

Yazdanbakhsh, A., and Grossberg, S. (2004).

2005-12-03 | Research: V. Interp.
The LAMINART model
key properties of this model depend upon the existence of balanced excitatory and inhibitory signals in different cortical layers. In particular, a balance between excitation and inhibition is needed in the bipole circuit in layer 2/3 to ensure that perceptual groupings can form inwardly between pairs or greater numbers of inducers, but not outwardly from a single inducer.
On the other hand, balanced excitatory and inhibitory connections have also been used to explain the observed variability in the number and temporal distribution of spikes emitted by cortical neurons. Several model studies have shown how balanced excitation and inhibition can produce the highly variable interspike intervals that are found in cortical data.

Yazdanbakhsh, A., and Grossberg, S. (2004). Fast synchronization of perceptual grouping in laminar visual cortical circuits. Technical Report CAS/CNS TR-2004-005 , Boston University . Neural Networks, 17 , 707-718.
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