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人生💯倍の喜び😊【聖書】ネヘミヤ記11章 日常の中の幸せ

2022年11月25日 07時25分35秒 | ネヘミヤ記
11章 神の約束とその誠実さ

Chapter 11 God's Promise and Its Integrity
1. emigration to Jerusalem
Chapter 11 follows from the context of Chapter 7 verse 4. In other words, up to Chapter 7, records of the restoration of castle walls and castle gates were written. So we paused for a moment, and now the topic shifts to the affairs of the people who live in it. In other words, the origins of those who returned from the Babylonian captivity will be clarified (7:6-72), and in the new year, they will study the law, and their hearts will be renewed through prayer and covenants (chapter 8-10). ). And in chapter 11, the people living in Jerusalem are determined by lottery, and the city finally begins to move. A story that completes a so-called inhabited town and that town begins to move, inserts a story that renews the minds of the people who live there.
Jerusalem, the capital at that time, was a religious center with a temple, but it was a target for hostile attacks, and it was a difficult place to live, with little farmland to live on. So while the upper classes lived in Jerusalem at or before the time the wall was built, the common people lived in rural villages far from Jerusalem for economic reasons. However, after the ramparts were rebuilt, it was necessary to increase the number of inhabitants in order to defend the town. Therefore, emigration by lottery was encouraged. That is why people bless those who voluntarily settle in this inhospitable and costly city (v. 2).
So verse 3 onwards is a list of those who willingly moved to Jerusalem. With some variations, it's almost identical to the list in 1 Chronicles 9:2-21. The leaders of the tribe of Judah (verses 4-6), the leaders of the tribe of Benjamin (verses 7-9), the priests (verses 10-14), the Levites (verses 15-18), and the temple workers (verse 19). -24) are listed in order. The servants of the temple lived in Ophel. I'm not sure where it was. However, it is believed to have been located between the Temple in Jerusalem and the Old City of David. If it is correct, they have pre-selected a suitable place to reside in the temple for their ministry. A total of about 3,000 people emigrated. Verse 25 onwards is a list of towns other than Jerusalem, that is, settlements with farmland. A comparison with the place names in Joshua 15:21-62 and the lists in Ezra 2 and Nehemiah 3 reveals changes in the living conditions of the returnees.
2. God faithful in his promises
"But even so, who could have predicted that the town would be rebuilt like this?" It had long been prophesied that they would return to their homeland and rebuild their cities after being exiled, but few would have thought that would actually happen. In fact, it is rare in history for a country that was defeated in war to recover. However, the Jewish nation was defeated in the war and was rebuilt after going through the hardships of forced emigration to other countries, miscellaneous marriages, and exile.
While presenting such a history, what the author is trying to talk about is his sincerity and enthusiasm for God's promises. Everything that God has promised and said will surely be fulfilled. So is the atonement of Jesus on the cross. So is our new birth through the resurrection life of Jesus. In that case, we also need to be careful about the promise of Jesus' second coming, which has not yet been fulfilled.
"In any case, history presents us with irrefutable evidence." Considering the evidence, we should have a heart to remember God's sincerity and to respond to God's call, that is, to leave Jerusalem if there is a city to migrate to. Let us walk, acknowledging the sincerity of God, who foresees the steps of all mankind and invites us to his blessings. I hope you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. Which Greek coin was said to be worth as much as the Roman denarius? (1) Shekel, (2) drachma, (3) stater, the answer is (2) drachma. One shekel is equivalent to four Greek drachmas and four Roman denarii. One Israeli shekel is equal to one Greek stetar. So for today's Bible quiz, what is the correct theme for Nehemiah? (1) Reconstruction of the temple and restoration of worship, (2) Reconstruction of the walls and restoration of the city, (3) Protection from the threat of the destruction of the Israeli people, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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人生💯倍の喜び😊【聖書】ネヘミヤ記10章 宗教と社会

2022年11月23日 06時04分40秒 | ネヘミヤ記
10章 正しい神との関係
  1. 宗教的な純粋性を保つ(異宗教の人とは結婚をしない)(30節)。
  2. 安息日を守る(安息日の売り買いをせず、安息年の規定を守る)(31節)
  3. ささげ物を携えて礼拝を守る(シェケルの三分の一、初物、十分の一)(32-29節)

