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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】エレミヤ書7章 まことの神を認めていく

2023年10月16日 16時04分33秒 | イザヤ書
エレミヤ7章 まことの神を認めていく
Jeremiah 7: Acknowledging the True God
The prophecy in chapter 7 is from the time of Jehoiakim's ascension to the throne in 608 BC, shortly after King Josiah was killed by Pharaoh Neco, king of Egypt. In other words, this is a new collection of prophecies from this point on.
1. the end of Jerusalem and the temple
 Jeremiah stands in the temple of the Lord and speaks. The time seems to have been a time of great festivals. Therefore, many people heard Jeremiah's words. At the time, the Israelites thought they would be safe with this temple (v. 4). They thought that God would not destroy his temple by himself. Jeremiah, however, affirms that they are wrong, citing the example of what happened to the temple at Shiloh long ago, when there was a priest named Eli (v. 12).
In the past, the Israelites had a palace called the "tent of meeting" to replace the temple before they built the magnificent temple of that time. When it came to be set up in Shiloh (Judges 18:31). The rituals held there became more grandiose and secularized in content from year to year. The bad behavior of the sons of Eli the priest (1 Samuel 2) reflected this very situation. But the same was true in Jeremiah's time. Jeremiah criticizes the Israelites' faith for going down the path of formality and ritual and not being connected to the Word and life of God Himself, and warns them that the same judgment that was once upon Israel will come upon them (v. 14).
2. not the form
 What was the problem? God says. When I brought your ancestors out of the land of Egypt, I did not speak to them or command them anything about whole burnt offerings or sacrifices (v. 22)." For a moment, one wonders if this was so, but it is true that God did not speak of any such thing until He brought Israel out of Egypt and reached Mount Sinai, commanding them only to acknowledge the Lord, fear Him, and listen to and obey His voice. In other words, the essence of faith is to "listen, Israel," to hearken to the Word of God and "walk in all the ways God commands" (v. 23).
 After Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament, was written, there was a period of time when God did not send prophets to Israel and was completely silent. It is said that during that period, about 400 years, Israel's faith was completely transformed into a formalistic ritualistic and legalistic religion. But that period was not unique. It was already the same in the time of Eli and Jeremiah. Moreover, it was the same in the time of Jesus. Jesus cleansed the temple by pointing out to the priests that you have made it a "den of robbers" (v. 11). The situation may be the same today, then. The situation of not listening to God's voice (v. 26) has been repeated. Often, when we become Christians, we are taught to go to worship services every week, read the Bible daily, pray, give offerings, and devote ourselves to service. We are sometimes told that if we can do this, we are a good congregation, and if not, we are a bad congregation. But if it is only a formality, no matter how well done, God tells such a congregation to "sing a song of lamentation" (v. 29). What is important will be whether there is a life of faith and church life that is formed naturally from listening to God's Word and being touched by God's life. We want to have a walk of faith that has substance, not pretense. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. Which of the following prophets is from Tekoa? (1) Jeremiah, (2) Amos, (3) Isaiah, and the answer was (2) Amos. Jeremiah is considered to be from Anathoth and Isaiah from Jerusalem. Now for today's Bible quiz. After the death of King Josiah, who was the son of Josiah who was put on the throne by Pharaoh Neco of Egypt? (1) Jehoiakim, (2) Jehoiachin, and (3) Jehoahaz. The answer will be given tomorrow. Now I wish you a good day.

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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】イザヤ書65章 楽しみ喜べ

