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人生💯倍の喜び😊【聖書】エズラ記10章 グレーゾーン

2022年11月13日 07時17分40秒 | エズラ記
10章 雑婚問題への対応
 そして44節、口語訳(Japanese Kougo-translation)は「これらの者は皆異邦の女をめとった者である。彼らはその女たちをその子供と共に離縁した。」とあります。口語訳(Japansese Kougo-translation)は「離縁」という言葉を使って、3節の「追い出しましょう(send away)」に呼応する形で意訳しています。ところが、ヘブル語の原文は曖昧で、新改訳2017(Japanese Shinkai translation)もそうですが、大方の訳はヘブル語原文どおり意味不明な結果を伝える直訳となっています。
 つまり「追い出す(send away)」ことは、離縁そのものを迫ったのではない可能性があるのです。実際少なくとも2名は離縁を迫られていませんし、そもそも神は赦しの神であり、救いの神です。新約聖書においても、パウロが提示する原則は「信者である夫に信者でない妻がいて、その妻が一緒にいることを承知している場合は、離婚してはいけません。また、女の人に信者でない夫がいて、その夫が一緒にいることを承知している場合は、離婚してはいけません。」(1コリント7:12,13)とあります。つまりエズラは、頑迷非情な処置を取ったのではなく、やはり、神の民としてのビジョンを明確にしながら、現実主義的に、いまある現実から、なすべきことを一緒に考えたというべきでしょう。信仰の営みというのは、一般に考えられているように白黒をはっきりさせて終わりという、単純ではありません。グレーのままに、お互いに歩み寄ることを求める。忍耐強く対話を重ねて、時間をかけても聖書が語る本来のあるべき形に添っていく、つまり、知恵と忍耐と、粘り強さ、そして何よりも愛を要することでもあるのです。では今日もよき一日となるように祈ります。

Chapter 10 Dealing with mixed-marriage issues
1. alignment of values
The last book of Ezra ends with a record showing how the Israelites responded to the problem of mixed marriages. Chapters 1-6 were a record of the completion of the temple by the Israelites who returned to their homeland. Chapters 7-10 are a record of the activities of the scribe Ezra, and it can be said that the center of them is dealing with the problem of miscellaneous marriage (chapter 9-10).
Ezra taught the law and tried to restore the life of God's people to the Israelites, but miscellaneous marriage was such a big problem that it became the central problem. Of course, having a foreign spouse with a different culture is not a problem. What matters is what kind of values the family, which is the basis of a community of faith, unites, and what kind of sense of mission it stands for. If you just want to live in harmony with each other, you should compromise with each other even if you have different ways of thinking. And the closer the values are, the less conflict there will be. But what Ezra did was not just align values, but align life goals, missions, or visions. If we are going to do something together, it will be difficult if we do not have the same sense of mission and vision. What are you going to do?
2. actual treatment
So Ezra calls upon his representatives to swear before God to make such courageous decisions and painful actions. And finally he started to act. Those who do not conform are severely banished from Israeli society. But that is not incomprehensible. The ninth month falls in November-December, a very cold period with early rains in Israel. It was during this period that the Israelites were gathered together and made it clear who would really be marrying and who should be expelled. There were 17 priests (18-22), 6 Levites (23), 1 singer, 3 gatekeepers, and 84 others (25-43), totaling 111 people.
And in verse 44, the Japanese Kougo-translation says, "These men all married foreign women. They divorced them along with their children." The Japanese Kougo-translation uses the word ``separation'' in response to ``send away'' in verse 3. However, the original Hebrew text is ambiguous, and most of the translations, including the Japanese Shinkai translation 2017, are literal translations that convey the same ambiguous results as the original Hebrew text.
In other words, it is possible that "sending away" did not force the divorce itself. In fact, God is a God of forgiveness, a God of salvation. In the New Testament, too, the principle Paul puts forward is, "If a believing husband has an unbelieving wife, and he knows that she is with her, do not divorce her. If a man has an unbelieving husband and you know that he is with you, do not divorce him” (1 Corinthians 7:12, 13). In other words, Ezra did not take extreme measures, but rather, he clarified his vision as God's people, and from a realistic point of view, he thought about what should be done together. . The practice of faith is not as simple as it is generally thought to be black and white. Stay gray and ask each other to come closer. It takes patience, dialogue, and over time to follow what the Bible says it should be: wisdom, patience, persistence, and most of all, love. I hope you have a good day today.

