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人生💯倍の安心😊【聖書】エステル記10章 神に未来を託す

2022年12月06日 07時18分33秒 | エステル記
エステル記10章 神に未来を託す
Chapter 10: Trusting the Future to God
1. the policy of Xerxes
Verse 1 says that King Xerxes imposed hard labor on the mainland and the islands of the sea. Usually that meant inflicting forced labor, but in this period it included the meaning of taxation. His influence is said to have extended to the Mediterranean islands. It is implied, however, that his power rested on the power of Mordecai. The book of Esther closes by praising Mordecai for delivering the Jews from their destruction.
Who, however, could have foreseen such a situation at the time? When Haman issued the decree to exterminate the Jews, everyone must have felt gloomy and hopeless. In fact, in such a situation, it is difficult to hope for God's justice and expect His truth. A survivor of the tragic history of Auschwitz, Cory ten Boom, said, "We must not be afraid to entrust a future we do not know to a God we do know." We must continue to stand on God's Word and trust Him to do His best to turn things around in time.
God invites us out of darkness into light, out of death into life. He is the one who turns sorrow into joy. To be sure, what God does does not always have a happy ending as described in the book of Esther. As the author of Hebrews tells us, we can end up without anything that seems like a blessing on earth (Hebrews 11:39). But even so, God "has prepared something even better in advance" (Hebrews 11:40). In other words, the book of Esther has a happy ending, but the Lord's plan continues, even if it does not. Even when we think we have failed, even when we think it is the end, God has more stories in store for us.
2. keep trusting in the Lord
The same is true of the cross of Jesus. Everyone saw the cross of Jesus and thought, "This man was truly the Son of God," but then they thought, "It's all over. No one would have thought that three days later Jesus would break through the gates of death and be resurrected. The scenario that God has in mind is one that has never crossed anyone's mind.
The power of God that resurrected Jesus will work in our lives, and it will be important to have that kind of faith. It is only in such a place of acknowledging God that "seeking the well-being of his people and speaking peace to all his people" can occur. Mordecai, by his faith, was one who sought the well-being of his people and spoke of peace. Happiness means well-being. Peace also means prosperity of all kinds. It means health, security, material fulfillment, and good relationships. A leader who is concerned and committed to these things will be respected.
By nature, human beings are self-centered. Once in power, we tend to think about preserving our position and taking advantage of it. The records of the kings of Israel in the books of Samuel and Kings illustrate this very point. And it is often the case that the unwillingness of such kings to rule continues. But there is always a new exodus, too. Let us acknowledge the Lord, who is able to do works beyond our expectations, and let us walk in expectation of Him.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. Who do you think is the author of the Book of Esther? (1) Mordecai, (2) Ezra, (3) unknown. The answers are (3) unknown, Mordecai, Ezra, and several other theories, but the answer is currently considered unknown. Now for today's Bible quiz. What period was Japan (Wakoku) in 481 BC when King Xerxes ascended to the throne? (1) Kofun Period, (2) Heian Period, (3) Azuchi-Momoyama Period.

