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人生💯倍の知恵😊【聖書】伝道者の書(コヘレトの言葉)12章 神を恐れて歩む

2023年07月27日 09時29分43秒 | 伝道者の書
伝道者の書12章 神を恐れて歩む
Ecclesiastes 12: Walk in the Fear of God
1. return to God
The author has already come to the conclusion. There is too much unwillingness in life, too much deception of human wisdom. Then, chapter 12, he says that what is certain for man is old age. It is the "day of woe," the years in which "there is no joy. Verses 3-6 speak strikingly of the image of old age: "Before the sun and light, before the moon and the stars are darkened, and before the rain clouds return after the rain." And verses 3-6 are a pictorial depiction of the actual situation of aging. As we grow old, our arms grow weak and our backs grow round. Teeth fall out and hard foods become inedible. The "women who grind the flour become fewer and fewer and stop working" is exactly that situation. The eyes grow dark" refers to the decline of eyesight, "the doors of the streets are closed" refers to the decline of hearing, and "all the daughters who sing nod their heads" refers to the decline of the voice. Also, their feet and legs weaken, they cannot climb high places, and they are prone to falling. The "almond blossoms," translated as "amendo" in the colloquial translation, speak symbolically of gray heads, and the "grasshoppers with heavy steps" speak symbolically of the very way old people walk, having lost their footing. Wind, bird, and tree," the New Common Translation transliterates the Hebrew word as it is, "abiyonah." The colloquial translation translates it as "lust abated," and the Living Bible Translation renders it as "without sexual desire. This is probably because in Israel, the buds of the wind-bird tree are pickled in vinegar and cooked, and are said to help increase appetite and libido. The "blossoming" is saying that it is past its prime and has no choice but to wilt. In those days, vessels filled with oil were hung from the ceiling for indoor lighting. The silver string hanging the vessels from the ceiling was broken, and the gold vessels fell to the floor and shattered. When we are young, we can be likened to a well overflowing with spring after spring of water and full of chitchat. However, when one grows old, such socializing ceases and one is left with a dry well. It is an apt description of aging, and I understand it well. The author's conclusion. Humans age in such a way that they will surely die, but that is not the end of the story. Man, indeed, returns to dust because he was created of dust. But the spirit, he says, is a special thing given by God, so it neither wanders the earth nor disappears, but returns to God (v. 7).
Many Japanese people may think that when they die, that is the end of the story. There is no heaven or hell. However, there are those who would like there to be at least paradise. It is precisely because of such religious beliefs that after the funeral, memorial services are held repeatedly for the seventh and thirteenth anniversaries of the death of the deceased. But where do the souls of the dead go? The author says that it goes to the Creator. Therefore, he says, we should not say that we should just live in this life without caring about it, but rather, we should cherish it. Often, the conclusion of Ecclesiastes is taken to mean that life is absurd, that it ruins human wisdom and effort, and that we should enjoy it when we can. But it is not so. Otherwise, he would not be telling us to remember your Creator while we are young, while we have the vigor and full capacity to do so. Also, verse 13, "Fear God. This is all that is necessary for man. For the author, the seeming godlessness, uncertainty, and absurdity of life is hard to deny. If one looks at life in a cool way, so be it. But in such circumstances, he concludes, one does not return to nothingness, but to God, and therefore it is best to walk in fear, love, and obedience to God. This is the same conviction of the Christian.
Verses 9-11 and 12-14 are what are known as the postscripts by two different authors. They, too, support the words of the original authors. God is just and faithful. Whatever this world is to you, live as one who returns to God, and this is what is best for you. I wish you a good day today.
<Quiz Corner</div>
First, yesterday's quiz. How many times larger was the Temple that Solomon built than the Tent Sanctuary that preceded it? (1) twice, (2) four times, and (3) six times. The answer is (2) four times. The main body of the temple is said to be about 27 meters long, 9 meters wide, and 13 meters high, almost four times the size of the tent sanctuary in the wilderness period. Now for today's Bible quiz. When do almond blossoms open in Israel? (1) spring, (2) summer, and (3

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人生💯倍の知恵😊【聖書】伝道者の書(コヘレトの言葉)11章 人生の不確かさを直視する

