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人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇144篇 主を神とする幸い

2023年06月10日 07時24分21秒 | 詩篇
144篇 主を神とする幸い
Psalm 144: The Blessing of Having the Lord as God
1. context and background
 The title of this psalm reads "By David," and some translations of the Greek Bible of the Seventy have added "Against Goliath. However, this is also thought to be a post-captivity composition, a collection of Davidic psalms (18, 38, etc.), composed in the Davidic style. In fact, verse 10 says, "He frees David from the sword of evil," and although David's name is mentioned, the context makes it clear that the psalmist is recounting a past deliverance. Also, the psalmist's enemies are "foreigners" (vv. 7, 11), but they are not enemies who pose an armed threat like Goliath, but enemies who pose a threat of "lies" and "deceit" (vv. 8, 11). This means that the story can be considered in the context of the captivity or later, which reminds us of the plight of Daniel and Nehemiah.
2. the battle of life
 Now verse 1, "Praise be to the Lord, my rock! Who forges my hands for battle and my fingers for war." This psalm passage is a reworking of 18:34, which is supposed to have been composed when David became king of the united kingdom, not at the time of his victory over the Goliaths. So here the psalmist is drawing attention to the fact that even that King David was prepared and trained by God to seize the victory. The mention of God's sure protection and love (v. 2) and man's lowliness (vv. 3, 4) speaks of the psalmist's trust in the Lord, which is even deeper.
If we are going to live as believers, we must be prepared for battles. Because we are living against the flow of secularism and materialism in the world, there will naturally be conflicts and difficulties in our lives. Unless we are prepared to do so and seek God's grace every morning, we will not be able to overcome the absurdity of our society. In fact, there are times when we have to admit our own powerlessness and incompetence. But with God, we can do mighty works. Therefore, the psalmist quotes Psalm 18:9, verse 14, and prays as follows "Come down, O LORD, and press down your heavens. Touch the mountains and make them smoke. Let your lightning flare up and scatter them, and let your arrows be fired and stir them up." (vv. 6, 7). There is a saying, "Do your best and let the heavens do the rest." However, when we become believers, it is easy to have the attitude of "Leave it all to God and you'll be safe. In other words, a person who has been striving to do his/her best 99% of the time and leaving the remaining 1% up to God's discretion will come to think that since God will help 99% of the time, he/she only needs to put in 1% of the effort. It is an attitude of leaving everything to God. But this is a mistake, because it is true that we have given 100% of our best efforts, but in reality, we have succeeded 100% with God's help. We are incompetent, yet we strive 100%.
3. from me to our prayer 
The second half of the book, from verse 12 onward, is spelled out in "we". The author prays for specific blessings on our lives as God's people. We can face any battle of life without fear only if we know that God will fight with us. And, freed from the self-centered desire for personal victory, we are further led to pray for the bliss of the whole people. As in the Lord's Prayer, if we truly acknowledge God the Father, we are compelled to pray for the blessing of the entire Church, the family of God. The awareness that we are "his people, with the Lord as our God" gives us concern for others. Of course, God's promise of blessing is not always a simple matter of today and tomorrow. Rather, it is a difficult task that involves going through many battles and overcoming many crises. But we are blessed to be able to hope and trust in the living God who gives us concrete blessings. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. How many times does the word "Selah" appear in the Psalms? The answer was 71 times. The meaning of the word is not well understood. Some say it is an interlude or a musical pause. Here is today's Bible quiz. What is the name of the parallelism used in the Psalms in which the first and second lines are repeated with almost the same words and ideas? (1) Synonymous parallelism, (2) Antitype parallelism, (3) Consensus parallelism, the answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day.
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