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人生💯倍の励まし😊【聖書】列王記第二25章 あわれみ深い神

2022年08月30日 08時09分12秒 | 列王記
25章 エルサレム陥落

1. Fall of Jerusalem
Chapter 25 records the fall of Jerusalem and the end of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. The siege of Jerusalem actually began on January 15, 588 BC. Nebuchadnezzar was at Ribla, blockading the ports of Phoenicia to prevent Egypt from intervening in the war. So it was his captain, Nebuzaradan, who was actually besieging Jerusalem. He adopted the policy of starving the southern kingdom of Judah, making sure it was weakened and taken down. Urinals excavated in Jerusalem, presumably from this period, have been found, and analysis of the deposits suggests that the inhabitants of Jerusalem apparently ran out of fuel and ate raw meat during the starvation. The siege lasted about two years, and it is said that the King of the Southern Kingdom of Judah first broke through the siege on the north side and hastened his way to Arabah during the night. Perhaps he escaped through the Valley of the Arabah and the southern shores of the Dead Sea, where he hoped to join up with Beerith the Ammonites and seize the opportunity to rebel. But the king was captured on the way, and his soldiers were scattered. All the king's children were slaughtered, and the king was blinded and taken away to Babylon. And all the people and crowds that were left in the city were taken captive, and all the last treasures of the house of the Lord, the pillars of bronze and the sea of bronze, were taken away to Babylon. The fall of Jerusalem. It is said to have been around August 587 BC. All Jerusalem was stripped, burned, and turned into a faded world. 
But they were all prophesied by Jeremiah. Jeremiah says. “Bow your neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon; serve him and his people, and you will live.” (Jeremiah 27:12). Nevertheless, Zedekiah rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar. In other words, Zedekiah did not trust the word of God spoken through Jeremiah, and as a result he also rebelled against the Lord (2 Chronicles 36:12, 13). However, the temptation of the false prophets around Zedekiah was also great. Hananiah's words of Babylon's fall were easier for him to accept than Jeremiah's message (Jeremiah 28). It was an endorsement of his own aspirations. But Zedekiah was not the only one with such weaknesses. People are always looking for words to support their thoughts. Although it is called counseling, in reality, there are times when you are just looking for a counselor who will support your thoughts. Faith is not a wish-fulfillment tool.
2. Hope for the rebirth of Israel
Jerusalem is destroyed. After meeting the hopeless end, the author of Kings adds two episodes. One is Governor Gedaliah's message to serve the king of Babylon and be happy. Since the truth of Jeremiah's words had been revealed, it should have been accepted. Unfortunately, it is said that there were people who did not accept it.
Another episode is the release of Jehoiachin, king of Judah, and his change of position.
In March 562 BC or April 561 BC, the Babylonian throne was changed from Nebuchadnezzar to Evil Merodach. Although Jehoiachin's treatment is thought to have been a deliberate reaction to the policies of his father Nebuchadnezzar, rather than a coronation amnesty, Jehoiachin's obedience also paid off. 
These two episodes tell us that God is not only a harsh judge. God is a merciful Judge. God doesn't stay angry forever. God has shown hope for the rebirth of Israel. In fact, Israel will eventually be brought back to his hometown and rebuild Jerusalem and its temple. Even if we are subject to God's judgment and become slaves, we are obedient to the Lord and participate in the plan of the Lord. Humbleness, openness to the word of God, and walking faithfully are the path to blessing. I hope you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. What is the famous battle in world history in 605 B.C. where the King of Babylon defeated Pharaoh Necho of Egypt and in the process Josiah was killed by Pharaoh Necho of Egypt? 1) Battle of Carchemish, 2) Battle of Karkar, 3) Battle of Kadesh, 1) Battle of Carchemish. Here's today's Bible quiz. What is the name of the people who built the Babylonian Empire? 1) Ammonites, 2) Philistines, 3) Chaldeans, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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人生💯倍の励まし😊【聖書】列王記第二24章 主は正義