2023年07月26日 08時21分37秒 | 伝道者の書
伝道者の書11章 人生の不確かさを直視する
Ecclesiastes 11: Facing Life's Uncertainties
1. there is uncertainty in life.
 The phrase in verse 1, "Cast thy bread upon the waters," is a familiar one among Christians, as is the phrase in chapter 3:1, "There is a time for everything (3:1-8). However, it is one of those things that few people seem to understand correctly in its meaning. The phrase "Ask, and it will be given to you" in Matthew's Gospel is a good example of this, and I think it is one that is interpreted in a way that is convenient for us. This is because verse 1 is to be interpreted in the context of the verses that follow.
First, the first half of verse 1 and the second half of verse 1 have often been understood in a sequential manner. The traditional Jewish symbolic interpretation of the bread was that it was "good will" or "kindness," and that if you gave alms in good faith, you would be rewarded for it at an unexpected time. However, in Christian churches, especially evangelical churches, bread has often been thought of as "the gospel" and explained as if it were a guarantee that if one preached the gospel, there would be a harvest at a later date, even if there was no immediate fruit. But the conjunction connecting the first and second halves of verse 1 is a paradox, not a sequent. Verse 2 adds to this. In other words, verse 2 is talking about diversification to avoid so-called risk, because on this earth there are many uncertainties, not knowing when and what will happen at any given time. Therefore, verse 1 is not saying that if you work hard, you will get good results, but it is saying that what you do knowing that it is a complete waste of time can produce unexpected profits.
 Konosuke Matsushita, the founder of Panasonic Holdings, said that the secret of management is to "put an umbrella when it rains," but the author of Ecclesiastes says otherwise (verses 3 and 4). In other words, to repeat the earlier statement, "every man meets his time and opportunity." In fact, as verses 5 and 6 show, once a couple gets married and begins their life as husband and wife, it may be natural for some couples to be blessed with children, while for others, it may be difficult to have children, even though they have tried everything with the strong desire to do so. The author says that having a child is just like knowing the way of the wind, something beyond human power and understanding, a work of God. Therefore, do not be enthusiastic about exploring the laws of success or non-success, but just try this and that. There is an element of gamble in life, he says. When he says it so simply, there are those who think it's a waste of time, and there are those who feel relieved.
2.Let's conclude now.
 Anyway, from verse 7, the evangelist begins to conclude. First, he says that as long as the life given to us lasts, we should enjoy it. In other words, basically, man should "walk in the way he thinks and in the sight of his own eyes" (v. 9). However, things often do not go as one plans or desires, and above all, one should be mindful of the fact that God is watching one's life closely.
The author honestly acknowledges that life is not always as one would like it to be. However, the author acknowledges the existence of God, but does not consider His love. This may be a major difference from the apostle Paul in the New Testament era, who fully affirms life. In other words, the author's in-depth contemplation shows us how uncertain and threatening it is for human beings to live the life of this world without a deep experience of God's forgiveness and grace in Christ. I wish you a good day today.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. Which of the following ports did Solomon set up a new fleet of ships to trade in the south? (1) Caesarea in the Mediterranean Sea, (2) Turo in the Mediterranean Sea, and (3) Etzion-Gebel in the Gulf of Aqaba. The answer was (2) Etzion Gebel in the Gulf of Aqaba. It is believed that the fleet from there was used to trade with Ophir in the south. Also, in the Mediterranean area, they traded with Tarshish via Turo. Now for today's Bible quiz. How many times larger was the Temple built by Solomon than the Tent Sanctuary that preceded it? (1) twice, (2) four times, and (3) six times. The answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that today will be another good day.

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人生💯倍の知恵😊【聖書】伝道者の書9章(コヘレトの言葉) 人生をよく観察する