2023年10月09日 12時36分06秒 | イザヤ書
65章 楽しみ喜べ
Chapter 65 Enjoy and Rejoice
1. God's Answer 
 This is a continuation from Chapter 63, about to become Act IV. Act I (63:1-7) is the stage for the choir and God. The part where God monologues that he has fought alone was impressive. The second and third acts (63:8-64) are the prophet's intercessory prayer. I was impressed by the prophet's earnest prayer that God would not abandon Israel, the betrayer, but pour out His unchanging love on her. Act IV, chapter 64 is God's answer to the prophet's prayer.
God says, "Originally, the people of Israel were to be given the kingdom of heaven. Originally, the blessing was to be given to the people of Israel. But they were disobedient to God, falling into idolatry (v. 3), steeped in pagan customs of foreign lands (v. 4), not keeping the law, and their hearts were far from God. So such Israel would be subject to God's severe judgment, he said (vv. 6, 7). But that is not God's intention.
God is angry with Israel but loves them, and if there is a voice in the room asking God for mercy, He cannot help but respond to that voice. He says that even if Israel does not seek God and stubbornly continues on a bad path, the fact is that God is waiting for them, saying, "I am here" (v. 65). It is like the parable Jesus told of the Father waiting impatiently for the return of the prodigal son. And this image of God is exactly what the prophet expected (64:4).
What is important, therefore, is the attitude on the part of man. It is for man to repent and jump into the bosom of God's love (vv. 13, 14).
2. blessing of other names
If someone repents before the Lord in such a way and tries to live truthfully, God will not overlook him. He says that if there is one sweet fruit among the rotten clusters of grapes, it will not be spoiled (v. 8). They will inherit God's promised land (v. 10). v. 11 "Gad," so to speak, is an idol worshipped as a god of good fortune, and "Meni" as a god of luck. It is recommended that we should stop worshipping these idol gods and worship only the true God. There are many similar gods in Japan. However, we are to abandon such make-believe deities. To those who turn to God in such a way, he says, God will call them by "other names. In other words, it would be a blessing to have a life that no longer carries all the labels of dishonor that have been attached to it.
3. blessing of a new heaven and a new earth
 God further answers, v. 17: "The former things will not be remembered, nor will they be brought to mind." People often live in the past and dwell on the past. As the saying goes, "What is crooked cannot be made straight," and we are often so haunted by the past that we cannot fix it that we have no hope for the future. But God says, "When shall I make my creation? But God says, "Enjoy and rejoice in my creation forever." God is the God of creation. God is the one who creates light in the darkness. There is no life that God cannot restore. But the blessing that one should savor will be in sharing something rather than in possessing something. God says that the time is approaching when the promise of His Kingdom will soon be realized, where there will be no sorrow or shouting. The time is near when the hearts of God and man will communicate with each other, as in "heart to heart" (v. 24). v. 25 is a quotation from 11:6-9, which speaks of the blessings of the Kingdom. It is a place where there will no longer be strife, but a time of peace and quiet, to be shared forever. If we are living toward that blessing, then we should cherish it in this life as well. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. Who was the king of Assyria who destroyed the Northern Kingdom of Israel? (1) Tiglath-Pileser III, (2) Sargon II, and (3) Sennacherib. The answer is (2) Sargon II. During the reign of Tiglath-Pileser III (745-727 BC), tribute was imposed (2 Kings 15:19-20); during the reign of Sargon II, Samaria fell (2 Kings 17); and during the reign of Sennacherib, the southern kingdom of Judah was besieged but failed to achieve its goal, returned home, and was assassinated. Now for today's Bible quiz. What other names are given to the Valley of Achor? (1) The Gate of Hope, (2) The Gate of the Fountain, (3) The Gate of the Valley, and the answer will be given tomorrow. I wish you a good day today.

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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】イザヤ書66章 主のことばにおののく

2023年10月09日 12時32分29秒 | イザヤ書
66章 主のことばにおののく
Chapter 66: Struck by the Word of the Lord
Today we end the book of Isaiah, which has been a long 66 chapters, but it is a book that encourages us in many ways.
1. thank God for His blessings
 Let us turn to the last chapter, chapter 66. This is the fifth act following chapter 65. It is the part of God's response. In the concluding section, the supremacy of God is sung and those who receive God's blessings and those who receive judgment are contrasted and discussed. First, in verse 1, he says that the God we are to believe in is the great God of creation, but that He is a God of grace who looks to those who are reverent, brokenhearted, and bowed to His word. The important thing is not just to be irreverent. God looks at those who are beaten and in despair. Therefore, it is important for us not to look at ourselves and think that there is no grace of God for such a one, but rather to approach God with fear and embrace Him and receive His grace. Paul said, "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling" (Philippians 2:12).
However, human beings are still sinners and are sometimes unable to direct themselves toward growth in this way. And yet, God says, verse 12: "Behold, I will give her prosperity like a river, and the wealth of nations like an overflowing stream." It is important for us to be grateful for God's kind words and heart, and to be obedient to Him, who is willing to give us blessings that are not worthy of a sinner.
2. God's Work Happens Rapidly
 Isaiah says in verse 7, "Before labor pains come, she will give birth to a son. It may mean that God's grace can happen in an instant. The grace of Israel's restoration will come suddenly, happening one day at a time. It will be a day of peace and joy, rejoicing in the birth of a child, he said. Certainly, if we look back on Israel's history, the return from the Babylonian captivity was the same, and the events of the Exodus long ago were also the work of God, when things moved rapidly. In Israel's history, there were long periods of oppression and suffering, but when God does something, it can be a sudden and significant change. When God does something, it can be a sudden and significant change.
3. the second creation 
Verse 22: "Just as the new heavens and the new earth which I will make will endure forever before me." The first Creation, while good in God's eyes, was eventually lost through the fall of man. But the second creation, he says, will last forever and ever. This is apocalyptic. The important thing is to partake of the blessings of that new Kingdom. Therefore, in the midst of the reality of ourselves and our society, which is riddled with sin and unbelief, it is important to perfect our own faith so that we can trust and fear God, who is doing a new work, and receive the blessings of the end times. Let us accept God's words with joy and honesty, and let us take one step forward in our faith today. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. What other names are given to the valley of Akol? (1) The Gate of Hope, (2) The Gate of the Fountain, and (3) The Gate of the Valley. The answer was "Gate of Hope. (Hosea 2:15) The valley of Achor was called by a name meaning "valley of affliction" because of Akan's sin (Joshua 7:24-26). But it is promised to become a "gate of hope" to show that God will bring blessings to that land. Now for today's Bible quiz. Where was the place designated to raise the roar that would announce the beginning of the New Moon Festival to the entire nation? (1) the Mount of Olives, (2) the Mount of Zion, (3) the Temple Hill, and the answer will be given again tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.

