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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】マラキ書3章 違いを見るようになる

2024年04月04日 20時17分41秒 | 小預言書
マラキ書3章 違いを見るようになる

Malachi 3: Coming to See the Difference
1. the cleansing of God's people 
The first half of chapter 3 is a continuation of God's response to the people's murmuring in the second half of chapter 2: "Where is the God of judgment? It specifically refers to John the Baptist and Jesus, who were sent 2,000 years ago. John was a preparer for Jesus (Matthew 11:10). Therefore, the "Lord" sent to the Lord is none other than Jesus. In fact, Jesus suddenly appeared in the temple and sanctified it (Matthew 21:1213). As John the Baptist said, Christ came as the One who "cleansed every inch of His threshing floor" by the "baptism of the Holy Spirit and of fire" (Matthew 3:11, 12). And at Pentecost, "many of the priests came to faith one after another" (Acts 6:7), causing the priests to repent (Acts 2). There, to the unbelievers who murmur, "Where is the God of judgment?" God encourages them to repent and turn to Him, saying, "Return to Me. But they say, "How shall we return? In other words, they are not trying to return. They do not want to return. 
2. turn to God. 
God points out that their unbelief is manifested in their worship, that it is formal and empty, even causing God the damage of theft (v. 8). In other words, they were not only offering meager sacrifices as described in chapter 1, but they were also deceiving themselves by not observing the teaching of the tenths offering (v. 9). In verse 10, God says, "Try me. Some may think that this is a big amount to give, like a tax. But people will spend as much as they like and as much as they need. In other words, not even one-tenth, but one-tenth is one guideline, and that is a guideline of the amount that church members should keep in mind to support the work of their churches responsibly, just as the people support the nation with taxes. In general, I believe that ordinary Christian churches in Japan do not suck as much money out of their members as new religions do, so that their leaders can fatten their own pockets. In fact, of the 8,000 Protestant churches in Japan, only about 30% are funded by believers' donations. In other words, most pastors lead a simple life, support church finances with side jobs, and somehow manage to make their church activities possible. In this sense, church members should not be indifferent to how the pastors of their churches live. It is important for church members to love their churches and faithfully give a tenth of their offerings in order to properly understand God's work and fully support that work. Only there will arise a truly life-giving worship, in which gratitude and reverence for God will be increased. There can be no worship while deceiving God, as in the case of Ananias and Sapphira. God again takes up the murmuring of the unbelieving people. Serve God earnestly and you will get nothing. It is better to deny God and live a life of freedom (v. 15). But faith is not a benefit. Because we stand in the reality of God's presence, we trust and obey God no matter what. Eventually, the difference between those who acknowledge God's sovereignty in this way, continue to read the Bible for 10 or 20 years, and live their lives firmly connected to God, and those who do not, will become clear (v. 18). Faith is a daily accumulation. Let us follow the teachings of the Bible, look up to God, and walk as believers with life. I pray that today will be another good day. 

<Quize Coner
First, here is yesterday's quiz. Regarding the issue of the neglect of the tenths offering, which of the following books, other than Nehemiah, does the Old Testament discuss? (1) Esther, (2) Ezra, and (3) Nehemiah. The answer was (3) Nehemiah (Nehemiah 13:10-12, Mal 3:7-12). Now for today's Bible quiz. The period between the writing of Malachi and the coming of the New Testament era is called the Intermediate Period, which was how many years? (1) 100 years, (2) 400 years, (3) 800 years, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.

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人生100倍の視野😊【聖書】マラキ書4章 モーセの律法を覚えよ