2023年07月25日 11時30分50秒 | 伝道者の書
伝道者の書9章 人生をよく観察する
Ecclesiastes 9: A Close Look at Life
1. in the hand of God
Verse 1 "The righteous, the wise, and their works are in the hand of God" The author has repeatedly spoken of God's rule over man. And he says it frankly. I don’t know whether it is a rule of love or a rule of ruthlessness, he says. A Christian would take the Apostle Paul's words in the New Testament, "God works all things for the good of those whom he loves" (Romans 8:38) and say that God's rule is a rule of love.
But the evangelist author, like a cultural anthropologist, continues with a serious observation. Then, in verse 2, he says that people, whether good or bad, whether they are God-fearing and faithful in their offerings or not, will meet the same end, which is the worst. Then, in verse 3, he says that what is worse than anything else is that the human heart lives an evil and unenlightened life while it is alive. Then he says that when we die, our life is over, and there is no guarantee that there is anything after death (v. 5). A Christian would bring up Christ's resurrection here and say that man is the one who will live forever and that there will be a wonderful reward after death. It should be noted that the author is a man who lived in a time before Christ and did not know of His resurrection.
The author says, verse 4: "A living dog is better than a dead lion." Therefore, he says, we should celebrate the certainty of this present life. So, verse 7, he says that it is so to eat joyfully; verse 8, the Jews had the custom of wearing white garments on the Sabbath, so here he says that it is also so to be joyful in worshiping the Lord. And verse 9, enjoying life with a loving wife, verse 10, says that it is also so to enjoy the labor that is given to us. Enjoying food, worship, family, work, and each one of these things is everything for human beings. What do you think? If you are a Christian, the destination of a believer in God is the Kingdom of God, a place of comfort and joy where "there is no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain" (Revelation 21:4). There, God greets those who have faithfully lived through the absurdities of life with a heartfelt "Well done, much food for much gain" (Matthew 25:21).
2. understand life well.
 The author's rational observation, seemingly incompatible with Christian values, continues. Human success is not due to talent or wisdom. It depends on God's capricious orchestration. No matter how fast you are, you will not always win. The best soldier does not always win. Nor is the wisest person the best at making money (v. 11). In other words, in this world, what seems natural to common sense does not always happen in reality. In reality, things are determined by "meeting time and opportunity," that is, by forces that are all unpredictable. In ordinary parlance, everything is manipulated by "fate. In religious terms, everything depends on God's will. At any rate, the author, who observes life in this world from a pre-Christ perspective, concludes with an episode about a city under siege (vv. 13-18) that tells us why it is not the case that wisdom is superior to power. In other words, one focuses not on wisdom but on the social status and appearance of the one who speaks wisdom. Therefore, no matter how wise one speaks, it may not be accepted, and even if it is accepted, it may soon be forgotten. There are tricks in the world where things are distorted by sin. This is probably the greatest cause of the absurdity and inconsistency of human society. I wish you a good day today.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. What was the approximate population of Jerusalem in Solomon's time? (1) about 5,000, (2) about 50,000, (3) about 500,000, and the answer is: (1) about 5,000. According to Henry Harley, during Solomon's reign, the area of Jerusalem doubled, from 6 square kilometers to 15 square kilometers, and the population was between 4,500 and 5,000. Now for today's Bible quiz. How many years did Solomon's temple building project take? (1) 3 years, (2) 7 years, (3) 13 years. The answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that today will be another good day.

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人生💯倍の知恵😊【聖書】伝道者の書(コヘレトの言葉)8章 あれもこれも神のなさること

2023年07月23日 17時18分24秒 | 伝道者の書
伝道者の書8章 あれもこれも神のなさること
Ecclesiastes 8: All This and That God Does
1. Is there justice?
 We all have times when we look back at our former selves and think, "If I had been the person I am today, I would not have done such and such a thing. Verse 1, "A man's wisdom makes his face shine and softens the hardness of his countenance," is exactly right. There are times when we live with a hardened face because we were not capable of judging things correctly and dealing with them appropriately. However, wisdom is not something that can be acquired overnight, so you may say that you had to go through such times. It is also possible that we are here today because we went through those times. If we had the ability to judge things correctly and deal with them appropriately from a young age, we would have lived a perfect life, but since that is not the case, we may be humbled and finally have to seek wisdom.
 Anyway, verse 2, "Keep the king's command. ~Do not rush out from the king's presence," and we are told that we should acknowledge the king's authority and obey. It seems like a sudden change of topic. However, the author has so far spoken not only of the contradictory reality of this society, but also of the absolute authority of God over man (chapters 6 and 7). In other words, this is not an abrupt change of topic. Here, the author addresses earthly powers, pointing out that their arrogance is the same as God's and the reality of the bad luck that awaits those who carelessly defy them (v. 4).
Many calamities befall man (v. 6). They are always faced with unforeseen circumstances (v. 7). The wisdom of man cannot keep up with the many problems that arise in life. Exactly out-of-control situations occur, where one cannot stop the wind and cannot decide the day of one's death (v. 8). There, the author is suggesting that we feel God's control, and that we should fear him.
2. not knowing, only seeing
Verse 14: "There are righteous who receive the reward for the deeds of the wicked, and there are wicked who receive the reward for the deeds of the righteous." There is a very, very disheartening reality in our society that is deceptive of human wisdom and prudence. It is a ridiculous thing to say the least. So, in verse 15, the author even goes so far as to say that the world is no longer a place to live in, but to live in the moment in an interesting way. What is the point of living righteously and honestly in a world full of contradictions and realities that are beyond one's control?
 But the author has already said, "This and that is what God does" (7:14). Here, too, he repeats, "All things are God's work" (v. 17). The world is full of contradictions, and there is also a God who intervenes in our lives to somehow make things work out according to His plan and to make things right, that is for sure. He also knows that those who live in fear of and trust in that God are happy (v. 12). v. 11: "The hearts of the sons of men are filled with thoughts of doing evil, because the sentence against wickedness is not quickly passed. God seems to have left this world full of contradictions. So, while many people live as if there is no God and are swallowed up by the waves of such a society, there are those who live in fear of God who does what is right, even if only a little, and find happiness in Him. The author's observation continues (v. 17) So, I wish you a good day.
<Quiz Corner.
First, yesterday's quiz. Which is the highest mountain in Israel? (1) Mount Hermon, (2) Mount Moriah, and (3) Mount Tabor. The answer was (1) Mount Hermon. Now, here is today's Bible quiz. What was the approximate population of Jerusalem in Solomon's time? (1) about 5,000, (2) about 50,000, (3) about 500,000, and the answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that today will be another good day.

