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人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇142篇 神を信じるなら道は開ける

2023年06月08日 06時21分04秒 | 詩篇
142篇 神を信じるなら道は開ける
Psalm 142: If You Trust God, the Way is Clear
1. context and background
The title of the book is David's Maskil. Maskil is derived from the Hebrew verb "sarkar," meaning "to instruct," "to teach," or "to understand," and is understood to be a didactic song. Many scholars believe that it is either a song by David himself or a song composed in David's style. At any rate, if it is attributed to David, "when he was in the cave" is either in the cave of Adram (1 Samuel 22) or in the cave of En Gedi (1 Samuel 24). If so, the song was composed in a difficult situation under the persecution of King Saul. There have been other songs composed while on the run, such as Psalms 7, 52, 54, 56, 57, and 59. Some believe that it is a pair with Psalm 57, given its title. 
In verse 4, there is no one to care for him, and he has nowhere to run. There is nowhere to run. No one cares what happens to you. Surely there are times in life when it seems that way. There are times in life when you are left alone to carry the burdens of life and they seem too heavy. Even if there is no one to share the burden with, there are times when we just want a warm word, a touch of warmth, and yet we cannot expect even a single word. In the midst of such suffering, David alone cries out to God for comfort and help (vv. 1, 2).
2. only to the Lord.
He knew. He knew that the Lord knew how he should proceed (v. 3). Some people may say that if they ask for help, they will find someone who will think with them. However, there is a limit to how much help people can give. Even if someone is willing to help you, you may not be able to find a way out. But God is the one who "knows the way. God has a solution.
As a pastor, I believe that this conviction is truly maturity as a believer and maturity of the church when it is formed in each one of us. I believe that this is the maturity of the believer and the maturity of the church, because even those who say that they know such things often complain that they were not given kind words or kindness when they actually fall into hardships. They are unaware of the reality that they are asking for help from someone who is not God. However, the reason they feel more alone, thinking that there is no one who really cares about their problems, is because they are expecting the wrong person to help them.
You should be looking to God. God is the hiding place, the refuge when you are in a tight spot (v. 5). The persecutor is "stronger than I" (v. 6). The reality is that I am not able. David's experience was concrete, a day on the run, cut off from routine. It is in some ways a unique experience, but not one that we cannot relate to. The apostle Paul said in his last days, "No one can support me, but I support them. The apostle Paul said in his last days, "No one supported me, but all have forsaken me" (2 Timothy 4:16). Many of Paul's fellow prisoners abandon him and leave him, and he is forgotten. But then Paul says, "But the Lord is with me" (2 Timothy 4:16). But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength." He delivers me from every evil work and brings me safely into His kingdom in heaven" (2 Timothy 4:17, 18).
God is alive, and God is the One who does good. He is the One who hears the cries of those in distress. He is the One who delivers us from our adversaries and from enemies who are overwhelmingly too strong for us to handle. After all, when we have faith, we should savor the blessing of being comforted by God, who is not a man, and of receiving God's encouragement. If God is present, we should be in a state of mind that there is no lack. In this way, church fellowship will be a blessing only if we have the experience of meeting God and being filled with His heart. Trying to fulfill something in church fellowship is itself a cause of repeated disappointment. Hold fast to your faith in God who is good to you, and look to God. God's blessings are abundant. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. How many Psalms were used in the early church as the Psalm for morning prayer? The answer was Psalm 5. Here is today's quiz. Adullam, David's stronghold, was a land divided among which of the 12 tribes? See you tomorrow for the answer. I pray that you have a good day today.
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