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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】エゼキエル書47章 いのちの水の川と新しい相続地

2024年01月13日 10時08分41秒 | エゼキエル書
47章 いのちの水の川と新しい相続地
Chapter 47: The River of Water of Life and the New Inheritance
1. the river of the water of life
Chapters 47-48 speak of Israel's inheritance land centered on the new temple. Of importance is the description in the first half of the chapter of the waters of life flowing out from under the threshold of the temple toward the east, and the description in the second half of the chapter of the boundaries of the inheritance land.
First, the waters flow in ever-increasing volumes (vv. 3-5), descending to the Arabah and entering the Dead Sea (v. 8). The Arabah refers to the area where the Jordan River enters the Dead Sea, which is essentially dry, with little water availability except during the rainy season. The Dead Sea has no outlet, so the water concentrates as it dries and becomes salty, making it a salty sea where no living creature can live. However, the water flowing from the temple has the power to transform the sea of death into a sea of life. And the land through which the waters flow produces crops in abundance (v. 12). This is an impossible situation.
Then, this vision must have an apocalyptic content, which is similar to the vision spoken of in the New Testament book of Revelation. John said. The angel also showed me a river of water, shining like crystal. The river came from the throne of God and of the Lamb, and flowed through the middle of the main street of the city" (Revelation 22:1, 2). Thus, Ezekiel's final vision overlaps with what John's vision tells us, symbolically speaking of an apocalyptic situation.
However, Ezekiel's readers at the time he wrote the book, i.e., the Jews of the time, would not have read them that way. They would have received them in the same symbolic way, but would have envisioned the restoration of Jerusalem after the return of the captives in abundance. In other words, Ezekiel is speaking of a restored image of the desolate and parched city of Jerusalem in Babylon, where the captivity took place, with the rich waters of the Euphrates flowing through it. But the city is not an entirely new city; it drags with it the image of the old salt sea. So the Dead Sea remains as the Dead Sea. But there is something wonderful about the restoration of Jerusalem, it is rich indeed! Behold God who restores it that way! Look to God, the source of life! That is the message of this passage. Based on Ezekiel's message, John could say that Jesus promised even more wonderful grace, the kind of grace that will transform the sea of death into the sea of life that Ezekiel spoke of in the new heaven and new earth. The God we believe in is the God of creation, the God who transforms death into life and darkness into light (John 7:37, 38).
2. allotment of land
The second half of the passage, beginning in verse 13, then describes the allotment of the restored land. It is curious that Ezekiel, who was in Babylon, could have extended his land all the way to Mesopotamia. But his version of the city of God was limited to the original area of Israel, without being expanded into the greater scheme of things. That is, roughly speaking, from Tyro along the Mediterranean Sea ("the Great Sea," v. 15) in the north to about southwest of Damascus (vv. 15-17). And the south side is a line from a little south of the Dead Sea to the mouth of the river of Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea (v. 19). To the west is the Mediterranean Sea (v. 20), and to the east is the Jordan River and the Dead Sea (v. 18). It says that this land will be allotted to each of the tribes of Israel. It speaks completely only of the restoration of ancient Israel.
However, attention is drawn to the inhabitants who will be gathered there. Not only native Israelites but also converted resident aliens are accepted there (vv. 22-23). The new Israel is no longer Israel of flesh and blood. Clearly it conveys an image of a different, other-ethnic, multicultural nation than it was before the captivity. No longer are differences of color, lineage, language, or birth a problem; only faith in God, the source of life, and those who are united in that faith are gathered. It is all about that connection where Lutz responds to the faith of his stepmother Naomi and acknowledges the one true God as my God and my Lord (Lutz 1:16). Then, he says, even those who are considered "sojourners" can inherit the land (v. 23). In other words, all who believe in the Lord are one family and receive their portion as a blessing. In Revelation, the geographical boundaries of the earth are no longer an issue. It is a new heaven and a new earth. But it is certain that there is a limit to who belongs there and who does not. And those who belong there are the same in that they acknowledge the one true God as my God and my Lord. Here is the archetype of the image of being blessed as one family at the end of time. Let us walk today with expectation for the grace of the Lord at the end of time. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner   </div>
First, yesterday's quiz. When did the Sabbath of Israel begin and end? (1) From Friday morning opening until sunset. (2) From Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. (iii) From the opening of Saturday morning to Saturday sunset. The answer was (2) from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. Now for today's Bible quiz. What is the salt content of the Dead Sea considered to be? (1) 15%, (2) 30%, and (3) 50%. The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.

