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人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇148篇 被造物を含めた終末的礼拝

2023年06月16日 09時19分03秒 | 詩篇
Psalm 148: Eschatological Worship Including Creation
1.Context and Background
 This psalm also praises God and continues from Psalm 146. But what makes this Psalm unique is that the psalmist calls on heaven and earth to praise God. It is not to the people of Israel. This may be because the call to worshipers has already been made in Psalms 146 and 147, or it may be understood that it is natural for the children of Israel to praise the Lord. At any rate, here the psalmist is calling on heaven and earth to unite with creation in offering praise to God.
 This is the very image of eschatological worship that John describes in the book of Revelation (7:9). Paul says in Romans, "The creation itself will also be delivered from the bondage of perdition, and will be set free in the glorious freedom of the children of God" (Rom. 8:21). In other words, it is not only human beings who await salvation in the Lord. Every living creature created by God "groaned together until now, and suffered birth pangs together" (Romans 8:22), longing for God's restoration. God's plan of salvation extends not only to human beings but also to all things created by God, and when that salvation is complete, everyone will praise and worship God in unison, which will be the final form of the redemption of all things.
2. Praise the Lord in heaven and on earth!
 Specifically in verse 2, beginning with all the angels, the sun, the moon, the shining stars, and the heavens, worship God (vv. 1-6). And to the earth, He calls upon the giant beasts of the sea, the deeps, fire, hail, snow, smoke, storms, mountains, hills, trees, and birds (vv. 7-10), and the kings, nations, and princes of the earth, young men and women, old and young, who have not yet called upon God (vv. 11-13), to praise Him. We should note this spread. Often the church has been talking about the salvation of souls and focusing only on human beings. I think that the church has been working to get a headcount of believers. However, since salvation is a matter of concern for the whole of creation, it is natural that it should be concerned with the various situations in the world. In that sense, it is not wrong for Christians to be sensitive to environmental issues. If we are entrusted by God with the stewardship of creation and have a desire for the completion of redemption that includes the entire creation, then we can be mindful of resource and environmental issues, and responsible attitudes and actions toward these issues can occur as well.
3. worship with creation
 Worship is not tied to the confines of a church building. It is an activity that transcends physical space, transcends denominations and groups, and brings together all the churches of the earth, so to speak, in an invisible church, a universal church. But what is being spoken of here is worship that resonates with all of creation.
 Often there are churches that hold outdoor worship services. Often it is done in a recreational sense. They leave the synagogue and go out into nature to praise God and hear His voice. But there does not seem to be a sense of worshipping with nature. Biblically, we should say that worship is required to praise and bow down to God with nature. Worship with God's creation, rather than taking place in nature. It is a time to savor a Psalm 148-like worship that we are not normally aware of, a worship that is one with creation in heaven and on earth.
 It is not clear what the "horn" in verse 14, "The Lord has lifted up the horn of his people," refers to. In context, it may refer to the restoration of Israel's position by the return of the captives, but from an apocalyptic perspective, it is reminiscent of the raising of the Savior (Luke 1:69).
At any rate, we look forward to the day when all creation, heaven and earth, and all the nations, peoples, and languages of the earth will join together in praise and worship to the Lord. This Psalm reminds us of the image of the ultimate worship described in the Book of Revelation (7:9).
<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. How many sheep did Solomon offer at the dedication of the temple? (1) 1,000, (2) 12,000, and (3) 120,000. The answer is 120,000 head (1 Kings 8:63). Now for today's Bible quiz. In which New Testament throat passage does Paul clearly speak of the redemption of creation? (1) Romans 3:23, (2) Romans 8:21, (3) Romans 12:1. Then I pray that today will be another good day.

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人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇150篇 最大のハレルヤ