2022年08月29日 07時26分38秒 | 列王記
24章 南ユダの没落


Chapter 24 Fall of South Judah
1. Destruction of Jerusalem, Sin of Manasseh
Chapter 24 is a record of the downfall of the southern kingdom of Judah and the exile in Babylon. The last kings of southern Judah, after Jehoahaz, continue the history of Israel for another 22 years and 6 months, 4 generations, but they are all bad kings. In other words, Judah was destroyed not because the mighty power of Babylon reached Palestine, but because of God's judgment and God's use of Babylon.
In fact, the king of this age, Jehoiakim, is the king who burned the word of God written by Jeremiah, the prophet sent by God. He was fearless of the Lord and did not repent before Him (Jeremiah 36:24). He was like the infamous King Manasseh (v. 3). King Manasseh brought idols into the temple and brought all kinds of idolatry to southern Judah, but more than that he persecuted the innocent and the pious. According to tradition, Isaiah was sawn in half in the time of Manasseh (Hebrews 11:37). God's unwillingness to forgive Manasseh was more than simply saying that he was a wicked man; It should be said that people reap destruction by refusing God's forgiveness, rather than being destroyed by God.
It is the same today. If we continue to reject the pardon of Jesus Christ, it is no surprise that there is no pardon (Matthew 12:31). God has not just pronounced judgment, He offers forgiveness, and if He refuses it, He will have no choice but to reap destruction.
2. the end of jerusalem
Jehoiakim was succeeded by his son Jehoiachin. He, too, is credited with having done evil in the sight of the Lord, as all his fathers had done” (v. 9). In other words, it was a life without repentance, a life that did not recognize God.
Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem, attacked it, and finally captured Jehoiakim (2 Chronicles 36:6). They will receive the judgment given by God.
Verse 14 tells the circumstances of the Babylonian captivity (598-597 BC). Those deported were the country's leaders, soldiers, craftsmen, and blacksmiths, leaving only the poor populace. Thus Israel will be dismantled and those who have misled the nation will be expelled from the promised land. If they love gods of the heathen nations, let them settle in the heathen nations, and Jerusalem is the holy city where God is. The church can be like that too. After all, the church is where God is, where the name of the Lord is called. It is where the Lord is centered. If you don't have the heart to cherish that God and obey that God, you will be dragged out of the church. Losing the opportunity to have the Lord's Supper of Grace is understandable. If we walk by believing that there is a God, we would like to cherish where that God is and fellowship with those who love him.
Nebuchadnezzar replaced Jehoiachin with his uncle Mataniah as king and renamed him Zedekiah. Zedekiah means "the Lord is righteous". Nebuchadnezzar seems to have given this name simply to commemorate his victory. But it was really symbolic. In other words, everything that happened to Jerusalem was the result of God's judgment. Everything that happens in history is the work of God. And God will do what is right. Let us walk in fear of the God who does what is right. I hope you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. What do you call the valley that separates Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives? (1) Valley of Tyropeon, (2) Valley of Kidron, (3) Valley of Hinnom, the answer is (2) Valley of Kidron. Here's today's Bible quiz. What is the famous battle in world history in 605 B.C. where the King of Babylon defeated Pharaoh Necho of Egypt and in the process Josiah was killed by Pharaoh Necho of Egypt? (1) Battle of Carchemish, (2) Battle of Karkar, (3) Battle of Kadesh, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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人生💯倍の励まし😊【聖書】列王記第二23章 改革

2022年08月28日 07時08分09秒 | 列王記
23章 ヨシヤ王の改革


Chapter 23 Reformation of King Josiah
1. Josiah's Reformation
King Josiah undertook a radical reformation. The utensils of Baal and Asherah in the temple of the Lord, the statue of Asherah (verses 4, 6), the house of male prostitutes in the temple of the Lord (verse 7), the high places in the cities of Judah (verse 8) ), Topheth in the Valley of Ben Hinnom (v. 10), Chariot of the Sun (v. 11), Pagan altar built by kings (Ahaz, Manasseh, Solomon, Jeroboam) (v. 12), City of Samaria The high places (v. 19), and the mediums, the charmers, the teraphim, the idols, and all the abominations that are found in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem (v. 24), were all removed. And he restored the original Israeli religious rites. Perhaps the town has changed completely.
The Bible writer says of Josiah, "There was no king before him who turned to the Lord according to all the law of Moses, and after him there was not one like him" (v. 25). ). It was a thorough repentance.
2. Bible-Based Reformation
What motivated Josiah to do so? It was not just anti-Assyrian, Israeli nationalism, but an encounter with the Book of Covenants. Especially it is attributed to Deuteronomy because his actions are considered to be based on Deuteronomy (Deuteronomy 18:6-9, 23:9, etc.). He was truly captured by the Word of God.
However, despite King Josiah's thorough reformation, "the Lord would not calm the wrath that was kindled against Judah" (verse 26). Certainly, even if a person repents and accumulates good works, he or she cannot atone for the consequences of sin. Nor is it possible for God to change the course of history while rejoicing over human attitudes. If gods were doing that kind of thing, the order in the world would be messed up. However, it is also true that God is not the type to overlook or ignore the small emotions of human beings. God sees that Josiah was heartbroken and humbled and cried before the Lord, and God heard Josiah's request. It should be said that God listens and that even though he hears, there are times when he does not respond.
3. Death of Josiah
where is the difference? The death of Josiah gives us a hint to think about. In 612 BC, the Assyrian capital of Nineveh fell to a combined army of Media, Scythians, and Neo-Babylonians, and the Assyrian exile moved its capital to Harran. In 609 BC, the Assyrian exile forces were forced to move to Carchemish under threat from the Neo-Babylonian coalition. Josiah sets out to stop Egypt from trying to help him. Josiah planned to ambush the Egyptians at Megiddo and bury them. Megiddo was located in the valley of the Carmel Mountains, and the sea road passed through the valley. In other words, he wanted to annihilate the Egyptian army from both sides of the valley. However, in such a strategic position, the army of the Southern Kingdom of Judah was so weakened that it could not defeat the Egyptian army. Once, in the time of Hezekiah, when the Southern Kingdom of Judah lost the war with Assyria, it ripped off the doors of the temple and paid war reparations of 300 talents of silver and 30 talents of gold. This time, there was no choice but to pay the war reparations of 100 talents of silver and 1 talent of gold from the people. The end of the Southern Kingdom of Judah was nearing.
In any case, if we read 2 Chronicles, we find that King Necho of Egypt warned King Josiah not to disturb him unnecessarily (35:21). And the Bible says that Josiah, who put God's will first, "would not listen to the words of King Neko that came out of the mouth of God" (verse 22). Following God's word does not mean following everything done by Bible words. Faith often jumps over common sense judgments. Certainly, faith does not become insane even if there is a supernatural part. Faith does not mean that what we think will come true. While submitting to God's sovereignty, we must not forget to appeal to God for our needs. I hope you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. Where is the second district of Jerusalem, where the prophetess Huldah lived, thought to have been located? (1) the downtown area on the south side of the temple, (2) outside the old walls on the west side of the temple, (3) toward the Mount of Olives on the east side of the temple, the answer is (2) outside the old walls on the west side of the temple. It is probable that during the prosperity of the 8th century BC, a new residential area extending to the west of the temple and north of the ancient walls was called the "Second Ward". Here's today's Bible quiz. What do you call the valley that separates Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives? (1) Valley of Tyropeon, (2) Valley of Kidron, (3) Valley of Hinnom, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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人生💯倍の励まし😊【聖書】列王記第二22章 心を汲む