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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】エゼキエル書46章 君主と礼拝の規定、料理場

2024年01月12日 09時24分24秒 | エゼキエル書
46章 君主と礼拝の規定、料理場
Chapter 46: Monarchs, Rules of Worship, and Cooking Places
1. how to use the new temple
Chapter 46 is about the use of the new temple: verse 1, the "east-facing gate of the inner court," or the main gate of the temple, is normally closed. However, it is opened on the first day of the week and the first day of the month. The monarchs and the general public worship there with their offerings, and there are rules about how to enter and exit. The monarch enters through the east gate and leaves from there (v. 8). The general public, however, is required to flow in an orderly fashion, entering from the north to the south and from the south to the north (v. 9). The intention was probably to avoid congestion in the temple. To put this in context, we can begin in chapter 40 with the purpose and structure of the new temple (chapters 40-42), the start of the new temple activities (chapter 43), the regulations of those who would serve in the new temple (chapter 44), and how the new temple would be used (chapter 46).
Thus, after the instructions on how to enter and exit the temple, the items to be offered in the temple are explained (vv. 11-15). There are three kinds of offerings. The first is the offering at the major festivals and at the Sabbath and New Moon festivals (v. 11), and the daily morning offering (vv. 13-15). The second is the daily morning offering (vv. 13-15), and the offerings that are offered willingly as needed, except at regular times when they are offered by the sovereign (v. 12). It is interesting to note that worship is spoken of as essentially an act of offering. Worship is an act of offering ourselves to God as well as exalting His glory. Every week we gather for worship, we are expressing a new devotion. But here it says every morning, so every morning we begin the day with a new devotion, which is what was expected of the new post-captivity readers. That is true for us today. By attending worship services every week, we go about re-offering ourselves to God. Without such seriousness, it is difficult to walk closer to God.
2. the offering of the sovereign
It is also interesting to note the offerings that the monarch willingly makes as needed. He is commanded to offer the sacrifice of fellowship, which is basically for the purpose of intercession. In other words, at any time he could go to the temple if there was a need for intercession. The east-facing gate could be opened and closed for him at any time.
So verses 16-18, which prohibit the transfer of inherited lands by any other means than inheritance and confirm that the monarch's inheritance of property is limited to his relatives only, and that the monarch also may not confiscate the lands of ordinary people, are somehow abrupt in context. However, this was probably meant to emphasize the role of the monarch as an intercessor. In other words, with regard to the confiscation of land, we are reminded of the incident in the book of Kings in which King Ahab confiscated the vineyards of Naboth by force (1 Kings 21:1-29). The monarch is a willing intercessor for his people, not to mention a protector of their rights. In this sense, the pastor and church officers are also to be attentive to the sheep of the church and to be willing to come before God in intercessory prayer.
3. holiness of the temple
Verses 19-24 seem to be a supplement explaining the structure of the temple and speak of the distinction between the priestly (19, 20) and general (21-24) cooking areas. There were two separate cooking areas in the Temple, one for the priests only and one for the people in general. The purpose was "to keep the people from being holy" (v. 20), i.e., to emphasize and emphasize the sanctity of the temple.
After all, the temple is the place where God is and where His glory is full. And it is where God's glory is praised. It is important to be prepared not to allow such a place to be corrupted into a human place by human carelessness or lack of consideration. The church is also a God-centered place of rest and blessing. Sinners, however, tend to turn it into a place of easy human fellowship. Under God, we are to make it a place where we can all worship God in reverence and with all our hearts together. While remembering that we are sinful people, we should keep in mind the blessing of being allowed to go out to a holy place, a place where we can meet God every day, and be prepared for the worship of God this week and head back to the church.
<Quiz Corner> 
First, yesterday's quiz. Which of the following was done by the group led by Nehemiah when they returned from the Babylonian captivity? (1) Rebuilding the temple, (2) Rebuilding worship, and (3) Rebuilding the town. The answer was (3) rebuilding the city. Now for today's Bible quiz. When did Israel's rest begin and end? (1) From Friday morning opening to sunset. (2) From Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. (3) From the opening of Saturday morning until sunset on Saturday. The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.