Chapter 10 Correct relationship with God
1. maintain religious purity
In rebuilding the nation, the first thing the Israelites began was to firmly conclude a covenant with the Lord in a right relationship. They signed specifically. In addition, we will decide three things to actually start a life that walks according to the law.
1) Religious purity (not marrying a person of a different religion) (v. 30).
2) Observe the Sabbath (do not buy or sell on the Sabbath, keep the rules of the Sabbath year) (verse 31)
3) Observing worship with offerings (one-third of a shekel, firstfruits, tenth) (vv. 32-29)
Preserving religious purity was their first and foremost priority as they centered on the God of Israel. In fact, marriage is a lifelong solidarity. It is obvious that it is difficult to maintain a relationship with people who have diametrically opposed values, let alone religions. Since the Bible gives the correct answer from the beginning, it may be difficult for some people to accept the correct answer obediently. But the Word of God is worth listening to.
In fact, when you are young, you may not be able to see the future and get married on the spur of the moment. However, there is no need to give up on life and label yourself as a failure. Even if others see it that way, the Bible promises a new life based on repentance. God is merciful and never forsakes people. Even if you find it difficult to maintain the purity of your faith while having a spouse of a different religion, you should accept the reality and expect God to develop a new life out of it.
2. keep the sabbath
It is also important to keep the Sabbath, and in a life of faith, it is important not only to have a negative side, but also to have a positive side, which is to do. The biggest change for Japanese people after becoming a Christian is going to church every Sunday. Before I became a believer, it was normal for me to decide what time was meaningful to me on Sunday and spend it however I wanted. But for the believer, Sunday is the day God calls us to worship, the day God speaks to keep that day as rest. In other words, a life rhythm centered on God is created. It is not an obligation that is created through conscious effort, but is a joyful start to the week in the right relationship with God.
3. offering
The second half talks about what should be offered. Why they gave is important. After returning from the Persian Empire and rebuilding the country, they hoped for self-sufficiency. Since they were under the rule of the Persian Empire, they could have depended on its economic support forever. Instead, they hoped to remain economically independent.
For the time being, what was needed was to operate the temple in the rebuilt country. So they collected donations to support the services of the temple, especially the life of the priests, the gatekeepers and the singers. Importantly, their temples were run by paid staff rather than volunteers. And the paid staff also gave a tithe out of what they were given. In other words, no one was free riding. The mission of the church is the joint work of pastors and church members. And I would like to think of the blessing of the church equals the blessing of the nation, as the church fulfills its mission and the community in which the church is located becomes rich. I hope you have a good day today.
<Quiz corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. What do Israelites wear as a sign of sorrow and mourning? (1) sackcloth, (2) linen, (3) camel's hair garment, the answer was (1) sackcloth. Sackcloth is a black coarse cloth woven from goat's hair that is used to mourn when Jacob is told of Joseph's death (Genesis 37:34), during times of national disaster (Daniel 9:3). , was worn in times of mourning, and became a sign of it. So for today's Bible quiz, which Greek coin was said to be worth as much as the Roman denarius? (1) Shekel, (2) drachma, (3) stater, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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人生💯倍の喜び😊【聖書】ネヘミヤ記9章 悔い改め

