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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】ホセア書6章 真の悔い改めへの呼びかけ

2024年01月29日 15時56分42秒 | ダニエル書
6章 真の悔い改めへの呼びかけ
Chapter 6: A Call to True Repentance
1. recommendation for repentance
 The subject of verses 1-3 is "we. Whose words these are is a matter of debate. Already in chapter 5, we were told that repentance was required of all Israel: priests, kings, and people. Some interpret this as a response, a prayer of repentance offered by the priests on behalf of all. The Greek translation of the LXX seems to have been rendered based on such an interpretation. Then, from verse 4 onward, it is understood that God remembers that the repentance is only a formality, that is, it is only verbal, and admonishes.
Some interpret this as the prophet Hosea's exhortation to repentance. If this is the case, then verses 4 and following can be understood as God's persuasion of Israel in response to Hosea. In reality, it could be taken either way, and it is difficult to decide, but let us consider it as Hosea's exhortation to repentance.
2. Let us know God.
God is not simple. He is not deceptive. He is well aware of Israel's sincerity like the morning mist, and of their loyalty, which is as fading as the morning fog. Faith in God is something that must be deepened. It is something that is manifested in a person's mouth, eyes, hands, and feet, in his attitude toward life, and in his faith, which is manifested in his entire life. However, there is a reality that this is not the case. In fact, as you look at a Christian close to you, you may sometimes feel lonely, thinking, "This person believes in God and says that God is important, but not as much as he or she says, or doesn't attend prayer meetings, or doesn't seem to read the Bible with much enthusiasm. Well, if you ask me if I am enthusiastic too, I would not give myself much praise, but it is human nature to be concerned about other people. As I reflect on myself and look at how others are doing, I am reminded that in faith, the sovereign is not God, but myself. In the end, we are not living by faith, but by using faith.
Also, verse 7, Shechem is a city of escape, a place where the murderer is sheltered from the avenger, to be judged by righteous judgment. According to the Torah, the priest had to protect the criminals on their way to that city of escape. However, the priests are not obedient to God's decree and become the avengers. A priest who speaks the Word of God and encourages people to obey it, is in such a state of affairs at that time. And all things being equal, God says, "I have seen a terrible thing in the house of Israel.
Repentance is not just talk, but a change of direction in life. It means abandoning old deeds and taking a new course of action. But why does true repentance not occur, and why do we fall back to being half-hearted, self-centered believers? The key word would be "know God" in verses 3 and 6. Not wanting to know the sovereign God, this makes the relationship between God and man superficial. It is more important to know God Himself than to know what to be as a Christian. We must earnestly seek to know the Lord, and in this pursuit, the fruit of repentance will be born. Then, you will naturally want to cherish worship services and prayer meetings, and support the work of your pastor and church with offerings to support the Lord's work. It is because we are motivated by such a heart without effort that our faith is joyful and we look forward to church life. It is not the fault of that or that person that faith and church are not enjoyable or joyful. First of all, let us turn our hearts to God Himself. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner   
First, yesterday's quiz. Which of the following is considered to be a town of Ephraim? (1) Shiloh, (2) Gibeah, and (3) Shechem. The answer was (1) Shiloh. Shiloh became a center of worship and was the site of Joshua's tomb (Joshua 18:1, 24:30), and incidentally, (2) Gibeah is in the territory of Benjamin and (3) Shechem is in the territory of Manasseh. Here is today's Bible quiz. How many cities were designated as cities of exile in total? (1) Four, (2) Six, and (3) Twelve. The answer will be given tomorrow. I wish you all a good day today!

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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】ホセア書5章 イスラエルに対する裁き