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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】エゼキエル書45章 土地の分配と君主の務め

2024年01月11日 20時53分22秒 | エゼキエル書
45章 土地の分配と君主の務め
Chapter 45: Distribution of Land and Duties of the Sovereign
1. distribution of land
 The first thing the people did upon their return to Jerusalem after the long captivity in Babylon was to rebuild the temple and the city. The specific circumstances are described in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. First, in 538 BC, there was the first return led by Zerubbabel, and the temple was rebuilt. The actual completion of the temple is dated to 516 or 5 BC (Ezra 6:15), followed by the Second Return led by Ezra in 458 BC (Ezra 7:1, 8-9), when worship was reformed. Then in 445 BC, there was a third return led by Nehemiah, and the city was rebuilt (Nehemiah 2:1, 6, 11). After describing the vision of the temple as if tracing those events, Ezekiel speaks of the distribution of the land of the new nation (vv. 1-8). The distribution of the land to the various tribes is again addressed in chapters 47 and 48, where the distribution of the land for the monarchs and priests is spoken of first.
 In the center of Israel, the sacred area is first set aside. It is a rectangle 25,000 cubits (about 11 km) long and 10,000 cubits (about 4.4 km) wide, with the sanctuary in its center and open space around it (vv. 1-4). To the north of it is allotted the land where the priests live, and further north of that is allotted the land where the Levites live, where "twenty rooms" are set aside (v. 5). The Hebrew text, if translated faithfully, would be "rooms," but for this passage, the Greek Septuagint translates it as "cities wherein they dwell. In context, that translation is cleaner. On the other side (south side) of the holy area, the land belonging to the city, or what might be called public land, is allotted (v. 6). Then, on either side of the area between the land owned by the priests, Levites, and the town (extending east to the Jordan River and west to the Mediterranean Sea), the monarch's land is allotted. The monarch, given enough land, would no longer have to exploit his people (v. 8). Outside of these lands, each tribe is assigned a place to live (chap. 38).
2. Central Issues of the New Kingdom
Beginning in verse 9, the rights and duties of the leaders of the new nation are discussed. The monarch says, "Never again shall my people be oppressed, but this land shall be given to the house of Israel, tribe by tribe" (v. 8). In the past, the land was exploited and the people were oppressed because of the greed of the monarch, but in the newly restored Israel, he says, such things will no longer happen. No, it must not happen. Once they are judged by God, they will be regenerated. In that regenerated city, centering on the presence of the holy Lord, there must no longer be any injustice, no tyranny, no defilement of the Lord's holiness.
So, as if as a reminder, the monarch is warned against the abuse of power (v. 9). He is commanded not merely to do no evil, but to do justice. Indeed, the first thing he is to do is to observe the righteous measure, a symbol of fairness (vv. 10-12). Then it is to offer an offering to the Lord on behalf of the people (vv. 13-17). This is probably a joint effort with the priests, as we can see from verse 19. The monarch must take the initiative in opening a new festival for this new nation. The New Year (vv. 18-20), Passover (vv. 21-24), and the Feast of Tabernacles (v. 25), the new nation is not only a place where justice is done, but also a place to celebrate the Lord's salvation and offer worship to the Lord.
Am I the only one who is somewhat overwhelmed by the image of so many cows and sheep being offered as sacrificial offerings, not for eating, but for offering to the Lord? When I read the records of Ezra and Nehemiah, it seems that they were in the midst of poverty and could not offer such an offering even if they were commanded to do so. However, considering that God is the reason they are here today, they must first be thankful to God (if they are poor, they must be poor) and then go about their daily lives.
If we are to restart our lives in Christ, then we must have the right mindset. We should give thanks to God for giving us a chance to live a new life, cherish worship, and strive to live a new life every day. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner   
First, yesterday's quiz. Which tribe of the Levites was mainly responsible for carrying the boards, sidings, pillars, and pedestals of the Tabernacle? (1) The Gershon tribe, (2) the Kehate tribe, and (3) the Merari tribe. The answer was (3) the Merari. The Kekhateh tribe was in charge of the transportation and management of the Tabernacle's covenant box, table, candlestick, altar, and other tools, while the Gershon tribe was in charge of the transportation and management of the tent, draperies, hanging curtains, and strings. Now for today's Bible quiz. Which of the following was done by the group that returned from the Babylonian captivity and was led by Nehemiah? (1) Rebuilding the temple, (2) Rebuilding worship, (3) Rebuilding the city. The answer will be given tomorrow. Now, I pray that today will be another good day.