2022年11月22日 07時05分17秒 | ネヘミヤ記
9章 神の誠実さにひれ伏す

Chapter 9 Bow down to God's sincerity
1. worship god
This is the continuation of Chapter 8 New Year's Call. While hearing the law read and taught by Ezra, the Israelites fasted, wore sackcloth, and covered themselves with dirt. They deeply remembered their sins and the guilt of their ancestors. and they confessed their sins. They also say that they spent one quarter of the day reading the law while standing, and the other quarter they confessed and worshiped.
"It was a very deep repentance." From verse 5 onwards, they look back on Israel's history and talk about God's grace, patience, and blessings that were revealed there. But how did it come to be like this, reading the Bible, confessing, and worshiping all day long? Because they remembered God who restored them, as foretold by the prophet. They awakened to the presence of a God who was faithful to them.
They were once destroyed by a country called Babylon, and they were taken captive and moved to a distant foreign land, Babylon. They had no hope of returning to their homeland, much less rebuilding the temple and walls of Jerusalem and restoring the worship of the Lord. But it happened. God showed his mercy by not annihilating them. He kept his covenant and grace, regenerated them, and revealed His own truth. Repentance does not occur where God is untruthful. There can be no true worship where you think God is unfaithful. Heartfelt repentance and worship arise where we acknowledge God's sincerity.
2. prayer to god
So let's take a look at their confessions and prayers from verse 5 onwards. In it, it tells the full story of how they specifically acknowledged God. They recognized God in their history. God is the God of Creation (verse 6). He is also the God of choice (v. 7). And God is a God who makes covenants and fulfills promises (v. 8). Specifically, it was first revealed through the historical event of the Exodus (verses 9-23). The fact that the Israelites were able to settle in the Promised Land of Canaan is a testament to God's faithfulness to his promises. Our God is “a mighty and terrible one, a keeper of covenants and grace” (v. 32).
Rather, it is the person who is dishonest. As the history of Israel reveals, in the midst of hardships people cannot continue to believe in God's promises. And when the hardships have passed and we can breathe a sigh of relief, we are more likely to turn our backs on God and do bad things (v. 28).
Recognizing this fact, bowing down before God, acknowledging His authority, and renewing our determination to obey God is worship. Now they were in need of God's mercy and help so that they could continue to believe in God's promises. There they pray. We are now in great distress (verse 37). They prayed that they were still slaves, not freed.
Interestingly, however, they do not pray for liberation, for salvation from slavery. Rather, they acknowledge their own unrighteousness and suffering, and are finally determined to live in a firm covenant with God. While we are crying out for salvation, we cannot say that we have truly repented. True repentance begins with a commitment to obedience to the Lord and then a commitment of one's life to Him. We commit to complete devotion to the Lord, trusting that He will take care of us. I hope you have a good day today.
<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. What is the name of the fountain near the water gate square where Ezra read the Torah? (1) Gihon Fountain, (2) Harod's Fountain, (3) Jacob's Fountain The answer was (1) Gihon Fountain. So for today's Bible quiz, what do Israelites wear as a sign of sorrow and mourning? (1) sackcloth, (2) linen, (3) camel's hair garment, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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人生💯倍の安心😊【聖書】ネヘミヤ記8章 感動の礼拝

2022年11月21日 08時21分50秒 | ネヘミヤ記
8章 感動に満たされた礼拝

Chapter 8 Worship filled with emotions
1. convocation of the new year
The walls were completed in the sixth month. And it was in the seventh month that the people were assembled to read the law centered on Ezra. For Israel it is the New Year, the first day of which is the Trumpet Day (Leviticus 23:34), the tenth Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:27), and the fifteenth to the week of Sukkot (Lev. 34) is performed.
The Day of Atonement is the day when the people's sins for the year are forgiven and purified (Lev. 16), so the Israelites stop all work, fast, and keep a perfect rest. Then there is the ritual of releasing the goat of Azazel into the wilderness as a symbol to bear all the sins and transgressions of the people. It foreshadowed the work of forgiveness of sins that Jesus later accomplished on the cross.
The Feast of Tabernacles (Exodus 23:16) is one of the three major Jewish festivals. On this day, the Israelites remember the days of exodus from Egypt and wanderings in the wilderness in the days of Moses, and thank the Lord for keeping them for 40 years (Leviticus 23:43). Therefore, during the seven days of the festival, they make a hut out of tree branches and date palm twigs, and spend the time reliving their wandering life (Leviticus 23:42). On the first day they sacrificed 13 bulls and other animals, on the second day they reduced the number of bulls by one, and on the seventh day there were 7 bulls, for a total of 70 bulls. (Num. 29:12-34). On the eighth day they had a solemn assembly and slaughtered one bull, one ram, and seven lambs (Num. 29:35-36). This was the climax of the festival, called "the great day at the end of the festival" (John 7:37).
Importantly, while the festival was seasonally celebrated as Harvest Thanksgiving in neighboring countries, the Israelites gave it their own meaning. Therefore, it was not just a high-spirited festival, but a quiet time to listen to God's word.
2. response to the word
On this day, Ezra was called to read and explain the law, reading it before the people (verse 7) and carefully explaining it (verse 8). It is said to have lasted “from dawn to noon” (verse 3). The Book of Law specifically refers to the five books from Genesis to Deuteronomy. If he finished reading it in the morning, it would be an excerpt. The people listened to the book of the law and clearly understood what was read. And all the people replied, "Amen, Amen," and bowed down to the ground and worshiped the Lord. Indeed, worship is to respond to the Word, look up to the invisible Lord, and bow down before His authority.
It is believed that the Bible was translated from Hebrew into Aramaic, the language of the time, and explained. This made the Israelites realize that they were sinners before God. Therefore, Nehemiah and others admonish us not to end in sorrow because the Day of Atonement is a day to remember God's gracious "forgiveness" and it means the beginning of a new year of joy (9-11). section). It is important not only to remember guilt and shortcomings, but to remember that such people are forgiven, loved, and invited to God's blessings. Read the Bible, don't just blame yourself, shine the light of the cross, and firmly accept the fact that God loves you deeply.
3. Second Exodus
Verse 13 onwards is a record of the Feast of Tabernacles. Nehemiah writes that it has not been kept from the time of Joshua to this day (verse 17). But it's not. It was kept in the days of Solomon (2 Chronicles 8:13) and Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 31:3). However, there has never been a time when it was protected in anticipation of a new start with such joy and excitement. After being released from Babylonian captivity, it was the Second Exodus. That is why it was such a moving service. If we say that we need more excitement in worship, it is precisely by remembering ourselves partaking in the blessings of God.
<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. One mina was 100 denarii, but how many days' wages was it worth? (1) 1 day, (2) 10 days, (3) 100 days, the answer is (3) 100 days. So for today's Bible quiz, what is the name of the fountain near the water gate square where Ezra read the Torah? (1) Gihon Fountain, (2) Harod's Fountain, (3) Jacob's Fountain, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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人生💯倍の喜び😊【聖書】ネヘミヤ記6章 毅然として