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人生💯倍の知恵😊【聖書】伝道者の書7章 確実なもの、不確実なもの

2023年07月21日 15時44分40秒 | 伝道者の書
伝道者の書7章 確実なもの、不確実なもの

Ecclesiastes 7: Certainty, Uncertainty
1. rethinking wisdom
Both "good fame" and "perfume" come from the person who wears them. Which is better, says the author, "good fame"? Perfume may have different tastes, but fame does not. Everyone recognizes it. Similarly, if you ask which is better, life or death, the author says it is death. Perhaps it is because of the certainty of death. Death comes to everyone in the same way. People put an end to their various lives. Therefore, he says, it is good to attend a funeral service that makes us aware of the fact that we are heading toward this certain death, and makes us think about it. Already the author has repeatedly pointed out the reality that the foolish, the wise, and even the beast are all headed for this same death. From there, he says, we must think deeply about life. We should not be fools who think only about how to live happily in the present.
In the original Hebrew Bible, verse 1, there is a play on words in "fame" (shem) and "perfume" (shemen); the same is true of verse 6, "thorns (shirim) under the pot (seir)." The author plays with words to draw attention to a grim reality. Thorns were used as fuel in those days. When burned, they make a crackling, bursting sound. The life of a fool, he says, is like that. We need to have such eyes that do not let our minds be deceived by fleeting pleasures, but discern what is truly important.
So, verse 7, be careful with money. Bribes make people lose their ability to make good decisions. v. 8, the end of things is more important than the beginning. Be patient. A temper tantrum exposes loss and people's foolishness. Do not look back at what has been done. Move forward and win a better future. Learn from our mistakes and live wisely.
Above all, one's life is a divine life. It is a life sustained by God. We can only follow what God has ordained. Therefore, we must pay attention to what God does and follow it. There are times of good times and times of adversity. In times of adversity, we must see things for what they are. Do not push yourself too hard.
2. try to live from God's perspective
At first glance, the latter half of verse 15 seems to speak of the virtue of moderation. One cannot be too righteous, too evil, too wise, or too foolish. One should not run to extremes. But it is not so. Rather, he is trying to tell us that life is not made up of human endeavors. v. 15, the righteous die early and the wicked live long. It is a reality of life that things happen that do not fit the logic. Therefore, instead of thinking "this or that," we should pay attention to what God is doing in our lives, keeping "this and that" in view. Since the will of God, the controller of your life, is important, verse 21, don't worry about every single bad thing people say about you or behind your back. I am sure that you have cursed people plenty of times. However, that doesn't mean that you can know anything significant. No matter how much one tries to understand things, there is a limit. There is no one but God who understands things completely. Then the author sums up. The result of the search for the wise man was one in a thousand for men, and zero for women. There seems to be some prejudice, but this may be his personal impression here, verse 26, where the author was hurt a lot by women. Therefore, the point that the author tries to get everyone's attention by saying in verse 29, "Keep your eyes on this thing alone," is the fact that the author's idea of lack of wisdom is that no one lives conscious of God's will, and that they turn their backs on God and go down the path of depravity, seeking only the pleasures of the day. What do you think? Do you agree with it? I will continue tomorrow. I wish you all a good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. In which country is Mt. Nebo located today? (1) Israel, (2) Jordan, and (3) Syria. The answer was (2) Jordan. Now, today's Bible quiz. Which is the highest mountain in Israel? (1) Mount Hermon, (2) Mount Moriah, (3) Mount Tabor. I pray that you have a good day today.

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