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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】エゼキエル書43章 戻られる神、祭壇の火入れ

2024年01月10日 21時34分44秒 | エゼキエル書
43章 戻られる神、祭壇の火入れ
Chapter 43: The Returning God, the Firing of the Altar
1. the glory of god returns
After the entire temple is revealed, Ezekiel is taken once again to the east-facing gate, the main entrance (v. 1). He then witnesses again the vision he once saw on the banks of the River Kebar. It had already been about 20 years since then (40:1). In other words, the book of Ezekiel was not written all at once. It is a compilation of God's revelation revealed little by little over time. Perhaps it is better to think of understanding the Bible as taking about the same amount of time. It is not simply that we think we understand, but that there are parts of the Bible that become clear little by little as we take time to read it over and over again.
 Let's go back to chapter 10. There we are given a vision of the glory of the Lord leaving the temple. It was the Lord's judgment. And here in chapter 43, God is returning again in the new temple. It heralds the presence of the Lord's grace. And it announces that the new temple is to be sanctified by being made God's dwelling place again (v. 7). No whoredoms shall be committed there. This means that idolatry, or so-called religious fornication, must not be practiced there. He also says that kings should not be buried within its precincts. In other words, the temple is the "holiest" place (v. 12). The same is true of the church. We must be aware of this.
But the important thing is that it is God Himself who makes the church holy (36:25-28; 37:23). Our efforts to make the church holy often result in Phariseeism, the unfortunate consequence of judging or mounting each other with a critical eye, looking at one another and others, biblically alive or not. Why is this? Perhaps it is because they refuse to understand that the holiness of the church depends on itself. Perhaps it is because they do not understand that human salvation is never enough, that it is never ending, that it has a life-long depth. Like Paul, we agonize over the completion of our own salvation, and it is not a one-time thing. The sanctifying grace of the true God is something to be savored deeply at last (Philippians 3:12-16).
2. the burning of the altar
Verses 11 and following tell us how we should restart activities in the temple now that the Lord's glory has returned. The key is the altar. The altar was a three-tiered structure of stone, with two pedestals on the base and a furnace on top of the pedestals. It is square in shape and has a ziggurat structure with each side becoming smaller (16 cubits, 14 cubits, and 12 cubits) as it is stacked on top of each other. The total height is 10 cubits, or about 5 meters, so it is quite large, the same height as the altar that Solomon built (2 Chronicles 4:1). To reach the furnace of the altar, one goes up the staircase facing east. Those who ascend it will be facing the front of the main hall where the Lord's glorious presence is located.
The altar thus built must first be consecrated (18-27). This is supposed to be done over a period of seven days by offering the "whole burnt offering," which symbolizes devotion, and the "sin cleansing offering," which symbolizes the cleansing of sins committed unknowingly. The altar burning ceremony involved the offering of two of the five offerings, the "burnt offering" and the "cleansing offering. Thus the altar is ready for use, and God says, "I will accept you" (v. 27). An important point. To be sanctified and accepted by God, we must follow God's way. In other words, we must be attentive to what God wants us to do. Even in prayer, as the disciples sought the Lord's guidance, we must listen to God's ways in our life of faith. We must abandon our own way of doing things and receive instruction with a heart that is easily taught. The way of worship, the way of church service, the way of giving offerings, the way of relationships, and so on, will be firmly taught from the Bible once again.
If the church is to come back to life, it will only do so if there are people who are sincerely committed to the completion of their own salvation, "First of all, start with the mass. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner   
First, yesterday's quiz. Which is the correct length of one rod? (1) king's cubit x 6, (2) common cubit x 6, (3) one stadion. The answer was (1) king's cubit x 6. One rod is a unit of length, and one rod is the king's cubit (common cubit + hand width) x 6, which is about 312 centimeters, and one stadion is a unit of distance, which is about 185 meters. Now for today's Bible quiz. What was the material of the altar that God commanded Moses to build? (1) clay or stone, (2) bronze, (3) iron, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.