2024年01月28日 20時17分58秒 | ダニエル書
5章 イスラエルに対する裁き
3節「わたしはエフライムをよく知っている」ここでイスラエルは、エフライムと言い換えられています。エフライムは、ヨセフが息子につけた名で(創世記41:52)、「実る」というヘブル語パーラーに、地方を表すアイムという語をつけた造語です。「実り豊かな地」を意味します。実際エフライムと呼ばれた地域は、北はミクメタテ、南はベテ・ホロン、ゲゼルにおよぶ中央パレスチナの丘陵地帯で(ヨシュア16:3、6)果樹が栽培され、ぶどう、オリーブ、ざくろ等がとれたパレスチナ中で最も豊かな地域でした。しかし、その物質的豊かさを象徴するエフライムということばには、別の意味もありました。その地の出身者で、北王国最初の王ヤロブアム1世(1列王11:26)は、神に反逆的な王で、その態度、姿勢を象徴的に語ることばともされたのです。こうしてエフライムは、BC745年頃から、イスラエルの態度姿勢を示す言葉として用いられるようになるのです(イザヤ7: 2、5、8-9、エレミヤ31:18)。
Chapter 5: Judgment on Israel
1. judgment on ephraim
God pronounces judgment against priests, kings, and people who rebel against Him, that is, all the people of Israel. Even if they seek help from the king of Assyria (v. 13), they will not escape his judgment.
In Hosea's time, Israel was sandwiched between two major powers, Assyria to the north and Egypt to the south. Therefore, national opinion in Israel was divided between the pro-Assyrian faction that wanted to ally with Assyria and the pro-Egyptian faction that wanted to rely on Egypt for national security. Such a situation was extremely dangerous, facilitating foreign invasion. Hosea says that the fundamental problem of this critical situation was the failure to recognize and turn to the Lord, the true God of creation, who had protected and sustained Israel since the Exodus.
Verse 3: "I know Ephraim well." Here Israel is paraphrased as Ephraim. Ephraim is the name Joseph gave to his son (Genesis 41:52), a word coined from the Hebrew parlā, "fruitful," and the word aym, "province. It means "fruitful land." In fact, the area called Ephraim was the richest region in Palestine, with fruit trees, grapes, olives, pomegranates, etc., grown in the hills of central Palestine, extending from Mikmetite in the north to Bethe Horon and Gezer in the south (Joshua 16:3, 6). But the word Ephraim, which symbolized material wealth, also had another meaning. The word was also symbolic of the attitude of Jarobam I (1 Kings 11:26), the first king of the Northern Kingdom, who was rebellious against God. Ephraim is thus used to describe the attitude of Israel from about 745 BC (Isaiah 7:2, 5, 8-9; Jeremiah 31:18).
2. a God who longs for repentance
God says that He will not leave Israel until they recognize the error of their attitude and stance, repent, and earnestly seek Him. God's judgment was intended to cause God to turn aside (v. 6) and reap what He had sown, and v. 12, "as a stain upon Ephraim, and as a rottenness upon the house of Judah," means that His judgment would be gradual and irreversible when it was realized. The important thing will be to become aware and seek the Lord's face before it is truly considered a blot or rot. This is because the Lord is always by our side, watching over His people and waiting for them to repent and turn (v. 15). When we ask, God is no longer the one who spits out, "I will never forgive you. Nor is He the one who doubts and asks, "Is your repentance real? God is not like man. It should be noted that the words of God's love are spoken against the backdrop of a true story, of Hosea's family. God's love is true. Let us hasten to God, honestly acknowledging the reality that we have no choice but to rely on the depth of God's love. God is the one who will make your life healthy. I wish you a good day today.
<Quiz Corner   
First, yesterday's quiz. Who was the king of the southern kingdom of Judah at the time Hosea began his prophetic activities? (1) Rehoboam, (2) Uzziah, and (3) Hezekiah. The answer was (2) Uzziah. Hosea's prophetic activity is said to have continued until the beginning of Hezekiah's reign, which was about 30-40 years. Now for today's Bible quiz. Which of the following is considered a city of Ephraim? (1) Shiloh, (2) Gibeah, (3) Shechem. The answer will be given tomorrow. I wish you a good day today!

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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】ダニエル書12章 終末の時

