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人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇140篇 罪人であることの自覚

2023年06月06日 11時11分02秒 | 詩篇
140篇 罪人であることの自覚
Psalm 140: Being a Sinner
1. context and background of Paul
The title of the song is "David's Hymn," but it is not by David himself, and is said to be "a hymn in the style of David. The date of composition is also unknown.
First, the psalmist prays for deliverance from the wicked. The words "wicked" and "tyrant" are collective nouns and do not refer to any specific person. It is a way of saying such people. They are full of evil in heart and deed (v. 2) and in word (v. 3), always looking to push people down. It should be noted, however, that Paul quotes these words in Romans (3:13), but his intent is somewhat different from that of the psalmist.
Paul adopts the psalmist's image of the wicked for his concluding image of all mankind as sinners. If that is the case, then it is not this person or that person who should be imagined as the evil one, but rather myself. Well, there are many people who hear a sermon and intuit that, oh, this is talking about that person. But there is no such thing as a sermon spoken to a specific person. If the sermon is exegetically faithful, it is true that we should take it as God speaking to each and every one of us. But in reality, it takes courage to read the Psalm as it applies to oneself. No one wants to think of themselves as someone who is violent, cruel, and deceitful toward others; someone who attacks others instead of loving them; someone who is to be judged instead of protected by God. We want to be seen and thought of as a good person. But we must realize that it is human to have this propensity. The first step in being a Christian is to be humble and honestly admit that we have a "sharp tongue like a serpent and the venom of a worm under our lips. If we cannot do that, we will always be a sarcastic Christian who plays nice and is somehow superior. Without true sinner consciousness, living in new life by God's power cannot happen.
2. original context and background
The second half of the book is quite tough to read when you read it from the standpoint of yourself as an evil person. May burning coals fall on them, so that they may not be able to rise up (v. 10), and may works take captive those who commit tyranny (v. 11)." (v. 11) It must be difficult for you to accept that I, as such, am prayed for and cursed by God. But in reality, I am and was such a person. When we understand that reality, we are taught how humble we should be.
Now this psalm is similar to Psalm 7, which was sung when under attack from Saul, and Psalm 64, which was composed during Absalom's rebellion, and which, apart from Paul's intention, was read as the prayer of one in distress, according to the original intention of the poet.
Often there are times when the wicked and tyrannical rise up against us as we repent and seek to live before God. They will shake our weakened hearts, hurt us, grieve us, discourage us, and even make us feel foolish for asking God's Word to help us. There is no mercy for the attacks of the arrogant and tyrannical ones of the wicked. But not to worry. As we learned in Psalm 139, God knows everything about us. He is the One who has watched over us, been with us, and been our friend since before we were born until now. With such a One, what is there to fear? Like the author, we should sincerely say, "I know. I know that the Lord upholds the appeal of the afflicted, and that He judges the poor. Truly, the righteous will give thanks to your name, and the upright will dwell in your presence" (vv. 13, 14). (vv. 13, 14). However, when we are in affliction, we should pray to God with confidence, assuming that we are humble and aware that we are sinners. God is on the side of the repentant sinner. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. Which of the following miracles performed by Jesus demonstrates the omnipresence of God? (1) Calming the stormy sea, (2) Healing the son of a royal official, (3) Resurrecting Lazarus. The answer was (2) the healing of the son of a royal official. The royal official wanted Jesus to come to his house and heal him before his son died. But Jesus performed the healing miracle without physically moving. This is an indication that God's power transcends time and space, or that God is omnipresent. Now for today's Bible quiz. Who quotes Psalm 140 in the New Testament? (1) Paul, (2) Peter, (3) John, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I pray that you have a good day today.

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