Yasuさんに教えられて知ったが、「外人」が差別語か否かの問題、まだやってるんだね。debito.org/?p=1891 PnetQ さんなどと共に、外人さんたちも、差別語でない論の論陣を張って下さっている。こういうの見ると、LBさんやMattさんAnpontanなどなど以外にも日本をおもって公正に判断して下さる外国人の方も多いのかな、と勇気づけられる。こうした言論がなければ、一部親日派の人々を除いて、どうかいい機会に母国の先進国にお帰りになられれば?」と言いたい衝動が頭をもたげる。まあ、それはいいとして・・・・
Fuck you!
32 Fred Says:
September 6th, 2008 at 10:54 pm
How anybody possibly be offended by being called gaijin? David, you seem like a guy that dont like Japanese society and the people of Japan, or rather, their customs. If you keep being so offended by living there, why dont you go back to america and stay there?
Your whole argumententations about so many things in general, but this thing in particular, is just absolutely wrong and it discusts me that any gaijin would go out in public they way you do and drag down the public image of gaijins in Japan by acting like you own the place and trying to tell the Japanese what to do.
Political correctness, in any form, is never a good thing. Im from Sweden, and here it has gone so far that we have, for example:
-special discriminatory rules for public recreation facilities so that muslims can swim and excersize in private from the dhimmis (the rest of the countrys population). They have also made sure that the muslim women have no right of accessing the facilities that the men can enjoy. This in the name of “anti-discrimination” and “integration”.
-media actively supresses any information about foreigners that commit crimes like assault and rape, and actively fuels news about the few times native swedes commit violent crimes.
-the government, acting on behalf on the PC lobbyists, have stopped keeping records on ethnicity in any sort of criminal content. Even though, for example, Somali men are notorious for chewing narcotic substance “khat”, which is illegal in our country, the government now actively try to hide the numbers and claim that it is a sudden newfound interest in certain drugs among native swedes that have dragged up the numbers.
-allowed halal meat, even though we used to have very strict rules for sedating and slaughtering animals in a humane fashion.
and so on, and so on. My country is taking huge steps backwards on pretty much every major field of the welfare and safe atmosphere it used to be so famous for, all in the name of political correctness. This has led to a massive surge for the nationalist parties, which spells lots of trouble for the immigrants residing here that DONT cause any trouble and DONT demand being treated specially because of, imagined or real, religious, political or ethnic reasons (the asian community especially).
What Im trying to say is that you should start loving Japan for what it is. Nobody likes a whiner. Youre not Japanese and never will be, so get used to it or go back to where you belong.
33 Matthew Says:
September 7th, 2008 at 3:16 am
Hi Fred–you got problems with Sweden–talk to them. Two different worlds.
“Nobody likes a whiner. Youre not Japanese and never will be, so get used to it or go back to where you belong.”
I am loving this―what an arrogant prick you are.
Your simplistic take on the reality of life in japan makes me almost cry. Have you lived in Japan for more than 10years? Have you bought a house? Have you had children? have you buried parents and grandparents? If no–then fuck you! You dare to tell us who have done these things to “go back to where we belong”!!! I want to smack you in the face for such bullshit.
I hope to meet you one day and you can say “Nobody likes a whiner. Youre not Japanese and never will be, so get used to it or go back to where you belong.” to my face. I really really want to have that experience.
Oh I forgot―-fuck you!
Fuck you!
ばか野郎, くそったれ, ちくしょう
fuck you
〈卑〉〔怒りを込めて〕死んじまえ!、ばか野郎!、ふざけんじゃねーよ!Fuck you!
〈卑〉犯すぞ。/死ね。◆極めて強いののしり。Screw you.より激烈。公の場ではタブー、テレビはもとよりR指定の映画でもあまり使われない。学校で口にすれば罰せられる。強い調子で発音する。冗談では使えない
61PnetQ Says:
September 13th, 2008 at 3:55 am
–For the record, I deleted the comment after fair warning that it was misquoting a poll. The poster is welcome to resubmit the comment sans reference to the poll, as I said in that warning.