<Quiz corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. What was the material of the clothing that people generally wore in those days? ①Cotton, ②Flax, ③Polyester, the answer was ②Flax. The garment, called Kesones in Hebrew and Chithon in Greek, is an undergarment similar to our shirts, made of wool and flax. So, for today's Bible quiz, what month will the "rain ahead" be? ①May-June, ②October-November, ③January-February, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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人生💯倍の喜び😊【聖書】エズラ記8章 神の恵みの御手

2022年11月11日 07時26分38秒 | エズラ記
8章 エズラの帰還

Chapter 8 Return of Ezra
1. Ezra's Prayer
The first half of Chapter 8 is a list of those who returned to Jerusalem with Ezra (verses 1-14). There were priests among them, but he could not find a single Levite (v. 15). In other words, even though the temple was rebuilt, there were no workers to advance the ceremonies held there. Ezra began looking for the right person. It was also urgent. Ezra says that "because the gracious hand of God was upon us," "a wise man was brought from among the descendants of Mahli, the son of Levi." Indeed, it is the gracious hand of God that grants our desires in our times of need. When you humble yourself and look up to God, God will send someone worthy of it. There will be a shortage of human resources in the church. Workers were not all like Joshua who were brought up under the leader Moses. Like Elisha, there are people whom God brings in under circumstances that the leader Elijah could never have imagined. Therefore, first of all, it is important to pray to God as if everything depends on God. It is important. 
2. Ezra's Trust
Continuing from verse 24, Ezra looks back on his own journey home. Ezra asked God to keep him safe on the road. And he says, "I was ashamed to ask the king for troops and cavalry to help us from the enemy on our way." why. It is because of the belief that the God of Heaven, whom Ezra acknowledged to Artaxerxes, really lives, and that if he is with him, there is nothing to fear.
It is said that the total amount of offerings collected by Ezra was worth about 1 billion yen. In fact, when Israel lost the war and everything was confiscated, it is said that 40 billion yen worth of property was stolen, so it is not an impossible story. In other words, they took a long journey of about 1450 kilometers to Jerusalem while carrying a billion yen property. It was a large group of 1,500 men alone and about 3,000 including women and children, but compared to the Exodus, it was a very small number. They are said to have entered Palestine from the north, avoiding the desert, by taking ordinary roads. And a long journey with such a small group of people with such a huge amount of wealth could never have been safe. In fact, when Nehemiah returns home, he asks the king for a bodyguard (Nehemiah 2:9).
But Ezra didn't ask. It was because of his trust in God, which he always spoke of, and because of this opportunity to testify to everyone that God really lives. Ezra was always saying that the God of heaven, whom they believed in, was the living God, who would surely protect and bless us as long as we trusted in them (v. 22). Ezra did what he believed. Faith is a matter of trust, not understanding. And that inner trust in God is manifested in our ordinary actions. So Ezra fasted, asked God, and acted as if everything depended on God.
God rescued Ezra from all danger, even though he relied on God as if everything depended on Him. If God really lives, we must experience that God lives. Certainly, the God of Heaven that we believe in is not like an idol who has eyes but is blind and a mouth but is dumb. We must taste the power of God and know that our predicaments can be overcome. I hope you have a good day today.
<Quiz corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. Who was the king at the time the book of Esther was written? ①King Xerxes, ②King Artaxerxes, ③King Darius, the answer was ②King Xerxes. So for today's Bible quiz, Darik is the Persian Darik gold coin. What was it called? (1) Gold coin of Darius, (2) Gold coin of Xerxes, (3) Gold coin of Artaxerxes, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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人生💯倍の喜び😊【聖書】エズラ記7章 霊感を与える祈り

