

Configural features

2009-03-23 | Research: Face
Leder, H., Candrian, G., Huber, O., & Bruce, V. (2001). Configural features in the context of upright and inverted faces. Perception, 30, 73-83.

Schwaninger, A., Lobmaier, J., & Collishaw, S. M. (2002). Role of featural and configural information in familiar and unfamiliar face recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2525, 643-650.

Schwaninger, A., J. S. Lobmaier and M. H. Fischer: The inversion effect on gaze perception reflects processing of component information. Experimental Brain Research 167(1), 49-55 (08 2005)

....featural and configural information is encoded explicitly.

in normal (upright) face processing, component and configural information is combined into a single holistic face representation.
An analytical similarity decision would mean that only component information is used to judge the similarity of faces.

Information of local features and relations between them is extracted in order to activate component and configural representations in the ventral stream.

cf. Fig.5, p.93 in
Schwaninger, A., Carbon, C.C., & Leder, H. (2003). Expert face processing: Specialization and constraints. In G. Schwarzer & H. Leder, Development of face processing (pp. 81-97), Göttingen: Hogrefe.
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An Incremental Reweighting Model

2009-03-23 | Research: P. Learn.
The Dynamics of Perceptual Learning: An Incremental Reweighting Model.
Petrov, Alexander A.; Dosher, Barbara Anne; Lu, Zhong-Lin
Psychological Review. Vol 112(4), Oct 2005, 715-743.
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Parallel processing in visual search asymmetry.

2009-03-23 | Research
Dosher BA, Han S, Lu ZL
Parallel processing in visual search asymmetry.
Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance 30(1):3-27, 2004 Feb

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