your partner wanted to tear my hair out.
Details Reply Retweet Favorite More
16 mins Hiroko Tabuchi ‏@HirokoTabuchi
@CJglobalite @inchiki_gaijin And if you go any further I will take the issue up with both Japanese police and NYT legal. Thanks.