2024年01月24日 12時42分49秒 | ダニエル書
Chapter 12: The End Times
1. the end times
This is the last chapter of the book of Daniel. Daniel's visions speak of God's plan for the latter days. However, this chapter 12 speaks of further future, eschatological events. At that time, unprecedented tribulations will come. It is a tribulation, he says, that will come to everyone, whether they believe in God or not. However, we are promised that there will be salvation for God's people (v. 1). He also says that the dead will be raised, judged, and sifted into their own categories (v. 2).
These things Daniel says are clearly the same things that John describes in Revelation when he speaks of the first resurrection (Revelation 20:5, 6). At that time, "the wise," that is, those who have rightly discerned the movements of this age by faith and are prepared at the time, will "shine as the brightness of the firmament." Early in the morning, there is something that is not the light of the morning glow, but is truly the great sky in which the sun shines brilliantly. It is an image of the sky that gives life, as if something cleanses the heart and liberates it. It is the radiance of those who have lived wisely.
But 11:35 says that in those days, even "the wise" can be twisted by the forces of evil and forced to live a life as if abandoned by God. But that affliction is, of course, in God's plan, so the reward they will eventually receive is said to be great. The latter half of verse 3 speaks of the great reward of not only keeping the faith, but also using the opportunity to speak the gospel and connect people to God. This is reminiscent of Revelation 11. We should take comfort in these words and put our efforts into missionary work today.
2. a time, two times, and half a time
The final vision is depicted from verse 5. Daniel is conversing with two people standing on either side of the river. Daniel asks when the mysterious and incomprehensible apocalyptic events that have been described will end. In particular, when will the time of persecution end? The answer was "a time and two and a half hours. Here we are reminded of Revelation 12. In Revelation 12, John speaks of a battle between a woman and a dragon. It is understood that he is symbolically speaking of the battle between Mary, who gave birth to the Messiah, or the people of God, the Church, who were born of Mary and redeemed by her Son, and the dragon. The purpose of the episode, however, is to indicate a limit of about three and a half years with the words "for a thousand two hundred and sixty days (Revelation 12:6)" and "for a time and times and half a time (Revelation 12:14). In other words, there is a limit to the tribulation or trial, and it will not last forever. So, roughly translated, it means, "Don't worry, Daniel, this will not last forever. The reward for those who obey God is great. Just obey.
Daniel, however, is caught up in the words and asks for a little more understanding, but is not given an answer (v. 9). He does not give an answer (v. 9). While following the path of faith, there are times when a sense of uncertainty arises. But there are times when we have to carry that feeling of uncertainty under our arm. In fact, even if we do have a sense of doubt, it does not mean that we cannot move forward. Whatever the times, the goal is clear. It is to receive the grace of the Lord's rest (v. 13). Toward that hope, let us today respond to God's voice that tells us only to obey. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner      
First, yesterday's quiz. Which island in the Mediterranean Sea is called Kittim? (1) Cyprus, (2) Patmos, and (3) Malta. The answer was (1) Cyprus. Kitim originates from the town of Kithion, on the southeastern shore of the island of Cyprus. It is an important Phoenician colony. Now for today's Bible quiz. Which of the angels argued and argued with the devil about Moses' body? (1) Michael, (2) Gabriel, and (3) Seraphim. Well, I wish you a good day today!

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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】ダニエル書11章 エピマネスと反キリストの預言

2024年01月24日 12時40分29秒 | ダニエル書
Chapter 11: Epimanes and the Prophecy of the Antichrist
1. the Greek period.
 The Book of Daniel is written in a spiraling amplification of the same theme. It is much like the New Testament John documents, the Epistles of John and Revelation, where chapter 11 is basically a deepening of what was said in the previous chapters, and the prophecies about Greece are repeated.
 First, let's keep the casting in mind: in verse 2, after Cyrus, "three kings" are said to arise in Persia. They are Cambyses, Smerdis, and Darios Hystaspis, and the "fourth one" is thought to be Xerxes. Verse 3, "one brave king," refers to Alexander the Great, who expanded his power rapidly but died at the age of only 32, and after his death, Greece was divided into four parts (8:8). The "king of the south" in verse 5 is Ptolemy, who ruled Egypt, and the "king of the north" in verse 6 is Syria. Thus, from verse 7 onward, the story of the political marriage between the two nations of the south and the north and their struggle for supremacy unfolds. The "he" in verse 18 is Antiochus the Great, "a commander" is Lucius Scipio, the naval leader who defeated Antiochus the Great, and "one man" in verse 20 is Seleucus IV.
2. the persecution of Epimanes
The second half of chapter 11 focuses on this Epiphanes. He was a master of dishonesty and trickery. In reality, however, he was nicknamed Epimanes, meaning "madman. "Verses 21-35 speak of his expedition to Egypt. During the first expedition (v. 24), he failed to complete his goal, and on his way back, he looted and massacred Jerusalem in anger (v. 28). In the second expedition (v. 29), he also failed to achieve his goal (v. 30) due to the interference of the ships of Kittim, or the Roman navy, and on his way back he attacked Jerusalem, abolished the temple worship, built pagan altars, and hurt the Jewish people (v. 31).
 These are the things Daniel tells us in advance of what is to come, but his purpose is not to prophetically reveal the future of history. It is to remind us that such turbulent times are coming and to show us how believers should live under such circumstances. The first half of the book, chapters 1-6, is a collection of testimonies of people who lived in such times. And in the second half, while recounting the history of the rise and fall of empires, there is a clear statement of what a believer should be like: "Those who know their God will stand firm and do things" (v. 32) and "the wise among the people will enlighten many" (v. 33). As such, Epiphanes is the type of the persecutor who challenges the saints. In other words, verse 36 onward is understood as a prophecy of the Antichrist who will persecute the Church eschatologically, i.e., apocalyptically, since it does not correspond to the historical facts and differs from the end of Antiochus; verse 36 "this king" is the Antichrist, the "man of lawlessness" of whom Paul speaks (2 Thessalonians 2:8), the "beast" of whom John speaks (Revelation 13 ). In these difficult times, we should have a heart to run through life beautifully to the end, aiming for the crown of the Lord with the beauty of faith.
<Quiz Corner      
First, here is yesterday's quiz. Which passage in the book of Jeremiah did Daniel read and found to be announcing the deliverance from the Babylonian captivity? The answer was (1) 29:10, (2) 33:3, and (3) 45:5. The answer is (1) 29:10, (2) 33:3, (3) 45:5, and (4) 5:11,12 are also prophecies concerning the 70th week. Now for today's Bible quiz. Which island in the Mediterranean Sea is referred to as Kittim? (1) Cyprus, (2) Patmos, and (3) Malta. The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I pray that you have a good day today.