2023年06月16日 07時11分47秒 | 詩篇
150篇 最大のハレルヤ

Psalm 150: The Greatest Hallelujah
 This is a complete reading of Psalm 150. Much has happened around me as I write this. But like many of you, I have been sustained by the words of the Psalms for 150 days. It must feel like I just stood on a mountaintop. We will be strolling along the path of Wisdom Literature for a while now, and later we will head toward the New Testament, passing through the descent of the prophetic books.
1. Context and Background
 First of all, volumes I through IV all ended with thanksgiving and praise. Volume V ends with a Psalm that consists entirely of praise. 150 Psalms, in that sense, was written as a final, concluding psalm, or perhaps it was such a psalm from the beginning and was included at the end of the Psalms, but it urges us to praise God once again. I am not sure if it was written at the end of a psalm or not.
 So that praise is in God's sanctuary and "in the firmament of His power." That is, in heaven, where the first power of God's creation was manifested. The two perspectives of earth and heaven are important. Earthly worship responds to heavenly worship. In Revelation 4, the apostle John witnesses and describes the grand worship that is taking place in heaven when he is told, "Come up here. It is "a multitude that no one could count, from all nations, tribes, peoples, and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with branches of the jasmine palm in their hands...bowing down and worshiping God" (Revelation 7:9, 10). It is a picture of the eschatological perfection of the church, but the important thing is that our earthly worship is connected to such heavenly worship. It is important that each and every worship service that takes place here on earth now is connected to the wonderful worship in heaven, and that our worship is done with such an awareness.
2. Singing to God
 Verse 2 gives the reason for praise. God is praised because of His "mighty works" and "because of His exceeding greatness. So if we rightly know God's nature and His works, we are compelled to praise Him. Of course, we can sing hymns without having faith. Even among those who do not believe in God, gospel songs are popular and often sung. In other words, you can sing hymns with all your might and with all your heart, even if you do not acknowledge and believe in God. However, it is only with faith that we can look up to the heavenly worship and sing the praises that lead to it. We may sing movingly to an earthly audience, but to praise God with His angel in heaven is a privilege that only those who are connected to God through Christ of the cross can do. The act of praising God, and not man, can only be done by those who live with God.
Verses 3-5 indicate the method of praise. In those days, the horns were played by the priests, the cymbals by the Levites, and the tambourines and dancing by the women. In other words, priests, Levites, and all members of the congregation were invited to praise God. And all were encouraged to praise God with horns, with tambourines and dancing, with harps and flutes, with loud cymbals, with resounding cymbals, and with all kinds of musical instruments, that is, with all things, to the best of their ability.
3. All praise God. 
The last six verses speak of the subject of praise. Paul said, "God has given to every man life and breath and all things" (Acts 17:25). We are from God. Our bodies will eventually be replaced by soil. Since we are created from the earth, we will return to the earth. But the life given to God returns to God. Man is a creature that carries the life of God in an earthen vessel. Praise God with the life of God. The life of God given to us resonates with the true life of God, which is the blessing of praise offered by the faithful. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. In the Psalms, what is the parallelism in which ideas are developed step by step, like climbing a staircase? The answer is gradual or stepwise parallelism. 'O sons of the Mighty! Return to the Lord. Return glory and strength to the Lord" (Psalm 29:1) is a good example. Here is today's Bible quiz. What is the parallelism in the Psalms that gives a metaphorical example? I will give you the answer tomorrow. I wish you a good day.

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人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇149篇 主をほめたたえる

2023年06月15日 09時17分05秒 | 詩篇
149篇 主をほめたたえる
Psalm 149: Praise the Lord
1. context and background
We are encouraged to praise God today. Just as we eat the same three meals every day, we need to form the habit of praising God in our hearts. We need to open the Bible, eat the Word of God, look up to the invisible God, and praise the Lord in reverence before Him. That is the repetition.
 Verse 1: "Sing to the Lord a new song, offer praise to Him," the psalmist says. The psalmist looks up to God, his "Maker" (v. 2), his "King" (v. 2), and his "Savior" (v. 4). Maker, King, and Savior are the three core images of the One to whom we are to offer praise. God made and rules over heaven, earth, and all things, and has delivered us from the perdition of sin. We are to praise him. In Psalm 148, we were told "with whom" we are to worship, that is, with all created things, with everything in heaven and on earth. In Psalm 149, we are told "who" do you and "how to " worship: "Praise the name of the Lord with dancing. Sing praises to the Lord with tambourines and lyre.
2. praise the Lord
 I once attended a church service in St. Paul where African Americans gathered. I remember that from the beginning to the end of the service, the rhythm and praises were so strong that it shook my body. It was not a dance that had been practiced over and over again, but an atmosphere that naturally overflowed from my body, an atmosphere that my own body was compelled to resonate with. It was a whole-body expression of joy and gratitude. I am more of a person who prefers quiet worship and feels fulfilled in silence, but I was reminded that this form of worship is also wonderful. There is a richness in the way we praise the Lord.
 Praising the Lord is not only in the sanctuary, in the church building, but also in our own homes. The New Community Translation is "even though you lie down. The original word is mishkab, floor, or bedroom, but it does not seem to mean simply "on the floor" before going to bed at night. In other words, it may be said, "even when they lie down," as in the previous phrase, "He will take the poor in the guise of salvation," i.e., even when they are in a situation of oppression. This means that we should praise the Lord not in any specific place, but at any time and in any situation, even when we are at the bottom of the heap.
3. the certainty of the Lord's work
The latter half of the verse, verse 6, "as there is a two-edged sword," verse 7, "to take vengeance and punish the people," verse 8, "to put their kings in chains, ~ and their nobles in fetters of iron," and verse 9, "to execute judgment ~ among them." How do these purposes connect to praising God? God loves His people and dresses the poor with salvation. God is not one with power. He is with poverty and weakness. God, unlike man, is not calculating. He is faithful and loving. God is able to accomplish salvation that would not be possible in the world's normal sense of the word. He seeks out, finds, and rescues those who would be ignored, abandoned, and forgotten in the ordinary world. God's dominion over the world is clear (v. 6), and His judgment is sure (vv. 7-8).
Therefore, if we fear God and walk reverently in His presence, there will always be praise to the Lord. Even though we may groan before the Lord without hope, we can always praise Him that He is alive. Believe in the Lord today. Expect the Lord and praise Him first. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. In which passage in the New Testament does Paul clearly speak of the redemption of creation? The answers were (1) Romans 3:23, (2) Romans 8:21, and (3) Romans 12:1. Now, here is today's Bible quiz. In the Psalms, what is the parallelism in which ideas are developed step by step, like climbing a staircase? The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.