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人生💯倍の喜び😊【聖書】エステル記8章 勝利

2022年12月04日 06時58分07秒 | エステル記
8章 モルデカイの勝利


Chapter 8: Mordecai's Victory
Haman's deception was exposed, and his execution was confirmed. Despite Haman's dexterity, in the end, the wicked man reaped what he had sown. The king gave Esther the house of Haman, and she left Mordecai in charge of Haman's house. Haman died, and Mordecai became prime minister. God is the One who does what is right.
1.Structure of the Book of Esther (Chiasmus Structure)
The story begins with a private incident in the king's life, "that night the king could not sleep" (6:1). If you read the book of Esther carefully, you will find that it has a very well-defined structure centering on 6:1. In chapters 2 and 3, the king's first proclamation, and chapters 4 and 5, the clash between Haman and Mordecai, are described to depict the crisis of the Jews. Chapter 6:1 is the turning point. Chapters 6 and 7 depict Mordecai's victory over Haman, chapters 8 and 9 are the second decree by the king, and chapter 10 is the conclusion. There is an object structure in the context around 6:1 and before and after it. This was also probably done to make it easier to memorize and pass on to future generations. Regardless, the important thing is God who made the king sleepless. It is God who reverses the dynamics of human society, which is out of our control. We must trust God that there is a divine solution to things.
2. the statute that nullified the law
In reality, however, it was just one more disaster. Haman was punished, but the laws that had been enacted through Haman's evil scheming could not be undone so easily. The crisis for the Jewish people was still ongoing. Life is indeed a series of trials.
At Esther's entreaty, the king responded to the dilemma with a new decree. For those who attacked the Jews, he gave them the same rights: "Root them out, kill them, destroy them, and take them by the scruff of the neck. Such a counter command would render meaningless the command to attack the Jews.
However, there is an important spiritual truth being spoken here. The same logic applies to the grace of the cross by which God brought sinners to salvation. God has established a law for man. That law condemned man as a sinner and pronounced judgment. No one can escape that judgment. But God does not annul this law, but determines a way to deliver man from the destruction of judgment. In other words, God made the demands of the law null and void by punishing Jesus on the cross in place of the man condemned to perdition. The law still condemns man for his sins, but the forgiveness of sins in the cross of Jesus nullifies the judgment as the law condemns it.
3. the hastily delivered decree
There is one more point to be noted. We who have received salvation are compared to the king's ambassadors. Our salvation is "light, joy, pleasure, and honor" (v. 16). It is contrasted with a time of "sorrow, and fasting, and crying, and mourning" (4:3). And the courier, stirred up by God's command and hurrying out, is ourselves.
The same Hebrew word is also used of the swift horses for chariots (Micah 1:13) or the "swift horses" (1 Kings 4:28), which were specially imported by Solomon. If we are now in light, joy, enjoyment, and honor through the grace of the cross of Christ, we must hasten to tell of that grace, for the salvation of the Lord is a blessing. Let us not be afraid to speak of the gospel that has become our light, joy, and enjoyment. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner</div>
First, yesterday's quiz. Which of the following is not true about the Book of Esther? (1) The name of God is not mentioned once, (2) A woman's name is used as the title of the book. (3) It speaks of the origin of the festivals prescribed in the Law of Moses. The answer was (3) It speaks of the origin of the festivals prescribed in the Law of Moses. The book of Esther speaks of the origin of the festival of Purim, which is not prescribed in the Law of Moses. Now for today's Bible quiz, King Xerxes was king of which country? (1) Babylon, (2) Egypt, (3) Persia. I will give you the answer tomorrow. Now, I wish you a good day.

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人生💯倍の喜び😊【聖書】エステル記7章 失脚

2022年12月03日 07時11分02秒 | エステル記
7章 ハマンの失脚
一つは、新改訳の解釈。「迫害する者」をハマンと受け取り、彼は王に銀一万タラントを納めると儲け話を持ち掛けたが、ハマンはユダヤ人を皆殺しにしようとしているので、王はそれ以上の損失を得る、と解釈するものです。次に、(RSV)Reverse Standard Version(英訳)の解釈。「迫害する者」を「難儀、困難」の意味に、その主体はユダヤ人と取り、ユダヤ人の「難儀」は、王に多大な損失を与えると解釈するものです。つまり、お金よりも人民の魂の重さを訴え、エステルが介入せざるを得なかった事情を説明していると捉えるのです。そして最後に、新共同訳やNew International Versionの解釈。「迫害する者」を「難儀」、意味のよくわからない単語「損失」を「王の悩み」と取り、「償う」を「匹敵」と読み替えます。つまり、その難儀、困難は、王の悩みには匹敵しない、つまり絶滅ではなく売買だけなら、王を煩わせるほどのものではない、と事の重大さを示す意訳です。本当はどう訳すべきなのか、難しいところです。ただ、後の5、6節へのつながりと、3章からの流れ、つまりハマンが王に利益を持ちかけた(3:9)のに対して、エステルは王の損失を訴えた、という対比の構造があると考えれば、新改訳もしくはRSVのようにとるのがよいのかもしれません。

