

表情知覚: the Linear Feature Model

2005-06-24 | Research: Face
Quarterly-Journal-of-Experimental-Psychology:-Comparative-and-Physiological-Psychology. Aug 1997; Vol 50B (3): 253-268

"Categorical Discrimination of Human Facial Expressions by Pigeons: A Test of the Linear Feature Model"

Masako Jitsumori and Masato Yoshihara


Pigeons were trained to discriminate human facial expressions, happiness and anger, in a go/ no-go discrimination procedure. Five pigeons learned to discriminate photographs of the happy and angry faces of 25 different people and showed high levels of transfer to novel faces expressing the training emotions. The pigeons directed their pecks predominantly to the mouth, eyes, or the area between these features. The pigeons were then tested with familiar stimuli in which the upper and lower parts of the face were manipulated separately by substitution or removal of facial features (''eyes-and-eyebrows'' and ''mouth''). It was shown that the salience of particular features differed considerably among the birds, but that a linear feature model adequately accounted for discriminative performance of the birds with these stimuli. Furthermore, the discrimination was maintained when these features were inverted. Thus, the so-called Thatcher illusion did not occur. It is suggested that the discrimination is based not on a feature configuration or perceptual gestalt but on an additive integration of individual features.

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