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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】イザヤ書63章 主のたぎる思い

2023年10月06日 17時51分05秒 | イザヤ書
イザヤ書63章 主のたぎる思い
Isaiah 63: The Lord's Thirst
1. no one
Chapter 63 is written in a very technical manner. That is, verses 1-6 are formatted like the script of an opera. First, a choir calls out from a corner of the stage, "Who is this one who comes from Edom, this one who comes from Bethulah in a crimson robe (v. 1)? Then the Lord himself appears in the center of the stage wearing a crimson robe and sings, "I am the great one who brings salvation. The choir asks, "Why is your garment red?" to which the Lord replies, "I alone have trodden the grapes" and "have completely defiled my garment (v. 3). It is telling us that God has been fighting against Edom, the tyrant who opposes Israel (ch. 34), but the important part is that He confesses that He has been fighting alone. In other words, there was no one to join God in this battle (v. 5). God's chosen people, the beloved people Israel, were not acting with God either. Only God alone, he is fiercely saying, fought this fierce battle in a bloody way.
 This is a reminder of Jesus who bore the cross and endured the suffering alone, leaving His disciples behind for the salvation of sinners (Revelation 5:4; 19:13).
2. intercession of the prophet
 Beginning with verse 7, we come to the second act of the opera. After the choir and the leading deity have retired, the prophet now appears. He prays for God's mercy and intercession. So the personal pronoun "watashi" (hiragana) becomes "watashi" (kanji) in the Japanese translation from verse 7.
What is important is that Isaiah responds to God's complaint in the first half of the verse, "There is no one here," by saying, "Here I am. In other words, Isaiah is now looking at the situation of Israel, which is hostile to God, and realizing the reality that if he does not say anything here, he will end up making God fight alone again.
 So let us once again listen to the prayers of the prophets. First, Isaiah recounts and thanks God for the great blessings He has given to Israel in the past. The children of Israel are truly God's children, even though they are condemned for their sins. God Himself said so (v. 8). If they suffered, God also suffered. It has always been so (v. 9). God has not changed His mind. And when God suffered, none of God's children, Israel, was willing to stand in His suffering. But even so, You will not forsake Your own Son, You are not like that. says Isaiah (vv. 11-14). Appealing to God's faithfulness, Isaiah confesses, "Pour out on us the same compassionate love," the same "abounding thoughts and mercy" (v. 15), as before, and I will join you in the fight. In fact, this is the prayer of the pastor and also the prayer of the church's prayer meeting. Isaiah's prayer asks for compassion for the people of Israel, whose hearts and minds are far from God. O God, please have pity on us, self-centered people, he cries out, O God of blessings, "Please go home (v. 17). I will fight with you, too. What Japan needs today is a prayer like Isaiah's. We must also realize that such thinking, that someone else will do it, or that it does not matter if one person leaves, while knowing the various hardships of the church, will cause the church to decline and fall apart. In the end, it is the consciousness and thoughts of each and every one of us that make up the church, family, and society that will cause the church, family, and society to fall into disrepair. In this sense, I believe that the prayer meeting of the church must be a prayer meeting unless the prayer of the church is strengthened. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner</div>
First, yesterday's quiz. Which of the following words did Jesus prefer to use to describe his nature as the Savior? (1) Messiah, (2) Son of God, (3) Son of Man. The answer was (3) Son of Man. Jesus preferred the term "Son of Man" to "Messiah," which is the image of the spiritual Savior spoken of in the book of Daniel (Daniel 7:13,14), rather than "Messiah," which is the image of the restoration of the Davidic Kingdom on earth. Now for today's Bible quiz. What is the name of the road that passes through the land of Edom and leads from the Gulf of Aqaba to Syria and Mesopotamia? (1) the way of the sea, (2) the way of kings, (3) the way of pilgrims. The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.