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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】エゼキエル書42章 祭司たちが使う建物と聖域

2024年01月09日 10時43分07秒 | エゼキエル書
42章 祭司たちが使う建物と聖域
Chapter 42: Buildings and Sanctuaries Used by Priests
1. buildings attached to the temple
Chapter 42 discusses two buildings used by the priests. First, its structure. There is a 3D animation that I will show you today as well (https://bit.ly/2SXFCl5). The content includes up to tomorrow's part of chapter 43.
First, in verse 1, Ezekiel is taken from the inner court in the center of the temple to the outer court on the north side. There, he sees two buildings that line up with the main body of the temple. They are rectangular buildings, 20 cubits apart and 100 cubits long. And on the outside, across a 10 cubit wide aisle, there is a rectangular building half as long, or 50 cubits (verse 8). Both buildings are three stories high and have balconies, so that the rooms become narrower as you go to the upper floors. A similar building is located on the south side of the main temple building.
Next, the use of the buildings is explained. The rooms in the building near the main body of the temple are "where the priests who approach the Lord eat the most holy offerings. There, the priests eat what is given to them from among the grain offerings, the cleansing offerings for sins, and the atonement offerings (v. 13). It is also used as a place to keep the offerings and to change the priest's garments (v. 14).
The important thing to remember is that the place was set apart from the place for divine worship, to which God invites us each week at a specific time and place for church services. Every Sunday is distinguished from the Holy Days, but we are also taught to be conscious of the distinction between the physical place where worship is offered and other places. This is true when we consider the greatness of God, who makes what is truly precious precious. However, considering the housing situation in Japan, one might think such a luxury. In Japan, there are not many churches that have a separate chapel. Therefore, the worship hall, fellowship hall, and event space are all shared. In fact, having such a church building itself was actually a bloody hardship. However, churches with cathedrals also started from scratch. It is important to consider that there is still more to come. There is a place for worship only, the original way of being that we should aim for, and this is a challenge for all of us to pray, dedicate ourselves, develop the church, and physically witness the presence of the living and true God in the community.
2. holy place
Now, in verse 15, Ezekiel is brought back again to the east-facing gate (the main gate) and from there out into the outer garden. This time, he explains that the entire temple area will be measured, as if he were flying a drone and watching from a camera above it. It says, "On the east side, measuring rod and five hundred rods," and one rod is six cubits (40:5), or one cubit 52 centimeters, which is about 1.5 kilometers. The important thing, however, would be to understand that there is a delimited sanctuary, not its actual length or size. Here, too, the sacred and the profane are distinguished. Certainly, the significance of this distinction is important if this temple is to symbolize the new heaven and new earth depicted in Revelation, which has apocalyptic significance, rather than a temple to be rebuilt after the captivity period. John measures the dimensions of the heavenly city, which he says was 12,000 stadia. One stadion is said to measure about 185 meters, which is about 2,220 kilometers, or about the size of the Japanese archipelago. If you think that there are only a few people who can enter the stadion, that is understandable, but considering the magnitude of the grace of the cross that has appeared in human history, it must not be even a few, so this is just a symbolic expression to distinguish the sacred from the profane.
The consciousness of holiness and the offering of worship there. During my time at Corona, what I was taught was not so much a conflict between face-to-face worship or online worship, but rather between online worship or online delivery of worship. Whether in-person or online, it was a question of consciousness as a worshipper. And there was always the problem that, in the case of online, it was more a matter of watching an online delivery of worship than worshiping. Worship should be offered from the heart in God's sanctuary. This Sunday, I hope that we will be able to participate in God's sanctuary with that in mind. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner   
First, yesterday's quiz. Which of the four faces of the cherubim that Ezekiel saw did not fit into the four faces of the cherubim? (1) A cherub, (2) an eagle, and (3) a bull. The answer was (3) a bull. The four are a cherub, a man, a lion, and an eagle (Ezekiel 10:14, 21) However, the creatures of the throne that John saw in Revelation are spoken of in the image of a man, a lion, an eagle, and a bull (Revelation 4:7). Now for today's Bible quiz. Which of the following is correct as the length of one rod? (1) Cubits of a king × 6, (2) cubits of a passage × 6, (3) one stadion, and the answer is, I'll see you tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.

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