2022年11月19日 06時20分07秒 | ネヘミヤ記
6章 毅然として取り組む


Chapter 6 Work resolutely
1. realize one's weakness
The walls were nearing completion, with only the gates to be repaired. Opponents living around Jerusalem did their best to stop the work, but the walls were nearing completion. As a last resort, Geshem the Arab summons Nehemiah personally to stop this. Four times he offered to meet with Nehemiah, and finally sent him an open letter. He said that there was a rumor that Nehemiah was going to rebel against Persia when he became king about the construction work in Jerusalem, so let's discuss it before it spreads.
That's why Nehemiah prays in verse 9, "Oh, strengthen me now." Was he about to cave in to a deep-seated organized conspiracy? Or maybe he was angry with Geshem for using such a palliative hand, and thought that the Lord should punish him? Neither. Perhaps he just prayed that he would be supported in the weakness of his own heart that could not keep up with what God was trying to do. Everything is in God's hands. God will surely accomplish his purpose. However, the work that God is trying to do is so great that there are times when I wonder how far I can go with this task. There will be times when you only see your own weaknesses and inadequacies. But at such times, it is to get the strength of God by shouting to God over and over again, "Oh, give me strength now."
2. fight resolutely
When the lure by the open letter failed, Shemaiah warned Nehemiah to retreat to the temple, a safe haven, because he was in danger of being killed. The enemy intended to kill Nehemiah, and the threat was real. However, Nehemiah, who was not a priest, was guilty of breaking the law by hiding inside the temple. It would also show that Nehemiah could not trust God by hiding in fear of his enemies. Nehemiah flatly rejects the offer. It was the same with that Jesus. Jesus also rejected the Pharisees' offer to leave because Herod wanted to kill him (Luke 13:31-33). Jesus was fearless. Even the apostle Paul refused to change course, even though hardships lay ahead of him (Acts 20:22, 23). Indeed, Proverbs says, "The wicked flee without being pursued, but the fearful of God has nothing to fear" (Proverbs 28:1). We must withdraw from sin and temptation, but we must not withdraw from what God wills, no matter what difficulties we encounter. As the writer of Hebrews says, "We are not those who fear and perish, but those who believe and perish" (Hebrews 10:38).
"God expects us to believe, stay alive, and win." With such resolute efforts, the walls were finally completed in 52 days. According to the historian Josephus, it took two years and four months, but the biblical record says otherwise. Nehemiah's departure was in the second month, and Elul, when the wall was completed, was in the sixth month. Considering the number of days it took to arrive in Jerusalem, it was just as recorded by Nehemiah, and it would be better to think that it was completed quickly thanks to God's wondrous grace and help. God's definite blessing lies in praying for strength and protection when your heart seems to be spinning. I hope you have a good day today.

<Quiz corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. Which of the following is not Israeli money? (1) Lepta, (2) Shekel, (3) Asarion, the answer is (3) Asarion. In addition, minas and talents are Greek coins. So for today's Bible quiz, which of the following is not the name of the Jewish calendar? (1) Eluru, (2) Nisan, (3) Aviv, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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