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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】イザヤ書61章 このことばが実現した

2023年10月05日 07時37分58秒 | イザヤ書
61章 このことばが実現した
Chapter 61: These Words Fulfilled
1. application of Jesus
 Yesterday we talked about how Isaiah's prophecies prophesied some of the activities of Jesus in the New Testament. In fact, today's verses 1-2 are the ones that Jesus read in the synagogue in Nazareth when he began his public ministry, declaring, "Today this word of Scripture has come true" (Luke 4:18). Presumably, the Old Testament readers of Isaiah understood this passage as a prophecy of deliverance from the Babylonian captivity, but as I explained yesterday, its content implied something more than just deliverance from the Babylonian captivity. And Jesus, who appeared some 700 years later, applied and explained this to his own time. In Jesus' time, Israel was under the rule of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire had appointed Herod the Idomite as king and entrusted him with the governance of the Jewish region. However, Herod was a paranoid man, and when he became king, he killed one person after another who might threaten his position. Finally, he kills even his beloved wife Mariamne under suspicion. In other words, it was a time of fear politics, where society was ruled not by justice but by the power of one maniacal figure. It is precisely because of this that Isaiah's words, when Jesus says, "Today these words of the Bible have come to pass," must have thrown light into the hearts of the people. Isaiah says, "The LORD my God is my God. The Lord God has sent me. To the captives I announce liberty, to the prisoners I announce release; the year of the LORD's grace, the day of vengeance of our God." The Hebrew anabim, translated "the poor (v. 1)," does not mean literally the poor, but the weakened, the crushed and despairing. Also, "captive" or "prisoner" does not necessarily mean a criminal. Some may have been imprisoned for absurd reasons. This was truly a time when God's vengeance (v. 2) was awaited. People at that time expressed their sorrow by covering themselves with ashes whenever there was a sad event. But God says that instead of sadness, he will put on the oil of joy, and instead of a sorrowful heart, he will put on the mantle of praise (v.3). The "oak tree" is a symbol of verdancy and strength. With its vigor, he says, the wilderness will be renewed (v. 4). Jesus' interpretation clearly casts a ray of hope in the midst of the decadent mood of Herod's reign of terror.
2. grace for the present time
In verses 10 and 11, the personal pronoun is changed from hiragana to kanji. In other words, this is not the confession of the Lord's servant, but of one who acknowledges the Lord's servant. What should be considered here is that those who heard the words of Jesus, the Lord's servant, were compelled to make the words of verses 10 and 11 their own confession. My soul also rejoices in my God. In other words, the Lord's servant responds to his servant's declaration with a yell of faith that the same will happen. The Hebrew word for "salvation" and "justice" is tzedakah. So here, in paraphrase, we are saying that to be saved is nothing less than to embrace God's righteousness, that is, to have God's righteousness revealed. God is the One who is righteous, the One who does what is right, and we too respond to His light. The reign of God, which is said to have begun in the time of Jesus, is not something that will eventually be completed in the distant future, but something that can be experienced even in this present time, as we move toward that glorious future. God's grace is by no means limited to the other shore. Let us walk with joy and hope today, believing that God's grace extends to our lives right now. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner</div>
First, yesterday's quiz. Whose son was Nebajoth? (1) Isaac, (2) Ishmael, and (3) Jacob. According to Genesis 25:13 and 1 Chronicles 1:29, Nebayoth was the firstborn son of Ishmael. Now for today's Bible quiz. Which synagogue was the one where Jesus quoted Isaiah's prophetic words and explained that these words had come true? (1) Capernaum, (2) Nazareth, (3) Jerusalem, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Then I wish you a good day today.

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