


2013-07-17 00:56:16 | 研究ネタ

Nova Mon 2012 関係をメモ:

Photometric evolution, orbital modulation and progenitor of Nova Mon 2012

Munari et al. (2013) arXiv:1306.1501

The 7.1 Hr X-Ray-Ultraviolet-Near-infrared Period of the γ-Ray
Classical Nova Monocerotis 2012

Page et al. (2013), ApJ, 768, L26

Optical Morphology, Inclination, and Expansion Velocity of the Ejected Shell
of Nova Monocerotis 2012
Ribeiro et al. (2013), ApJ, 768, 49

Fermi Discovers a New Population of Gamma-ray Novae
Cheung et al. (2013), arXiv:1304.3475

The spectroscopic evolution of the γ-ray emitting classical nova Nova Mon 2012.
I. Implications for the ONe subclass of classical novae

Shore et al. (2012), A&A, 553, 123

# ところで2012年は新星豊作でしたが、この天体以外の論文は手薄な印象。
# 先にそれらに手を回す方が良いのかもしれない。


KT Eri 関係をメモ:

Morpho-kinematical modelling of Nova Eridani 2009 (KT Eri)
Ribeiro et al. (2013), MNRAS, 433, 1991

Nova KT Eri 2009: infrared studies of a very fast and small amplitude He/N nova
Raj et al. (2013), MNRAS, 433, 2657

# 同じ雑誌で同じ号に KT Eri の論文が二本。


最近の R. Williams 博士の論文をメモ:

Novae Ejecta as Discrete Adiabatically Expanding Globules
Williams (2013), arXiv:1306.6319

Origin of the "He/N" and "Fe II" Spectral Classes of Novae
Williams (2012), AJ, 144, 98 

# 最新 (2013) の論文には He/N, Fe II に関する模式図があります。
という印象も5割ほどですが... (^^;


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