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人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇147篇 主の配慮に感謝

2023年06月13日 07時08分13秒 | 詩篇
147篇 主の配慮に感謝
Psalm 147: Thanks be to the Lord for His concern
1. context and background
 Verse 2: "The Lord builds Jerusalem and gathers the scattered men of Israel" clearly reflects on the history of the captivity. The rebuilding of the city walls has been completed, the gate bridges have been reinforced (v. 13), and a secure space for the city has been secured (v. 14). Perhaps this is the background song for the wall dedication ceremony in Nehemiah 12:27-43.
The psalmist turns his heart to the Lord and recites the splendor of the Lord. The Lord has looked upon the captives (v. 2). The Lord "heals" those who were in sorrow and "wraps their wounds" (v. 3) God is a God of salvation. And "the Lord counts the stars and names them all" (v. 4). Thus the psalmist contemplates the Lord's omniscience and His dominion. He also recalls the covenant to Abraham. Abraham was a man who was childless and old, with no possibility of producing an heir, and he wondered what blessings he would have in the future. Then God says to Abraham, "Now look up to heaven. Now look up to the heavens. If you can count the stars, count them. Your descendants will be like this" (Genesis 15:5). Abraham believed in the Lord, and the Lord credited it to him as his righteousness. Where there is no hope, the word of God comes. Only the promised word of God is given to him to believe. And God's almighty hand is moved on our behalf. For "great is our Lord, and mighty, and his wisdom is beyond measure" (v. 5). We should firmly believe that there is a God who is involved with us and pours out His infinite power and wisdom.
2. God is Eye-catching
Anyway, the psalmist says, "Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving. Sing praises to our God to the accompaniment of the zither" (v. 8). Praise God not only for His saving work, but also for His concern. God is "the One who gives food to the beast and to the cackling raven's whelp" (v. 9). God is the One who cares, and this extends to beasts and to the young of the cawing ravens. Then, moreover, to man. Even if someone regards you as garbage, you will not be omitted from God's concern. In fact, God does not esteem what man esteems. God is not meritocratic or achievement-oriented (v. 10). Rather, God values man's faith. He favors those who "fear Him and wait for His grace" (v. 11). God is attentive to those who cry out to Him from their hearts. It is because of His grace that Jerusalem was rebuilt.
3. filled with the best wheat
In the Greek translation of the Bible of the Septuagint, after verse 12, it becomes a new and different Psalm, and is divided differently from the Japanese Bible. 12 "Sing praises to the Lord, O Jerusalem," in the dedication ceremony, the author is tasting the blessings of the present. The rebuilding of Jerusalem may indeed have been the fruit of their own sweat, but the peace that exists now was because the Lord had commanded the earth to do so. Safety, health, and prosperity are all commanded by God from above. The enslaved captives could never have negotiated with the conquering nations, restored and rebuilt the lost land by their own efforts. But God heard their cries and moved His hand. Say, "Let there be light," and there will be light. When God commands, possibility arises in the midst of impossibility. God's Word promptly makes the impossible possible. God's command is everything, just as it says in verse 18, "The Lord will send His Word" to accomplish all things.
The snow, ice, and cold of verses 16 and 17 symbolize judgment. Both winter and spring are created by God. It is a poem about a people judged by God but restored by the Word of God (v. 18). The history of the Jewish people is an example of God's judgment and restoration that can happen to us today. If we find ourselves in God's judgment now, let us walk with thanksgiving, hoping in the Lord that there will also be restoration. God is love. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. What is the name of the parallelism in the Psalms that has a supplemental completion between the first and second line of thought? (1) synonymous parallelism, (2) antonymous parallelism, and (3) consensual parallelism. The answer was (3) consensus-type parallel law. A good example is Psalm 95:3, "Truly the Lord is a great God, above all God is counting all gods, a great King. Now for today's Bible quiz. How many sheep did Solomon offer at the dedication of the temple? (1) 1,000, (2) 12,000, (3) 120,000, and the answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that today will be another good day.

