Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年03月17日 11時41分18秒 | Weblog






(2013年3月16日19時01分 読売新聞)


教育費支出「OECD並み目指す」 中教審答申案に明記





I was called a 'n****r' and 'monkey': Rebel Tory MP reveals racist abuse he suffered growing up on a rough London estate
Adam Afriyie has described the hardship he experienced growing up
The muti-millionaire regards himself to be a potential successor to Cameron
he is to be part of debates this week ahead of the budget
PUBLISHED: 01:45 GMT, 17 March 2013 | UPDATED: 01:46 GMT, 17 March 2013


Furious police chief launches misconduct probe into his own officers after they let off burglar with just a warning
Essex police officers just gave a burglar a caution
He had stolen jewellery and cameras from a home
Police chief Jim Barker-McCardle was furious about the decision
PUBLISHED: 22:35 GMT, 16 March 2013 | UPDATED: 00:33 GMT, 17 March 2013



Smacking: An 'acceptable' form of child abuse
The UK government has sunk to a new low by defending the rights of parents who smack their children, writes author.
Last Modified: 16 Mar 2013 12:17

UK law protects those who chastise children, as parents in the UK are not explicitly prohibited from smacking their children.

In 2007, findings were published from the desperately needed review of Section 58 of the Children Act 2004. The outcome restricted parents and those acting in loco parentis, who cause physical injury to their children, using the "reasonable punishment" defence where they are charged with actual or grievous bodily harm.

As a result of the amendment of Section 58, the Crown Prosecution Service for England and Wales reviewed a sample of cases where a child was assaulted by a parent or adult acting in loco parentis, and published a charging standard.

"If it not permissible to beat an adult, why should it be permissible to do so to a child?"

The Charging Standard states that for minor assaults committed by an adult upon a child that result in injuries such as grazes, scratches, abrasions, minor bruising, swelling, superficial cuts or a black eye, the appropriate charge will normally be ABH for which the defence of "reasonable chastisement/punishment" can no longer be used.

However, if the injury amounts to no more than reddening of the skin, and the injury is "transient and trifling", the "reasonable chastisement/punishment defence" can be used by parents charged with common assault.

So, if a parent hits a child with so much force their skin becomes discoloured and broken, they then have the defence of a farcical legal loophole, also known as "reasonable chastisement" to justify assaulting their child. It is incomprehensible and an utter insult to humanity that adults have more legal protection than children if they suffer an assault from another adult.


Circumcision wars, child custody, culture and the girl child
The issue of circumcision is divisive and is still being battled out in the US and Canada.
Last Modified: 16 Mar 2013 12:17



The battle over circumcision

Circumcision and the inability of minors to consent to it as a procedure has in recent years become an issue of much legal wrangling. In June last year, a court in Cologne, Germany ruled that that the "fundamental right of a child to bodily integrity, outweighed the fundamental rights of the parents." In that case, a four year-old Muslim boy who had undergone circumcision was brought to a hospital with heavy bleeding, and the court found that "the body of the child is irreparably and permanently changed by circumcision" and that this change contravened the child's later rights to decide his religious beliefs. Months after the ruling, a Jewish rabbi in Germany was charged with causing bodily harm for performing male circumcision. The charges were dropped only recently when the German Parliament passed a law this October allowing traditional male circumcision.

The controversy over circumcision rests essentially on whether the practice is legally weighed as an issue of health or the religious belief of parents and the minor's inability to consent. If health - both psychological and physical - is used as the determinant, then FGC emerges as a devastating and debilitating practice that has been shown to have grave health consequences, cause physical impairment and psychological harm. On the other hand, male circumcision has, according to some studies, been shown to have health benefits in reducing risk of transmission of HIV.

However, if the issue is judged on the basis of parental consent, then the issue becomes more complicated (at least in the United States). While there have been no cases permitting FGC, there are cases - such as one in Oregon - which affirmed the right of a Jewish father with custody to have circumcision performed on his 12 year-old son even though the divorced mother of the child opposed the procedure. Furthermore, in other cases related to religious freedom, American courts have found that the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment allows Amish parents to keep children out of school even though it may harm their future educational prospects. Furthermore, hospitals in the United States confronted with Jehovah's Witness parents who refuse blood transfusions for minor children based on religious belief must often obtain a court order prior to overriding requirements of consent.

