Japan focusで水木しげるの戦争漫画を紹介している。日本というと、戦争肯定派、右翼街宣車しか思い浮かばない外人さんたちは覗いてみて欲しい。
* Evidence that, contrary to the claims of the above parties, Gwen was indeed fired on the basis of non-freshness and over-Japanization: (Asahikawa Daigaku's court affidavit cover, page 7, page 8)
A District Court Judge in Asahikawa, Hokkaido, ruled on Feb 1, 2000 that a university is legally permitted to dismiss a non-Japanese academic because he or she is "too Japanized", explicitly citing as evidence in the hanketsu decision that living here too long and being married to a Japanese spouse renders an educator unable to teach about foreign culture.
Dubious? Original Hanketsu pages in Japanese here: cover, page sixty-three and sixty-four in jpeg form. Full update writeup in English, plus suggestions on what you can do to help here.
E.P. Lowe Says:
September 20th, 2008 at 9:37 am ・・・・
The only other way to get policy change would be if someone could convince a major US, or maybe UK paper to run a series on the ‘Dark Side’ of Japan.
In many countries, remittances from immigrants are a leading contributor to the nation's economy, even outpacing foreign aid. Some nations allow immigrants living abroad to vote in local elections or contribute money to campaign funds or development projects.
"The importance of these earnings to the former sending country is huge, and because of the size of these diaspora communities, they've become an important force in local politics, in supporting candidates and in lobbying the U.S. government with regards to foreign policy," Weiss said.AP Sep 21, 6:18
To all those who are freaked out about the possibility of working in Japan; don't worry, this is not the norm, not by a long shot. As I said before, any job will have co-workers or even bosses you don't like, and perhaps some unfavorable conditions, but this job/company is way past extreme. As usual, I just seem to have special luck or something.Less Money, More Problems...Cont. - September 19, 2008
I’ll admit that sometimes I find certain things in this country frustrating, but it’s no different than the garbage that one would find in any other country of the world.
Jason’s Random Thoughts
Yet Another Gaijin In Japan
Seriously … these aren’t Japanese problems. They’re human problems.
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小沢氏は大会終了後の記者会見で、高速道路無料化を直ちに実施し、初年度に子ども手当創設を実現する考えを表明。農業者戸別所得補償については「3段階目でほぼ完成にもっていけるようにしたらいい」と語った。 朝日