2022年11月10日 07時24分06秒 | エズラ記
7章 学者エズラ
1節、「これらの出来事の後」というのは、ゾロバベルの神殿完成後のことです。それは、実際にバビロンから帰って来てから約60年後、つまりBC458 年頃のことです。その間、クセルクセス王の時代があって、ユダとエルサレムに住む住民たちが告訴された事件(4:6)が起こっています。そしてさらに、エステル記に記録された事件が起こっていました。そしてペルシアの王アルタクセルクセスの時代、神はエズラという人物を起こし、イスラエル人に律法を教えさせるのです。
Chapter 7 Scholar Ezra
1. Events 60 years after the completion of the temple
Verse 1, "after these events," refers to after the Temple of Zorobabel was completed. It was around 458 BC, about 60 years after he actually returned from Babylon. Meanwhile, in the time of King Xerxes, there is an incident (4:6) in which the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem are prosecuted. And then there were the events recorded in the book of Esther. In the time of the Persian king Artaxerxes, God raised Ezra and make teach the Israelites the law.
Ezra is said to have been “a scholar well acquainted with the law of Moses given by the Lord” and the king granted him all his wishes because the Lord's hand was upon him (verse 6). In fact, the pagan king's full support for what Ezra is doing can only be seen as a sign of the hand of the Lord upon him.
2. Boost of Artaxerxeskamino 
Artaxerxes' letter (11-26) brought by Ezra mainly commanded four things. (1) to take back the offerings made for the temple in Jerusalem; (2) to supply the treasury across the river with its necessities; (3) to exempt those who serve God from taxes; (4) to appoint a prefect over the Jews to keep the law of God. .
In other words, Artaxerxes orders the revival of Israeli worship and the thorough implementation of Israeli religion. He does not force the Israelites to believe in their own country's pagan religion, but on the contrary, he urges them to respect the religion of the Israelites and encourage them to be zealous of their faith. A pagan king restores, protects, and encourages the worship of the God of Heaven. In addition, the king of the heathen country himself opens the treasure storehouse. This is considered a special event by God's arrangement.
God also raised up Ezra to educate the people. Ezra was a “scholar of the law of God in heaven,” a man who knew the law of God in heaven, learned it himself, lived it, and shared it. Also note this. After serving the Lord for more than 30 years as a pastor, I have always thought that teaching the Bible in an easy-to-understand manner is not that difficult. However, it is difficult to speak in such a way that the audience responds to God by treating the Bible as the living Word of God. It should be called the work of the Holy Spirit, the work of prayer. Even if we try to be human, the pastor will only be reminded of human powerlessness in front of the stubborn human soul. It is God's work, not man's work, that brings about repentance and obedience by faith before God. A pastor is someone who speaks the word of God, but it is the work of the Holy Spirit that makes the word of God resound in people's souls. Therefore, we should think that God himself worked for Artaxerxes and Ezra, instead of people with power or status, or people with gifts or abilities, and history, nations, and people moved.
The reality is that I was able to do this and that because "the hand of the Lord my God was upon me." Here it is happening that even the pagans show understanding and cooperation, as God willed. It's a case-by-case basis, and if you pray, the same thing won't necessarily happen, but let's start with praying. Just as God's will of salvation for all is accomplished, just as each word of the gospel is empowered by the spirit and people are awakened to respond, God's deeds are manifested. let's pray for it. I hope you have a good day today.
<Quiz corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. Which measure of length is approximately 22 centimeters? (1) finger width, (2) hand width, (3)span, (4) cubit, the answer is (3)span. It is the full width from the thumb to the little finger and is also called a half cubit. So for today's Bible quiz, who was the king at the time the book of Esther was written? (1) King Xerxes, (2) King Artaxerxes, (3) King Darius, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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人生💯倍の喜び😊【聖書】エズラ記6章 完了