Chapter 7: Haman's Downfall
1. the loss of the king
 The order of events would have been at the end of the second day's meal. As the three began to drink and relax, the king again spoke to Esther to make a request. Esther, encouraged by the king's words, opens her mouth. Give me life... and give life to my people" (v. 3). For the king, this must have been an unexpected appeal.
The meaning of the last sentence in verse 4 is difficult to decipher. The New Revised Version (Shinkai-yaku) and the New Common Translation (Shinkyodo-yaku) give different impressions. The New Revised Version translates, "In fact, his persecutors cannot compensate for the loss the king has suffered," while the New Common Translation reads, "It is not worth bothering the king, so I will keep silent. The Hebrew word translated "persecutor" by the New Revised Version can be translated not only as "persecutor, enemy" but also as "difficulty, hardship. In that case, however, it is not clear who is the one who is causing the difficulty. Also, the word translated "loss" appears only here in the Old Testament, and its meaning is not so clear. The word translated "atone" can also be translated "equal or comparable. Therefore, different translators will have different interpretations.
One is the interpretation of the New Revised Version. The New Revised Version takes "the persecutor" as Haman, who offers to pay the king 10,000 talents of silver, but the king loses more than that because Haman is going to kill all the Jews. Next, the interpretation of the (RSV) Reverse Standard Version (English translation). It takes "those who persecute" to mean "difficulty, hardship," and its subject to be the Jews, and interprets the "hardship" of the Jews to mean that the king will lose a great deal of money. In other words, they take it as appealing to the weight of the people's souls rather than their money and explaining the circumstances that compelled Esther to intervene. And finally, the interpretation of the New Common Translation or New International Version. The word "persecutor" is taken as "difficulty," the word "loss" is taken as "king's trouble," and "atonement" is read as "equal. In other words, the difficulty or hardship is not comparable to the king's trouble, meaning that if it is not extinction but only a sale or purchase, it is not enough to bother the king, indicating the seriousness of the matter. It is difficult to know how it should be translated. However, if we consider the connection to verses 5 and 6 below, as well as the flow from chapter 3, i.e., the contrast between Haman's offer of profit to the king (3:9) and Esther's complaint of the king's loss, it may be better to take the New Revised Version or the RSV.
2. the king's decision
The king was furious at Esther's complaint, "Who is it? And Esther replies, "The one who persecutes her, her enemy, is this wicked Haman. The king leaves the banquet table. The king may have been trying to calm his emotions for a moment. However, Haman's attempt to beg for his life proved fatal to him, as 2 Kings 4:37 depicts the Shunemite woman clinging to Elisha's feet in supplication. In the ancient Orient, pleading to hang on to one's feet was a form of entreaty. The fact that Haman was prostrating himself on the couch where Esther was probably signified such a situation. But that was, moreover, misleading to the king. And furthermore, Haman's guilt was confirmed by the words of the eunuch Harbona: "The righteous man shall be delivered from suffering. The righteous man will be delivered from suffering, and in his place the wicked will fall" (Proverbs 11:8). Haman himself perished. The righteous will not be shaken. Even if he is shaken, God will protect his feet. God is true. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. In what year was Xerxes crowned king of Persia? The answer is (1) 539, (2) 486, (3) 465, and the answer is (2) 486. Incidentally, (1) 538 was the year Cyrus of the Persian Empire destroyed New Babylonia and allowed the Israelites to return to Jerusalem, and (3) 465 was the year King Artaxerxes ascended the throne. Now for today's Bible quiz, which of the following is a wrong characteristic of the Book of Esther? (1) The name of God is not mentioned once, (2) A woman's name is the name of the book. (3) It speaks of the origin of the festivals prescribed in the Law of Moses. I will give you the answer tomorrow. Now, I wish you a good day.

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人生💯倍の喜び😊【聖書】エステル記6章 大どんでん返し

2022年12月02日 08時14分46秒 | エステル記
6章 神による大どんでん返し
Chapter 6: The Great Surprise by God
1. the king who could not sleep
 It is said that the king could not sleep that night. But this was also God's plan. The literal translation in Hebrew is "sleep fled," and in the Greek of Esther (apocrypha), "the Lord took away sleep from the king. We are told that our daily events, even sleep, occur within God's control. At any rate, the king no longer forced himself to sleep that night, but decided to check the records of his reign. The Book of Records is a record of those who have served the nation. As the king read and listened to the records, he realized that he had made a grave mistake. He had not given Mordecai, who had saved his life, the reward he deserved. Immediately, the king should do something, he thought, and then Haman appeared.
 Haman had probably ordered the construction of the 25-meter-high pillars in a single day, a very difficult rush job indeed. He, too, had given up sleeping himself, had made all the arrangements, and was seeking a meeting with the king before anyone else. Haman was ushered into the king's presence, but he had to take counsel that he had not thought of at all. The king asked him what to do with those whom he wanted to honor. Haman, without thinking deeply, thought that it was about him. So he proposes to do what he wishes, that is, to have the same honor as the king. For Haman, who owned many things, the only thing that remained was the same honor as the king. But he was very much mistaken. He is ordered to give the honor of a king to the very man he was about to kill with his own hands.
2. divine reversal
 It seems that the king was unaware of the clash between the two men. But the common people in the town square could have seen Haman's loss of face, given what had happened so far. Neither Mordecai nor the king attempted to right Haman's wrongs. But it was clear that Haman had been turned away by something, namely God.
However, the mistake that Haman made could have been made by anyone. Many mistakes are the result of pride. Jesus said, "If we do everything we are told, we are useless servants. We only did what we ought to have done" (Luke 17:10). (Luke 17:10). We are nothing more than God's servants, created by God. All honor is due to God. It is easy to think that we have won or lost by our own works. But it is not so. It is God who decides who wins and who loses, and it is in His grace that we receive blessings. Therefore, the honor must go to God.
Mordecai, upon receiving the king's honor, went back to his post. That's really cool. Haman, on the other hand, is filled with a sense of defeat, his self-esteem completely bruised. Moreover, both his wife and his advisors reacted extremely coldly. It is as if they are not their own husbands or associates. Haman boasted of his many family members, but this was only a facade. He had no family to support him and suffer with him. Let us judge correctly what is happiness and what is unhappiness, and let us walk with steadfast joy and gratitude to God who is in control of everything. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. The Persian kings wore blue and white, but what colors did the Midian kings wear? (1) blue and white, (2) red and purple, (3) black, and the answer was (2) red and purple (Judges 8:26). Now for today's Bible quiz, in what year B.C. did King Xerxes ascend to the throne of Persia? (1) 539, (2) 486, (3) 465, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.