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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】ダニエル書10章 第四の幻

2024年01月24日 12時38分03秒 | ダニエル書
 ペルシアの王キュロスの第三年(BC538 年)、つまりユダヤ人がパレスチナに帰還した2年後のことです。ダニエルは、ゼルバベルに率いられてエルサレムへ帰って行った第一回の帰還民には加わらず、バビロンに残っていました。そして、本章以降に記された幻を見るのです。それは、神の啓示でした(1節)。
Chapter 10: Fourth Vision 1 (Daniel and the angel)
1. heavenly matters
 It was the third year of Cyrus, king of Persia (538 BC), or two years after the return of the Jews to Palestine. Daniel did not join the first group of returnees led by Zerubbabel back to Jerusalem, but remained in Babylon. He then saw the vision described in this chapter and later. It was a divine revelation (v. 1).
Verse 4, the vision was seen on the 24th day of the first month. The Passover was celebrated on the 14th of the first month, followed by the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which lasted one week, so it must have been right after the end of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which was a major event in Israel. Daniel's vision of a majestic "one man" has been variously interpreted as the pre-incarnate Christ or an angel sent by God. However, in light of the fact that this passage is reminiscent of Revelation 1:12-16, it is probably best to understand it as Christ.
The message conveyed is simple: the man who fought with Michael against the Lord of Persia and the Lord of Greece and was sent to deliver the coming of the Lord. The Prince of Persia and the Prince of Greece must mean their respective guardian angels. This means that there is a spiritual battle in heaven. The important point is that the destruction of this earthly kingdom is spoken of as a heavenly, or spiritual battle. People read the words of the Bible and pray, but in the end, they think about things in the immediate world. They think that things are not going well because of that person or that person. But in fact, that person or this person is behind it. Indeed, if you read the book of Job, you will see that Job has no idea that his misfortune is caused by the argument between God and Satan, in other words, that it is caused by heaven, but he is just struggling with whether he is at fault or not. Paul says, "Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, and against all manner of demons in the heavens" (Eph. 6:12). We need to consider that there are more problems in heavenly places than in this world.
2. be secure. Be strong.
 It is precisely because of this that prayer is so important for Christians. And like Daniel, being "specially loved" by God (v. 11) also makes sense. After all, there are things in life that are beyond human control. There will be times when, while doing our best, we are unable to dispel some demonic force other than by clinging to God's mercy. Those who are fighting against the Corona disaster are also fighting the battle of human knowledge, but they are still saying, "O specially loved ones, don't be afraid. Do not be afraid. Be strong" (v. 19). Whatever human beings discover or invent, we should have a humble heart that honestly acknowledges God's grace. And today, let us pray that God's grace may abound in abundance to our families, colleagues, friends, and acquaintances.
<Quiz Corner      
First, here is yesterday's quiz. From where to where is the book of Daniel written in Aramaic, not Hebrew? The answers were (1) 2:4-7:28, (2) 7:1-7:28, and (3) 8:1-12:13. The Old Testament is basically written in Hebrew, but this passage is in Aramaic. Now for today's Bible quiz. Which passage in the book of Jeremiah did Daniel read and found to be announcing the deliverance from Babylonian captivity? (1) 29:10, (2) 33:3, (3) 45:5, and the answers will be given tomorrow. Well, I pray that you have a good day today.

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