2022年11月09日 07時30分23秒 | エズラ記
6章 工事は完了した

Chapter 6 Construction completed
1. construction completed
Chapter 6 is a continuation of yesterday's article, but in response to an appeal from Governor Tathenai and others, King Darius ordered the past records to be investigated (verse 1). They find a letter of order from King Cyrus. Moreover, even the standards of the temple were written there. "The height of the temple is 60 cubits, and its width is 60 cubits." This is a larger standard than Solomon's Temple. However, it is said that what was actually built was poorer than Solomon's Temple, so it must have been a document that set an upper limit. In any event, the people of Israel were thus not only encouraged by the word of God spoken by Zechariah, but also encouraged by the times, to resume the work of rebuilding the temple, which had been suspended for 16 years. . It is truly a wonder that God's will always moves even though it may be forgotten.
The temple was completed in 515 BC, the sixth year of King Darius' reign. They do the dedication and offer the sacrifices, though they couldn't do as much as they did in Solomon's time. And they appointed priests according to the book of Moses for the service of God. Indeed, the Book of Moses sets out the basic duties of priests and Levites. But since it was David, as we learned in 1 Chronicles 23, who created the practical "groups" of service, "as it is written in the Book of Moses" is a loose term. Roughly speaking, the author's point is that they went back to basics and put everything in order.
It takes a lot of energy to pick up something that's been on hiatus for 16 years. There is something that you have to put yourself in and not hit. However, we can't decide whether to put our hearts into it or not. But even if you put off the time, you will eventually come back there. And if you decide to follow the word of God, don't forget that God will prepare the way, move the surroundings, and make things go forward. God is the one who "turns the hearts of the kings of Assyria to them, to give them strength" (v. 22).
2. resume worship
The Israelites were overjoyed when the temple was rebuilt and the worship of God's grace resumed. We can never know all of God's plans. Sometimes we live part of God's will and wonder what it means. For example, building a church starts with gathering core people. However, it is not easy to gather people who will be the core of it, and once they have gathered, they will disperse repeatedly. Sometimes when you do that, you don't understand what you're doing. Things get blocked, interrupted, and demoralized to the point where you think you just can't do it. However, if you understand that such hardships do exist, and do not waver from your determination to build the house of the Lord, and devote yourself to building it calmly, the time will surely come when you will enjoy that blessing. It's coming. Let us not be misled by various oppositions and obstacles. Don't be surprised or depressed when such things happen. Let us be those who move forward with our hearts firmly aligned with the word of the Lord. I hope you have a good day today.
<Quiz corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. Where is ancient Babylon located today? (1) Baghdad to Basra, (2) Mosul, (3) Khuzestan, the answer is (1) Baghdad to Basra, (2) Mosul is the current location of Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire, and (3) Khuzestan is the region of Susa in the Persian Empire. So for today's Bible quiz, which length scale is about 22 centimeters? (1) finger width, (2) hand width, (3) span, (4) cubit, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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人生💯倍の安心😊【聖書】エズラ記5章 励まし

2022年11月08日 07時00分34秒 | エズラ記
5章 二人の預言者

Chapter 5 Two prophets
1. Two prophets Haggai and Zechariah
In 520 BC, the Lord's prophets Haggai and Zechariah came to Jerusalem. They knew well that the Israelites who had begun the work of rebuilding the temple had been thwarted and had to suspend the work for 16 years (v. 16). They needed encouragement. A cornerstone laying ceremony was held to mark the resumption of construction.
However, the opposition once again began to try to stop it. The governors of the other side of the river, Tatenay and Shetar Boznay, and their fellow governors, questioned whether the rebuilding order had really come from King Cyrus in the first place. Verses 8-17 record a copy of the letter sent to King Darius.
In any case, it must have taken a considerable amount of energy to rebuild the shrine after 16 years of barren days. In this way, God raised up two prophets to the Israelites, who were hesitant and unable to take a step forward. The Book of Haggai is that record, and when read in conjunction with the Book of Ezra, its message will be well understood. Whenever God wants us to do something, He sends messengers to speak for Him. The important thing is that God uses even foreign kings to carry out his work against those who hear and obey and do His will (Ezra 1:1). However, even if you believe in God, if you do not obey God's word, it will result in failing to receive God's will.
2. Empowered by God's Word
In that sense, there are times in our lives when we miss God's work due to murmuring and unbelief. Have you ever been pushed by God to be willing, but you muttered in your heart that you couldn't do it, and you looked backwards because you had no cooperator, no helper? It is exactly the same situation as the Israelites who escaped from Egypt wandered for 40 years where they should have gone in 11 days.
The God we believe in is the God of Creation. He is the God who created all things in the heavens and the earth and who rules over them (v. 11). It is only by believing in God that things can proceed. Just like Hezekiah, even after making the best preparations against the invading Assyria, he was still lacking in strength, and was in a situation where he was forced to lose the battle instead of the 50/50 battle. Yet God showed His power to Hezekiah, and He did more than Hezekiah's efforts (2 Chronicles 32:20). Of course, God's deeds don't all happen overnight, like what happened to Hezekiah. The work of God, like the coming of the Savior, which was repeatedly prophesied in the Old Testament, can also gradually manifest itself in the flow of human time.
"You may find yourself standing in front of a pile of rubble wondering where to get your hands on what." Or you may be completely powerless and know what to do, but lack the willpower to take the first step. Or maybe the bitter opposition is so strong that you feel overwhelmed and crippled. In any case, the important thing is to listen to the word of God. To be empowered by the word of God. It is to listen to the voice of God's prophet who helps us. It is the word of God that moves us. I hope you have a good day today.
<Quiz corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. After a 16-year hiatus in the construction of the temple, who was the prophet who gave the encouraging message to resume it? ① Haggai, ② Nahum, ③ Zephaniah, the answer was ① Haggai. Today's Bible quiz, where is ancient Babylon located today? ① Baghdad to Basra, ② Mosul, ③ Khuzestan, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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