Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2008年09月19日 01時28分41秒 | Weblog

Several legal experts have told ABC News that a sexual relationship between a judge and prosecutor under these circumstances would violate a defendant's right to a fair trial and would render the conviction invalid.

囮捜査のために仕方なく女性と交わり絶頂に達したテキサスの刑事が停職処分 ― バージニア州の一部では証拠固めの性交が通例化の話も

* テキサス州の話:http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7012041531

* バージニア州の話:http://www.wftv.com/news/7043931/detail.html


"They weren't lured to be here, they wanted to be here," Levine said. "They were too angry that they had been used.

When Acquitted Doesn't Mean Acquitted
 A 無罪
 B 無罪
 C 有罪

THE mum of a violent and out-of-control hoodie today lays bare her despair at our failing justice system.
Our son would be better off in prison but no-one will listen to us


5 Days to the Planned Execution of Troy Anthony Davis
1 - Troy’s fingerprints didn’t match those found at the crime scene

2 - There was no gun residue on Troy’s fingers - in fact, no physical evidence at all connects Troy to this crime.

3 - So why is Troy on death row? Because of testimony from nine people who said that Troy pulled the trigger. But an astounding SEVEN of these nine people shave ince recanted their testimony in sworn affidavits, with several saying they were pressured to finger Troy by police (Of the two who haven’t come forward, one is said to be the police’s initial suspect, and the other testified that the shooter was left-handed, but Troy is right-handed).

In March 2008, the Chief Justice of the Georgia Supreme Court, joined by two other Justices on the Court, wrote that,:

In this case, nearly every witness who identified Davis as the shooter at trial has now disclaimed his or her ability to do so reliably. Three persons have stated that Sylvester Coles confessed to being the shooter. Two witnesses have stated that Sylvester Coles, contrary to his trial testimony, possessed a handgun immediately after the murder. Another witness has provided a description of the crimes that might indicate that Sylvester Coles was the shooter.

Troy Davis is scheduled to be executed on September 23 for the murder of Police Officer Mark MacPhail in Georgia, yet serious doubts of his guilt remain and compelling evidence of his innocence has not been heard in court. On Friday, September 12, the Georgia Board of Pardon and Paroles denied clemency to Davis -- we must urge them to reconsider their decision.http://takeaction.amnestyusa.org/siteapps/advocacy/index.aspx?c=jhKPIXPCIoE&b=2590179&template=x.ascx&action=11288

Witness testimony was the only basis for the racist conviction. However, nearly all witnesses have subsequently recanted or contradicted their original statements. All but two witnesses have stated in sworn affidavits that police coerced them to testify against Davis.http://www.pslweb.org/site/News2?JServSessionIdr012=eetxloitf8.app1b&page=NewsArticle&id=9951&news_iv_ctrl=1261