2024年04月04日 20時16分02秒 | 小預言書
マラキ書4章 モーセの律法を覚えよ

Malachi 4: Remember the Law of Moses
1. the day of the Lord
Chapter 4 is a prophecy of the Day of the Lord, a continuation of chapter 3. In content, it is a continuation of God's response to the murmuring of the people in 3:13. He says that on the Day of the Lord, the difference between "the righteous and the wicked, those who serve God and those who do not" will become clear (3:18). What is important is the image of those who serve God. It is "those who fear the Lord, those who honor His name." and "those who have received His mercy" (3:16-17). Those who do not serve God are the reverse, verse 1, "all exalted, all evil-doers." Note also the consequences of those who serve God. He says that for those who do not acknowledge God and do not serve Him, the day will come as a huge kamar-tzah that will burn. But verse 2 says that for those who serve God, "the sun of righteousness will rise and there will be healing. Judgment may be desired in the same way, but light will shine on those who serve the Lord. And it says that it will be a day of rejoicing, like the leaping of a calf unleashed from the barn into the shining sun. It will also be a day of decisive victory, as it says, "I will trample down the wicked" (v. 3).
Will such a day be created? Is it the end times, no, it is not. We should understand with faith that such an opportunity will be given to us now. For the victory of the Christian can happen not only in the afterlife, but also in this life (Romans 8:35-37). We are not to live in vague expectations, but to step out boldly in life, believing in the victory that is in the Lord.
2. God's Warning
Verse 4 begins the final summary. Malachi wrote this book roughly around 460-430 BC, 80 years after Haggai and Zechariah encouraged the people to rebuild the temple. But the prosperity promised by God had not been realized. And it was a time when the initial faith and zeal of the people upon their return from Babylon had cooled and they were beginning to become morally corrupt. People even began to think that the prophets had blown a big whistle, or that their God was not as powerful as they had hoped.
It was in this mood of decadence that Malachi emerged as the last Old Testament prophet and religious reformer. Malachi appeared to reiterate the Word of God to a people who had become skeptical about what it meant to believe in God. It was just like the appearance of Elijah in the days of Ahab. No, as a matter of fact, he says that the real Elijah is coming, the one who will bring the spiritual impact. It is referring to John the Baptist, and indeed he was the one who "turned the heart of the Father to the Son and the heart of the Son to the Father" in verse 6. This passage should be understood as a restoration of the relationship between God the Father and man, rather than simply taking it to mean a literal restoration of the brokenness of the family. Thus, the "I" speaks of Jesus and His coming. He is coming precisely as the One who will stand at the breaking point so that God's covenant-based judgment will not come upon the earth (Leviticus 26:32). The important thing is to turn to God's laws and decrees and keep standing in them.
Now we have completed the Old Testament. If you are a Jew, you are about to celebrate the festival of Simhat Torah (the joy of the Torah), which celebrates the completion and beginning of the reading of the Book of the Law for one cycle a year. Even Protestant churches, with the Bible at the center of their being, may well have a time to celebrate the joy of reading the Bible in its entirety. The Bible is our life, our strength, our joy. The completion of the reading and the beginning of the reading should still be an important time of encouragement and celebration. For your information, here is a link to a song that Jews are supposed to sing on this festival.
Repeated in the song is, "There is no King, Savior, or Redeemer but You. You are the truth, the beginning and the end." The lyrics are. The essence of faith is found in loving God and adoring His Word.
Tomorrow begins the sixth cycle. Some of you have been reading the Bible over and over for more than 20 years, along with this blog. To those of you who have commented, and to those of you who have continued to read without commenting, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for meeting all of you. If you would like to join us for the sixth season, please do so.
<Quiz Corner>     
First, here is yesterday's quiz. The period between the writing of Malachi and the coming of the New Testament era is called the Intermediate Period. (1) 100 years, (2) 400 years, and (3) 800 years. The answer was (2) 400 years. We will take a break from the Quiz Corner for the sixth cycle. We will consider resuming it when we are ready.

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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】マラキ書2章 神と一つ心になる