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人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇146篇 主に望みを置く

2023年06月12日 10時01分53秒 | 詩篇
146篇 主に望みを置く

Psalms 146: Putting Our Hope in the Lord
1. context and background
 From this Psalm to the last 150 Psalms are the so-called "Hallelujah Psalms," which begin and end with Hallelujah. In the Greek translation of the Bible of the Septuagint, it is entitled "Hallelujah of Haggai and Zechariah," which, based on previous trends, is thought to have been composed after the captivity period.
 Now, "Praise the Lord," the poet calls out to his readers. In the plural, it is an invitation to the entire congregation. He says, "Praise Him, not according to your temporal moods, but throughout your life (v. 2). I am convinced that this is because the Lord is the root of my life and my lifelong sustainer.
 Verse 3, "Do not rely on monarchs," may seem abrupt, but this must mean that we should rely on the Lord rather than on human beings. Indeed, we would like to think that we cannot count on the help of others, no matter how great a leader they may be or how dependable a neighbor they may seem. Indeed, isn't that the case?
One theory is that the background of this passage is the events that took place when the walls of Jerusalem were being rebuilt after the return of the captives. In other words, at that time, the Jewish leaders were working for the benefit of the enemy aristocrats who were sabotaging the rebuilding of the city walls. It was an unexpected betrayal that their leaders, who were supposed to be working for the good of all, were in communication with the nobility of the enemy side. The upper echelons were corrupt, sharing large sums of money, and devouring each other's wealth. This was not a problem in a secular society. It was a problem in the upper echelons of God's people, so to speak.
Often, there is such corruption in human leadership. Human beings are to be trusted, but it is necessary to understand that human beings are somehow imperfect and sinners. God alone is to be trusted, and we are to connect to Him and walk through life with eyes that are clear.
2. set your hope in the Lord
What is necessary for an unshakable life is to place our hope in the Lord. This is not just for the world of faith. Even in the general society that has nothing to do with faith, we must always remember the Lord's invisible rule and walk according to His footsteps. The Lord of life at all times should be the Lord of creation, "He who made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and all things in them" (v. 6). He is not an idol God who has ears but cannot hear, eyes but cannot see, and a mouth but cannot speak. He is a living God who cannot be seen, but who, indeed, expresses himself in the individual Jacob, who liberates the oppressed Israelites in Egypt, who opens the eyes of the blind and raises the crouching ones.
He is the One who is truly just (v. 6). He is the One who "opens the eyes of the blind and raises the blind and bends down, who loves the righteous, protects the sojourner, and upholds the widow and the widower. The Lord is the one who rules righteously. Therefore, we must look to God, who rules over the visible authorities in any organization, whether it is a church, a company, a school, or any other organization.
For example, if things are not going well at your current workplace, and you have had a time of patience, what will you do when your boss changes? Perhaps they will hope that this time, the new boss will be the one. But not so, it is to consider the deep will of God who changed the boss. And then quietly watch how things turn out, wondering what God will do with the situation. Then we will know how to live in this new order. And we will not be pushed around by others. God is the one who looks after, cares for, and sustains the steps of a person's entire life. God is not the God of the dead. He is the God of the living. Let us always trust in Him and walk in praise. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. What do you call a parallelism in the Psalms in which the thought of the first line and the second line are opposite or contrasting? (1) synonymous parallelism, (2) antonymous parallelism, and (3) consensual parallelism. The answer was (2) antonym-type parallelism. A good example is Psalm 1:6, "Truly the Lord knows the ways of the righteous, but the ways of the wicked will perish. Now, here is today's Bible quiz. What is the name of the parallelism in the Psalms that has a supplemental completion between the first and second line of thought? (1) synonymous parallelism, (2) antonymous parallelism, (3) consensual parallelism, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day.

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