A recent strengthening of the movement to ban all circumcision suggests that the debate may be moving from health-based considerations to an issue of freedom of religious exercise. Like the court in Germany, those advocating a complete ban on the circumcision of all minors insist that the practice inhibits choice by doing something irreversible to a child's body owing to the beliefs of the parents. If this strain of argument continues to gain force (it was almost a ballot initiative in San Francisco last November), then the opponents of FGC who have fought the misogynistic and detrimental effects of the practice are likely to face some obstacles in maintaining the health-based bans on all forms of FGC at all ages.

If choice is made central to the issue of circumcision, male or female, then adult females supposedly "consenting" to the procedure owing to cultural or family pressures will once again be vulnerable to a dangerous practice with permanent drawbacks. The issue of FGC in contemporary courts then, illustrates the limits of the law when confronted by the diffuse and hard-to-quantify influences of culture. In the case of the female child of Aden and Aly, the danger then may not be the parents that would impose the procedure on her, but the cultural pressures that may influence her as an adult to choose it.






Workplace pregnancy discrimination on rise
A survey shows one in seven women have lost their job while on maternity leave amid growing levels of discrimination.
Last Modified: 15 Mar 2013 11:43

When Sarah approached her female manager at a large media company about her maternity leave, she found herself bargaining over the duration she would take: "I knew I wanted six months to be with my son, but she immediately started talking me down, saying four months was plenty. I felt pressured to agree to take less time."

When Sarah returned to work, her manager informed her that she would not be entitled to "special treatment" and announced she'd been posted to a new job which involved travelling every few weeks, for months at a time.

"I wasn't sacked, but they made it impossible for me to stay. I'd specifically said I didn't want a post which involved too much travelling for extended periods, but when I returned, that was the only job on offer to me."

Stories like Sarah's are increasingly common. A report released today by the group Working Families has revealed high levels of maternity discrimination for the third year running, reinforcing recent research suggesting this is a growing trend.

Despite this, very few women take any formal action. According to the most recent national research in 2005, of women who lost their jobs due to discrimination, 8 percent took action, while only 3 percent went to tribunal. The vast majority (71 percent) did nothing, a statistic advocacy group Maternity Action put down to women being "very cautious out of fear, they'll be labelled troublemakers - a lot of women simply go quietly".

More 'emotional and irrational'

Sarah Jackson, Chief Executive of Working Families, stated, "We have far too many callers who, even when advised about their rights, are reluctant to take action for fear of losing their jobs." And as of this year, women taking a pregnancy discrimination claim to an employment tribunal will face a fee of 1,200 pounds (US$1,791), deterring many more.

In 2005, the Equal Opportunity Commission found that 30,000 women each year were losing their job as a result of pregnancy discrimination. Today, campaigners describe increasing levels of unfair selection of pregnant women and new mothers for redundancy and described the discrimination as increasingly "blatant".

Figures show that one in seven women in a recent survey by OnePoll had lost their job while on maternity leave. The Fawcett Society believes in times of austerity, when employers cannot afford to take any perceived risks to profits and growing business, discrimination against women in the workplace is likely to rise.

The downsizing and restructuring of many companies due to the economic recession has meant a hike in redundancies, with many pregnant and new mothers adversely affected and those in less skilled jobs perceived as dispensable.

In many cases, pregnant women or new mothers are made to feel they no longer have a place within the company, with attitudes towards pregnancy increasingly hostile. Just last month, Mark Thomas, former chief executive of BBC Studios & Post Production, was accused of declaring that "female workers of child-caring responsibilities should not hold senior management positions".

Businessman Lord Alan Sugar, who'd previously stated that the way to get round the laws protecting pregnant women was not to employ them, has also criticised laws which ban interviewers from grilling women about whether they want children.