2024年04月01日 11時59分05秒 | 小預言書
マラキ書2章 神と一つ心になる

Malachi 2: Becoming One with God
1. pronouncement of judgment on the priests
 God says that the greatest cause of the problem of God's people not loving Him is the problem of the priests. While chapter 1 was an indictment of the priests (vv. 6, 10), chapter 2 is a pronouncement of judgment on the priests. However, we should not simply think of priests as pastors and evangelists today, and therefore have nothing to do with me. This is because there is the concept of a priest for all. The laity are not pastors, but they are priests. Indeed, the primary life purpose of the laity is to "give glory to the Lord," to live the so-called priestly life. Indeed, if the parents are not living the priestly life, neither are the children. The child sees the parents' normal life and follows their example. It should be said that the salvation of children is not the role of the church school, but the family has the greatest responsibility. Also, the neighbors may not read the Bible, but they watch the walking Bible, or the faithful, very closely. If their faith is that good, they don't need to go to church at all. It would only be an unnecessary burden. It is important that believers live a priestly life. And God says that if a believer does not live such a priestly life and does not do any work at all, God will send cursing instead of blessing as a punishment. Although "blessing" is commonly thought of as material prosperity (Lev. 26:3-13), it is not limited to that. So is spiritual peace and spiritual pride. It will be taken away (v. 3). The important thing is that God repeats "if." In other words, judgment is not God's intention. God is love. God is not cursing, but blessing is what He wants to pour out.
2. relationship breakdown
From verse 5, we are told about the breaking of God's covenant with us. The key phrase is "covenant with Levi. Levi and priest are used synonymously. Levi, the priests, so to speak, were expected to work to "bring glory to the Lord," which was to be accomplished by their own walking with God and speaking His teachings. What they actually did, however, was totally contrary to God's expectations, lax and contrary to the covenant (v. 9).
From verse 10, we are told of God's lament. By neglecting God's covenant, what was actually going on was a religious miscarriage. In the context of the time, it seems that among the returned people, there were those who separated from their wives and remarried Gentile women in search of financial security (Ezra 9:1; Nehemiah 13:23). The problem was not with the race of the Gentile women, but with their religion. As a result, they were subjected to pagan influences and separated from God as well (v. 14). Ultimately, their unfaithfulness to God extends to the destruction of their closest marital relationships and their failure to raise their children.
3. the second murmuring of the people
 Now Malachi takes up again the murmuring of the people. The previous murmur was, "Why are we criticized for not loving God? Now he asks, "Why do evil doers prosper? But it is a murmur. There may be a God, but there is no God who does what is right. God had had enough of the murmuring of their hearts. What is important is to have a heart like Job's to talk with God about things that don't add up. If you recognize God and believe in Him, you will graduate from a life of empty murmuring.
<Quiz Corner     
First, yesterday's quiz. Was the book of Malachi written before the books of Haggai and Zechariah? 〇 or ×?。The answer is ×. The prophets Haggai and Zechariah had the purpose of inspiring the returnees from captivity to accomplish the rebuilding of the temple, and the book of Malachi was then addressed to the Israelites who had become spiritually indifferent to the fact that the expected Messianic era had not come. Now for today's Bible quiz. Regarding the issue of the neglect of the tithe offering, which of the following books, other than Nehemiah, does the Old Testament address? (1) Esther, (2) Ezra, and (3) Nehemiah. The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.

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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】マラキ書1章 神の愛、人の愛

2024年04月01日 11時52分05秒 | 小預言書
マラキ書1章 神の愛、人の愛
Malachi 1: Love of God, Love of Man
1. the love of God for man
Martin Luther called John 3:16 a little Gospel. In a similar way, the book of Malachi can be called a small Old Testament. In other words, it summarizes the history of the Old Testament and serves as a bridge to the New Testament.
In verse 2, the central theme of the Old Testament is discussed. The God of the Bible is a God who loves man (Jeremiah 31:3). How, however, does the invisible God say that He loves man? God says. It is evident in one historical incident, the desolation of the Edomites, the descendants of Esau (v. 3). Edom, a people of the same origin as Israel, was invaded by the Nabadaeans, and in the 4th century BC, they migrated to southern Judea and declined. They tried to rebuild their nation, but they could not, because God had not planned it (v. 4). God, on the other hand, rebuilt Israel, which had also been invaded and decimated by Babylon. This is because God intended it that way. This is where we can see God's exceptional love for Israel.
2. man's love for god
God loves man, but man does not love God. God is the One who created man and the One who saves him. However, it is pointed out that there is no one who properly recognizes, reveres, and fears God as God. In fact, this lack of fear is manifested in their religious behavior. The most obvious example is offering to God. Certainly, when we give things to others, we take a lot of care. No one would give something that is left over, damaged, or obtained through deception. But not to God. Malachi's way of putting it is really straightforward. How can you offer something to God that you cannot even offer to the governor, and have such care and love for God? Then he says. Why would God accept the plea of those who make such offerings (v. 9)? In fact, God is not moved by offerings. So this is said with irony. And God is disgusted with priests who accept such offerings in the first place (v. 10). Certainly, in this light, the Japanese culture of throwing one yen or ten yen coins into money offerings and asking God to bless them is, in a sense, blaspheming God.
At any rate, the New Testament teaches that offerings to God are to be stored up on the first day of the week according to one's income (1 Corinthians 16:2). In a sense, this is realistic, and the emphasis is on the attitude of provision and offering. It is important to be aware that we are meeting God. And if the purpose of the offering is gratitude for God's abundant grace, then it also teaches us to be mindful to give according to our income, that is, according to our abundance (2 Corinthians 8:7-15). It does not teach the kind of things that new religions teach, such as donating all one's money or all one's possessions. What is important is the heart of giving, and as verse 14 says, "The cunning man is cursed," God looks at the heart. In worship, we are to offer an offering worthy of the One who made heaven and earth, who rules over them, and who has delivered mankind from the pit of destruction. Today, as we enter the middle of the week, let us first set aside what we will offer in worship for the next week. Let us prepare for worship with a prayer that the Lord will richly use these lepta coins, metaphorically speaking.
<Quiz Corner     
First, yesterday's quiz. Who assisted the king of Aram when he took charge of the rituals in the temple of Rimon? (1) Naaman, (2) Balaam, and (3) Gehazi. The answer was (1) Naaman. Now, here is today's Bible quiz. Was the book of Malachi written before the books of Haggai and Zechariah,〇0 or ×? The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.

