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人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇149篇 主をほめたたえる

2023年06月15日 09時17分05秒 | 詩篇
149篇 主をほめたたえる
Psalm 149: Praise the Lord
1. context and background
We are encouraged to praise God today. Just as we eat the same three meals every day, we need to form the habit of praising God in our hearts. We need to open the Bible, eat the Word of God, look up to the invisible God, and praise the Lord in reverence before Him. That is the repetition.
 Verse 1: "Sing to the Lord a new song, offer praise to Him," the psalmist says. The psalmist looks up to God, his "Maker" (v. 2), his "King" (v. 2), and his "Savior" (v. 4). Maker, King, and Savior are the three core images of the One to whom we are to offer praise. God made and rules over heaven, earth, and all things, and has delivered us from the perdition of sin. We are to praise him. In Psalm 148, we were told "with whom" we are to worship, that is, with all created things, with everything in heaven and on earth. In Psalm 149, we are told "who" do you and "how to " worship: "Praise the name of the Lord with dancing. Sing praises to the Lord with tambourines and lyre.
2. praise the Lord
 I once attended a church service in St. Paul where African Americans gathered. I remember that from the beginning to the end of the service, the rhythm and praises were so strong that it shook my body. It was not a dance that had been practiced over and over again, but an atmosphere that naturally overflowed from my body, an atmosphere that my own body was compelled to resonate with. It was a whole-body expression of joy and gratitude. I am more of a person who prefers quiet worship and feels fulfilled in silence, but I was reminded that this form of worship is also wonderful. There is a richness in the way we praise the Lord.
 Praising the Lord is not only in the sanctuary, in the church building, but also in our own homes. The New Community Translation is "even though you lie down. The original word is mishkab, floor, or bedroom, but it does not seem to mean simply "on the floor" before going to bed at night. In other words, it may be said, "even when they lie down," as in the previous phrase, "He will take the poor in the guise of salvation," i.e., even when they are in a situation of oppression. This means that we should praise the Lord not in any specific place, but at any time and in any situation, even when we are at the bottom of the heap.
3. the certainty of the Lord's work
The latter half of the verse, verse 6, "as there is a two-edged sword," verse 7, "to take vengeance and punish the people," verse 8, "to put their kings in chains, ~ and their nobles in fetters of iron," and verse 9, "to execute judgment ~ among them." How do these purposes connect to praising God? God loves His people and dresses the poor with salvation. God is not one with power. He is with poverty and weakness. God, unlike man, is not calculating. He is faithful and loving. God is able to accomplish salvation that would not be possible in the world's normal sense of the word. He seeks out, finds, and rescues those who would be ignored, abandoned, and forgotten in the ordinary world. God's dominion over the world is clear (v. 6), and His judgment is sure (vv. 7-8).
Therefore, if we fear God and walk reverently in His presence, there will always be praise to the Lord. Even though we may groan before the Lord without hope, we can always praise Him that He is alive. Believe in the Lord today. Expect the Lord and praise Him first. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. In which passage in the New Testament does Paul clearly speak of the redemption of creation? The answers were (1) Romans 3:23, (2) Romans 8:21, and (3) Romans 12:1. Now, here is today's Bible quiz. In the Psalms, what is the parallelism in which ideas are developed step by step, like climbing a staircase? The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.
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