Britain has some of the highest childcare costs in the world, in an economic climate which renders the cost of childcare relative to wages so disadvantageous as to push women towards non-remunerated work within the home - even when they'd rather be out working for a salary.

A mong the incidents handled by the group was an employer insisting that a female staffer work a late night rota. If she did, she could not pick her child up in time from nursery and it would cost her between 60 pounds ($89) and 80 pounds ($119) in charges for every late night worked.






Epidemic of birth defects in Iraq and our duty as public health researchers
Birth defects and cancer rates are rising in Iraq after the 2003 invasion, immediate environmental clean-up is needed.
Last Modified: 15 Mar 2013 11:39



2013年03月17日 01時38分09秒 | Weblog


I overheard your phone conversation with Mike last night about your plans to come out to me. The only thing I need you to plan is to bring home OJ and bread after class. We are out, like you now.

I’ve known you were gay since you were six, I’ve love you since you were born.

- Dad

P.S. Your mom and I think you and Mike make a cute couple.

'I’ve known you were gay since you were six, I’ve loved you since you were born': Dad’s touching letter accepting gay son goes viral
PUBLISHED: 05:15 GMT, 16 March 2013 | UPDATED: 16:23 GMT, 16 March 2013

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2294281/Dads-touching-letter-accepting-gay-son-goes-viral.html#ixzz2NiqBhQD3
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


「おまえさんがゲイであることは6歳のころから気づいていたし、生まれたときから、おまえさんは私にとってかけがえのない存在だよ、父より、p.s. お前さんとマイク君は可愛いカップルになるね、と母さんと話していたんだよ。」といった手紙を息子に書いた父親



Schools in Britain need to give lessons in empathy?

2013年03月17日 01時07分52秒 | Weblog

'About six men or seven men came on to the tram and started making indecent
racist comments.
'Myself and my daughter felt distressed and very uncomfortable about this so I said "just behave".
'I said it again "please behave" and that's when it started,' he said.

'How can this happen?': Mr Patel said only his 21-year-old daughter came to his aid while he was being attacked on the tram
'There was one in front of me and one behind me both punching me in my face and on the back of the head.
'They were hitting me in the face, the eyes, the head.
'After two punches I think I blacked out but the carriage was so full that I was unconscious while standing up. Nobody did anything or said anything, they all just stood and watched us.
'I managed to lean against the side of the tram while they got out.
'They told me "If you want finish this get off the tram" before they got off calmly at the G-MEX stop,' said the football fan, who added that his daughter was the only one who came to his aid during the attack.


どうしてこうなるのかなああ? 日本人も人間なんですけど・・・

Schools in Japan need to give lessons in empathy

 なんて記事があったが、ならば、Schools in Britain need to give lessons in empathy



それを、WE・US と They・Them われわれ と あいつら にあえて民族的、人種的に分断して やつらに関して、十羽一からげに論じる論法に反対しているのである。




2013年03月17日 00時30分51秒 | Weblog
Aceface ‏@Aceface4ever



@Aceface4ever これ書いているのマクニール氏じゃないですかね。

Spin and substance

Should the United States be impressed by Shinzo Abe―or worried by him?
Mar 2nd 2013 | TOKYO |From the print edition

Mr Abe’s scribblings published since he came to office betray an almost wilful naivety. He appears to think that Japan did very little bad in the imperial years before its utter defeat in 1945 (a view that riles Japan’s neighbours). Even weirder, Mr Abe writes as if Japan has done little good in the years since. He writes of freeing “the country called Japan” from “the grip of post-war history”.

It is not entirely clear what he means, but the chief complaint seems to be with the pacifist parts of the constitution which America foisted on the defeated country―a kind of national castration, in Mr Abe’s eyes, made worse by the perceived influence of Japanese socialists in the 1960s.

The Economist  【プロフィール】 バックナンバー2013年3月7日(木)



 Economist の日本記事の質が低下していることは一部では知られるようになってきたが、それにしても、ここらへん安倍氏のどの発言からこういう解釈が出てきたのか、皆目見当がつかない。






