

Interpolation / closure, occlusion, and size

2010-02-21 | Research: V. Interp.
Percept Psychophys. 1993 Apr;53(4):436-42.
Influences of closure, occlusion, and size on the perception of fragmented pictures.
Brown JM, Koch C.

J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform. 2005 Jun;31(3):558-83.
3-d interpolation in object perception: evidence from an objective performance paradigm.
Kellman PJ, Garrigan P, Shipley TF, Yin C, Machado L.

Fantoni and Gerbino, 2003, Contour interpolation by vector-field combination, Journal of Vision 3 (4) (2003), pp. 281–303
Interpolation is modeled as the product of threefactors: smooth closure (SC), good continuation (GC),and minimal path (MP).
• SC: It is utilized as a superordinate principle that modulates the rivalry between GC and MP, forcingthe trajectory to be close and continuous everywhere.
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