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人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇145篇 主の主権とみわざを思い起こす

2023年06月11日 09時20分00秒 | 詩篇
145篇 主の主権と御業を思い起こす
1. context and background
Verse 1: "I will praise you, O King my God. I will praise your name without end for all the world." As the words suggest, this Psalm is a song of praise to God. In the Hebrew original, the beginning of each line is aligned in alphabetical order, so to speak, in what is called "iroha-uta" in Japan. However, it is an irregular alphabetical poem because the middle letter of the alphabet, the line of the letter noon (n) in Hebrew, is missing. Unfortunately, this is not evident from the Japanese or English Bibles (the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, so the poem is 21 lines long with one letter missing).
Now praising God comes first from contemplating the strange works and sovereignty that the One who is God and King has done for me personally (v. 5). Mary once met with Elizabeth and reflected on God's intervention in her life and His wondrous works, praising God, "My soul glorifies the Lord, and my spirit praises God my Savior" (Luke 1:46). Herein lies the purpose and meaning of devotions. I wonder if any of you have ever opened the Bible and just read it vaguely, thinking that you need to read it. Such an approach does not bring about praise or thanksgiving to God. However, when you open the Bible and reflect on what God has done for you, praise, thanksgiving, and faith in God will arise spontaneously from your heart.
2. testifying of the Lord
 Such efforts also produce further testimonies: v. 4, "Generation after generation will sing praises to you and proclaim your mighty works," and vv. 6, 7, "People will tell of the power of your terrible works, and I will tell of your greatness. The people will overflow with memories of your abundant mercy, and they will sing loudly of your righteousness. Also, every time we gather for worship services, acknowledging God and giving glory to Him, our missionary thoughts will be deepened and we will be prepared for missionary work. In other words, we will realize that we have something to say in our hearts, and we will even want to say it. Conversely, worship that is not motivated by testimony is false. Worship that is merely rejoicing in the fact that one's heart has been comforted and encouraged, and not moving on to the next step, is self-satisfying and, unfortunately, is not really worshiping. Worship is not only a reminder of the riches of God's mercy and grace, but a more active way to be equipped to "speak and make known the works of the Great Commission," v. 11.
Another thing to keep in mind is that evangelism is nothing more than the telling of one's own experience. It is a testimony of God's intervention in your life. It is a testimony of the God who intervened in your life, or the God who intervened in your church. We often hear about training and attending seminars in order to be able to evangelize, but should we really do that? No. As a matter of fact, we don't have to. If you are in good fellowship with God through worship and devotions and have a deep understanding of what God has done for you and your church, you should be able to do it naturally, either verbally or in writing. For those who say that they need special training to be able to evangelize and for their churches to be missional, it is important that they first experience God personally. The psalmist confesses that God relates to man in many ways: verse 14, "The Lord upholds all who fall, and raises all who are crouching" The Lord is the sustainer of the helpless. And verse 15, "In due season the Lord will give them their food," that is, God is a generous giver who cares for both the bad and the good. And verse 18, God is the one who has an intimate relationship with those who call upon Him. God is the one who relates in his own way to those who seek to live with him. If we can remember these things in our daily devotions, thanksgiving, praise, and testimonies to God will come naturally.
3. embrace an apocalyptic vision
Verse 21 says, "May all flesh praise His holy name for ever and ever. Finally, devotions in which we spend good times with God expand our thoughts to visions of apocalyptic worship (Revelation 7:9). In other words, it is a time for us to have a firm eschatological perspective that gives us a clear picture of our walk with God and where we are headed.
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