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人生💯倍の喜び😊【聖書】エステル記5章 奸計

2022年12月01日 07時20分27秒 | エステル記
5章 ハマンの奸計
Chapter 5 Haman's Wiles
1. the good sense of Esther
 Esther had to move on behalf of the Jews. So Esther put on the queen's clothes and stood in the inner court of the royal palace. This was after three days of fasting and prayer. Perhaps Esther must have been covered with ashes and a rag as well. Esther rises from her grief and changes into the beautiful queen's garment. She was dressed in a white and purple kimono, richly embroidered with gold, and was fit to appear before the king, who was also dressed in a sumptuous purple costume. God uses Esther's good sense in not showing her emaciation and sorrow, while she clings to fasting and prayer.
In fact, Esther had broken the law by going before the king without his permission. It was a risky act that could either bring the king's wrath or his favor. What was the result? The king turned to Esther for favor. Given Esther's position as a wife, it would seem natural that the king would show favoritism, but in light of the previous issue with Vashti, this was also a result of God's grace and protection.
In addition, Esther shows another kind of good sense. In a sense, "I could give you even half of my kingdom," was something of a socially acceptable response. But there is no doubt that the king is open to Esther. However, when Esther is given such an opportunity, she does not immediately speak out her wish, but rather tries to discern the best time to do so. For the reader who knows what happened to Haman, this act is, inadvertently, what makes the story so exciting, but Esther herself simply waited for God's timing. And God worked. The king could not sleep that night.
2. Haman's Wiles
Meanwhile, Haman was invited to a banquet that Esther had set up with the king, so he went home in a good mood. On the way home, Haman encountered Mordecai, who stubbornly refused to show respect for him, and he was suddenly filled with indignation. He puts up with it for now and goes home, gathering his household together and poisoning them about Mordecai. Haman boasted of his glorious wealth, the momentum of his large family, and the position that the king had promoted him to the highest rank. He is also elated to have been invited to the banquet the queen has arranged. However, his spirits are drowned out by a single person (v. 13). Haman is just another ordinary person who is smug in his own power and bitter toward those who do not recognize his power. Haman listened to the opinion that his heart liked. This is also the behavior of an ordinary person, a sinner, so to speak. So his wife, Zeresh, and his friends spoke up to have Mordechai hanged. The pillar is 50 cubits high, or about 25 meters. It was an unbelievable height that could be seen from the banquet table in the royal palace. It was a fitting display to make an example of Mordecai and to show off his power. Haman loved it and made his move. But this, too, is the reaction of an ordinary man in power. Not only does a person fall into arrogance, but also what happens when he gains power to move things as he pleases, as not only the Bible but also the history of mankind has told us. This is why it is also important to have a humble heart that is humble before the absolute God and understands that we are only human, that power is given to us from above, and that we should use it properly. The lessons of the Bible are more than religious teachings; they are universal. I wish you a good day today.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. Who fasted 40 days and 40 nights before the Lord for the sins of Israel? (1) Moses, (2) Elijah, (3) David, and the answer is (1) Moses (Deuteronomy 9:18). Now, here is today's Bible quiz. The royal clothes of the Persian kings were blue and white, but what color were those of the Midianite kings? (1) blue and white, (2) red and purple, (3) black. Well, I wish you a good day today.

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