Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

''Could you imagine how you would look if you were a high Asian? Okay, its called chink eyed'

2013年03月09日 21時18分45秒 | Weblog
University student posts 'Totally Not Racist' video on Facebook

'Most Asians look alike- I don't want to look like everyone else,' he said in his first point.
'If I was an Asian man, chances are I'd probably be with an Asian woman and guess what: I don't find Asian women attractive. Kill me.
'Reason number three: sweatshops, they suck.'He goes on to list seven other supposed reasons, ranging from the fact that he doesn't like the taste of sushi to his fear that he will have 'double chink eyes' when he gets high.
'Could you imagine how you would look if you were a high Asian? Okay, its called chink eyed, well if you already have chink eyes- double chink eyes? Are your eyes just closed?' Hendrickson said in the video.

University Student Posts ‘Totally Not Racist’ Video Listing All the Racist Reasons He’d Hate to Be Asian [UPDATE]
Neetzan Zimmerman
Almost exactly two years to the day that UCLA student Alexandra Wallace posted her now-infamous "ching chong ling long" anti-Asian rant on YouTube, another university student is learning an important lesson about not being a racist on the Internet.

Indiana resident Samuel Hendrickson uploaded a video to his Facebook page yesterday that went viral overnight and generated a considerable amount of anger.




2013年03月09日 11時53分51秒 | Weblog

2013.3.9 07:00 (2/5ページ)












2013年03月09日 05時39分37秒 | Weblog
World from Berlin: Friedrich 'Stoking Anti-Immigrant Sentiment'

Germany and a handful of EU countries have blocked Bulgaria and Romania from joining the Schengen Area of border-free travel. Editorialists at the Germany's left-leaning dailies are calling the move an election-year ploy on the part of conservatives in Berlin.


巨人・杉内俊哉投手に厳重注意と罰金 WBC合宿中に宿舎で女性と密会
2013.3.8 07:40


Hiko Saemon
32分前 ·
You know, if Koreans trolled Japan, like Taiwese troll Korea... I think I could live with it...

[WBC] 台湾の美少女たちが笑顔で韓国国旗を潰す


'Prepare for all-out war': Kim Jong Un vows to attack South Korea as he cancels peace pact in revenge for tough UN sanctions
North Korea cancelled non-aggression pact in anger over sanctions
Comes after North Korea threatened a nuclear strike against U.S.
White House dismisses communist regime's 'ballistic missile' threats
China calls for 'restraint' to avoid possibility of 'further escalations'
New UN-approved sanctions target North Korea's economy and leadership
Nation is expanding secretive network of brutal prison camps
PUBLISHED: 06:58 GMT, 8 March 2013 | UPDATED: 14:16 GMT, 8 March 2013


Pyongyang's Provocations: What Motivates North Korean Threats?

By Andreas Lorenz

North Korea has responded to fresh UN sanctions by threatening to attack the US and escalate tensions with the South. But experts believe that the aggressive rhetoric has also been sparked by changing regional dynamics and hopes of rallying the people around their new leader.

There are three reasons for Kim's saber rattling. First, Pyongyang is apparently convinced that the rest of the world is out to get them. The regime also believes it is their right to possess nuclear weapons and intercontinental missiles, just like its archenemy, the United States.

Second, Kim and his family aim to show their starving underlings that they are legitimate leaders capable of protecting the people from external enemies, who are supposedly the real reason for the country's miserable economic state. Chinese Professor Shi Yinhong said in a recent interview that the nuclear test's goal was "strengthening his reputation as leader with the North Korean public and the military."

Finally, Pyongyang is testing the limits of recent changes in the region's political landscape. Three nearby countries all have new leaders. In China, the National People's Congress is underway, during which delegates will install Communist Party leader Xi Jinping as state president. South Korea has a new President, Park Geun-hye. And a conservative government is back in power in Japan. Meanwhile, in the US, Sen. John Kerry has replaced former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

All it has to do to bring Kim Jong Un and his cronies to their knees is turn off the oil tap and halt food supplies.

Beijing agreed to the UN's latest sanctions knowing that they are open to interpretation and cannot inflict serious harm on the North Koreans.


University professor, 37, dies from lung cancer after doctors dismissed her symptoms as 'anxiety and depression'
Lisa Smirl, 37, saw three doctors with a range of symptoms over a year
Had been suffering from shortness of breath, weight loss and arm pain
Despite this, doctors dismissed her symptoms as psychological
By the time cancer was diagnosed it had spread throughout her body
Cambridge-educated lecturer died last month, a year after being diagnosed
PUBLISHED: 11:24 GMT, 8 March 2013 | UPDATED: 13:04 GMT, 8 March 2013


Portrait of a 21st century British woman: One in five childless at age 45, fewer than half are married... and most strongly object to being called a feminist
Likelihood of becoming a mother has fallen by a third in one generation
Women are most likely to have their first child at the age of 29
Childlessness at highest since 1920 when there were fewer men post war
PUBLISHED: 00:10 GMT, 8 March 2013 | UPDATED: 07:55 GMT, 8 March 2013

Mall horror as gunman who ‘threatened shoppers’ is arrested by armed police in Brisbane after terrifying siege
Crazed gunman points weapon at police in city centre shopping mall
Officers shout at frightened shoppers to take cover in nearby stores
Police bring siege to an end by firing 'bean bag' rounds at gunman
PUBLISHED: 08:57 GMT, 8 March 2013 | UPDATED: 09:41 GMT, 8 March 2013

‘A wide range of explanations relating to circumstances and choices have been put forward for the increasing childlessness,’ the report from the Office for National Statistics said.
‘These include the decline in the proportion of women married, changes in the perceived costs and benefits of childrearing versus work and leisure activities, greater social acceptability of the child-free lifestyle, and the postponement of decisions about whether to have children until it may be biologically too late.’

The report said reasons for delay include the higher numbers going into higher education, delays to marriage and partnership formation, and ‘the desire to establish a career, get on the housing ladder and ensure financial stability before starting a family’.

Separate ONS research shows that less than half the adult women in Britain are now married.
Just 49 per cent of women over the age of 16 were wives in 2011, the first time the proportion has fallen under the halfway point, the General Lifestyle Survey found.
The proportion of married women was around three quarters at the end of the 1970s.



Rather than supporting a movement for new rights and equality, they admire the notion of femininity.


The study, funded by the taxpayer-supported Economic and Social Research Council, was based on in-depth interviews with groups of young women in both Britain and Germany.
It said that women who disliked feminism were reacting against the notion of man-hating and un-feminine campaigners.
Researcher Dr Christina Scharff of King’s College, London, said: ‘The term feminism provokes unease and even hostility.


Those women who think women in poorer countries are passive victims of oppression take it as evidence that they are not oppressed themselves, the study added.



‘Although none of the participants could point to specific individuals, most still viewed pioneers of gender equality as lesbian, man-hating feminists.’