2022年08月27日 07時38分19秒 | 列王記
22章 ヨシヤ

Chapter 22 Josiah
1. Josiah's Independent Faith
Josiah became king at the age of eight and reigned for 31 years. Joash, who once became king at the age of seven and was king for forty years, comes to mind. But Josiah and Joash are clearly different. As for Josiah, it is written that he did what was right in the sight of the Lord, and that he followed in all the ways of David, his father, and did not turn left or right (v. 2), but as for Joash: It is said that it was so while Jehoiada the priest taught him. In other words, Josiah was an independent faith, and Joash was a faith supported by the priest Jehoiada.
The episode in this chapter clearly shows the characteristics of Josiah's faith. In other words, Josiah read the scriptures he found in the temple, was enlightened, and volunteered to obey the Word of God. Originally, Josiah seems to have been a zealous person for God without reading the Bible. He loved God as he had been taught, and as a king, he first tried to rebuild the temple of God, calculated the money paid for the temple, and instructed that it be used for construction. However, when he found the book of the law during the rebuilding of the temple, he read the book of the law, was enlightened by it, and sought the Lord even more.
2. seek the lord
In other words, what Josiah had that Joash lacked was precisely this heart toward the Word of God. We must value the walk of faith in which we kneel with God, read the word of God, and respond to the word of God. Yet, strangely enough, it is possible to live a Christian life without such accumulation. In fact, there are many Christians who do not read the Bible every day and who do not even pray. Even if they call themselves Christians, their reality is different. You go to church on Sundays, you donate, you do service, but it's not a formality or a convenience that most people do. Or there must be some Joash-like people who just don't want to be told what to do. What is needed is a Josiah who is truly motivated by God's Word and does it with a zeal that does not deviate from God's Word.
Josiah commanded his aides, "Go and seek the Lord about the words of this found book" (v. 13). Note that a similar episode (2 Kings 12:4-16) involving the rebuilding of the temple is recorded. This is the difference between whether the rebuilding of the temple proceeds or not, or what Josiah has that Joash does not. Josiah had a walk of faith that connected himself to the word of God and responded to the word of God.
Josiah is believed to have read Deuteronomy, especially chapters 28 and 29. Thus, somewhere a walk of faith must be formed that is encouraged, strengthened and directed by the Word of God. Otherwise, you will never be a soul-moving Christian in these complicated times. Precisely because it is a work of one heart with God, motivated by the Word of God, man pays attention to his steps.
3. Mercy of the Lord
The second half is God's word to Josiah, who seeks the Lord. The prophetess Hulda tells us two words. It was God's judgmental words. Judas was going to be judged just as God had said. However, a message of God's mercy is handed down to Josiah, who was heartbroken and humbled himself before the Lord. That's the point. God is the one who makes things go according to plan. However, there, he is also the one who can heed the cries of people's hearts and minds and move forward with those cries.
The words of the Bible can often make your ears hurt. But if we respond to that, God will also understand our thoughts. The importance of such heart-to-heart communication with God is to read through the Bible and put into practice what is taught there. I hope you have a good day today.
<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. Manasseh reigned the longest in the Southern Kingdom of Judah, but who was the shortest? ① Jehoshaphat, ② Ahaz, ③ Jehoiachin, the answer was ③ Jehoiachin. Jehoiachin reigned for only three months. In addition, Josiah's son Jehoahaz also abdicated after three months. Here's today's Bible quiz. Where is the second district of Jerusalem, where the prophetess Huldah lived, thought to have been located? (1) Downtown on the south side of the temple, (2) Outside the old walls on the west side of the temple, (3) Mount of Olives on the east side of the temple, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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人生💯倍の励まし😊【聖書】列王記第二21章 普通の人