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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】ゼカリヤ書14章 主の日に向かう

2024年03月19日 15時32分29秒 | 小預言書
ゼカリヤ書14章 主の日に向かう
Zechariah 14: Toward the Day of the Lord
1. God's Protection
We are told of God's judgment against Jerusalem. This is a repetition of what has already been said in verses 8 and 9 of chapter 13. However, if this is said at a time after the rebuilding of the temple, it will be after that. In other words, as I wrote yesterday, it is better to read it as an apocalyptic prophecy, since it takes place after the Babylonian captivity. In fact, there is a connection to the final battle against God's people spoken of in Ezekiel (chapters 38-39) and Revelation (14:17-20, 16:14-21). Thus, the prophecies of the cities being taken over, trampled underfoot, and the captives taken away can be understood as speaking of the trials of Israel in a spiritual sense. This may not sound like a very pleasant thing to hear, but in fact, it is full of God's grace.
First of all, God promises to protect those who follow Him in this trial. The promise in verse 4 that the Mount of Olives will be divided by the power of God and that the rest will flee through its valley, which is to be taken symbolically rather than literally, conveys the protection of God's people through His miraculous intervention. God is everywhere with those who stand on His side (v. 9). And God promises to fight those who attack His people (v. 12). It is noteworthy that those who attack God's people will be destroyed by a plague sent down to God, and the remnant will join the rest of God's people (v. 16). The "remnant" will be gathered together under God in His unfathomable will.
2. the consummation of salvation
Next, verse 20 says that "the bells of the horses" are to be made a holy offering to the Lord. Originally, for the Jews, horses were a manifestation of arrogance, royal pretense, and carnality, and even owning one was forbidden. Household "pots" were also considered worldly objects. But on that day, he says, they will all be used as holy objects. In other words, the distinction between the sacred and the secular will disappear. For the people left behind by God, there will no longer be a double life: the church will be a place of holiness, and daily life will be a secular place. Religion will no longer be a part of life, but life itself.
Therefore, it is also said that in that day "there will be no more merchants in the temple of the Lord of hosts" (v. 21). When my house is called a house of prayer, we are reminded of the temple purification Jesus performed by driving out those who did business in the temple (Matthew 21:12). The Temple of God is to be completely sanctified, a place of pure worship and adoration of the glory of God, and the daily life of the Christian is to be the same (Romans 12:1). It would mean that the hypocritical way of believing would no longer be swept away.
Thus Zechariah speaks of salvation and the perfection of the church. Eventually we will stand before God. Before then, God may sift mankind with wars and pestilences. All things that happen in the world have their own meaning. It will be a process of bringing those who recognize God closer to Him and driving out those who do not. In these uncertain times, let us keep our minds focused on our own salvation and the perfection of the church. That is the end point.
<Quiz Corner     </div>
First, yesterday's quiz. How many people called Zechariah appear in the Bible? (1) 11, (2) 21, (3) 31. The answer was (3) 31. Now, here is today's Bible quiz. When the king of Aram took charge of the rituals in the temple of Limon, who assisted him?
(1) Naaman, (2) Balaam, and (3) Gehazi. The answer will be given tomorrow. So, I wish you a good day today.

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