2022年08月26日 07時09分49秒 | 列王記
21章 マナセ

Chapter 21 Manase
1. Manasseh, the evil king who does not recognize God
In the Southern Kingdom of Judah, it was common for evil kings to have short reigns. However, in the case of the evil king Manasseh, he boasts a long-term regime of 55 years. He is well past the good king Azariah's 52 years. And Manasseh's villainy is also outstanding. He rebuilt the altars to Baal and Asherah that his father Hezekiah had destroyed, and installed the statues of Asherah and pagan altars in the house of the Lord in Jerusalem. The prayers and requests made to the house of the Lord by the first kings, David and Solomon, have been forgotten. Israel's faith was no more than a formality.
But what do these records about Manasseh tell us? For the Book of Kings is not just a chronicle of kings. It is called Deuteronomic history. In other words, it is a record that shows how each king responded to the love of God revealed in Deuteronomy and received its reward. It does not simply write that there were morally and ethically good kings and bad kings of Israel. It is a record of kings who acknowledged and obeyed God and kings who did not. So to say that Manasseh did "worse than the Gentiles" is not to say that he was morally or ethically worse than the Gentiles. Because he deliberately placed idols in the temple, he actively denied the God of Israel, the true God of creation, who had been handed down from generation to generation by his ancestors. If Hezekiah actively acknowledged and obeyed God, Manasseh did the exact opposite, actively not acknowledging and obeying God.
However, there must have been a background for Manase to become like that. He was born after Hezekiah's illness and lived during the height of the Assyrian Empire. It was a time when Assyria made the Southern Kingdom of Judah a vassal state, ruled as far as Upper Egypt, and traveled freely along the Via Maris (Road of the Sea) along the Mediterranean coast. It was an era when the world order centered on Assyria was completed. Assyria allowed conquered nations to remain if they accepted the installation of Assyrian idols in temples. Therefore, rather than actively denying God personally, Manasseh was an ordinary human being who had no idea other than to adapt to the irresistible world order. Indeed, few people live a vision of God that overturns visible reality. Ordinary people are those who live by adapting to the visible reality. And they resist anything that threatens the ordinary. In other words, he was a so-called ordinary sensibility owner. Therefore, Father Hezekiah, a man of extraordinary sensibility, had a vision to go against the tide and bring about a new age. However, his son Manasseh stops the flow of reform in the direction of the world and makes Israel pagan to match other nations. Furthermore, according to tradition, he persecuted and martyred the prophet Isaiah. He was a man who wanted to live in peace with the current of the world, not a man who drove a stake against it and changed it.
2. Patience to God's Manasseh
But God gave Manasseh 55 years. Is it not because of David or because of his father Hezekiah? When people think there's no hope, they cut it off, but God doesn't. God gave Manasseh 55 years. It should be said that it is almost the entire human life. And it was worth waiting for him. Manasseh repents in his later years (2 Chronicles 33:12). It should be said that God's truth waited fifty years for his repentance (2 Peter 3:9).
It is not uncommon for people to know God but refuse to respond to Him. Rather, it is normal for humans. Evangelism is a difficult thing to do. But God is patient. While describing the faith and disbelief of the kings, it can be said that the Book of Kings actually speaks of God's patience, love, and sincerity. Therefore, even if more than 50 years have passed, one should not give up prayer for his neighbor while standing on the expectation and love of God. And I want to remember that his love was directed to myself first, and I want to be a follower of God from the bottom of my heart. I hope you have a good day today.
<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. Where are the actual Siloam Inscriptions that record Hezekiah's accomplishments today? (1) Israeli Archaeological Museum, (2) British Museum, (3) Turkish Archaeological Museum, the answer is (3) Turkish Archaeological Museum in Istanbul. Here's today's Bible quiz. Manasseh reigned the longest in the Southern Kingdom of Judah, but who was the shortest? (1) Jehoshaphat, (2) Ahaz, (3) Jehoiachin, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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